Excuse Me

She's Mine!

B E E P!

B E E P !

B E E P !

B E E P! 


My alarm went off that means it's time to get up for school. I got up, took a shower, and brushed my teeth. I walk downstairs to find it empty. Noone was there ecept me my parents don't live with me they live in a different country. If they were to visit they woul always let me know and we would plan everything. I made myself breakfast and I got my stuff for school. I walked to the bus stop that brings me and some other students to school. We got to school the usual time we get there I went to my locker to put my jacket in my locker.



Once I was done I waited by locker for my friend Kim it's finals so the days are short and we have break. I didn't think she was goin to pass by my locker since she has to go to taker her final. So I started to walk to my testing room we had to type our final in the computer lab. I get in the lab and I see Yoseob tired and awake as ever. "Hey! _____~ah! Are you ready for the final?" ^I guess^ "Well I am I already drank an energy drink and I have a pack of gum that will keep me awake. Sit here with me" We sat next to each other and it was 8:00 that when we started our final. I was kinda having a hard time think of what to put down. I knew the stuff I just couldn't focus properply because I wanted to get out of that class so badly.



When I finally finished my final I printed it and turned it in to my teacher. When class was about to end my teacher said that there was cookies for us he said that we could take them. I took one but I didnt eat it all I gave it to Yoseob. He looked like he needed it more that I did and I dont really like suger cookies. Since I didnt have class the next period I had to got to the lunch room. I scanned the room for anyone I knew I found Kim sitting with other people. I went over to her and sat with her. ^Hey Kim!^ "Oh Hey! _____~ah! What do you have this period?" ^I dont have anything but I have something next period. What do you usually have this period?^ "I have lunch. I wanna go get something can you come with me?" ^Umm. Sure. Why you dont want to go alone?^ "Yeah." She went to go get chips I didnt get anything I didnt have money.



We got back to our table a few minutes later Yoseob sitts next to me. "Hey! ____~ah!" Once He said that everybody in the lunch room looked at us I could feel my face turn red. ^Hi. Do you have to scream my name to the whole world?^ "Sorry. But you already know how I am.



10 or more minutes passed and I felt a little hungry. "Yah, _____~ah. Are you hungry?" Yoseob asked ^Hehe a little, but I have a sandwich in my bag.^ "Okay. Stay here." ^Where else would I go?^ Yoseob let somewhere 2 minute he came back with two water bottles and big cookie. "If you share your sandwich I'll share my cookie. Oh here I got you a water bottle." He handed it to me with a smile. ^Oh! thanks Yoseob! I didnt bring a water bottle with me. Sure I'll share with you.^ I smiled back. We were talking, eating, and have so much fun I just went to throw away of trash and sat down back in my seat.



Then all of a sudden there was a guy sitting in the empty seat that was next to me. "Umm, can I sit here?" He asked  ^Aaahh, sure.^ "Thanks." ^Umm. Why did you choose to sit here?^ "Because my friends are being mean. Could you go say something to them?" ^Sure. What table?^ He pointed to the one that was almost right next to us ^What do you want me to say?^ "Just say that I'm their friend and they should treat me like that." ^Okay^ I walked over to the table they were all guys. ^Excuse me!^ I said to the table filled with guys. When I looked at all their faces I felt like my legs were going to turn to jelly. Then I remembered that I came there to tell them something.



They all looked at me. ^Umm You guys shouldn't treat your friend like that he doesn't deserve that^ I said. "Wait what?" one of them said. I repeated myself but with a more louder voice. The same guy that asked me to repeat said "Wait. That guy? Ok Taecyeon?" ^Umm Yeah.^ "Okay who's bicep would you rather touch mine or his?" he asked ^Taecyeon's bicep^ "Aww why do you gotta be like that?" I assumed the conversation was over because Taecyeon didn't sit in the seat that was next to me. I seat back in my seat and I could see Yoseob giving all those guys glares. I was laughing and my face was red Kim's friend were laughing also at what just happened.



"Why did you do that?" Yoseob asked ^Why not? I have no idea how I just did that.^ *Usually I'm shy and I wouldn't do that but I guess I have grown out of my shell.* "Well you dont even knoe him anf you defending him What if he's the and his friends just couldn't take it?" Yoseob said ^Well it was my choice. Why are you getting mad usually you wouldn't care. I wouldn't care if you did that for someone.^ Then the bellrang for the next period. Yoseob sort of pissed me off but I just shook it off. I couldn't wait till my next final it was going to be easy I didn't study be I knew what would be on the test. 



I got into the classroom and sat down in my seat. I could see Aubrey across the room waving and smiling. The teacher came in and talked about the test for a bit then handed it to us. I did my test and turned it in we had another paper to do so I finished that quickly. I finished and turned it in then I took out my Ipod to listen to music. I was looking around the room and I could see Aubrey listening and swaying her body from left to right. She looked like she was into the song. I was listening to Where U At by Taeyang, then LIES By BIG BANG, then I Need A Girl by Taeyang. I was sort of dancing in my chair to the songs because I always watch their choreography and dance covers. 



I kept putting I Need A Girl on repeat becuase I loved dancing to it but this time I was just moving from left to right. Everyone was done with the test and I put my Ipod away. I walked over to wear Aubrey was "Hey! ____~ah" ^Hey Aubrey^ "How do you think you di on the final? ^Ehh. I think I got a C on it. What about you?^ "You think you got a C? I think I aced this one." ^Yeah, I didnt study and I usually don't^ "Okay. What song were you listening to because you were just jamming" ^Oh. I was listening to Where U At, LIES, and I need a girl.^ "I was listening to that too!" she almost shouted. ^Oh Really? I LOVE! that song. What else were you listening to?^ "I was listening to that, Gee Baby, and Genie. I know how to dance I need a girl but Taeyang's part." ^Oh. Really? I sort of do too. Just probably not as much as you do. 



Then the bell rang telling  us to go home I walked with Aubrey until said she that she was going to her locker. I went to my locker after she left then I walk to the stairs to go down and I saw Aubrey again. She sort of ran to me and said 'Perfect timing _____~ah" ^I know.^ We talked for a little then I went to go on my bus. I go no the bus and Kim was already there. ^Hey! Kim!^ I sat in the seat across from her. "Hey!" I didnt really talk to Kim because i was listening to me Ipod. We finally arrived at me stop and I said bye to Kim. I was walking the I stopped to wait for Yoseob.



He didnt look happy. ^Are you mad at me?^ "Me? Mad? At? You? Dont be silly." He said scarcastically. ^Why are you being like this I was just helping that guy out?^ "You really dont have a clue do you?" He looked at me the looked down because he was so mad. ^Okay I'm sorry for what I did. Happy now?^ "Yoseob stopped walking and turned to look at me and smiled brightly. "Okay! I'm not mad anymore." Then he stood in front of me and hugged my tightly. ^Y-yyoseob I cant breath^ "Oh sorry." We kept walking until I in front of my house. ^I'll see you whenever.^ "Okay Bye! ____~ah!" 

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RisikaBlack #1
cute story ^^ can't wait to read more
2100gv #2
wow! what a lucky min!<br />
two guys who seems like her!<br />
aigoo..okay, jealous again!
2100gv #3
aww! cuteee!!<br />
update!<br />
keep it up
2100gv #4
waiting!!! :D