His Agony

Cold Water
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“I don’t really care what you’re willing to offer me at this point in time,” I said in the coldest tone I could manage while I sat in the conference room of the ship building company that has approached my firm as of late, offering yet another investment venture.


In all honesty, it’s a waste of time. I had to honor the meeting because the company offered to pay for my air fare to Busan just so their representatives could speak to me in person. I’ve heard of their company. They’re one of the biggest ones in the country, but in all honesty, I do not really intend to work with them in any manner possible, not even for charity.


My refusal stems from rather personal reasons. I happen to have the unfortunate privilege of meeting my ex-boyfriend’s possible future girlfriend, Kim Chaerin, in April during a function hosted by SM Entertainment. She came as Sehun’s date, and I went as one of the investors.


I have nothing against her personally. Chaerin is rather cheerful with childlike idealism, at least it was what I have observed during dinner and the succeeding times we happen to cross paths. Somewhere along the lines, I also noticed what a spoiled brat she is, used to getting her way and ordering others around.


Apart from her rather frivolous character, she dotes on Sehun like a mother hen to her chick. It was quite an entertaining site watching her dab napkins on Sehun’s mouth while he eats, treating him like a baby. He looked happy around her, which is why I did not try to approach him that evening, merely nodding at him in acknowledgment, but as it turns out, Chaerin already knows who I am.


It was rather annoying that she forced Sehun to come over to my table during dinner. They sat with me, and though I was itching to stand, I stayed out of courtesy. Apparently, Sehun has told her so much about me, including what I do for a living and she talked about that, all the while smiling and acting amazed. She’s probably amazed because I further observed that though her father was the owner of the shipyard that’s currently trying to get me to do business with them, she doesn’t have a brain for business at all. She’s quite harmless, or so I thought.


After that night, I found out just how much she knows me, not just my business, but also the places I frequented. Stalker alert! The beautiful, glamorous girl one day approached me at the café I am a regular patron at, dressed in clothes that I thought I would choose for myself after showering.  The girl even went to the extent of ordering exactly what I ordered. Much to my satisfaction, she did not enjoy it as much as I did. I kinda understand Jungkook’s aversion to my preferences.


Soon, her appearance in the places I frequented would be a regular thing.


Later, I received an offer from her father which I kindly refused, and yet for the umpteenth time, I was sitting with Chaerin’s lawyer, not her father’s, hers, wishing to invest in my firm. For what reason, I don’t have any idea.


“My client wishes to know why you refuse,” the lawyer asked.


“Your client is very much aware why,” I stated, withdrawing my folded hands from the table. “Mr. Kim offered for me to invest in his company, I said no and he accepted my answer. The offer was really good, too, but you see, I do not do business with personal acquaintances which is what Miss Kim is.”


“We are aware of that, but why not?” he pressed.


I looked at my lawyer who came with me to the meeting, and he immediately understood that we were leaving. There wasn’t much to be gained from the conversation I was having with Chaerin’s lawyer. To the representative, I said, “It’s a matter I do not wish to disclose, much less discuss.” I stood up from the chair. “Think of it as a business strategy.”


The lawyer tried to stop me. “But we are really willing to –”


I exhaled in exasperation. “Like I said, with all due respect, I refuse to work with Chaerin. It’s for the better. We’ll see our way out. Good day.”


I turned away from the lawyer, walking towards the exit when Chaerin herself burst from the doors, looking at me in shock. “Why?!” she demanded, but managed to smile just the same like she usually does.


I smiled back at her albeit tightly. “You know why, Chaerin. Please understand.”


“I asked you to call me Rina.”


Silly creature that she is, she would go that low and appeal to emotions. That just wouldn’t do. “Yes, like many times before, but you see, it’s what your friends call you.” I looked at her from my periphery without moving my head. She didn’t speak when I said that and just stared at me in surprise. I guess she’s not used to people telling her no. “See you around.”


Derick, the head of my legal team and the son of my mother’s lawyer, and I finally made our way out of the building. The service that Chaerin arranged for us was waiting by the entrance, but I had zero intentions of getting aboard it again. Just then, another car similar to the service halted in front of the entrance. As I was expecting, Mr. Kim, Chaerin’s father, came out and was surprised when he saw me.


“It’s nice to see you again. What brought you here, young lady?” he asked. Obviously he had no clue what his daughter had been up to.


I greeted the man as politely as I could. “I was in town. I thought I’d come see Chaerin.”


“It’s good that she’s keeping you for company,” Mr. Kim said, delight drawing itself across his face. “You might rub off on her. She isn’t interested in business at all.”


“Hopefully,” I said noncommittally. I bowed myself out of the conversation and refused their company’s services when the driver opened the door to the car, probably given orders that he was to take us back to the airport.


Derick hailed a cab to take us to the airport. On our way there, I received a message on my phone from an unknown number. ‘Can we meet?’ it said. I answered immediately, asking who it was, but I didn’t get a reply until after I was back in Seoul, sending Derick to take the rest of the day off.


‘It’s Wonwoo.’


My eyes almost bugged out when I saw the message. That’s right. He changed his number and never talked to me again since March even when I sent him countless online notes. He saw all of them and he never returned any of my messages until now.


When he was still using his old number, I would bombard him with calls. Eventually, the calls would be answered but it would Mingyu or Vernon answering, not him. They would tell me all sorts of lies, saying it’s not convenient, but in reality, Wonwoo just really doesn’t want to talk to me.


I’ve had every reason to believe that was it with our friendship. I guess not.


I asked him where he wanted to meet, trying to be casual and even saying, ‘Oh, hi!’ but really, I felt rather resentful though I am in no position to be. I somehow caused his bitterness towards me. I am aware of that.


It’s depressing thinking about what has become of us, and my heart further sank when he told me something came up and that he was just checking if I am doing fine. I wasn’t having any of it though, so I grabbed my keys and called Vernon.




‘Hey! Long time!’


I was glad that at least he sounded happy to hear from me. “Yeah, where are you and the boys?”


‘Dorm. Actually, we’re in kind of a rest period. How are you?’


“Great!” I said that more because of their convenient location. “I mean I’m doing great. Wanna grab grub?”


He chuckled at my choice of words. ‘Sure.’


“Alright, stay where you are.”


‘Wait a sec. Are you coming here? Now?’ There was an uneasy edge to his tone, but I could care less what he feels about my sudden decision to visit them.


“Don’t tell me it’s not a good time.” I explained the matter with Wonwoo earlier. “Please don’t let him go out. I need to talk to him. This needs to end.”


‘Sure. I know nothing though,’ he told me. That’s Choi Hansol for you. He’ll always save his first. I agreed and went down the parking lot and drove off to the nearest takeout restaurant I could find before going to their dorm.


I rang the bell, half expecting Vernon to get the door, but instead, it was Wonwoo himself. “What are you doing here?” he asked me, looking very surprised. He looked down at the bags I was holding. “You brought food.” Those were simple words, but they were injected with meaning. It sounded to me like, “You actually made a reason to come here.”




Vernon came into view and grabbed the bags from me. “Surprise food delivery!” he hollered to the other guys in their unit and soon, I could hear a dozen feet scrambling over to where Vernon is.


“Can I come in?” I asked Wonwoo, trying not to sound too hopeful. I wasn’t really expecting him to turn me down and shut the door on my f

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TheDeersBFF #1
Chapter 9: oh man....you're a goner...Mark this,Mark that...aigoooooo...hahahahaha
Chapter 9: awww Mark is so cutee <3
Chapter 8: I have to admit that Mark is the cutest thing in this story <3
TheDeersBFF #4
Chapter 5: mommy:noona is bad for you
kookie:but I'm bad for noona too!hahaha
quotoncandy #5
Chapter 5: ohhhhhh!!!!!! hahaahaa jacksom is such a qtpie
quotoncandy #6
Chapter 4: jackson wang
TheDeersBFF #7
Chapter 4: mommy and kookie!!!yay!!!hahaha update soon!
quotoncandy #8
Chapter 2: BABAM!!!!! i'll be waiting for your next update ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
quotoncandy #9
that's my name right there ladies and gents