And Beans Spill

Cold Water
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GOT7 has already wrapped up their US tour quicker than I thought. It’s like time passed by in a blur. It felt like yesterday when Mark was just telling me the news about their departure, telling me to eat on time while he was away. Just more than a week ago, I was fussing about his absence, becoming choleric and paranoid at the same time about the world conspiring about me, but what’s odd was how it felt like another lifetime how I was refusing to go to LA just days ago, and yet here I am, still jetlagged and craving for the comfort of my own bed.


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to settle for a life in such a place. Everything was just too bright. Sure, I was used to the sun setting quite late in Germany compared to that of Korea, but damn, Los Angeles is just something. Mornings were blindingly bright. Midday’s the same. Afternoons were magnificent but still too bright. Nights never showed signs of getting dimmer. I couldn’t sleep no matter how hard I tried with my body clock still programmed in accordance to the time zone in Korea. It’s crazy how tired and hyper I felt at the same time. Maybe it’s just me and not the place at all.


I’ve slept for probably around two hours before I woke up out of the blue. I’m already a light sleeper and it seems that it’s gotten worse when I came to the US. Again, the sun was out and I had to march towards the doors that led to the balcony, angrily closing the curtains before returning to bed, but I can’t even go back to sleep because my phone suddenly began ringing.


‘Ready for today?’ Mark asked over the phone.


I didn’t know what he was talking about. I pressed the home screen of my phone and looked at the date. I was counting hours in my head since I did not adjust my clock to the local time. “What are you talking about?” I asked, covering my face with the pillow.


‘Er, no. We’re hanging out today.’


“No. I’m going to San Jose today. It’s Tuesday.”


‘What are you talking about? You’re going tomorrow. It’s just Monday!’ He started laughing from his end of the line. ‘Update your calendar, babe.’


I furrowed my brows, confused as hell. “What the heck? My brain’s fizzed. I don’t remember here.” I sighed. Yeah, I finally remember that sleepover at their family house. It’s that thing I was dreading. I had trouble comprehending how I even got myself into it. I feel awkward being around his family though they were really nice. I’m still adjusting to their presence, I guess. They’re just really warm people, and I’m not used to it.


On top of that, the boys will be there. I wonder what they would say once they find out that I’m actually in LA. I really want to see them, too, especially the three youngest boys, but I am dreading Jackson’s nonstop teasing, and though I’ve come to know Jinyoung and JB a bit better now, I’m still not too comfortable around them. I just hope they won’t jump into conclusions as to my sudden appearance in LA. They’re good people. They’d possibly won’t and I’m probably over thinking.


“Fine. I’ll see you later.”


‘You seriously thought it was Tuesday?’


“Yes.” My answer left him in hysterical laughter. “Not funny, Tuan.”


When he was calmer, he said he’ll pick me up after lunch. ‘I’ll tour you around my neighborhood.’


I got up after the phone call, seeing no hope in getting some shuteye before setting out for the day. I went to the common room of the suite, about to pick up the receiver of the intercom when the main entrance opened to accommodate a very sweaty Seulgi, hair tied in a messy bun and wearing yoga attire. I blinked at her in disbelief.


“Seriously, you’re doing Pilates during your holiday?” I chuckled. She had such a nice body. Slim but toned.


She was panting as she walked closer to the couch in front of me. “I just jogged around the block.”


“Same,” I commented. I was never one for fitness programs. I tried and even bought a treadmill, but I ended up leaving it with Sehun. Apparently, because I have hyper metabolism, I can’t do cardio lest I wanted to lose more weight. That’s that last thing I wanted. I did fencing and track exercises before, but I rarely have time to do it.


“Hungry?” she asked, eyeing the receiver in my hand. “Let me do that for you. What do you want?”


I waved her off and made the call myself, ordering a big American breakfast for the both of us. I showered and got ready while we waited for the food and it came almost immediately after I finished drying my hair.


“What are you up to today?” I inquired, buttering a toast. When Seulgi did not answer, I was forced to look at her. She looked rather surprised that I should ask. “Well?”


She arched a brow at me. “I was thinking of going wherever you plan to go today. Do you have plans yourself?”


I shook my head. “I’m hanging out with Mark and his family today. I won’t be sleeping here either. You wanna tag along?”


Seulgi smirked at me. “Getting to know your future in-laws? I think I’ll pass. I plan to have a look around. With your permission, of course.”


“Why do you need my permission?” I chuckled. “I won’t force you to hang out with the in-laws. Even I feel awkward around them.”


She placed some bacons on my plate, saying, “They’re nice people. One less thing to worry about.”


“I can handle it, I guess. You’re right.” I sighed. “They’re just the polar opposite of my family. Did you see how they interacted with each other? My family is close knit, but you know how it goes.”


My secretary laughed at that. She knew us well, and she understood just what I was talking about. “You should get used to it. I have a feeling Mark’s going to be around for a long while.”


Shrugging, I shook my head. “I don’t even know, but if we are to continue this friendship or whatever it is, I guess I should.”


Seulgi rolled her eyes at me. “What’s stopping you? He likes you and I know you like him. You should probably listen to Jungkook more.”


I snickered. “That would be the death of me.”


As promised, Mark picked me up from the hotel right after I had lunch with Seulgi. She refused to leave my side though I was practically pushing her out the door to do whatever she wanted for the day. Mark was very nice to offer to drive her to her destination, and when she finally got off the car, she cheekily grinned at us and said, “Have fun, love birds.”


Mark just laughed at that while I stared after her as she walked away, too stunned to react. That woman has gotten bolder around me recently. “She’s fun,” Mark glanced at me, “Seulgi.”


Yeah, right. I shook my head. “You have no idea.”


“It’s weird seeing her being that casual,” he told me. “She’s always so formal.”


“She’s on a holiday anyway.” I sighed, looking ahead. “So where to?”


In the end, though it was still too early, Mark and I decided that we should just go back to their house. He was popular in LA, too, and fans could be lurking anywhere. He also decided against going around town save for a quick shopping trip at a shop where I picked up some stuff for my beloved (not) Jungkook.


“It’s not your first time here, I know,” he said as we were making our way to their side of town. “You’re hardly surprised by anything.”


I smiled at him. “It’s not, but I must say it has changed a lot from my last visit.”


“You hate LA,” he deadpanned.


“That’s such a strong word, but you have a point. It’s not exactly my cup of tea so to say.”


He raised his shoulders and chuckled. “I guess we’re settling in Seoul in the future.”


I smacked him on the arm. “Ow!” he said, rubbing the spot I hit rather forcefully. “I was kidding.”


“Watch your words, Tuan.”


Later in the day, his family finally came back and naturally, I joined them for supper. It’s just supper, but somehow, it felt special. Their china were out. I felt flattered that they would consider my presence special. Mama Tuan said so.


I helped prepare the ingredients to the dish they were preparing. In the process, I got to talk to Tammy and Ayi without the pressure of having Mark around. They would mention him from time to time, but it’s good that since he was tasked with entertaining the other guests and taking care of his nieces, they seemed to concentrate on me and telling me more about themselves. No teasing. Just good old conversations about safe stuff.


At one point during the preparation, Mark found his way into the kitchen, looking for stuff in the cupboards. They got nachos so he had to prepare salsa for it, a feat I gladly helped him with, but it turned awkward, for me that is, since he wouldn’t quit touching me whichever way he can when he thinks no one’s looking.


He was doing a poor job with dicing the tomatoes and onions, so I took the knife away from him and did it myself. On to the second tomato, he suddenly latched both of his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. I stopped what I was doing to conceal my sudden shock and glared at him.


“If you still love your hands, get them off me,” I threatened, continuing with the task at hand.


“No,” was his flat answer. “I like holding you.”


I jerked away from him, moving to the side. “I’m holding a knife in case you’ve gone blind.”


He let go and shrugged, pouting at me. “Mean.”


I rolled my eyes at him and told him to get back to the living room with the chips while I prepare. He did as he was told, but he was at it again when I got to the living room where he, his brother and the rest of GOT7 were sitting, watching a TV show.


I placed the bowl of salsa on the center table and motioned to leave after returning his brother’s thank you’s when Mark suddenly grabbed me by the arm and set me down on his lap. “Hey –” I protested, but that was short-lived as he interrupted me, saying, “What’s for supper?” He looked unperturbed as if what he was doing was normal despite the obvious cat calls and awkward coughing directed at our direction.


“I don’t know what it’s called,” I muttered, getting his arms off of me. I struggled to stand up, but he was having none of it.


“Mark,” I warned him, openly throwing daggers at him with my eyes, but he just tilted his head to the side innocently. “What?”


“Are you sure you’re just friends?” Joey asked through a mouthful of chips. He exchanged high-fives with Jinyoung who was mocking me with his stare.


“No,” Mark said just as I said, “Yes.” I roughly got rid of his hands and smacked him on the shoulder for the second time that day. “Keep your hands to yourself.”


Mark smiled, trying to be charming as I stood up. “Whatever makes my baby girl happy.”


I rolled my eyes and left the room, feeling my face heat up. Geez. Somehow, he’s a changed person. He’s gotten bolder, too. He probably thinks that his little advances do not affect me anymore considering that we’ve slept together. I do allow him to get all touchy feely with me, but not in front of other people. It’s improper and it’s embarrassing. Keeping a safe distance from him saves me from all the explanation to questions such as that of Joey’s, and that’s exactly what I did until supper was ready.


I purposefully took the seat opposite to where he sat, also deliberately waiting for him to choose a chair before I did. I sat right beside Yugyeom, but that plan was thwarted as well. Mark stood up, making the salt shaker as a good excuse to transfer to Yugyeom’s seat. Poor kid was yanked off of his chair and was forced to transfer to the next one to give room to Mark. Of course, that did not escape everyone’s notice. He made quite a ruckus, but was unapologetic for it despite knocking some cutlery off the table. In the end, he just grinned at me happily, but behind his smile, I knew he saw through my plan.


Throughout the meal, I’ve been answering very awkward questions concerning him. I couldn’t relax and he aggravated the situation by sneakily holding my hand under the table. When I would sneak glares at him, he would pretend nothing’s going on. Thank goodness Jackson was there to divert the attention, but I still felt a little pissed off with the Mark was acting around me.


After supper, one of his friends called Tammy, inviting everyone for a bowling session downtown. JB and Youngjae declined, and went back to the hotel immediately. The other agreed to play, but Mark had other plans. He declined and just when I was about to say that I wanted to play with the family, a punishment for his annoying behavior, he interrupted me and said he was going to teach me skateboard tricks. Annoying!


He took two boards and dragged me out of the house before I could say something to his family. They seemed to be in on his schemes as they waved at me with wicked smiles on their faces. Mark handed me a board the moment we were out of their yard. He then took my hand and started leading the way down the street.


It was silent at first. He didn’t say anything. I was itching to give him a lecture. We went to this empty lot when I finally snapped and snatched my hand away from him. I stopped walking and he did, too, a few steps in front of me. Mark looked at me from over his shoulder, but veered on his heels when he noticed that I wasn’t going to walk anytime soon.


“What’s up?” he asked. There was that habit of his again, tilting his head sideways. I kind of have a love-hate perception of that habit of his. It looks innocent, even unconsci

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TheDeersBFF #1
Chapter 9: oh're a goner...Mark this,Mark that...aigoooooo...hahahahaha
Chapter 9: awww Mark is so cutee <3
Chapter 8: I have to admit that Mark is the cutest thing in this story <3
TheDeersBFF #4
Chapter 5: mommy:noona is bad for you
kookie:but I'm bad for noona too!hahaha
quotoncandy #5
Chapter 5: ohhhhhh!!!!!! hahaahaa jacksom is such a qtpie
quotoncandy #6
Chapter 4: jackson wang
TheDeersBFF #7
Chapter 4: mommy and kookie!!!yay!!!hahaha update soon!
quotoncandy #8
Chapter 2: BABAM!!!!! i'll be waiting for your next update ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
quotoncandy #9
that's my name right there ladies and gents