The Actual Mess

Cold Water
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I have a knack for ruining things. I don’t know why, but good things do not really last because somehow, I tend to mess things up. One word or one wrong move and there goes something nice again. Maybe it’s my utter bluntness or maybe it’s my insensitivity. I think my cold and uncaring demeanor also has something to do with it, but really, the reason doesn’t matter because things just seem to end up the same way no matter what.


However, this time, I know I’m right and I’m not about to apologize for the things I said.


I parted with Mark after that night on a good note. I said goodbye to him since I wouldn’t be seeing him anymore until he gets back to Korea. Seulgi and I left for San Jose to visit my grandfather’s grave and meet up with some of my mother’s relatives there. It was going well until we arrived in Seoul.


My sister called me up when she found out I’ve landed in Korea. She’s coming to the country soon, and will be staying to work as the head of the Korean branch of the school I’ve invested in. She seemed excited about it despite the rather unpleasant reason why she had to go back to Germany. I had the feeling she wouldn’t want to come to Korea again after that. It’s good that I’d have family nearby again.


However, after telling me about her pending arrival, she just had to ask about Mark and the boys of GOT7.


‘How’s Mark holding up?’ she asked much to my confusion. “You mean the tour? It’s almost finished. I know he’s having fun,” I answered, but apparently, that wasn’t what she was talking about.


‘I didn’t mean that. They’re on the headlines of Korean entertainment news, Yugyeom and Bambam in particular,’ she said.


“For what?”


‘Go search for it.’


I did as she said after we ended the call, and there it was. I read the title and got the idea that Yugyeom is under fire for underage drinking. I almost laughed at it. First of all, he’s not underage. He’s eighteen and he was overseas so it’s fine. Second, he could do whatever he wants with his life.


However, things suddenly escalated from underage drinking to racist slurs, this time it’s Bambam who apparently said the N-word. Mark, too, was getting backlash because all those things happened during the celebration party his parents hosted at their house.


Fans were wreaking havoc on social media about it, and Mark’s friends were also involved in the chaos for uploading photos and videos of the event online. Apparently, drunk Yugyeom and Bambam saying a racist slur were caught on cam. It was going well until those videos surfaced. Now their fans are calling Mark’s friends snakes and commenting rather negative stuff.


It’s funny and sad at the same time, and honestly, I thought there wouldn’t be problems if it weren’t for the videos, but really, on the other hand, it’s their choice to do whatever the hell they wanted with their lives. Sans the video documentation, of course. They can be whatever they wanted to be behind the scenes, but since Korean entertainment has this bad nature of being judgmental and hypocritical, they have to keep their actions in check and not give anyone any reason to criticize them. Sadly, small things like their issue tend to become a big deal once the media gets a hold of it.


I was worried, so I called Mark. “I saw the news. What’s going on?” I asked him.


‘Not you, too,’ he said, sulking.


I wanted to keep the atmosphere light, so I just chuckled. “It’s not a big deal really. Come on. Cheer up.” When he didn’t say anything, I droned on. “Look. You can do whatever you want like anybody else, but next time, no videos.”


That’s when he snapped. ‘What are you getting at? Do you have a problem with those videos?’


“Not me, but apparently, your fans have a problem with it. Come on. They’re saying really nasty stuff right now,” I told him matter-of-factly. “All I’m saying is, if it weren’t for the videos, there wouldn’t be trouble now.”


‘Has the stocks gone down yet?’ he suddenly asked.


I frowned at that, not comprehending what he meant. “Nothing like that happened, but hey –” I was supposed to tell him that it doesn’t matter and it’s a small thing, but he butted in and said, ‘Good for you. That’s all you care about anyway!’


And it’s my turn to snap. “Excuse me?” I scoffed. “I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I’m on your side here. Maybe you should consider what you say to me?” I was trying my best to be calm, but he’s just being difficult.


‘I know what you mean. No video, no trouble, but the people who uploaded the videos are my friends! What does that say about them, huh?!’ He was raising his voice all the while, and if there was one thing I hated, it’s being yelled at. I feel stupid when people yell at me when I clearly get their point. Mark is not an exception. If anything, people close to me like he is have a more adverse impact on me when they do that.


“You’re being paranoid. Is that what you read on social media? I don’t care what people say about you. I have my own opinion. All I said is that you shouldn’t document it if you wish to party the way you did because you will be criticized for every little thing you do.”


‘I know what you said, but –’


“Listen. Don’t ing yell at me like that again and don’t put words in my mouth.”


‘I wasn’t doing that!’


“You were. I didn’t say anything about your friends. I meant what I said exactly as I said them. Don’t misinterpret it. Besides, you of all people should know best what kind of industry you work for.”


‘Are you done?’


He’s getting to my nerves and I wanted to go full mode on him at the moment, but I held back. “What now? Are you mad at me now? I’m telling you the truth. You said it yourself. No video, no trouble.”


‘So you’re blaming –’


There he goes again with the ing blaming issue. “Are you done?” I returned the question he so sarcastically threw at me. He was about to say something else, but I interrupted him, too mad to even let it slide. “Good. See you when I see you.” I hung up after that, fuming.


What the hell was wrong with what I said? Seriously? I’ve never had a spat like this with him, and I’m just too upset with him. I’m trying to be nice, but he’s just being a brat. Well, two could play this game. I’m not about to be the one to say anything first. I didn’t say anything wrong. He was the one who jumped to conclusions.


I didn’t attempt to contact him or anything. I did not even answer the last message he sent me, saying sorry. He has to know his mistake, so I ignored him and busied myself with packing for my trip to Japan to see my father the following day.


Before my flight the following day, Mark started bombarding me with calls, all of which I either ignored or just ended. It was a relief when I had to turn my phone off when I got into the plane. We haven’t fought about bigger things and there he goes calling me out because he thinks I blame his friends. The hell do I care about that? I don’t even know them enough to be making judgments.


I had other things to worry about like that business discussion I’ll have with my dad. It wasn’t even useless worry where my father is concerned. We always end up going for each other’s neck whenever we discuss business. There were just too many things I can’t agree with when it comes to the matter and just as I’ve expected, though there were other people present in the room during the business dinner, we started trying to take a bite at each other’s tails.


My dad and I were cool as long as we did not discuss the family and business. That’s when we start forgetting that we’re blood related, but the good thing about it is that after very heated arguments, we bounce back to being father and daughter right after, and just like any other parent, he has this radar which goes off when something’s going on.


“The business meetings are done. What are you still doing here?” my father asked me when he noticed that I was tarrying. He knew for a fact that I didn’t like being around his family, particularly my grandmother and my cousins. “Don’t you have responsibilities in Seoul?”


Now he’s even beating me with my own words to him when he invited me for a symposium three months ago. I declined mainly because I didn’t want to get unnecessary stress from being in the same room with his mother. She does nothing but criticize and oppose me.


“I do, but I’m taking a break.” He doesn’t have to know that I’ve just been in LA. I narrowed my eyes at him from where I was sitting in his office. “Are you trying to get rid of me?” I demanded through clenched teeth. “You rarely see your children and you’re telling me to leave?”


He’s right though, not about my work, but being back in Korea. I heard Mark and the rest already returned to Seoul the day before, but I was avoiding another argument with him by staying in Japan. I hadn’t quite cooled off from that issue and I don’t want another unnecessary discussion over such a trivial thing.


He laughed at that, one of the rare times he would. “Nothing like that, but you seem to be slacking off on your work.”


I scoffed. “I think I can assess if I’m slacking off on my own job or if I’m overdoing it.” False, for the latter anyway. “I rarely get time off, just so you know.”


He stood up from his leather swivel chair and put his jacket on. “Then what are we doing indoors? You want to go shopping?”


I remembered Wonwoo all of a sudden. His birthday is coming soon and though he hates me, I still feel the need to get him something. I agreed to go out with my dad. It was fun bonding with him that I agreed when he asked me to go with him to Fukuoka.


Of course, it did not escape his notice how my phone had been ringing with the same name flashing on the screen. He snatched it from the table just as it started ringing again while we were eating. “Who is Mark Tuan?” he asked, setting my phone down. “Aren’t you going to answer that?”


“He’s a friend.”


“So why don’t you answer? It might be an emergency.”


I shook my head, trying to be neutral. “We fought. I’m not ready to talk.”


He arched a brow at me. “Did you get the shoes for him? Yes, I saw you buy size eleven shoes.”


“No. it’s for Wonwoo.”


“Wonwoo? Another friend of yours?”


“Yes. He’s sick and his birthday is coming soon.” There’s the difference between my mom and dad. I can say anything to my mom but I had to think about what I would say to my dad. It wasn’t like that before.


“What about that guy? Why do I get the feeling that he’s not just a friend?”


I made a face. “I would tell you if he isn’t just a friend. I owe you as much.”


He nodded, his lower lip jutting down. “I doubt you would ever since…” He was talking about Sehun. He didn’t approve of him so it was rather chaotic back then.


“I’d still tell you.” I smirked at my father. He hates my attitude but he knew I got it from him somehow. “It’s not like you can do anything about it. You did all you can to get Sehun out of the picture, but we both know the result. I’m your daughter. You should know.”


My dad chuckled at that. “You get your bullheadedness from your mother, not me.”


“Is that why you married her despite Oba-sama’s objections?” Then I remembered that my maternal grandfather disliked my father, too. “Or maybe it’s a mix of your stubbornness, you and mom combined.”


“Can’t argue with logic like that.” My dad patted my head. “But you know, you wouldn’t be that angry if that Mark Tuan isn’t special one way or the other.”


“He yelled at me.”


“Did he now? Shall I visit Seoul?”


I laughed. “That’s not necessary.”


“Don’t make him suffer too much. If he’s calling you anyway despite knowing that you won’t answer, I think he’s being sincere and maybe you’re special to him, too.”


I pondered about my father’s words. It’s already a given that Mark is special, but I can’t let go of my frustration over the fact that he couldn’t understand me this time. I’m used to him always trying to understand me and I wonder why he couldn’t seem to get such a simple thing. I swear I didn’t mean anything else by what I said.


The following day, he sent me a message. I’m really sorry. I know what you’re trying to say now. Forgive me? Please?

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TheDeersBFF #1
Chapter 9: oh're a goner...Mark this,Mark that...aigoooooo...hahahahaha
Chapter 9: awww Mark is so cutee <3
Chapter 8: I have to admit that Mark is the cutest thing in this story <3
TheDeersBFF #4
Chapter 5: mommy:noona is bad for you
kookie:but I'm bad for noona too!hahaha
quotoncandy #5
Chapter 5: ohhhhhh!!!!!! hahaahaa jacksom is such a qtpie
quotoncandy #6
Chapter 4: jackson wang
TheDeersBFF #7
Chapter 4: mommy and kookie!!!yay!!!hahaha update soon!
quotoncandy #8
Chapter 2: BABAM!!!!! i'll be waiting for your next update ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
quotoncandy #9
that's my name right there ladies and gents