
Cold Water
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“Do you remember that time when we were just both awake at 4AM for no reason?” Mark asked me, looking down at me from where I had my head on his chest. I’m nursing a goddamn cold and he thought I’d get better faster if I had some of his body warmth, and the best way he saw fit for me to achieve that is to snuggle right on top of him, promptly handing me wads of Kleenex when he thinks my nose is about to drip.


I met his thoughtful gaze. “Which one? I think we’ve been up at that ungodly hour many times before,” I told him, my clogged nose making me sound funny. I knew I sounded funny and he just had to smile like a dork every single time I spoke, but I was happy there with him. Let’s just say everything went well after we’ve settled our differences. It’s not really something I would call disastrous. If anything, it was a small issue and it couldn’t have ended the kind of friendship we’ve established with each other. At least neither of us would really allow such a thing to happen.


He chuckled, his chest reverberating at the action against me. “Yeah, I guess, but that time when you said you’re suddenly up because you felt my hand holding onto yours.”


I nodded. I remembered that moment and though he’s held my hand a lot of times, that was something else. We weren’t even anywhere near each other when I suddenly woke up from a dream, a dream wherein I felt him holding onto my hand. I was in Fukuoka while he was in Seoul and yet…


“Do you remember what I told you?” he prompted, his expressions becoming tender.


At that, I snickered and nodded, looking away from him to hide my evidently flushed face. “You said…” I couldn’t continue. I could be myself around him, but there were still certain things I’m embarrassed to discuss even if it involves the two of us, things that weren’t really secrets but are there without having to be mentioned.


“I said your hand was beneath mine and I felt you wrap your fingers around mine. Afterwards, you didn’t say anything. When I pressed on the matter, you refused to say anything. Why is that?” He’s talkative today.


I refused to explain that for a long time, but I kinda got goosebumps when he said that to me back then. It was the precise thing I’ve seen in the dream, and that was when I realized that I couldn’t be wrong about him. I knew it. I guess it’s time I explained it.






“When you said that, I got scared.” I met his gaze with a rueful smile. He looked taken aback, but he my back gently. “Because that’s exactly what I saw in my head, what you described.”


“Huh? Really?”


I nodded by which time he was already grinning from ear to ear. “And why were you scared? Afraid that I was psychic or something?” he jested.


“Nope. I realized certain things.” I sat up and met his gaze squarely. “This might sound weird and cheesy, but bear with it.”


He chuckled. “Sure.”


“At that moment, I was actually entertaining thoughts of us being more than friends, that we have this kind of bond that goes beyond being friends.”


Mark also sat down, tilting his head to the side in thought as he observed me. “And what do you think about it now?”


I just smiled and said, “What do you say about meeting my dad?




I did not know I was stupidly grinning at the huge poster of JYP Nation plastered at the façade of the Dome as my father’s service passed by the building on the way to work. I was there to help him, actually tardy after I was not able to book a flight for the previous day. Mark was also in Japan for JYP Nation, obviously. He’s been in Japan for at least three days already, and I was looking forward to seeing him though I cannot make it to the concert itself.


“What would cause such a look on your face?” I heard my dad’s voice from my right side. My head snapped to said direction and I flashed him a quizzical look. He knows, of course, but I would not admit to it in a million years. He answered my unspoken question, saying, “You’ll see him tonight, don’t worry. I’ve already sent an invite to make sure he shows up.”


I openly scowled at the man I call my father. He was grinning, too, something I would rarely see since he was too uptight most of the time and do not really conform to such things, especially not where men in my life were concerned. I don’t know what makes this time different. I was introducing Mark to him tonight. He seems happy about it. It’s weird. I was on edge the whole time I was telling him about it even while I was still in Korea. It’s like he has tricks up his sleeves again and I don’t think I’m going to like it one bit.


“I know I’ll see him whether the dinner is happening or not. We’ve spoken.”


“So you’re all set.” He chuckled. “Isn’t the sole purpose of your coming here to introduce him to my side of the family? Don’t break your grandmother’s heart by cancelling on short notice.”


“I have no intention to.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “I heard you sent them a chocolate fountain. You.”


“Always the tone of surprise. Of course, I sent it. You don’t think your grandmother would do that, do you?”


I shrugged. “Stop agitating me. I’m seriously getting pissed off with the cryptic way you refer to them whenever the subject is broached.”


“And what of this Mark Tuan person?” he asked. “What is he to you?”


“I don’t know, dad. You tell me.”


“Another Jeon Jungkook?” he snapped. “That kid better be thankful he isn’t related to me in any way or it’ll be hell for him.”


“If he was related to you then he wouldn’t be anywhere near me the way he is now.” My father knew of my aversion to his side of the family. I could just thank heavens that Jungkook isn’t related to him in any manner or I swear he will be my worst enemy. I chuckled. “You’ve got to give that kid some credit, dad. He’s actually going places.”


“Well, yes, but this new guy,” he refused to say Mark’s name which worried me a lot, “He’s also like Jungkook. What do they call themselves? Idols?”


I nodded with a laugh. “Just like Sehun.”


My dad shrugged. “And how are you going to cope with this one after all that’s happened with another idol?”


I didn’t know the answer to that, but I had a good feeling about things this time. I shook my head. “I honestly do not know what to tell you because I don’t know what to tell myself either, but this will work out.”


“It better.” My dad reached over and ruffled my hair, annoying me further. “You’re no longer a child. I hope you are aware.”


“I am.”


“And Mr. Tuan is from where again?”


I raised a hand at him. “Stop that. I know you did your homework. I’m not going to tell you things you already know.”


“Does his father play golf?”


At that, I laughed and nodded. I think everything’s going to be fine.




Against my wishes, I stayed at the hotel my grandmother co-owned with this long-time friend of hers. It’s where the dinner with Mark would be set, and I was anxious as hell to say the least. I wanted to go with the family driver to fetch Mark from their hotel, but my father told me to stay behind and converse with my two uncles, his brothers, and my grandmother whom I haven’t seen since two months ago. I haven’t seen my father’s brothers since the previous year, and he thinks it wise to catch up with them, for whatever reason, I don’t know.


I knew he was brewing something again before the dinner. It scared me out of my wits, and suddenly, I remembered the time when I introduced Sehun to my father and my grandmother. They were very disapproving of him. I was so disappointed in them, so much so that I couldn’t bear to be in the same breathing space as them for a whole year and more. If they do the same thing to Mark, I swear I am going to flip out on them.


My nerves were eating me alive by the time my grandmother’s secretary announced my father’s arrival, and to my utter shock, the secretary told everyone in the room, me, my grandmother, my two uncles and my sister, that Mark was with him.


“What the heck is this old man planning again?” I muttered under my breath, ready to lunge towards the door and meet them at the lobby, but my sister stopped me, shaking her head. “Trust in Daddy this once, will you? Or if you can’t, trust in Mark to handle himself well in front of Dad.”


Her words were supposed to placate me, but it did not do its job. I was jittery for the whole time I was waiting for them to come up to the dining hall reserved just for the occasion. They were taking a long time and I was beginning to be tense again when my father entered the room with Mark who looked fine, even smiling. I would have immediately approached them with mark looking dapper in a semi-formal ensemble of black oxfords and black skinny jeans, his hair pushed back. He’s so pretty.


“I won’t delay you any longer,” my dad said to Mark then shifted his gaze to me. “Someone’s been anxious to see you since this morning.” He said it so everyone could hear it loud and clear.


“Dad!” I hissed. I know now. They’re not going to embarrass Mark this time, but they were coming after me, probably with the hopes that Mark will not like me anymore after dinner. My dad exchanged glances with my grandmother who smirked at my direction and walked towards Mark before I could even take a step towards him.

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TheDeersBFF #1
Chapter 9: oh man....you're a goner...Mark this,Mark that...aigoooooo...hahahahaha
Chapter 9: awww Mark is so cutee <3
Chapter 8: I have to admit that Mark is the cutest thing in this story <3
TheDeersBFF #4
Chapter 5: mommy:noona is bad for you
kookie:but I'm bad for noona too!hahaha
quotoncandy #5
Chapter 5: ohhhhhh!!!!!! hahaahaa jacksom is such a qtpie
quotoncandy #6
Chapter 4: jackson wang
TheDeersBFF #7
Chapter 4: mommy and kookie!!!yay!!!hahaha update soon!
quotoncandy #8
Chapter 2: BABAM!!!!! i'll be waiting for your next update ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
quotoncandy #9
that's my name right there ladies and gents