02 : Our Happy Family

dating an idol

The next morning came and it was my last day in the hospital. Jaemin and I will leaving and back to our little home. Jimin texted me he'll be picking us up today and hangout with us at the house.

I put my phone on the side and started taking off my hospital clothes and put on my comfy warm clothes. Hospital clothing is not comfy, soft nor warm. I literally had to walk around with a blanket in hand just to stay warm. The nurse will bring in Jaemin once they finish dressing him and feeding him.

*knock knock*

Me: Just a minute.

I quickly buttoned up my blouse and tucked the front in. Making sure nothing was loose or ed, I slid the door open and it was Jimin.

Jimin: Do you need help?

Me: No, I got it. I just need to slip in my shoes.

Jimin: I'll help you.

Me: It's fine Jimin, I got it.

Jimin: You can't bend down pabo. You'll be in pain.

Me: My shoes are slip ons oppa. I knew what I was thinking when I packed my bag.

Jimin: Okay okay. Where's Jaemin?

Me: He's still in the nursery. They've already dressed and fed him. I signed all the papers already so we just have to go get him.

Jimin: Oh okay. Are you ready?

Me: Yeah.

I grabbed my phone on the counter and made sure I didn't forget anything and left the room. We walked over to the nursery room and met with Jaemin. The nurse gave me Jaemin and we left the hospital. Jimin came in the van they usually use to travel everywhere and since we don't really have a car for ourselves, this is the best transportation we can use for now. I securely put Jaemin in the carseat and got inside sitting besides him with Jimin sitting behind his chair. We drove back to the house and it honestly feels so good to be out of the hospital for once.

BTS Manager: How are you feeling Jaehee?

Me: I feel a lot better. My doctor said I'm recovering fast and Jaemin is adapting to everything well too. The nurses say he sleeps a lot. Which is probably what he got from me. My mom told me I slept a lot when I was a baby.

BTS Manager: Really? Wow, then you guys might have it easy.

Me: I think so too, but can't be too sure. When I was still pregnant with Jaemin, he kicked a lot when I slept at night. We shall see tonight.

We got back to the house and Jimin helped me carry stuff, while I carried the carseat. He opened the door and we walked in. I carried Jaemin into the nursery and gently put him down on the bed. He squirmed a bit before settling down. Sitting down in the chair beside him, I admire the view. Jaemin sleeping in his bed, me sitting down next to him and Jimin standing by the door.

Jimin: This is a beautiful view.

Me: It is.

Jimin: You should rest yourself.

Me: I think I've had plenty of rest while being in the hospital Jimin. I'm fine. I'm well rested.

Jimin: Still.

I got up from my chair and waked over to him. He embraced me tightly yet gentle.

Jimin: I missed you a lot.

Me: I've missed you too.

I the baby monitor and grabbed the other one so we can hear if Jaemin is awake or not. We walked over to the living room and sat on the couch together. Everything was quiet and nothing could disturb us. I set the other baby monitor on the coffee table and laid my head on Jimin's shoulder. Everything was what I wished for. What I dreamed for. Our Little Family.

-Jimin's POV-

Enjoying our time together before I head back to my idol life.

Me: I'm so happy.

Jaehee: Happy about what?

Me: About you. Jaemin. Just everything. Nothing can replace what I have right now.

Jaehee: Not even having another baby can replace this?

Me: Are you kidding me. Having another baby will be fantastic. Just tell me ahead of time so I can see our next baby in person and not on a screen.

Jaehee: Well I used to see you on a screen everyday. When we always FaceTime each other, I saw you through a screen as well. I used to be your fan Jimin.

Me: And now you're my NO.1 fan, wife and mother to my child or children.

Jaehee: Yes I am and I feel grateful.

Me: You should be. Any fan would be lucky to marry me.

Jaehee: Like me. Out of millions of people in the world you chose to be with me.

Me: I did and I don't regret it at all. You're my Miss Right.

Jaehee: Oh my god Jimin. You did not just say that.

Me: What? I'm right aren't I?

Jaehee: Yes. You are.

After sitting in peace for a couple minutes, we heard Jaemin through the baby monitor.

Jaehee's He's awake.

Me: I'll go get him.

She nodded and I got up. Walking to the nursery room, I opened the door and held Jaemin in my arms. He was still crying and I started to panic, but stayed calm. *is he hungry? he's probably hungry* I set him down back in the bed and prepped his food. While waiting for the food to reach it's perfect warmth, he was crying even more. Now I'm panicing even more and struggling.

*beep beep beep*

I took the bottle off the bottle warmer and turned around to find a quiet Jaemin in Jaehee's arms. I somehow felt relieved because she came to the rescue. I walked over to them and gave Jaemin the bottle. 

Me: What will I do without you. I was terrible.

Jaehee: You're not terrible. It just takes practice and a little parenting knowledge. You knew he was hungry. That's good. All of this will come to you by sense trust me.

Me: Hopefully.

I got closer to Jaehee and Jaemin, admiring the sight I have in front of me. I held Jaemin's small hands.

Jaehee: He has small hands.

Me: Don't babies all have small hands?

Jaehee; Yes, but his are special because he has your small hands. It's adorable.

*he has my small hands.* I have everything I could ask for. A loving wife, a beautiful child and a happy family. 

Me: I love you Jaehee and Jaemin.

Jaehee: We love you too.

I kissed Jaehee on the cheek and Jaemin on the head. I'm so glad this is all mine. This is what I wished for. Our Little Family.

Hi guys! It's finally the last chapter! My Jimin fanfic is over now and honestly, am I ready to let this go? Not really. I've worked so hard on this fanfic, so many readers come and read my fanfic everyday, whether you're new or not, I love you guys for reading my Jimin fanfic. A lot of you guys waited and waited for each chapter to be posted and me just putting it aside until I find motivation to write again. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you guys. Well, enough of this mushy stuff, vote below on what you guys want to read next~ Until next time, 안녕! 평!

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Ahoycaptaincrystal #1
Chapter 41: please update! cx
jinjayo2 #2
Chapter 41: cuuute!!
michellehappy123 #3
Chapter 33: please update don't abandon the story ~
I love this plot!!! :D
ohminnie #5
Chapter 20: jimin has confessed ~~~ !!! :D but i cant see the conversation picture T_T anyway , its a great story ;)
fanyyy95 #6
Chapter 21: This story is awesome, It is too good to be true. It will never happen in reality lol. But I'm excited to read the next chapter and interested to know how will the story ends. Keep going!~ (:
ohminnie #7
Chapter 16: i ship JaeMin so much <3 the story is so good .. am having fun reading it ;)