02: Winter Days With Jimin

dating an idol

Lately Jimin has been coming over my apartment constantly. It's not that I'm bothered by it. I like having company. It makes the place less lonely than it already is.

*ding dong*

I got up from the couch and opened the door. *delivery is the best* I paid for my food and set all of my food on the table. As I was about to dig in, I heard my door open. *Jimin's here*

Jimin: Baby~ I'm here~

I didn't answer him since he knew where I would be. Either in the kitchen making dinner or at the table already eating. I opened all of my food and started mixing the bowls.

Jimin: Room for one more?

I nodded.

Me: ARMYS are going to blame me for you getting fat Jimin.

Jimin: I don't care. I'm not on a diet baby.

I shrugged and started eating. Jimin went to go grab a spoon and chopsticks along with two bottle of water for us. It was days like this what we would do rather than going out and having papparazzis following us wherever we went.

Jimin: How was your day?

Me: My day has been hectic. I just got home an hour ago and just ordered take-out. Yours?

Jimin: Same. Have you seen our recent comeback?

Me: Your WINGS comeback? Of course. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't support my boyfriend and his group?

Jimin: A bad one. *chuckles*

Me: Ya!

Jimin: Just kidding. I see you've been posting a lot of Jay Park sunbae's music. How come not BTS?

Me: You don't see my Twitter? I rave about BTS on my Twitter a lot Jimin.

Jimin: Really?

Me: Yes, really.

Jimin: Oh.. Well you should start tagging us in your tweets.

Me: Along with millions of other ARMYS who tag BTS on their tweets?

Jimin just nodded while showing his silly grin with mouth full of food. *this guy* We shortly finished the food and started cleaning up. This was what we usually do on a daily basis whenever Jimin would come over. Sometimes the other members would join Jimin whenever he wanted to come by. It would mostly be Jungkook joining Jimin.

Jimin: What should we do now?

Me: What do you want to do?

Jimin did his cute thinking stance that I adore so much.

Jimin: Should we just cuddle on the bed and talk.

I nodded and went to go lock up. Looking at the time, it was 10:30 PM.

Me: I'm gonna go shower real quick and then we can get to it.

Jimin: I'll shower after you. I stink.

Me: You do.

Jimin lightly hit my arm and I just laughed. Walking to the room to grab a pair of pjs and a newly washed towel, I headed to the bathroom. I the water, while waiting for the water to heat up, I took off all my makeup. I tested the water on my hand and it was ready for me to use. I quickly took a shower and turned off the faucet. Wrapping my body with the towel and putting my hair up, I washed my face with my cleanser and quickly brushed my teeth. Drying my body, I put on my clothes and wrapped my hair in my small towel for my hair. Opening the door, I walked into the bedroom and threw my dirty clothes in the basket.

Me: You can shower now.

Jimin: Okay.

He got up from the bed and grabbed his pair of pjs and headed to the bathroom. I sat down on the edge of the bed and just played some games on my phone. My phone would start ringing constantly from the amount of notification from my social media coming from fans everywhere. A couple minutes passed and Jimin came out with the towel around his waist while he towel dried his hair with the small towel.

Me: Put your clothes on Jimin!

Jimin: Why? Don't feel like doing anything tonight.

Me: Really Jimin..

Jimin: Baby it's been months since-

Me: I know..

Jimin: So why don't we? Instead of cuddling. I mean we can always cuddle afterwards like we always do.

*this guy is really in the mood for it..*

I just ignored his statement and continue playing my game on my phone. I could hear him walking towards me and sitting down next to me. Letting go of the towel around his neck, Jimin s his arms around me while laying his head on my shoulder. 

Jimin: Baby~

I just hummed as a response and as his response he started leaving butterfly kisses on my neck to my shoulders. *should I keep playing or just give in* I continued to play hard and just let him want it more. Getting up from my position, I headed to the bathroom to dry my now half dry hair. Before I could close the door, Jimin got inside and closed the door. All of a sudden, he positioned me on the counter, took off the towel from my head leaving my hair 70% wet and falling down my face. Caressing my face, grabbing a hold on my neck and pulled me close to his face, we were now centimeters apart. Slowly closing the gap between us, I felt his plump lips on mine. This small kiss turned into a hot makeout session. He bit my lower lip begging for entrance to dominate me, but going with my original plan, I wouldn't let him him in. Hearing a groan coming from him, that was what I wanted. I started moving closer and closer to him, until I was on the edge of the counter. As by instinct, I grabbed my legs which were around his wasit and carried me to the bedroom. Gently laying me down on the matress, I turned over and I was now on top of him. Taking over dominance, I kissed every spot I knew he was weak to. Hearing every single moan come out of his mouth, it was so satisfying. Getting into what I was doing, Jimin quickly flipped me and I was now under him.

Jimin: You're not the only one who can tease Jaehee.

His eyes were now filled with lust. Nothing mattered at the moment. He was now targeting every single spot he knew I was weakened to. He was now satisfied with every moan coming from my mouth. Let's say everything that happened that night was the best.

-Next Morning-

Feeling the sun hit my eyes, I slowly opened my eyes, yet squinting from the rays of the sun. Looking around, Jimin was still asleep, shirtless. *how long did we last..* Slowly getting out of bed, I quickly ran to the bathroom while grabbing my silk robe. Covering myself, I started washing up. While brushing my teeth, my legs suddenly felt wobbly. I sat down on the toliet and recap everything that happened last night. *oh right.. we had last night. wish he didn't have to go so hard.. I have schedules today* I finished brushing my teeth and opened the door. Jimin was in front of me.

Jimin: Morning baby.

Me: Morning. Do you want some breakfast?

Jimin: Sure.

Me: The usual?

He nodded sleepily and entered the bathroom to wash up. I waited for him to close the door so I can carefully walk to the kitchen. My lower abdomen was so sore, I could barely walk. *curse this Jimin!* I opened the fridge, slowly crouching down, I grabbed the carton of eggs and bacon. Slowly walking over to the pantry and grabbed some bread for toast. Setting everything on the counter, I took a short break until I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

Jimin: What's wrong baby? Was I a little too rough last night? *worried*

Me: No.. I mean yeah you were.. I'm sore Jimin.

Jimin: I'm sorry baby. I'll be gentle next time. I just missed you that's all.

Me: I know. Could you help out with breakfast?

Jimin: Sure. *kisses my cheek*

He opened the bag of bread and put them in the toaster. I grabbed a bowl from the dishwasher for the eggs. Jimin started cutting the bacon into small pieces. Cracking a good amount of eggs for the two of us, I sprinkled a little bit of salt and black pepper and mixed it all together.

Me: Can you grab me the skillet oppa?

He hummed in response and went to grab the skillet. Everything in this condo was so close to each other. The stove was right next to the sink, giving me less time to walk everywhere to cook. I move to the side and the stove. Waiting for the skillet to heat up, I grabbed the bowl of cut up bacon and threw it in the skillet. Jimin went to go open the windows to let the smell get out, so it doesn't stink up the place. Cooking the bacon, Jimin just stood next round me watching me stir the bacon. I love having him around because we get to have moments like this in the winter season. 


I my phone and it was my manager.

Jimin: Who's that?

Me: Manager eonni. She's picking me up in two hours.

Jimin: Ah. What are your schedules for today?

Me: I have a photoshoot with CeCi magazine, interview with a journalist and filming the last episode of my drama with Bo Geum seonbae. After that I'm going to go to a first script reading with my new cast members for an upcoming drama we're currently working on. How about you?

Jimin: Hm. We're having our goodbye stage at M!Countdown, guest starring at Star 360 and I forgot the rest.

Me: Aigoo.

I finished cooking the bacon and set it aside while I make the scrambled eggs. Jimin went to go grab two plates and divided the bacon on each plate. I quickly finished cooking the eggs and put it on each of our plates. Setting the still hot pan, I grabbed our plates and set it on the table. Still feeling pain, I just ignore the pain and enjoy breakfast with Jimin. I walked back into the kitchen to grab a fork and some strawberry jam. Jimin walked over two cups of orange juice and set it aside with our plates. Everything was ready and perfect. My dining table is just my coffee table in front of the tv, but we didn't turn on the tv as we just enjoyed each others company before heading out to do our hectic schedules. I looked on my plate as I was about to dig in, I saw what Jimin had done to my toast. I'm guessing while I was busy prepping the eggs and cooking the bacon, he cut my toast into a little heart. *how cute.* I just laughed to myself which earned a question from him.

Jimin: What's so funny?

Me: Nothing oppa. Let's just eat.

Jimin: Does it look weird? I just thought I'd do something out of our usual routine.

Me: Jimin it's fine. I like it. It's cute. Like you.

I could tell he started getting shy. I love that about him. He's so cute when he gets shy. *how did I ever get to have this mochi all to myself*

After breakfast, we cleaned up and got ready to face the day. Jimin left the condo first and I was now alone. *I still have an hour left..*


*Park Jimin you're going to get it later on!*

Hey guys! Are you all doing well? I hope so! Have you guys been voting for BTS for the MAMA Awards? I hope so! BTS is finally in NO.1 so let's keep striving for NO.1!! Anyways.. You guys I'm really bad at writing s lol... As you can tell from today's chapter. I've read s before *not ashamed* and OMG so talented.. I tried writing it and honestly it's hard lol... I wanted to try something new.. I think lol. I mean what do you guys think? Should I start writing s or should I just keep it PG-13? You guys let me know in the comments below~ I'm happy that some of you guys are still here reading my story.. I know a lot of my readers left and stop reading because I'm not updating frequently as before, which is fine. Anyways, I'm think about ending this fanfic with 40 chapters. Do you guys think I should end it with 40 chapters or should I keep going? Let me know down below~ 안녕! 평!

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Ahoycaptaincrystal #1
Chapter 41: please update! cx
jinjayo2 #2
Chapter 41: cuuute!!
michellehappy123 #3
Chapter 33: please update don't abandon the story ~
I love this plot!!! :D
ohminnie #5
Chapter 20: jimin has confessed ~~~ !!! :D but i cant see the conversation picture T_T anyway , its a great story ;)
fanyyy95 #6
Chapter 21: This story is awesome, It is too good to be true. It will never happen in reality lol. But I'm excited to read the next chapter and interested to know how will the story ends. Keep going!~ (:
ohminnie #7
Chapter 16: i ship JaeMin so much <3 the story is so good .. am having fun reading it ;)