A Little Change

dating an idol

Hi everyone. It's Karrie here. I didn't post a new chapter yesterday as promised since I got off work at 11PM, so I was super tired. A new chapter will be up today! I've decided to change my posting schedule to Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Not Fridays anymore since I can't really finish a chapter and post it the next. I think it'll work better that way than MWF, so I'll have it on MWS. Just as short little update on how I'm doing. Are you all enjoying this fanfic? I have no idea how long I'm going to make it.. I'm just writing it until I've run out of ideas. I have one reader which is my cousin and she knows the reason why I wrote this and so I'll tell you all as well. Dating An Idol is mainly about me lol.. Everything you've read so far is about how I wish I'd be with Jimin and I don't know.. Just to date him. I know it might be super weird, but I watch these Boyfriend Imagines on Youtube about Jimin and the videos of those, just gives me even more ideas for each chapter I write. I'm such a huge fan of Jimin and mainly BTS as well and Just One Day I could meet them in person and interact with them. I've also read that Jimin's ideal type is somewhat similar to me, but I could be wrong.. Everyone changes their ideal type all the time so I can't be so sure lol.. Lately, I've been into Jungkook as well.. Whenever I pay more attention to Jungkook I feel like I'm cheating on Jimin with Jungkook lol. Jungkook and I are the same age, but I'm older than him by a couple months only.

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Ahoycaptaincrystal #1
Chapter 41: please update! cx
jinjayo2 #2
Chapter 41: cuuute!!
michellehappy123 #3
Chapter 33: please update don't abandon the story ~
I love this plot!!! :D
ohminnie #5
Chapter 20: jimin has confessed ~~~ !!! :D but i cant see the conversation picture T_T anyway , its a great story ;)
fanyyy95 #6
Chapter 21: This story is awesome, It is too good to be true. It will never happen in reality lol. But I'm excited to read the next chapter and interested to know how will the story ends. Keep going!~ (:
ohminnie #7
Chapter 16: i ship JaeMin so much <3 the story is so good .. am having fun reading it ;)