Our First FaceTime Call

dating an idol

Mi Do: That's not how you do it!

Me: That is how you do it! Look! *shows her recipe*

Mi Do: Oh.. Well I was taught how to cook it differently. I didn't follow a recipe online.

Me: Whatever. Why don't you go set the table before the rest comes over.

Mi Do: I will.

Mi Do and I decided to have a little dinner with friends and we were cooking the food. The others were going to bring other foods, so kind of like a potluck? Mi Do and I decided to make 김치 찌개 *kimchi jigae : kimchi stew* Following the recipe my 할머니 *halmeoni : grandma* told me, Mi Do over here telling me I did it wrong. I even asked her mom to give me the recipe and it's exactly the same recipe, but Mi Do's mom preps it differently than my 할머니. *halmeoni : grandma* 

Mi Do: 나는 끝났어요. *naneun kkeutnass-eoyo : I'm done*

Me: What time are they suppose to be here?

Mi Do: Around 7:30.

Me: *looks at my watch* It's 6:40.

Mi Do: What could I do next?

Me: I don't know. Did you give Jae Mi her dinner?

Mi Do: 아직. *ajig : not yet* I'll go do that.

I finished making the stew and set the fire to low, just to keep it hot and ready-to-eat. Sitting down on the couch, I laid on my back and just texted everyone.

Mi Do: Is Jimin coming by?

Me: 아니. *ani : no* 

Mi Do: 왜? *wae : why*

Me: BTS has their Epilogue concert today and tomorrow. They just left to Tokyo this morning.

Mi Do: When will they be back?

Me: 토요일. *toyoil : saturday*

Just as we were talking about them, Jimin texted me.

*this dork!*

Mi Do: I see someone is happy. He texted you didn't he?

Me: He just texted me that's all.

Mi Do: Well something about it surely did make you happy. I do it too and in public. When other people see me smiling or laughing while on my phone, they probably think I'm insane or something.

Me: Well luckily I'm home.

*FaceTime Tune*

I answered the call and it was Jimin on the other side*a/n click on the link to interact*

-5 Minutes Later-

Jimin: I have to go now..*pouts* I'll call you when I get back to the hotel okay? 

Me: Alright. Have fun!

Jimin: You too! *should I say it? No it's still a bit early*

He ended the call and I just turned off my phone and got out of the couch.

*ding dong*

Mi Do: They're here.

Me: More like Min Soo.

Mi Do opened the door and it was indeed him.

Min Soo: 안녕~ *annyeong : hi*

Me: 안녕~ *annyeong : hi*

Min Soo: Here is your 30,000 won.

Me: Mi Do told you?

Min Soo: Pretty much.

Me: Mi Do mind as well tell the whole world.

Mi Do: I may have told Min Soo.. And Taemin .. And all of our friends..

Me: Why am I not surprised. I'm guessing Yoon Do knows too?

Mi Do: No. I didn't tell him. If I did, then he would've asked you a bunch of questions. Or he'll take you away from Jimin.

*she's not wrong.* That is something he would do. I just shrugged off the thought and just had fun and texting Jimin back whenever he texts me.

-Two Hours Later-

Mi Do: See you guys on Monday!

She closed the door and locked it. Turning around to look at me and then at the mess.

Me: I know. Let's get to work Mi Do-ssi.

Mi Do: *sigh* Alright.

We both grabbed a big trash bag and threw the trash in the bag. Picking up everything Jae Mi would eat, we threw away. We taught Jae Mi not to eat human food and to stick with her dog food. Sometimes we'll give her fruits and vegetables, but not a lot or else she'll throw up. After picking up everything, our apartment looks neat and clean now.

Mi Do: *sigh* Finally done!

*ding dong*

We just looked at each other in confusion. 

Mi Do: It's probably Min Soo.

She went up to the door and opened it.

Mi Do: Oh, it's not Min Soo!

Me: Who is it then?

Mi Do: It's B-

Jungkook: 누나 ~ *nuna*

Turning around to the voice very familiar, it was them. They walked inside and Mi Do closed the door. I moved the stuff off the couch and for them to sit.

Me: I thought you guys weren't coming back until Saturday.

Namjoon: We got an early flight back.

Me: How was the concert?

Taehyung: Fun of course! I love being with ARMYS.

Me: When's the next one?

Namjoon: Next week.

Me: Already?

Namjoon: Yeah.

Mi Do: Are you guys hungry? We still have some food.

Jin: I'm starving! What did you guys make?

Me: 김치 찌개 *kimchi jigae : kimchi stew* 

Jimin: I'll have a big bowl!

Hobi: Me too!

Mi Do and I walked over to the kitchen and heated up the stew and rice. Taking out a bunch of side dishes we had earlier, we grabbed some new small plates and place down the side dishes. Mi Do was finishing up the side dishes, so I walked behind her to grab the utensils. We walked back out and placed them on the table where they were all sitting and talking. Walking back to the kitchen, I grabbed 7 bowls and filled them with rice. Grabbing a tray, I set them down and walked out. Placing out the rice bowls in front of them, I walked back to the kitchen and did the same thing with the bowl filled with warm, yet still hot and walked to the table carefully.

Jimin: Let me help you.

Me: Careful they're hot.

I held the tray carefully as Jimin remove one bowl at a time. He finished and sat down.

Me: Enjoy your meal.

Mi Do: Here are your drinks. Eat carefully too.

We walked back into the kitchen and cleaned up once again. Wiping the counters clean, I wiped the stains on the stove carefully since we just barely turned off the fire, but the surrounding is still hot. I finished wiping and helped Mi Do with the dishes. We talked amongst ourselves and finished the dishes. Drying our hands, I turned off the lights in the kitchen, so the living room was the only source of light. We sat down on the couch and the tv which the boys decided to watch with us.

Jungkook: What are we watching?

Mi Do: I don't know. What's a good movie?

Jungkook: We could watch a scary movie.

Me: I'm in!

Mi Do: I hate scary movies.

Me: Whatever. You're just sad because Min Soo isn't here to protect you.

Mi Do: Be quiet! Min Soo has stuff to do tomorrow morning.

Me: I guess.

Mi Do: Let's watch a comedy.

Me: Okay. Which one.

After much thinking and choosing, we all finally agreed on one. The boys finished eating, Jimin and Taehyung were stuck with dishes. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi and Jin were sitting on the floor while Jungkook sat in between Mi Do and I. Jimin and Taehyung finished washing the dishes, Jimin sat down beisdes me and Taehyung sat next to Jin. We watched the movie and laughed our butts off. *BTS needs nights like this. Just to relax and not worry about a thing.*

-After the Movie Ended-

Namjoon: That was a good movie. Thanks for letting us stay over for awhile.

Me: No problem. Bangtan is always welcome in our home.

Namjoon: We should head back to the dorm before we get in trouble.

The boys left the apartment and we watched them get into their van. Driving away, Mi Do and I walked back inside and got ready for bed. I took a quick shower and put on my pjs which is just mainly a t-shirt and leggings or shorts. Jimin left one of his shirt in my car from the last time we went on a date which was last month when we went to Busan. I slipped that on and wore my shorts. Tonight was a bit hot for leggings.

*FaceTime Tune*

I answered the call and Jimin was in bed.

Jimin: 안녕 재희~ *annyeong jaehui : hi jaehee*

Me: Why aren't you sleeping? You said you were tired.

Jimin: Aren't you tired?

Me: No. I just took a shower.

Jimin: Well you should be tired because you've been running through my mind all day.

Me: Oh gosh Jimin! Really with the cheesy lines? *laugh*

Jimin: Because I wanted to hear that.

Me: Hear what?

Jimin: Your laugh and voice.

Me: We were together not that long.

Jimin: I know, but I miss you already.. You are coming to our concert in 베이징 *beijing* right?

Me: I don't know. I might or I might not. It's on the 23rd of July and that's the day of Jae Mi's friendship-versary.

Jimin: Jae Mi your pet?

Me: 아니. *ani : no* Mi Do and I's anniversary. July 23rd is the day we became best friends.

Jimin: Well you both can come to Beijing for Epilogue.

Me: That's true.. I don't know. I'll ask her tomorrow and I'll let you know.

Jimin: Hopefully you can come. 

We talked for the whole night until I fell asleep. Luckily my phone was connected to the charger or else, I'd wake up to a dead phone and many missed calls and texts from a worried Jimin. I was sleeping, but I could still hear him.

Jimin: 잘자 내 사랑. *jalja nae salang : goodnight my love* I'll talk to you in the morning.... 사랑해. *salanghae : I love you* I've been wanting to say that for so long, but afraid you aren't ready, but I am. I know you might not be ready to say it, so I'll just say it to you when you sleep. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't want to let you go or hurt you. I'll never let go of your hand or your break your heart. You're too precious to me. You are my happiness.

Hi guys!! How are you all doing today! I'm doing great but tired because I've been up since 6:40 AM.. >,< I was gonna go back to sleep, but I couldn't because BTS was blowing up my phone with so much tweets on Twitter. Don't get me wrong, I love BTS and I love keeping up with them, but jeezus, it was tweet after tweet haha. Anyways, there was a little change of schedule update with Friday. If you haven't read the notice, read the previous chapter! How do you all like my story so far? Is it good? Hopefully it's not bad. I don't even know if you guys even read this bottom portion of each chapter, but I'll see you all in the next one! 안녕! 평!

PS : I just made a fanfic with our cute leader Rap Mon! Check it out! It's called Being Kim Namjoon's Girlfriend !

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Ahoycaptaincrystal #1
Chapter 41: please update! cx
jinjayo2 #2
Chapter 41: cuuute!!
michellehappy123 #3
Chapter 33: please update don't abandon the story ~
I love this plot!!! :D
ohminnie #5
Chapter 20: jimin has confessed ~~~ !!! :D but i cant see the conversation picture T_T anyway , its a great story ;)
fanyyy95 #6
Chapter 21: This story is awesome, It is too good to be true. It will never happen in reality lol. But I'm excited to read the next chapter and interested to know how will the story ends. Keep going!~ (:
ohminnie #7
Chapter 16: i ship JaeMin so much <3 the story is so good .. am having fun reading it ;)