05: Winter Days With Jimin

dating an idol

Jimin: Jaehee, will you marry me?

I didn't know how to react.. He said he's been wanting to propose for awhile but couldn't find the right timing and now..

Me: Yes.

He slid the ring on my left ring fingers and hugged me, but suddenly let go.

Jimin: Sorry.. I hurt our baby.

*our baby* It sounds so weird when he said it. I'm carrying the baby we made together.

Jimin: Ah, I should call my manager.

Me: Same here.

I called eonni and told her what happened and she said she's on her way. Jimin did the same thing. I took a picture of the ring on my finger and sent it to Mi Do. She's my best friend and of course she deserves to know.

Me: I told Mi Do our two big news and she's coming by right now.

Jimin: Don't she have schedules?

Me: I'm pretty sure she does, but probably not until later?

Jimin: Ah.. Is she happy about it?

Me: Of course. She's been waiting for me to tell her this announcement ever since we started dating.

*ding dong ding dong ding dong*

Me: I believe that's her. I'll get it.

Jimin: I'll get it.

He quickly got up and opened the door. Mi Do came rushing to my side and hugged me.

Jimin: Ah, be careful Mi Do. Don't kill our baby now.

Mi Do: Ah, I'm sorry. I'm just so excited and happy for you guys. When did you find out?

Me: Just this morning. I had light morning sickness and I went to Dr. Lee.

Mi Do: Everything came out positive?

I nodded and she just smiled even bigger and hugged me, but a little gentler.

Me: Dr. Lee said I'd have to start coming to the hospital for check-ups just to make sure the baby is okay and healthy and to find out the gender. Jimin wants three boys.

Mi Do: But what if your first isn't a boy?

Jimin: I'll be fine with a girl. She'll be as pretty as Jaehee.

Mi Do: Aw you guys~~ Come here!

She gave us both a big hug and congratulated us.

*ding dong*

*that must be our managers*

Jimin went to go open the door and it was indeed our managers. They came inside and sat with us.

Manager Eonni: Oh Mi Do. What are you doing here?

Mi Do: Well I am Jaehee's best friend, so I'm here.

Manager Eonni: Ah, so you guys talked about it.

Jimin's Manager: You guys are keeping the baby?

Jimin and I nodded while smiling.

Manager Eonni: And?

Jimin: And I kinda sort of proposed to Jaehee.

Jimin's Manager: So getting married and having a baby. Are you going to announce this to the public?

Me: We were thinking about doing the whole wedding secretly and then announcing it to the public?

Manager Eonni: Should we do the wedding as soon as possible? We could plan everything quickly.

Mi Do: Do I have a say in this?

We all nodded.

Mi Do: I'll clear my schedule to help Jaehee take care of the baby and help plan the wedding as well.

Me: Mi Do you don't have to.

Mi Do: I'm your best friend and I am going to help you.

Manager Eonni: So you can clear your schedule and help plan the wedding?

Mi Do: Yes. I'll let my manager know.

Manager Eonni: Okay. Well here's my card so you can contact me.

Jimin's Manager: And here's mine. I don't want to be left out.

We all agreed on everything and everyone left except for Jimin. He sat very close to me and just laid his head on my shoulder.

Me: Oppa~

Jimin: Hm?

Me: I'm hungry. Didn't you buy food?

Jimin: Ah, I forgot. The food is probably cold by now.

Me: We can heat it up. What did you buy?

Jimin: I went to buy your favorite food and cake.

Me: Really?

We got up from the couch, but Jimin pushed me back on the couch.

Jimin: I'll do it okay.

Me: Jimin.

Jimin: What?

Me: I'm a big girl. I can do it too.

Jimin: I don't want you to hurt yourself or our baby.

Me: I'll be careful, don't worry okay.

We walked over to the kitchen and pulled out all the stuff from the bags. I put the bags away and stood next to Jimin.

Jimin: Can you put the cake in thefridge please?

I nodded and grabbed the cake. Opening the fridge, I set the cake inside gently and closed the door. Turning around and walking back to Jimin's side, I grabbed two plates for the both of us, as I was putting them in the microwave, the doorbell rang. We looked at each other in confusion. Jimin went to go open the door and I peeked from the side. It was the guys. *what are they doing here?* I could hear Hobi's loud voice.

Hobi: Where is she?! Where is Kim Jaehee?

I moved from my position and stood where they could see me.

Me: I'm right here..

Hobi ran up to me and hugged me ever so tightly.

Jimin: Hyung! Be careful!

Hobi: Ah, sorry Jaehee. Sorry little buddy. *pats my belly*

*I'm guessing they know*

Me: How?

Namjoon: Manager hyung told us.

Jungkook: And we just had to come by and celebrate! No alcohol of course.

They all came in and as I was about to close the door, someone's foot stopped it from closing. Looking up, the foot belong to no other than..

Me: Min Soo seonbae! How did you find my apartment?

Min Soo: I came here with Mi Do.

Me: Where is she?

Mi Do: Here I am! *running towards us* Oppa you didn't wait for me!

Min Soo: Sorry, I was excited. I haven't seen Jaehee in a long time since we graduated.

Me: Is it just you two?

Mi Do: Hye Jung and Sohee are coming by later.

Me: Great! Come in!

Min Soo and Mi Do came in as I opened the door wider. I closed the door and walked over to the crowd of people. I went to take the food out of the microwave and Jin walked up to my side.

Jin: Hi Jaehee.

Me: Oh hey Jin. Having fun?

Jin: Tons. Congrats to you both. I thought this day would come later, but sooner than what I expected. Are you happy?

Me: Of course! I'm marrying the man I fell in love with. This is honestly the best.

Jin: Yeah it is. Look how happy he is. I haven't seen him this happy since our very first win. Actually I think he might be happier than our first win.

Me: I mean he is getting married and becoming a father, so.

Jin: Yeah. I'm so happy for you two, oh well more like you three.

We walked back to the crowd and caught up with Min Soo since I haven't talked to him in awhile. The doorbell rang again and I went to go open the door. It was Hye Jung and Sohee.

Hye Jung: Hi Jaehee~

Sohee: Jaehee~ Look who else we brought.

Sohee walked to the side and it was

Me: *gasp* Jae Mi!!!

I crouched down and started petting her. It's been so long since I've last visited Jae Mi. The last time I visited her was half a year ago and ever since then I've been so busy with my schedules. I welcomed them all in and closed the door. We all chatted with each other, made jokes, some even brought presents which wasn't necessary. A lot of the presents were for the baby.

Jimin: We don't even know the gender of the baby yet.. Already baby gifts?

Mi Do: That's why we bought uni clothing.

Me: Mostly white. And creme and beige and-

Min Soo: Okay, we get it.

We all just laughed and had a great time together. Not much was going on, but just with the people we either haven't seen in awhile or just hanging out together, everything is perfect. After a few hours, everyone left including Jimin since BTS had some schedules that needed to be done. The girls stayed with me for awhile until it was just Mi Do and I.

Me: Why are you looking at me like that?

Mi Do: I'm just.. Happy.

Me: Okay..

Mi Do: I'm serious. Remember back in high school how you always dreamed of dating Jimin and marrying Jimin. Having a family with Jimin. You kept that dream with you for so long and now look at you. Your dreams are coming true. You're getting married to Jimin and you're carrying his baby. What more can you ask for.

Me: I asked for a best friend and I got one. Honestly this is the best. I have everything I've ever wanted and asked for. Great people surrounding me and now I can surround my baby with the people who's been making me happy and safe. Now.. When is seonbae going to propose to you?

Mi Do: *sigh* I don't know. We've been dating for 4 years already, but I'm not rushing anything. We've both been busy lately with our schedules and we don't even have time to go on dates. I don't know how you and Jimin can do it.

Me: We rarely go on dates. Jimin would come over constantly to spend the night and morning with me and leave to do his schedules. It's always been like that. It's like he literally lives with me now.

Mi Do: Well he's going to live with you permanently.

Me: What do you mean by that?

Mi Do: Come on Jaehee. You're pregnant and he's going to be staying here with you. For all we know, he might be looking for a bigger place for the three of you guys to live in.

*ding dong*

Me: Who could that be?

I looked at the time and it was only 5:30 PM, so it was still day broadlight. I opened the door and it was Jimin's family.

Me: Oh. Come in you guys.

I opened the door wider for them to come in and they came in. Mi Do cleaned up a bit since it was no use because there was nothing dirty about the place.

Mrs. Park: How are you dear?

Me: I'm okay. Are you guys here to visit Jimin?

Jihyun: No. We're here to visit you. We heard the news from Jimin.

Me: Ah.

Mr. Park: How long are you?

Me: Just a week. We found out this morning.

Mrs. Park: Aigoo, how are you going to take care of the baby by yourself?

Mi Do: Hello. I'm Yoon Mi Do. I'll be helping Jaehee take care of her body and the baby. I know I may not know much, but I'd be happy to learn a few tips from you.

Mrs. Park: Ah, hello Mi Do. That's great. It'll be a hassel to travel from Busan to Seoul.

Me: It would. Come sit down. Jimin should be home later on.

Mr. Park: We won't be here for long since the drive to Busan is quite long.

Me: Ah, okay.

Jihyun: Noona you've grown prettier.

Me: Ah, thank you. You've gotten quite handsome. Maybe more handsome than Jimin. *laugh*

Jihyun: I believe that. *laugh*

*beep beep*

Jimin: Jagyia, I for- Eomma! Appa! Jihyun! What are you three doing here?

Jihyun: We came to visit noona. She said I'm more handsome than you hyung.

Mrs. Park: We just came by to visit Jaehee and the baby.

Jimin: You guys should've called first, so I could've told Jaehee you guys were coming.

Mrs. Park: We can't visit our daughter-in-law?

Me: That's not what Jimin meant. You said you forgot something Jimin?

Jimin: Huh? Oh yeah. I forgot my phone and wallet.

Me: It took you an hour to remember?

Jimin: I was caught up in something else I forgot it until now.

Jihyun: Hyung you're always forgetful.

I got up from the couch and grabbed his phone and wallet. I handed it to him and walked out the door.

Jimin: Tell me if Jihyun is being too playful.

Me: What do you mean by that?

Jimin: I'm just warning you okay. Jihyun did have a small crush on you before.

Me: Really?

Jimin nodded and looked at me.

Me: Oppa, I'll be fine okay. Now go make ARMYS happy. We'll be rooting for BTS!

Jimin: Alright. I'll see you later jagyia. Be careful.

Me: I will oppa. Now go.

He kissed me on the lips and left. I walked back inside and sat down next to Mi Do. It looked like they were getting to know Mi Do.

Mrs. Park: Jaehee you didn't tell me Mi Do was your best friend.

Me: Uh.. I'm sorry. I was still a little shocked about you guys coming by.

Mr. Park: It's okay. Are you and Jimin planning to move into another place? Now that there's going to be the three of you guys living together.

Me: We're still undecisive about it, but it's most likely we might move to a small house perfect for the us three.

Mrs. Park: That's good. You should come by our place often so I can take care of you too.

Me: Of course I will. I'll be a bad daughter-in-law if I didn't.

We all chatted for a couple hours until they had to leave.

Me: Drive safe you guys.

Mrs. Park: We will. Take care of your body too. Don't get sick and always be careful.

Me: I will. Thank you coming by.

I waited until they walked into the elevator. I closed the door and Mi Do was cleaning up.

Me: Mi Do Mi Do Mi~

Mi Do: Yes?

Me: I want to go visit your parents.

Mi Do: What for?

Me: I'm really craving for some of their fried chicken and I haven't been there since we moved out.

Mi Do: True. Let's go. We'll take a cab.

Me: Okay.

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my bag. Walking out the door, we headed to the elevator. Pressing the down button, we waited for the doors to open.

Mi Do: I can't wait to tell them.

Me: I still can't get in contact with my parents..

Mi Do: Really? Are they still in New York?

Me: Yeah.


We walked in and pressed the first floor which was the lobby. Mi Do called for a cab earlier and now we're waiting for the cab to arrive.

Mi Do: Did you call both of them?

Me: Yeah. I even left them texts as well, but nothing. I don't want them to miss a thing.

Mi Do: Same here. We walked out the revolving doors and looked for the cab. After a minute we found it and got in. Mi Do told him the address and drove us there. We had a mask covering our faces from getting a cold especially me. Since it's getting to the cooler seasons, everyone has been getting sick lately. *perfect time to get pregnant* After 10 minutes of passing through the city and into the neighborhoods, we arrived at Mi Do's place. I paid the driver and closed the door. Mi Do opened the door for me and I walked in with her following behind. I was greeted by a young worker.

Waitress: Table for 2?

I nodded.

Me: Can we get the table in the back?

Waitress: Of course.

She grabbed two menus and led us to the table Mi Do and I always sat at. Sitting down, we asked for two waters and Mi Do's parents.

Me: They hired more employees now.

Mi Do: I know. We were the top employees here.

Mom: You two asked for us?

Mi Do: Eomma!

Mom: Mi Do! Then you're-

Me: Yes, it's me Jaehee~

We all hugged and ven cried a little because we haven't visited them since we moved out of the neighborhood and into the city life. It was so great to finally see them and I even told them about the big news.

Mom: Oh my god, I'm so happy for you. I'll come by and visit you too.

Dad: Me too. I can't wait to meet this Jimin.

Mi Do: Appa, you see him on tv all the time.

Dad: Ah, really?

We talked and ate together until we had to leave.

Me: I have to leave now..

Mom: I wish you'd stay Jaehee.

Me: I know. Maybe I'll come back with Jimin and you guys can properly meet him.

Dad: We'd like that Jaehee. Go home safely you two.

Me: We will. Love you guys.

Mom: We love you two very much.

We left the restaurant and hauled a cab back to the apartment. Mi Do decided to stay at the apartment with me for the night since Jimin won't be coming home tonight. Shortly after a few minutes we arrived at the apartment complex. Mi Do paid the fare and we walked inside to the lobby and towards the elevator. I pressed the up button and waited for the doors to open. After 30 seconds of waiting the door opened and we walked in. I pressed the 3rd floor button and the doors closed. When the doors opened again, we walked out and headed to my apartment. Unlocking the door, I took off my shoes and slipped on my slippers, Mi Do did the same.

Me: You can shower first Mi Do.

Mi Do: Alright.

I gave her a fresh pair of pjs and a towel. She went into the bathroom to shower and I just sat on the bed with my hand on my belly. *I can't believe I'm going to be a mother and Jimin being the father.* *sigh*

Me: I know you're just as small as a peanut, but I already love you. You're going to love the world that is waiting for you. You're going to be surrounded by loving and caring people who also loved and cared for mommy and daddy. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and just snuggle up close to you. I'll protect you with everything I've got and just keep you safe with daddy by our side. I love you so much peanut and daddy loves you a lot too. I can't wait for you to hear daddy's voice. I know you'll love all the lullabies he'll be singing to you, all the hugs and kisses you'll be receiving.

I suddenly fell asleep and just left my hand on my belly.

Goodnight peanut~ I love you~

Hi guys! How are you all doing? I hope you're doing well. I just updated two chapters today.. Wow.. lol.. I guess you can say I don't have writer's block anymore?? Anyways, I don't have much to updte you guys on, so I'll just go and update the next chapter. See you in the next one~ 안녕! 평!

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Ahoycaptaincrystal #1
Chapter 41: please update! cx
jinjayo2 #2
Chapter 41: cuuute!!
michellehappy123 #3
Chapter 33: please update don't abandon the story ~
I love this plot!!! :D
ohminnie #5
Chapter 20: jimin has confessed ~~~ !!! :D but i cant see the conversation picture T_T anyway , its a great story ;)
fanyyy95 #6
Chapter 21: This story is awesome, It is too good to be true. It will never happen in reality lol. But I'm excited to read the next chapter and interested to know how will the story ends. Keep going!~ (:
ohminnie #7
Chapter 16: i ship JaeMin so much <3 the story is so good .. am having fun reading it ;)