meeting everyone



yana and and key are walking at the corridor hiding in process if some teachers will pass by

"do you think the principal call them because of yesterday?"ask key who's looking at the principals door

yana smack his head and just look at each side to see no one

"yah what was that for?"said key who's following yana behind while scratching his head

"where not that close so stop smacking me like you know me well"key argued

yana just roll her eyes and peak at the principals office

she saw them sitting at the sofa opposite your  father who's the one investigating the issue and the principal itself

"yah!let me see what they are talking about" key push you making a  loud bang at the door

you look at him in horror o.o

key peak at the door only to see the principal walking  near the both of you

but before you could say anything key grab you and run to the nearest empty classroom



i hit kibum in the arm while leaning to one of the table

"yah!first smacking now hiting are you that violent"he ask me panting also

"we nearly got caught because of you,do you really want to investigate with me?cause your making a mess did you know that" i glared at him

but i flinch when he glared back it gaves me goosebumps  into my entire body

"yah!stop that your scary"i look at him with a hint of fear

i thought he'll just let it pass but im wrong

he smirk standing up and walk closely to me..i moved back

i thought im behind the door so i turn around and bang my head into to the wall causing me to loss my balance i prepare for the worst impact but someone caught  me,

and suddenly someone push the door open revealing me in key arms 

*oh my god its too awkward*

but it looks like kibum didnt notice he  just continue looking at me his too close,his smirk doesn't fade away on his oh so handsome face he lean forward and i can smell his mint breathe its only centimeter apart between us when..





i lean forward to more,she look so scared leaning away but i hold her tight so she wont go anywhere

where just centimeter apart i can smell her sweet breathe its only silence between us i can feel her heart beating loudly..and same as mine

but theres one thing im confused of..

i can feel like theres a butterfly in my stomach but i put it aside

i just stare at her,shes beautiful,her cheeks are blushing,her lips ar--

"ehem!" someone clear his throat i jump in shock causing my lips to brush against yana's lip

i blush in process and suddenly let her go causing her to stumble back

i look at her who sigh in releif

 then i touch my lips look at her again..maybe she didnt notice

theres a sudden impact in my heart that i didnt know..i just sigh and look at the door

only too see my bestfriend

KIM JONGHYUN..yeah way to ruin my moment...wait what am i saying?aish!!

"yah!what now?"i ask him a bit annoyed

"who's she?"he ask pointing yana who's facing the wall

"oh!just a friend i meet awhile ago"

" Yana my buddy"yana turn around and look at me with those big eyes of her,i just swallow hard she walk towards me and look at  jonghyun

her eyes became o.o,when she look at him

"huh!yana-ah did you know him?"i ask looking at the both of them who are with the same expression

"youre the rude guy i bump into yesterday and ing left me behind without saying a damn sorry"wow i dont know this girl can curse in one sentence huH!

jonghyun just look at her and rolled his eyes smirking thinking *wow this girl is pretty fiesty huh! me like it*

"yana-ah i dont think its a good thing to say those word at someone you barely know"i talk to her slowly so this conversation wont turn into something we might regret

but inreturn she just glare at jonghyun and look at me

"kibum-ah lets just talk later..i need to go"she said walking out of the room

when yana's out of sight jonghyun suddenly headlock me

"yah!yah!stop hurting let go of me"i scream trying to escape

"why didnt you say you know her,why didnt you introduce me to her..she's so damn ow"i punch him in the stomach and he let me go

"what's with the interest?and look she hate you..hahahaha...serve you right..wait what did you do to her?i ask loooking puzzled

jonghyun just sat down and tell what happened yesterday

"babo!(i smack his head)you just ran away and didnt help or say sorry,ofcourse she'll be pissed off from your attitude" 




(on the other side at the same time)






aish!!i’ll be late on my next class..

I run as fast as I could turning to the corner when suddenly I bump into someone

“oh sorry I didn’t mean it”I help him up and look at him

“your in a hurry I guess”

“yeah sort of.i kind of loss direction”

“where are you going,I can help you”

“room c-3”


“ah!!where classmate?im taemin lee taemin majoring dance class"taemin said putting his hand infront of minho

"minho,choi minho im from the media arts class(in media arts they are studying about photography camera like that )

-so your the nice guy that the whole school talking about?"minho ask taemin while they're walking to there next class

"yeah!sort off,honestly i dont know why they call me that and your the mvp guy"taemin said chuckling

"well its very obvious hahaha but as what i can see you seems a nice guy and your pretty look like a kid"minho told him and they enter the chemistry class

taemin just smile at minho and head first to his seat..minho just simply walk to his seat and greet you and jinki who's chatting to one another



------------------------------------------boring chapter

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So nice! Good job!
chicken_maniac_onew #2
i just read the foreword..
i fell in love with the plot!!!
amaze me even more!!!
New Reader here =)) You're a Filipino right?? =)))
mharyiela2727 #4
@VictoriaDm: thank you ^^
mharyiela2727 #5
@mercylinauer thank you ^_^ please do subscribe
mercylinauer #6
nice.. story good job..
mharyiela2727 #7
yeah!!! i did..its a filipino movie called "FIRST DAY HIGH" ^^
TokkiLoveOnew #8
Sorry to ask, did you get the idea from a movie? The plot is similar to a Filipino movie i watched before. just curious~~~
sicaxbored #9
sorry to say this but did you get the idea of the story from a movie ?