NOT AN UPDATE!!!!!Please read


dear readers,


im really really sorry for not really busy untill now...i migrated in other country when i came here my parents decide to settle  in a new house so where busy fixing things in that house until last week this july so when august came we'll already migrating there..and im currently having langguage tutorial..and adjusting in my new im really sorry :(


p.s. i really need a encouragement..please do comments..i dont feel that i have readers who's waiting for the update :(.. i feel at lost now

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So nice! Good job!
chicken_maniac_onew #2
i just read the foreword..
i fell in love with the plot!!!
amaze me even more!!!
New Reader here =)) You're a Filipino right?? =)))
mharyiela2727 #4
@VictoriaDm: thank you ^^
mharyiela2727 #5
@mercylinauer thank you ^_^ please do subscribe
mercylinauer #6
nice.. story good job..
mharyiela2727 #7
yeah!!! i did..its a filipino movie called "FIRST DAY HIGH" ^^
TokkiLoveOnew #8
Sorry to ask, did you get the idea from a movie? The plot is similar to a Filipino movie i watched before. just curious~~~
sicaxbored #9
sorry to say this but did you get the idea of the story from a movie ?