yana woke up as the sunlight shine through the clear window..she rub her eyes and sit at the unfamiliar comfy bed a jolt of pain in her head and memories of what happen last night pour on her

*where am i* thats the first thing that flash on her mind..

she frantically look around but soon calm as the scent around the room seems so familiar,

she close her eyes and dig the last nights happenings


"Appa"she called as her father came with a snack in hand

"yes sweetie?here have some" she get the food in her father's hand and stand up

"i want to go out for awhile"she smiled and peck on his cheek biding goodbye,

,she was receiving a lot of shocking news,just because of the basketball incident all her friend was involve in it..but it still doesnt make sense..the stories behind of why the suspect is too simple..and when she look back before evrything became chaos the memory of her preparing for the game to support minho seems to be in a blurr,she cant remember anything..its been running through her mind all this time since her father ask for help..only taemin haera and her are left..could they possibly be a suspect too?but as she look at the paper awhile ago jonghyun is in the last page..

she sigh and call mr lee (their butler) to send her,to the bus stop..

She bid go0dbye to mr. Lee and told if ever her father was looking for her just tell that she will spend the night with taemin,

mr. Lee nodded "takecare yana-yah"

"neh!"she wave as she step back..

once the car is gone she walk to a alley not far from the bus stop,

a back entrance of a simple but decent building welcome her,she enter as the staff welcome her,

*its been a long time*she whisper and smile wholeheartedly when she saw the same staffs years ago..

she walk up to the manager and receive a hug

"woah! Young lady,its been a long time,its very nice to see you again,the business drop down when you left the boys seems to stop coming"she beam smiling widely at her

"aigoo!stop joking unnie,look theres so many customer and the place looks great its so fancy,you renovated it?"

"yeah a little bit,and im not joking missy really..maybe about 3 or 4 m0nths the amount of guys coming here lessen when you left,but now its back to normal,you know your pretty  famous.."

"stop it unnie"

"okayy..okay..so now..same?"she asked

she nod her head "yeah..the same,make the food delicious unnie " she wave and head to the vip room..


"unnie,gave me soju,because the wine i usually order was out of stock" she realized, soju and her doesnt click at all

she remember herself talking to the manager and that the time everything black out..she got drunk *damn that soju*she curse to herself just then the door open

"you're awake"the guy put the food that he's been carrying and settled it at the study table

"you should have some soup..i made some.."he smile

he told to himself that he didnt hear what yana said last night,he told himself its just nothing..he cant be angry at such things..he have no right to be angry..

yana look at her and smile "thank you"

"arent you curious why your here?"he ask puzzled

"nah! im drunk that pretty much tell the whole situation why im here"she shrugged and seat infront of the study table

"i nearly got a heart attack when someone answer your phone you know" he point out sitting infront of her

"im touch..kim kibum is worried for me"she pinch key,who scowl back at her



do i still have a reader???

please do comment on how it is :)


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So nice! Good job!
chicken_maniac_onew #2
i just read the foreword..
i fell in love with the plot!!!
amaze me even more!!!
New Reader here =)) You're a Filipino right?? =)))
mharyiela2727 #4
@VictoriaDm: thank you ^^
mharyiela2727 #5
@mercylinauer thank you ^_^ please do subscribe
mercylinauer #6
nice.. story good job..
mharyiela2727 #7
yeah!!! i did..its a filipino movie called "FIRST DAY HIGH" ^^
TokkiLoveOnew #8
Sorry to ask, did you get the idea from a movie? The plot is similar to a Filipino movie i watched before. just curious~~~
sicaxbored #9
sorry to say this but did you get the idea of the story from a movie ?