_Kwon Yana II_




why does it feels like the old times...


theres a party at my house

"yah! drink some"my cousin offer me a bottle of soju

"nah!i dont want"i gave back the bottle

"nope!everyone is drinking your the only one left..please take it..its my birthday so dont worry about auntie and uncle i'll handle them"he offered again

i have no choice but to accept its his birthday afterall

after i drank some bottle my feet force me to went into the bar side where the bartender are playing with the bottle and mixing some wine

im pretty fast in getting drunk..after the 1st bottle someone offer me another and another until i got drunk but i guess im still on my mind

i just sat there for a  minute but the lights makes me dizzy

so  i went to the balcony

looking at the peaceful street..

i walk down to the gate and to the peaceful street

i just walk and walk hoping the dizziness will soon go away

i got tired and went to the nearest park 

before i could seat  my phone interupt the quiet surrounding

i fish out my phone and read the message



hey were are you?




by any chance are you outside?




where are you?


at the park


he didnt reply

after a few minutes i heard a car park infront of me

there he came out

"what bring you here" i told him

"nothing just want to stroll around..want to join?"

i nod almost immediately

i always dream of being with him all night just the two of us

laughing and just having fun on our own

he stand and walk to his car

i just follow behind

i stumbled  forward because im to dizzy hoping he didnt notice

he opened the passenger seat door for me

when i look up his too close

"thanks"i said blushing and hurriedly went inside

we went to the drivers seat but before he put the key

he look at me

and i just stare back..his brown eyes looking straight at me

"your drunk"he sigh stating the obvious



i chuckled at the memories

he's always there when im drunk

he's always there when i need someone

he's so caring..

after rehearsals he always make sure i go home safe

as time goes by i fell.....

i fell really hard,i thought he'll catch me

i thought he like me back..because it seems like that

even our school mates and teachers thought we are dating

we are always the first person to choose by our choreographer interms of dancing partnering because they thought we can be a beautiful couple

everytime they said we look cute together my heart flutters but he always just tease me about it

he's always there,but what happen?as time goes by i dont know if i exist in his life anymore

i become nobody..he got a girlfriend who cheat on him

who swore at me behind his back,i tried to convince him what she's doing behind he's back but it made me look bad

he always believe her..because he love her so much..he's blind

thats why i let go of him,

without him knowing..i flew to seoul to have a new life

a life without him..i cant take seeing them all loveydovey infront of me,and her girlfriend occasionally smirk when she saw my hurt expression

it's too much for me..

its just one of the many reason why i flew to seoul and live my new life here

its almost a year that i left,i thought i've move on already

but why is my heart still flutters whenever i saw him

*i touch my heart*...its slowly ripping into pieces

knowing i still love him after all these years but someone already have him

i face the ceiling

and close my eyes,tears slowly trick down on my face

i get the closes pillow on my side and throw it at the door

*still close eyed* theres no sound at all

i sit up and look at the door with a blured vision

i blink away the tears and look at person standing there looking worried

once i had the glimpse of the person

i hurriedly lay down and put my cover over my head and put my hand on my mouth so he'll not hear me sobbing

 "yah!"he said i can hear his foot step coming closer to me he nudge me slowly..

i just stay in my position hoping he'll get out of my room

i felt silence around me..*he's out?*

i slowly put the cover downward so i can see if he already leave

but to my luck he's still there scanning the picture on my study table  its me jinki oppa haera unnie and minho oppa at the playground playing badminton

i just stared at him,his smiling like an angel.his face is so pale and looks so smooth,her lips are pinkish and look so soft,his eyes are hazel brown that can melt everyone

i look at the window past him when i saw him glance at me..



i fell like something doesn't seems so right

"onew hyung!"i didn’t know it came out as a half shouted earning everyone's attention

"im at your side and your shouting..as far as i know im not deaf"onew hyung jokingly said while the others continue walking ahead

"hyung,is there something wrong?"i ask

"waeyo?"he look at me puzzled

"yana"he stop at the mention of her name

he look back at me and said"she’s fine”he sigh

"err! it seems like somethings bothering her awhile ago"

"she hate him,she need a time for herself I guess"he stated

i follow behind him..

"just give some clue why she hate him"i told him catching up

" she went here for good and to start a new” he stop mid sentence and look at kenny who's happily walking with a jolly taemin..while minho and joghyun are walking behind them..

"and? iask him looking at his eyes..his somewhat like hesitating to spill it

she went here for good?it means theres something that happened back there that made her leave..

"she fall really hard.."onew hyung said stuttering..love?are they by any chance together?i run as fast as i can back to her..i dont know but i want to really know what they are to each other..

after the endless running i slow down my pace when her house came in the view

i stop at her gate the guard notice me and invited me in

i just walk inside to her door room panting  the maids are greeting me when i pass through them

i stop infront of her door and knock twice

but theres no response i got a bad feeling about this and slowly open her door

i saw her lying on her back looking at the ceiling then suddenly a pillow smack me in the face

i catch it then look at her she's looking at me blinking

"what happened to you?"i murmured

she has those puffy red eyes and there's stain of tears on her pale cheeks

after looking at her condition

i feel like engulping her into a warm tight hug and tell her everything will be alright

but as soon as she saw me she lie back down and cover herself

"yah"i simply walk to her side and nudge her slowly

but she didnt response

i scan her room..

its very spacious and slightly dark as her wall is dark violet combination with black

then i came into an halt  when i look at her study table

i standup and quietly walk to it not leaving my eyes on her picture frame

there she is standing in her big lovely smile together with haera noona,minho and onew hyung

looking at it she looks like having lots of fun

if i dont know minho for sure i'll be jealous seeing he had his arms wrap around her waist securely

i sigh hoping where this close to one another *I already admit it to myself I like her*

as i lay back the picture frame on its place where i get it,i glance again at her

when i caught her looking at me

she look past me and hurriedly lie down

i walk to her and slowly sat down on her soft bed

"you know..keeping everything for yourself doesn't solve your problem..and running away to it doesnt either"i pat her shoulder softly

she doesnt turn around

then i guess its better to let her have a time for herself for a while

i stood up from her bed and walk to the door 

i put my hand into the door knob ready to get out of her room and give her some time to think of herself

"can you please stay?"a soft voice interupt me



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So nice! Good job!
chicken_maniac_onew #2
i just read the foreword..
i fell in love with the plot!!!
amaze me even more!!!
New Reader here =)) You're a Filipino right?? =)))
mharyiela2727 #4
@VictoriaDm: thank you ^^
mharyiela2727 #5
@mercylinauer thank you ^_^ please do subscribe
mercylinauer #6
nice.. story good job..
mharyiela2727 #7
yeah!!! i did..its a filipino movie called "FIRST DAY HIGH" ^^
TokkiLoveOnew #8
Sorry to ask, did you get the idea from a movie? The plot is similar to a Filipino movie i watched before. just curious~~~
sicaxbored #9
sorry to say this but did you get the idea of the story from a movie ?