


Appa park the car and look at me smiling

“don’t worry I heard enough”he pat my head and pull out the key on the key hole

“huh!what do you mean?”I ask him puzzled

“this is the reason why I ask you about him..because I know both of you are good friends”I just keep silent and follow him inside the restaurant,still holding the papers

We enter the vip area and sat down

He’s busy looking at the menu,while im busy looking at minho oppa’s picture

*your innocent I know it*

I found myself rubbing his face with my fist trying to erase the fact that he’s a suspect,but the paper suddenly lift up revealing that theres another person

I turn to the next page...



                         LEE JINKI

Junior under class A-1

Top 1 student in the whole sm high majoring music

Found a finger print on the paper..


“Jinki oppa,my best out of the best oppa”I mumbled 

"why him?"




“This is science and tehnology,I mean science corner capital C,I,S,I.and ofcourse!here on our right side of the column we can see the pictures, trophy’s and all of our very own basketball stars here in sm high-

“yup!!thats them they look so awesome”I interrupt the guy who’s pretty much giving the newly student a tour..then walk out heading to the laboratory

Im planning on having a new experiment..what will I do?i ask myself entering the laboratory some of the students are working on their own activities..and its kind of pretty much noisy. “.change route” I head to the library its more easy to think there and books can help too..

I settle myself on the far corner with some books..

“posion?”i look at the book..and read it..writing down some formulas im almost done when-

“hey!”someone tap my shoulder,i flinch

“what are you doing?”I stare at key settling himself beside my sit looking at the  paper in front me before Im going to hide it but he suddenly grab the paper and face the other side

 “posion?what is this?”he ask shifting his position now looking at me i just shrugged *if I told him the reason he would laugh at me*i gather my things up..and left



“Hello”I look up to see yana with her lunch in hand

“oppa..what are you doing homework?”she settled down beside me

“ani..im just researching about the posion,im working out”

“posion?why?” she ask clueless simply written on her face

“I don’t now either” I just state calmly

“aigoo!!!”she just laugh and ate her food..”oppa!you must eat first your food are getting cold.. “hmmm” I nod

“wait oppa..is this the posion”she grab a bottle

“no.thats the recipe for the posion"


“uhm!!do you know during the 16 century, there is a french manufacturer who made what they called the love potion,this perfume manufacturer was a lonely woman who is desperate for the love of one man..in short, she used science to get what she wants hence the love potion so if theres a love potion its not imposible to have a anti love potion”

“so what are you making is a anti love posion?oppa are you by any chance doing this for some reason that you are not telling me?she lean on me smirking

“y-yah..i-ts just for fun..stop it”I stutterd

“im done”I hurriedly gather my things up and leave yana,that’s was close



Im currently at the laboratory performing my formula..the posion, I look at the clock its already 7pm..mixing some formula is so tiring..i cant get the exact things to do..the rabbit looks so helpless it’s the third time I made him drank the substance theres too much side effects..when suddenly I heard some one is coming I didn’t have the chance to finish it,I hurriedly hide at the corner of the laboratory..when I heard the door shut I hurriedly get the rabbit and my bag and dash out



“Is this the bottle” appa gave me the empty bottle

“according to our investigation this is the thing that they used at the contamination,do you know that we got a lot of finger prints from this tiny bottle?but it is not from lee jinki”

“what?then whom the finger prints belong?”I ask curious when the foods suddenly arrived

“look at it later..lets eat first” appa said giving me the chopstick

“once the food are settled at the table “appa..who might be the finger prints then?” iask curious

“the next person,see for your self”he said pointing at the paper im holding




how was it???

guys i need a small advice please *puppy dog eyes*

i kind of going to migrate in another country..i have a trouble telling it to my friends..

can someone tell me how to tell them the news in a good way..ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME :(

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So nice! Good job!
chicken_maniac_onew #2
i just read the foreword..
i fell in love with the plot!!!
amaze me even more!!!
New Reader here =)) You're a Filipino right?? =)))
mharyiela2727 #4
@VictoriaDm: thank you ^^
mharyiela2727 #5
@mercylinauer thank you ^_^ please do subscribe
mercylinauer #6
nice.. story good job..
mharyiela2727 #7
yeah!!! i did..its a filipino movie called "FIRST DAY HIGH" ^^
TokkiLoveOnew #8
Sorry to ask, did you get the idea from a movie? The plot is similar to a Filipino movie i watched before. just curious~~~
sicaxbored #9
sorry to say this but did you get the idea of the story from a movie ?