Basketball Water Contamination Accident~




someone tap my shoulder,i look at my left to see jinki oppa saying something but i cant understand,the cheering is to loud


 "let's just go at the bleacher and find some seats for us"he said to my ear so i can hear him loud and clear,

before i could answer a yes,he already grab my hand and drag me to unnie who already found a seat..

one hour past the game becoming so intense its already 50-51...then the our team scored 3 point its already 53-51then the other one score 53-53 oh god for an hour its been like that...its so intense everyone are sweating like a pig and the whole gym  is full of chanting,screaming and all..the wistle blew and they said they'll give a 2min. break for the player...

and yeah i need a break too..i need to pee...standing,oppa and unnie look at me mouthing where am i going..

"i need to pee"  "okey!be careful" they both said.. i just smile and nod in response

 i hop down the bleacher but before I would turn heading to the corridor something cought my eyes it’s a small empty bottle in the stair near the boys locker room I wentto grab it “someone might get injured if they step on to you” I put the bottle into the very corner of the stair and head to the corridor look for a nearby comfort room 


"huH!! its already 10 minutes and- oh! there it is"i enter the ladies room and head straight to the empty stall flashing the toilet and i went to the sink to wash my hand...

after im done..i head staight to the gym....immediat-

"OW!!!"i stumble back and fell at the floor first...i wince at the impact and scratch my ...

"YAH!! COME HEAR BRING BACK MY MASCOT..YAH! IF I CATCH YOU YOUR DEAD" "YAH!!!!" said the one who's chasing the person i bump into come he just ran away after bumping into me...he has no manners at all..i rub my and

just look at the guy who bump into me looking at me then disappearing at the corner of the corridor and to the man wearing a mascot but without head on it and the assistant manager too..

i stare at them chasing each other and disappearing from the corner...




JONGHYUN POV's the finals of the basketball game...i enter from the boys locker and head to the gym...

walking at the stair i found the mascot having a hard time to fix his costume..i look around no one is here..

hmm....maybe lets have some own fun game for today

i sneak at his side who's still busy fixing cloth..and grab the head of the mascot and ran upstair to be face by the shock assistant manager of the basketball game..before he notice what im holding...

i just ran for my lives with the head mascot in my hand sprinting over the crowded people who's standing near the door....and i slam open the door so i could escape

i run and run,and stop nearby some locker in the hallway and lean my back on it...panting...and inhaling some breathe looking at my right..i wipe my sweats and sigh in releif..

"huh! i lost them,it was fu-"

"YAH!" i look at my left again seeing the fumming assistant manager and the panting mascot..i laugh in my mind looking at the big costume wearing by the man without his headmascot he look kinda weird...and run again...

turning at the corner half way through the corridor i bump into someone and she yelp in pain ...

i just continue to run ignoring her,i look at my back and saw that they didnt stop chasing me and i look at the very back of them and saw a beautiful girl gritting her teeth...

 "well she's stunning" i muttered to myself turning into the corner knowing its the arts building i head straight into the visual room throwing the heads mascot before entering the they'l stop chasing me(incase you didnt know visual is where the painters room are)

i slumped back to the seat panting...


"dude!what happened now?what did you do this time?why does the mascot and the assistant manager of basketball team are chasing you?"

my best buddy ..key ask entering the room..looking at me disgusted

"hey!what's with the face?"i went near  him to do a friendly hug but he just push me away..

i just chuckle at him

he grab his bagpack and throw a tissue and a neatly folded shirt at me..

"go to the bathroom wipe your disgusting sweat and change to owe me one cloth to buy i'll mark it"

"alright!geez its just a shirt..i'll buy you another one when i have time"

"watever just change" he shoo me away

i just change into key's shirt come out from the bathroom fresh and clean..

folding my sweaty shirt neatly and shoving it to the trashcan..

"so why are you here?dont you want to watch the finals of the basketball team??"i ask him wondering

"nah!why watch it when you you already knew who will win?"

"then who you guess will win this match?"i ask him 

"ofcourse its our team...we always win in every games"

"yeah!right i just told him sarcastically

i stand up and head to the door

"hey!where are you going now?"i face him and said

"the game will take forever, so i'll just go to the rooftop thats the only peaceful place in here..i want to sleep im to tired from the running "

"okey! see you at the dismissal"i just nod at him..

and head to the rooftop




before going to the gym i head first to the hungry already so mind buying some snack..

heading to the cafeteria lookslike ,theres no one in here i hold the handle of the door at the same time someone pull it and made me stumble forward to the person..

"aish!why does my luck for today is slowly fading,"i muttered to myself...before looking at the person he suddenly bow down for apologize

well...atleast he do have manners..i tap his shoulder 

"no!its nothing"and he suddenly look up..

i widened my eyes...and push him lightly

"yah!i didnt know it's you"i just chuckle

'"yeah me too...haha..what's bring you here yana?"

"oh!the basketball game held some short break so i came here to buy some a bit uh! hungry hehe" i rub my stomach and laugh..

he just laugh along "so you oppa why are you here?"

"oh! about that i finish my stuff and the coach told me its already fine if i rest" hmmmi nod

"then where are you heading to?"

"no where" he just shrug

"okey then i need to buy food and be back at the gym so i think its bye for now oppa...."i look at him and wave

"annyeong!" oppa wave  while leaving the cafeteria

i buy 1 bread for me and 3 drinks and straight ahead to the gym while im near the door of the gym the speaker went in 

"the game will be postponed because something unwanted happened to the Sm High basketball team..sorry for the inconvinience"the speaker said

huh!why? what happened? i ask to my self and slowly the crowd are all leaving the gym...before the crowd would knock me out  because im in the center of the door where the bunch of audience now are heading out from the gym...someone pull me out and bring me to the corner when i look up its jinki oppa and haera unnie..still confused i ask them..

"haera unnie,jinki oppa...what happened when im gone?"i look at them not knowing what is happening

"our players suddenly one by one drop at the floor while playing"

"why?"i told him almost shock at what happened

"we dont know yet..thats why the principal end todays game and resume it once everyone is settled"i just sigh..but one thing made me snap

"oppa how about minho oppa is he safe?"i asked worried

he just look at me and smiled

"worried for me?"i turn around and see minho oppa

"minho oppa are you alright?"i look at him from head to toe..i think he already freshen up..and his already wearing a new shirt and pants

"im fine,dont worry" he ruffled my hair and laugh

"okey! enough lets go now its already late"haera unnie said

i look at my side and the sun is setting through the window

"okey! lets go"i told everyone and we head to our lockers,get our things and walk home

on the way home

haera unnie need to go home early so im just left with minho oppa and onew oppa

"minho oppa..what happened back there?"i ask him

"actually i dont know,after when they said well have 2 min. break we just reenergized our self..and drank water then the game start again"




 "oppa then how come your not with them" you asked him why does he's the only one who save at the unwanted event that happened

 “I don’t know” minho shrugged

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So nice! Good job!
chicken_maniac_onew #2
i just read the foreword..
i fell in love with the plot!!!
amaze me even more!!!
New Reader here =)) You're a Filipino right?? =)))
mharyiela2727 #4
@VictoriaDm: thank you ^^
mharyiela2727 #5
@mercylinauer thank you ^_^ please do subscribe
mercylinauer #6
nice.. story good job..
mharyiela2727 #7
yeah!!! i did..its a filipino movie called "FIRST DAY HIGH" ^^
TokkiLoveOnew #8
Sorry to ask, did you get the idea from a movie? The plot is similar to a Filipino movie i watched before. just curious~~~
sicaxbored #9
sorry to say this but did you get the idea of the story from a movie ?