Author's Note

Dream becomes Reality

Well, I have noticed the lack of views and the lack of comments on this fanfiction and to me, it only means lack of interest. And as the author of this fanfiction, I apologize if it is bad. I'm actually new to writing, as I have never done before coming here. In comparison to other authors, I'm not really that creative. English is not my first language so i had several errors regarding that but in the end, I just overlooked my flaws because I wanted to say something as well. Create my own realities. But I'm not really good at it and that has been shown through my work and I'm sorry.

I had a writer's block about my fanfictions that I had abandoned these past months and with the small interest shown to this fanfiction, I seriously thought about giving up on all of them and stop posting any fanfiction I might write because i didn't want for you guys to grow expectations that I failed to meet, such as some kept mentioning that the chapters were short or without emotion.

Earlier, I thought about doing that but then I was watching a video of Taeyeon and GD and some ideas for dates and everything just kept coming to me so I decided that I'm not going to abandon this fanfic. I will continue to write this but it will be more personal. This fanfic will be what I would want to see between the two of them and the scenarios I would like to think they would go through. If you like it, thank you. But if you don't, I apologize and promise to do better.

As for my other fanfictions, I will not abandon them as well. More than anything, I want to do it, to finish them for myself above it all. To not give up and finish what I started it all those months ago. I owe this to myself and to all of you who supported me from the beginning and enjoyed some of my work.

I apologize for not giving you an interesting and good enough story about our favorite leaders. It's my fault as the writer and i acknowledged it. I am sincerely sorry. I will continue to work harder to be a better writer and give you guys good stories. Thank you for your support. And thank you for your critics, they have helped me see my errors and i promise I will improve even more before I show you guys something new. You guys deserve the best stories and i promise I will work hard to one day be able to give you guys nothing less.

A sincere I'm sorry and thank you from your author, 

Kisses Kisses.

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pieceofwings #1
Chapter 18: Aaahhh what about the datess
tyeam0309 #2
Chapter 6: Please update the story.
chikafishy #3
Chapter 18: Where are you author-nim? Are you not gonna update this story anymore? We Gtae shipper need gtae fanfic so much, i miss their "coincidence" so much but i can't have it until Jiyong oppa back. Please update your story author-nim
armievita #4
Chapter 6: this is the good story, I do not really like the unreasonable story of having just fallen in love for the first time they met and kind of that. But your story makes sense and does not rush, so I really like your story
Balaofcaramel #5
Chapter 18: Thats so cute i love Gtae update please
Pudding_17 #6
Chapter 18: Update the story please
iiiiiti #7
Chapter 18: still waiting
Chapter 18: And the date was postponed for 5 months
BoyMysterious #9
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, you stories
S3xy14nj140 #10
Chapter 18: Cant wait for your next update!!!!!!