Chapter 4

Dream becomes Reality

Chapter 4

Taeyeon woke up with a few sunrays on her face as she groaned for being woken up. She wasn’t that much of a morning person, though with her schedules, sometimes sleep was a luxury they didn’t have.

She groaned and stretched clumsily before she her side to look at the clock she had by her bedside table and it showed 10:00AM, she didn’t have anything in her schedule in the morning but even so she decided to get up and face this new day.
So she went and did her morning routine.

First, she went to wash her face and brush her teeth, as she also brushed her hair to tame it down a little. It took some time but she was finally finished and went out of her room, and as she walked she heard the sound of laughter coming from the living room so she made her way there only to find her two roommates looking at something on their phones.

“Good morning.” Taeyeon said greeting the two who turned to her. “Good morning.” They both said as Taeyeon came to sit on the couch with them. “Tiffany was telling me about the party last night. How was it?” Sunny asked.

“It was a good party but I don’t think that it’s my style of party. I don’t think I fit in very well.” Taeyeon said. “Why?” Tiffany asked. “I don’t know. Besides you and Jessi, the other people barely said a word to me, some didn’t even acknowledge I’m there.” Taeyeon said.

“That’s because you’re new and they need some time getting to know you before letting you in. It was the same with me and Bora as well.” Tiffany defended. “Yeah, well. I’m not even sure I want in so let bygones be bygones.” Taeyeon said shrugging as the other two chuckled.

“By the way, I was going to ask you last night but we were both so tired that I decided to only bring it up this morning. Where the hell were you? You said you would go to the bathroom, only coming back half an hour later and smiling. What happened?” Tiffany asked.

“When I was coming back from the bathroom, I saw this balcony and I just couldn’t resist and went out to check the view and it was so beautiful that I ended up losing track of time, Jiyong-ssi was the one who told me you were looking for me.” Taeyeon answered and the two were shocked.

“Jiyong oppa was with you?” Tiffany asked and Taeyeon nodded. “And what were you two doing alone on a balcony, Kim Taeyeon?” Tiffany asked. “We were talking.” Taeyeon said innocently. “But you two never really talked before. It was always usually the polite greeting, nothing more, what did you talk about for so long?” Tiffany asked.

“Yah, Taengo-yah. Were you really just talking? Or were you two doing something else?” Sunny said with a smirk. “We just talked your byuntae. Just talking, nothing more.”

“Talking about what exactly?” Tiffany asked. “Well, I had noticed him arguing with his girlfriend so when he came to the balcony, I quickly guessed the fight did not end well for him so I offered him some advices as he listened to them. That’s all.” Taeyeon said.

“Does he have a girlfriend?” Sunny asked and the other two just nodded. “It’s that girl, the Japanese model, Mizuhara Kiko.” Taeyeon answered. “The one with the scandals envolving him?” Sunny asked and again both friends nodded their heads.

“Apparently, they had a fight and I told him to give her some time and space to cool down, that today she would probably regret her actions towards him and would probably apologize and then everything would be fine with them again. Then, I left him there and we left the club.” Taeyeon said.

“But Taeyeon-ah, don’t you remember than you had the biggest crush on him, ever since we started until today?” Sunny said and Taeyeon smiled. “Besides the amount of rumors between you two, thanks to the fans are even more than oppa and Kiko’s.” Tiffany said.

“Yah, there is anything going on between the two of us, and you know that. Those rumors were not true, some fans just wish we were together but we are not or are you forgetting that just yesterday he was with his girlfriend?” Taeyeon said trying to defend herself.

“And I had a crush on him, I don’t have it anymore. I just think he is a great artist and I like his songs, just that.” Taeyeon said and just as they were about to continue the conversation, Taeyeon checked her phone and saw that she received a message.

“Who is texting you already?” Tiffany asked as Taeyeon grabbed her phone. “I don’t know, let me check it.” Taeyeon said as she checked the nymber of the sender. “I don’t know this number.” She said. “Look at it, someone may have changed their number and are sending you their new one or something.” Sunny said and Taeyeon did just that but she was not ready to see who it was on the screen. “Who is it?” The other two asked at Taeyeon’s shocked face.

“It’s Jiyong-ssi.” Taeyeon said. “Jiyong oppa texted you?” Tiffany asked shocked as Taeyeon looked up to see their shocked faces who were matching her own. “Yeah.” Taeyeon answered still recovering from the shock. “How did he get your number? Did you give it to him last night?” Sunny asked and Taeyeon shook her head.

“No, I didn’t. Ppani, did you give it to him?” Taeyeon asked and the American shook her head. “No, why would I?” Tiffany said and they were all confused. “Well, read his text to see what he wants with you.” Sunny said and Taeyeon nodded before she started reading.

From: Unknown number

Annyeonghaseyo, Taeyeon-ssi. G-Dragon inmida. You must be shocked that it’s me, right? Well, I got your phone from Jessi because I really liked our talk yesterday and I wanted to thank you for listening to me and for the advices you gave me. And I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind to keep in touch, after all I might need your advice again. You can say no and I will understand but I would like to see if we could be friends. Maybe. I will be waiting for your answer. Have a nice day, Jiyong.

Taeyeon read it out loud and after she was finished all three of them were quiet, just wondering about what they just heard before Tiffany broke the silence. “Woah.” She said. “When did he send you this text?” Sunny asked.

“20 minutes ago.” Taeyeon answered after finally recovering from the shock of this text message. “Well, if she sent the text 20 minutes ago, that means he has his phone with him right now so are you going to send him a message with your answer now or are you going to wait?” Sunny asked.

“What is your answer, anyway?” Tiffany asked and Taeyeon was left to think. She had no idea what she should do with this. Sunny was right, she still did have a crush on him and now he was asking her to be his friends and she is confused on what she should do but after a few seconds, she reached a decision so she grabbed her phone and started typing her decision.

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pieceofwings #1
Chapter 18: Aaahhh what about the datess
tyeam0309 #2
Chapter 6: Please update the story.
chikafishy #3
Chapter 18: Where are you author-nim? Are you not gonna update this story anymore? We Gtae shipper need gtae fanfic so much, i miss their "coincidence" so much but i can't have it until Jiyong oppa back. Please update your story author-nim
armievita #4
Chapter 6: this is the good story, I do not really like the unreasonable story of having just fallen in love for the first time they met and kind of that. But your story makes sense and does not rush, so I really like your story
Balaofcaramel #5
Chapter 18: Thats so cute i love Gtae update please
Pudding_17 #6
Chapter 18: Update the story please
iiiiiti #7
Chapter 18: still waiting
Chapter 18: And the date was postponed for 5 months
BoyMysterious #9
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, you stories
S3xy14nj140 #10
Chapter 18: Cant wait for your next update!!!!!!