Chapter 10

Dream becomes Reality

Chapter 10

Jiyong was trying over and over again to call Taeyeon but she was not picking up. He was leaving message after message but still, nothing. He needed to see her. The kiss changed everything for him, he hadn’t noticed that over the course of the time they have gotten to know each other, he had developed romantic feelings for her.

And the kiss with Kiko was all that he needed to be sure that he wanted to be with Taeyeon and if she kissed him, she wanted that as well so that gave him hope. However, the things Kiko said to her on the phone, he has no idea what her reaction will be but he needed to talk to her and for that he needed to know where she was so he decided to call Tiffany but he didn’t have her number so he called Jessi again to ask her for Tiffany’s number.

Jessi had no idea, no clue at all about what he wanted with the SNSD’s members so much but he promised that it was nothing bad, that he just needed to know an information that Tiffany could provide him with so she gave the number to him anyway and he didn’t wait a minute before calling the girl. It rang a few times before Tiffany picked it up.


‘Tiffany, it’s Jiyong oppa.’

‘Oh, oppa. Hi.’

‘Hi. Can you do me a big favor, Tiffany?’

‘Of course oppa. What is it?’

‘Can you tell me where can I find Taeyeon?’

‘Don’t you have her number, oppa?’

‘Yes, but I can’t contact her.’

‘Oh, she is at the dorm.’


‘Yeah, do you want the address?’


‘I will text you.’

‘Thanks so much, Tiffany. I owe you. Big time.’

‘No problem, oppa. Bye.’

He hung up and waited for the text and after a few seconds, he received. He put the address on the GPS and started his car and drove towards the place as fast and safely as he could. He hoped she would receive him so that he could explain everything to her. Explain that her feelings are not one sided as he might believe. That he likes her that way too.

He kept thinking of what he would say to her and was even preparing a speech. He was scared of what she would say and how she would react to his confession. It took him about half an hour before he arrived at the building. He quickly got out of the car because just as he was leaving his car, someone was getting out and the door was open.

He ran and managed to slip inside before the door closed. He quickly went to the elevator and pressed the floor and waited. The elevator stopped a few times but he quickly arrived at her floor. Once he got to the apartment, he rang the bell and waited. He was so nervous as he wasn’t before with any girl, not eve with Kiko.

He rang the bell a second time since she was taking too long but after he did so, he heard footsteps coming closer and closer and he prepared himself to see her, remembering the speech he prepared on the car. But as the door opened and he looked at her tear stained face, every word left his mind.

She was quite shocked and quickly worked to wipe away the tear but her face was puffy and her eyes were red. She was wearing an oversized sweater and shorts that ended mid-thigh. By the look on her face it was obvious she had been crying and it broke Jiyong’s heart to see her like this, especially because he suspected that the phone call with Kiko had something to do with it.

“Taeyeon.” He said and she looked at him with her beautiful brown eyes and it took his breath away. “Oppa. What are you doing here?” She asked, her voice shaky and hoarse from all the crying. “I came to see you. I needed to see you.” He said and she shook her head. “You shouldn’t have come here oppa. What about your gir…?” She was saying but she was cut by a pair of lips pressing against hers and two hands softly holding her face.

She was surprised but it didn’t take her long before she was responding to the kiss and she circled her arms around his waist as they continued to kiss slowly. Taeyeon had thought about this moment many times since she realized that she had feelings for Jiyong. But when she had talked with Kiko, all those thoughts vanished. She believed that she had no chance with him at all and that she would have to accept it but here he is, kissing her. What does that mean?

 Jiyong titled his head and deepened the kiss as Taeyeon did the same. The moment his lips touched hers, he knew that he made the right decision to follow her. He never felt so many feelings, good feeling the way he is doing now.

His heartbeat is beating so fast and her lips felt so good, so oft and fit his perfectly. He just knew that he would never tire of kissing her if he had the chance. In fact, he didn’t want to stop kissing her and neither did Taeyeon so they stood there in front of her dorm, just kissing. Forgetting about everything and everyone else. Just focusing on each other.

Because of the air, Jiyong pulled back slowly before pecking her lips a few times before staring into her confused eyes. “Can I come in so we can talk?” He said and she nodded without even saying anything and he chuckled before he pecked her lips one more time and passed by her, entering the house as she closed the door behind him.

“I needed to explain to you about Kiko and what happened today.” He said as they came to the living room and he turned to her. “Explain what? There is no need to explain anything to me.” She said as she really believed that and Jiyong shook his head. “Of course, there is. I need to explain why she answered my phone.” He said and she titled her head in confusion.

“Because she is your girlfriend and came here to see you and enjoy your time together, I know.”  Taeyeon said and he shook his head. “She came to see me and to enjoy some time together but I refused.” He said and Taeyeon was really confused.

“Why would you do that?” Taeyeon asked as he came closer to her. “Because of you.”  He said and she gulped. “What do you mean because of me?”  She asked. “Because I’m falling in love with you, Taeyeon.” He said and Taeyeon had her eyes and open wide.

“W-What?” She asked and he chuckled a little. “Ever since we met, you have changed me. You have made me happier, you made me laugh more. You listened to my problems and helped me with them. Even my members noticed that you made me feel better than I have for years. Ever since I met Kiko, I have been sad and angry and changed but with you, I’m better.” He said as he closed the distance between them and held her face again, making impossible for her to turn away.

“These past few days, all I could think about was you. How much I miss you, I miss hearing your voice, your laugh. Hearing your jokes. Without you, I felt lost. And I couldn’t get that kiss out of my mind. I couldn’t concentrate on anything no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t forget your kiss. And I need to know what you meant with that kiss, Taeyeon-ah. So please tell me, do you have feelings for me?” He asked and they locked eyes and he waited as she swallowed before nodding. He smiled.

“But you have a girlfriend oppa.” She managed to say it but he shook his head. “I don’t. I broke up with Kiko before I came here. I’m single and I’m falling in love with you if I haven’t fell already so it’s up to you. If you want me, you can have me. So what do you say, Taeyeon-ah? Do you want to be my girlfriend?” He asked as she looked at him in utter surprise. This was not what she thought she would hear but exactly what she wanted to hear.

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pieceofwings #1
Chapter 18: Aaahhh what about the datess
tyeam0309 #2
Chapter 6: Please update the story.
chikafishy #3
Chapter 18: Where are you author-nim? Are you not gonna update this story anymore? We Gtae shipper need gtae fanfic so much, i miss their "coincidence" so much but i can't have it until Jiyong oppa back. Please update your story author-nim
armievita #4
Chapter 6: this is the good story, I do not really like the unreasonable story of having just fallen in love for the first time they met and kind of that. But your story makes sense and does not rush, so I really like your story
Balaofcaramel #5
Chapter 18: Thats so cute i love Gtae update please
Pudding_17 #6
Chapter 18: Update the story please
iiiiiti #7
Chapter 18: still waiting
Chapter 18: And the date was postponed for 5 months
BoyMysterious #9
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, you stories
S3xy14nj140 #10
Chapter 18: Cant wait for your next update!!!!!!