Chapter Eight

Meant 2 Be | Woozi


The next day.

Kat watched silently as everyone made their own conversations amongst each other. Picking at her breakfast food, she let out a silent breath. On her plate, were pancakes with some maple syrup, normally her favourite type of breakfast food, but today not feeling the appetite. Whilst no one was focusing on her or looking her way, she got up from her seat and headed out of the cafeteria. 

Already dressed and ready for the day, she doesn't bother to head back to the hotel room before exiting the hotel, smiling to the staff politely as she leaves.


"What did you do to Kat?" The three girls glare, as Jihoon stand trapped in the corner they blocked him in. "Tell us!"

Jihoon lets out a sigh, sending them an unamused look.

"I didn't do anything to her" Minji sends him a glare, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well obviously you did since yesterday she was fine, but right after talking to you at breakfast she starts to ignore everyone" Jihoon rolls his eyes, sending the three girls matching looks.

"More like what she did to me" He mumbles, trying to walk past them. Having enough of the current situation. Blocking his path with her arm, Kirsten turns to him.

"What do you mean?" Jihoon lets out another sigh.

"Does it really matter?" He asks, not looking at them, his gaze on where he wanted to walk.

"Yes, we need to know why she isn't talking to anyone" Jihoon lets out another sigh, turning to the three younger girls.

"Fine," He starts, crossing his arms over his chest. "First she's all, I always wanted us to be together and as soon as Jimin shows up and drags her away, she instantly does a 360 and doesn't want us to be together" So-Eun raises an eyebrow, looking from him to the girls and back again.

"What do you mean Jimin showed up and dragged her away?"

"Jimin doesn't want us together, he threatened me if he ever saw me with her again he'd ruin my career" The three girls gasp, exchanging looks before looking back at Jihoon.


"And, so then I went to find her and that's when she did the 360 flip, saying how she'd rather us not be together if that means I can stay with Seventeen and how it would make me miserable being with her and stuff"

So-Eun nods, letting out a sigh, she walks in front of Jihoon pointing a finger in his face.

"We're going to talk to Jimin, but don't you go anywhere! We'll be back to question you more later" Jihoon shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

"Sure you will" He says with a sarcastic tone, moving Kirsten's arm out of his way and stalks off.

The girls then exchange glances. Running a hand through her hair, Minji sends the girls knowing looks.

"If Jimin's involved something must of happened" The girls nod in agreement, rushing away to find their next target.


Jihoon grumbled to himself, as he made his way back to the hotel room,  unlocking the door he opens it to find Soonyoung being the only on in there.

"Hey dude" Soonyoung calls, noticing the door open and a grumping Jihoon appear. "What's got you waking up on the wrong side of the bed?" Soonyoung asks, instantly noticing his friend's foul mood. Sending him a confused look, Soonyoung rolls his eyes. "What's got you in a bad mood" Soonyoung clarifies, standing up and sitting next to Jihoon on his bed.

"Nothing" Jihoon replies bluntly, making Soonyoung chuckle.

"Oh, Jihoon you know it's easy to see through your lies right?" Soonyoung asks rhetorically, not excepting an answer, but Jihoon gives one anyways.

"Well it must be difficult then if it isn't a lie"

"Jihoon, buddy, my friend, my brother," Soonyoung starts, making Jihoon look at him with an amused look. "Anyways, I know something's wrong so fess up"

"Nothing's wrong so no need to fess up to anything"

"Lies" Soonyoung sings out, nudging Jihoon with his elbow, Soonyoung starts to make guesses. "Is it something to do with song writing? Music writing?" He starts, listing random yet obvious reasons why Jihoon could be so annoyed and upset. "Or is it Kat?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Knowing fully well this was probably the reason for most feelings Jihoon was currently feeling.

"No" He replied bluntly again.

"So it is"

"No it's not"

"But it is though" Jihoon lets out a frustrated sigh, sending his best friend a look. Soonyoung smirked, knowing he would soon crack. "Come on, tell me the truth" Letting out another frustrated sigh, Jihoon groans.

"Okay! Okay! Fine, it is!" Soonyoung chuckles to himself, giving himself a mental pat on the back.

"So, tell me what happened?"

"The only thing you need to know is we're aren't going to get back together" Jihoon shrugs, trying to show off a cool-laid back persona. "I don't care anymore, we're aren't going to get back together anymore"

Soonyoung sighs, looking at his friend in disbelief.


"Yeah Soonyoung, so move on and stop trying to tease me about it" Soonyoung shook his head in more disbelief.

"You're not even going to fight for her?" Jihoon sends his friend a look, not smiling yet not frowning.

"If she doesn't want to, why should I?"

"No, that's not true, she loves you"

"No she doesn't Soonyoung, get over it already" Going down to lie on his bed, Jihoon lets out a sigh. "We're never going to get back together again, just move on"

"No that's not true, you will"

"Soonyoung seriously, everything is happening for a reason, isn't it obvious now maybe we just weren't meant to be"

"You can't seriously believe that?" Soonyoung scoffs, shaking his head at his friend. "Telling each other you'd wait for one another, yeah because that sure isn't meant to be"

"Just shut up about it Soonyoung" Soonyoung scoffs again, getting up of Jihoon's bed and starts to walk to the door.

"Wow Jihoon, you seriously don't know how to fight for something especially when it's so close to be taken away from you"

"She was already taken away from me the moment the company didn't want us together" Soonyoung rolls his eyes, his hand placed on the door handle.

"You don't even get what I'm on about," Soonyoung lets out a sigh, looking down at his hand, before looking back at his lead down friend. "We all know Hoseok has feelings for her, he may have not realised to yet, but he will soon and once he does, he'll surely make a move"

"Then they can be happy together" Jihoon replies with no emotion in his voice, causing Soonyoung to scoff a laugh.

"Wow Jihoon, you're seriously a great person" His voice full of sarcasm, Soonyoung lets out a sigh and shakes his head. "You know what, there's no point in trying to explain it to you, but when he does figure it out and he does confess, and when she says yes, I hope you're happy with your decision, because you will lose her at that moment and there won't be anything you can do to get her back" Jihoon hums in response, burring his head further into his pillow.

"Whatever Soonyoung, just leave me alone"


"Where's Jimin?" The three girls stand in a triangle, as So-Eun stands in front, with her hands on the table. Five boys out of the usual seven, jumping in surprise, also causing Kookie and Tae to scream and jump to each other. Recovering from the shock, Jin looks at them confused.

"Why? What's up?"

"Something's up with Kat, and we think Jimin has something to do with it" Raising an eyebrow, Hoseok looks at them with a questioning look.

"What do you mean, something's up with Kat?"

"Ever since yesterday she won't talk to any of us and we think Jimin has something to do with it" Namjoon raises an eyebrow himself, leaning forward.

"Please elaborate"

"That isn't the point right now, where's Jimin?" The five boys look between each other, Tae and Kookie finally realising each other. Looking back at the girls, they shrug.

"Haven't seen him all day" Hoseok sighs, before looking up to the girls. 

"If he's annoyed he may be in the gym" The girls exchange glances, before nodding to the boys.

"Thanks, tell us if you see him"

Leaving the boys alone, the girls head out of the swimming pool section of the hotel and head to the gym, and just like Hoseok said, Jimin was there, shirt off, working on the weights.

"Jimin!" So-Eun called out, the two other girls trailing behind her, as Jimin stopped what he was doing to look up.


"What happened yesterday?" So-Eun asked getting straight to the point. "You dragged Kat away from Jihoon, why? What happened?"  Jimin sent her a confused look, but she knew how fake it was.

"Huh? I don't know what you're on about" So-Eun sends him a look, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You really think I'll fall for that? Now fess up" Jimin shrugs, going back to lifting the weights.

"I don't know what you're on about"

"Jimin seriously, if you're the reason why Kat won't talk to us then you better fess up about what happened yesterday"

"I didn't do anything yesterday"

"That's not what Jihoon said" Kirsten pipes up, sending him a look. "He told us the whole story"

Jimin rolls his eyes, putting the weights back down on the floor. Standing up straight and crossing his arms over his chest.

"And you're really going to believe what he has to say?"

"Like we're going to believe what you have to say either" So-Eun sends him a look "Now seriously Jimin, fess up" Jimin sighs, rolling his eyes again.

"Fine, they shouldn't be together" Jimin admits, raising an eyebrow. "And your problem?" 

"Just because you don't want them together doesn't mean you can stop them from being together" Jimin scoffs at this, giving So-Eun a look.

"You forget that I'm her brother"

"That doesn't mean , she's her own person and she can date who she wants"

"Not when it's someone bad for her"

"He isn't bad for her!"

"Yes he is, do you know how many times she'd cried over him?" He asks, not waiting for an answer. "Too many"

"But do you know how many times he's made her smile? How much they love each other?"

"None of it matters, they can find someone else to love, because they are not being together"

"Do you really not care about her happiness?"

"She can find something else to be happy about" Jimin shrugs, looking at them "Anyways she's already made her decision about it all"

So-Eun scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Only because you had something to do with it"

"I had nothing to do with it" Jimin gasps, placing a hand on his chest.

"Why do I find that hard to believe?"

"Believe what you want, they're not being together whether you like it or not" Jimin states, placing the weights back in their holders before walking off and out of the gym.

"Why is he acting like this?" So-Eun huffs crossing her arms over her chest, turning to the girls. "Come on, let's go find Kat"


"Kat?" So-Eun calls, entering the shared room. "Kat?"

The room was empty, with the four beds perfectly made. The girls exchanged glances before all calling out.

"Kat?" Checking the bathroom, Kirsten sticks her head out from the door.

"She's not in here"

Pulling out her phone, So-Eun dials Kat's number only for them to hear a vibrating noise from the desk next to Kat's bed.

The girls exchange a look again, before rushing out the door.

"Where could she be? She wouldn't just leave her phone"

"I don't know"

Making their way through the hotel, they run towards some of the Seventeen boys.

"Have you guys seen Kat?" Minghao is the one to reply.

"No, why what's wrong?"

"She isn't in our room"

"You tried calling her?" Mingyu asks stupidly.

""Oh no I haven't, good thinking" So-Eun replies sarcastically, before hitting him a couple of times. "Of course I have you idiot!"

"Okay Okay, I was only asking"

"She left her phone in our room, so even if we did try and call her it wouldn't get to her"

"Let's split up and look for her" Minghao suggests, causing the girls to nod in agreement.

"Minghao, Jun and Dino you look in the hotel, Seungcheol and Kirsten you go check the town, Wonwoo, Mingyu and Minji you check the east side of the beach, I'll go find BTS and check the west side" So-Eun leads, telling everyone what to do.

"Wait," Seungcheol starts "Shouldn't we tell Jihoon?" He asks making everyone look at him.

"I'll go tell him, you guys start looking" Minghao says, making his way to exit the group.



Minghao knocked on the door of the bedroom, with no reply, Minghao sighs and enters the room anyways.

"Jihoon?" Jihoon was there, asleep on his bed. Minghao let out a huff, stomping over to his bed and pulls his covers off the bed. "JIHOON!" Minghao yells, making Jihoon open his eyes and send Minghao an annoyed look.


"Well if you wanted to know the girls can't find Kat"

"And?" Jihoon sends a look to Minghao, still half asleep.

"And?" Minghao looks at him confused as Jihoon sighs, rolling back over. "Jihoon! Get up!"



"It's nothing to do with me, leave me alone" Minghao gasps, sending a glare to Jihoon.

"What's up with you?! Kat is basically missing and you're sitting here acting like it's nothing" Jihoon sighs, not bothering to turn over to face him.

"Kat wonders off all the time, she probably wondered off when no one was looking and is at the beach or something"

"Oh My God" Minghao laughs. "You seriously don't give a "

"Leave me alone Minghao"

"You don't even care about the person you apparently love so much" Jihoon turns suddenly, sending a glare to him.

"Love isn't a thing Minghao, and what Kat and I had definitely wasn't it"  Minghao sends a glare back.

"Obviously, if you act like this!"

"Minghao, just seriously leave me alone"

"No! What do I have to do to make you go out and look for her?!"

"Nothing Minghao"

"Then go out and look for her!" Minghao yells, motioning to the door.

"Minghao! Seriously just leave me alone!" Jihoon yells back, now sitting up straight. Minghao lets out a sigh, shaking his head to the floor.

"I thought you two would really last, but apparently not" Minghao shrugs, "I heard the others talking about how Kat and Hoseok are apparently close, apparently he likes her too, but doesn't know it yet"  Minghao uses one eye to look up to see if he got a reaction, obviously he did. "After today, if he's the one to find her which he probably will be, I guess you won't have to fight anymore and he can date her without worry" Minghao shrugs again, looking up fully this time. "But oh well, if you're so content on how you two aren't meant to be then so be it" 

Minghao starts to walk to the door, turning back slightly once his hand on the doorknob.

"I'll tell her you didn't even bother to look" Opening the door, he hears movement from behind him and Jihoon place a hand on his shoulder.

"I think I know where she is" Minghao smirks to himself, before turning back around and hiding his smirk.


"I'll have to go alone"


So-Eun had found the boys soon quickly after parting with the Ghost and Seventeen members.

"Have you seen Kat?" So-Eun pants, looking between the same five boys as earlier.

"No why?"

"We can't find her and she's left her phone in our room" Their heads snap up suddenly.

"What?!" Jin gasps, "When was the last time you saw her?!"

"This morning at breakfast"

"You didn't seem to speaker after then?" Jin gasps again, his 'Eomma-ness' coming through.

"She's been ignoring everyone remember, we tried to see what happened yesterday to try and figure out why she wouldn't talk" So-Eun exclaims, making Jin nod.

"Guys?" Kookie speaks, but doesn't get any response.

"We need to find her then!" Jin states, making So-Eun send him a look.

"Obviously idiot!"

"Guys?"  Kookie calls, but still gets ignored.

"Oh, I'm trying to help here!" Jin sasses making So-Eun roll her eyes.

"Guys?!"  Kookie yells finally getting their attention.

"What Kookie?!"

"Hoseok Hyung said he knew where she was" He says, making both of their mouths drop.

"Where?!" Kookie shrugs at this, pointing to the pool exit.

"He ran off when you two were talking"


Hoseok panted as soon as he reached the cave. Leaning forward, he takes a deep breath or two before straightening back up and entering the cave. He let out a sigh of relief once he saw Kat, curled up in a ball up against one of the large walls in deep sleep.

"Kat?" He calls quietly, not to frighten her walking up to her slowly. She moans slightly, waking up and rubbing her eyes.

"Hobi?" She asks, looking up confused. "What's going on?"

Sitting next down next to her, he sends her a look of concern.

"Are you okay? Everyone was worried, you left your phone back at the hotel"

Kat sends him another confused look, moving slightly.

"What? What time is it?"

"It's almost 7pm" Kat gasps.

"I've been here all day?"

"Yeah" Kat goes to get up quickly, but Hobi stops her by grabbing her hand and pulls her back down next to her.

"We need to talk first"

"What about?" Kat asks, looking up at him innocently.

"Why have you been ignoring everyone?" Kat looks away from him suddenly, pulling her knees up to her chest.

"I haven't been ignoring anyone" Hobi sighs, sending her a look.

"You know I know that isn't true" Kat sighs again, leaning onto his shoulder slightly. Hobi moves his arm so it was around her instead of her leaning on it. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Everything happened"

"Enlighten me a bit more?" Kat sighs, not moving to look up at him.

"Jimin doesn't want me and Jihoon together, it's official now" Kat sighs, "We're never going to get back together anymore"

Hobi sighs, looking down to the upset girl.

"It doesn't matter anymore anyways, how can I date someone who my brother doesn't like?" Hobi starts to feel the tears that run out of Kat's eyes and onto her shirt.

"Shh, it's okay" Running his hand over her head softly, Hobi tries his best to calm her down.

He had never experienced this pain before, his heart never felt this heavy. Sure, he would be sad if any of the boys upset, but right now at this moment he felt like his whole world was crumbling around him. All he wanted her to do was smile, and he wanted to be the reason for it. He wanted to be her knight in shining armour, her saviour, her hope.

The first thing she thought of when she woke up in the morning to the last thing at night before she goes to sleep. He wanted to be her everything. He wanted to be the one person she loved for the rest of her life, because there was only one emotion he was feeling that was fuelling this...

He was in love.


"Where could she be?" Kirsten mutters to herself, walking side by side to Seungcheol through the town that was located by the hotel.

"I'm sure she's somewhere, the others probably already found her and haven't told us yet"

"I hope so" Kirsten sighs out, running a hand through her hair as she stops walking for a moment.

"Can I ask you a question?" Seungcheol asks, stopping close to her.

"You already did" Kirsten giggles to herself making Seungcheol shake his head as he laughs.

"Then can I ask another one?" Nodding in reply, Seungcheol continues. "If you didn't like me like that then why did you say you did?" Kirsten sighs, looking down at the floor.

"I don't know"

"I'm not mad, I just want to know why"

"Seriously, I don't know, I mean if this was five months ago I'd be over the moon knowing this, but now," Kirsten stops for a moment to take a breath. "I don't know"

"Well you liked me when we officially met" Seungcheol smirks cockily, sending her a wink.

"Was I that obvious?" Kirsten laughs, her cheeks turning a slight pink.

"Yeah, but don't worry I thought it was cute"

"Thanks" Kirsten blushes again, smiling slightly.

"You know," He starts nudging her slightly with his elbow, by this time they had started walking around again. "If you're unsure we could take this slow, see where it takes us"


Kat soon calmed down, now lying slightly with Hobi.

"I'm sorry" She whispers, not bothering to move since neither did Hobi.

"You have nothing to be sorry about" He whispers back, continuing to run a hand lightly through her hair.

"I'm sorry for crying over you, I got your shirt wet"

"its fine," Hobi chuckles slightly. "As long as you're feeling better now" Kat sighs, smiling slightly.

"I am, thank you"

Hobi thought for a moment, a smiling lightly coming over his facial features.

"How about we go to the funfair tomorrow, get your mind off things?" Kat moved her head slightly, so she could look up at him.

"I'd like that" Moving her head back down, Hobi smiles to himself, biting on the inside of his cheek to try and stop the smile.

"Okay, make sure you're ready by eleven"


Jihoon sighed from outside the cave. A frown covering his features as he listens to the girl he loved and the boy who had a crush on her talk. Shaking his head, he runs a hand through his hair, feeling like all his emotions had come at once. Hearing a noise from inside the cave, he hides quickly.

"Okay" Kat moves again, sitting up straight. "Should we get back now? Didn't you say they were worried?" Hobi lets out a sigh, but quickly covers it up with a nod.

"Yeah, we should" Standing up, Hobi grabs onto her hand, smiling at her slightly. "You okay?" Kat smiles and nods in reply, waving their linked hands.

"I'm fine"

"Come on" Hobi laughs, running suddenly and pulling her along out the cave and down the beach.

"Hobi!" Kat cries after him, trying to keep on her feet. "Slow down!"

"Never!" Hobi laughs back, tugging on her hand to try and speed her up. Laughing with him, Kat speeds up best she can, so they were running together down the beach back to the hotel.

In that moment, nothing mattered, because all they could see was each other and the hotel looming in the distance.

Back at the cave, Jihoon sits on a rock, watching the two as they run down the beach. Sniffing slightly as a single tears runs down his cheek.

'Maybe we just weren't meant to be'


I decided to post this early, to celebrate Seventeen's new album! It's amazing, and it's already made me cry. I currently have the MV on repeat!

What do you want to happen next chapter?

1. Hoshi and So-Eun based chapter?

2. Minji and Wonwoo (with a bit of Mingyu) based chapter?


3. Kat and Hobi at the funfair.

Please comment, vote and follow for more! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love always,


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pinkypn #1
Chapter 17: omg, they finally got back togother and now they have to separate for 2 years
ninjahwang12 #2
Alya022 #3
Chapter 2: Waaahhh more update pleaseee!!
pinkypn #4
Chapter 1: I wonder what happen that the girls are no longer close. Before they were still close even when they had other things going on
Chapter 1: still love it~ good hardwork :) eventhough it's woozi and kat's stroy , soeun hoshi 'sstory is still add keke thank you~