Chapter Six

Meant 2 Be | Woozi


The bright sunlight shone through the open hotel window, caused her to moan and wake up. Rubbing her eyes, they adjusted to the light shining in the room. Letting out a sigh, see noticed the body of a man in front of her. Sitting up suddenly, she let out a quiet gasp, and looked over to see Seungcheol, lying with his back facing her in deep sleep.

"" She whispers to herself, face palming. Getting up as quietly as she can, she gets dressed as quick as possible and picks up her shoes. Looking back over to Seungcheol one finally time, she lets out a sigh.

"I'm sorry"

Rubbing her head, trying to rid herself of the headache that was forming in her head. Kirsten made her way back to her hotel room, down the hall. Opening the door quietly as possible, hoping the girls would still be sleep, she enters to find the room empty.

Letting out a sigh of relief, her relief soon vanishes when she hears a voice from the bathroom.

"And where did you stay last night?"

Kat stands at the bathroom door, putting on some lipstick, her makeup almost done.

"Nowhere?" Kirsten asks more than states, making Kat give her a disbelieving look.

"Oh really? With the clothes you had on from yesterday?" Kirsten lets out a sigh, running her hand through her hair, as she drops her shoes next to her bed. Kat giggled, putting her lipstick away. "By the looks of it, you got yourself laid"

Kirsten lets out a sigh, rolling her eyes before falling onto her bed.

"Shut up Kat"

"So, who was it?" Coming out of the bathroom, Kat makes her way over to her bed and starts to put on her shoes. "Oh, come on, aren't you going to tell me or do I have to guess?"

"Seriously Kat, shut up"

"Was it Seungcheol? I've noticed you've been really close to him recently"

"Kat!" Kirsten shoots up, giving her a glare to try and shut her up.

"So it was!" Kat giggles, grabbing her phone that had a large crack in the screen. Raising an eyebrow, Kirsten points to it.

"What happened to your phone?" Kat takes a sudden breath before shrugging.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, anyways, you and Seungcheol huh?" Kat smiles, as she tries to change the subject.

"Kat seriously, what happened?" Ignoring her question, Kat pesters on about Kirsten and Seungcheol.

"I always knew you two would become a thing" Letting out a sigh, Kirsten speaks.

"We aren't a thing, it was a one-time thing that happened when we were drunk" Kat lets out a giggle, shaking her head slightly.

"You say that now, but once it happens again, it'll make you think"

"Kat?" Kirsten starts, making Kat look over to her. "What happened with your phone?"

Kat fakes a smile, shrugging again slightly.

"It's nothing seriously, I just dropped it by accident" Kat lies, raising an eyebrow, but dropping the subject anyways. Kirsten lets out a sigh, and stands up.

"Wait for me to get ready and we can go down for breakfast"



The two girls made their way down to the cafeteria as soon as Kirsten got ready. Most of the group were already down there, all sitting at one large table. A choir of morning were heard as soon as the girls entered the room. Replying back with a smile, the girls took a seat next to each other looking at the people around them.

Half of seventeen were already up and only two of the members of BTS were also up. All the girls of Ghost were up and ready as well. The table order being:

Kat, Jimin, Seungcheol, Dino, Hoshi, So-Eun, Taehyung

Kirsten, DK, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Minji, Mingyu.

There were also spear seats on either side of Mingyu, Taeyhyung, Kat and Kirsten.

Looking around, Kat's eyes stop at the big bruise on Wonwoo's cheek.

"What happened to your cheek Wonwoo?" She asks, making all three of Wonwoo, Mingyu and Minji's heads snap round to look at Kat. Gulping, Wonwoo starts to speak.

"Oh it was nothing, I fell over last night and hit my cheek" Giving him a look, Kat nods leaving the subject alone, which all three of them were happy about. The group didn't need to know about how Mingyu had punched Wonwoo because of him liking Minji.

Letting out a cough, Hoshi turns to Kat.

"Kat, maybe you should go and wake Woozi up" Hoshi suggests, making Kat take a breath.

"Really?" Hoshi smiles, his plan of them getting back together taking form.

"Yeah, he won't hurt you if you try, he would if it was one of the boys" He lets out a laugh as Kat nods.

"O-Okay then I guess" Going to stand up, Jimin grabs her arm to stop her.

"It's okay, I can do it since we are in the same room after all" Jimin sends a glare to Kat, telling her not to move, but she returns the glare and goes anyways.

"It's okay, Hoshi did ask me after all"

Leaving the table, Kat smirks to herself over the little victory between her and her brother. Whereas Jimin was left at the table, sending a glare to his sister's back.

'She's asking for it now' He thought to himself, shaking his head, taking an angry bite of his pancakes.


Outside the brown haired boy's room, Kat lets out a sigh, as she opens the door to hear the shower on and Hobi rapping to himself. Letting out a giggle, Kat looks over to Woozi's bed to see him wrapped up like a burrito in his blankets.

Quietly walking over, Kat taps him on the shoulder, trying to get him to wake up.

"Woozi" Sighing at the stubborn brown haired boy, Kat let out a sigh, sitting down on his bed and shaking him with more force. "Woozi! Wake up!" He moans slightly, moving to cover his eyes with his arm. Kat pouted slightly, before beginning to shake the boy again. "Seriously if you don't wake up!"

With this, Woozi let out another moan, before grabbing onto Kat's waist pulling her down so she was lying next to him.

"Shut up and let me sleep" He mutters into her neck, wrapping his arms tighter around her waist.

"Woozi" Turning her face, she took a deep breath as their noses brushed together. Letting out a sigh, she turns over to face him. Using one finger, she lightly moves his hair out of his eyes. "You have to get up now" She says quietly, as Woozi lets out a deep breath.

"Can't we stay like this?" He asks, making Kat giggle.

"No, you have to get up and get ready and go have breakfast" Woozi shakes his head slightly, still not opening his eyes.

"Nah, I like it here better"

"Are you sure you don't want to get up and go get food?" Kat giggles again as Woozi shakes his head.

"Right here is just fine" Tightening his grip, Kat lets out a sigh, as she moves her hand to stop brushing his hair out of his face, down next to her. Raising his head slightly, Woozi places a kiss on her forehead, before almost falling back asleep.

Unknowing to them, the shower had stopped and Hobi was now out of the shower.

"What's going on here then?" His voice causes the couple of jump up in surprise. Now sitting up in bed, Woozi and Kat look from one another to Hobi.

"N-Nothing" Kat stutters out. "I just came to wake Woozi up" Letting out a nervous giggle, she looks at Woozi one last time, "And he's up now, so bye" Rushing out of the room, Kat leans back against the closed hotel room door and lets out a deep breath.

'That didn't mean to happen right? It was only where he was tired?'


Inside the hotel room, Woozi let out a groan, falling back onto his bed with his arm covering his eyes.

'It was going so well, well it lasted'

Hobi looked between the annoyed brown haired boy and the door. A look full of confusion, yet a small pain present in his chest. Shaking his head, Hobi headed back into the bathroom to continue to get ready, a hand placed over his heart at this unknown feeling.


It was decided that today's events were a trip to the beach that was located right next to the hotel. All changing into their swim suits, the girls giggled to themselves about how nice it was to finally be able to go to the beach after so long.

"This is going to be a great day!" So-Eun giggles, picking up her bag and slipping on her sandals.

"Yeah" The girls agreed hesitantly. All their own dramas, changing their mind on the subject.

At breakfast, Kirsten couldn't bring herself to talk to Seungcheol, let alone make eye contact with him. All she could feel through breakfast was his eyes burning into her.

Minji on the other hand, didn't want Wonwoo and Mingyu to fight anymore. Denying her feelings, to her was the best option at the moment. If there was nothing to feel, then there was nothing for Mingyu and Wonwoo to fight about.

And finally Kat, this morning scene with Woozi replaying in her head. Her mind blaming Woozi's sleepy state for why he had pulled her into a hug, and refused to let her go. No matter how hard she wanted it to be an everything day occurrence, it couldn't and she had to realise that. It didn't help now that Jimin had basically told her to stop talking to him all together.

So-Eun frowned at the girls in front of her.

"Why all the sad looks?" The three girls smiled at her instantly, making So-Eun shake her head.

"What sad looks? What you on about?" Minji chuckles, putting on her own sandals. "Come on, let's go before the boys wonder where we are"

Making their way down to the main entrance, some of the boys were waiting for them, whereas the rest had already gone to get the place on the beach.

So-Eun wore a light pink bikini with a pair of black sandals and a black cover dress. Kat wore a black bikini with ruffles going around the bottoms and some black sandals. Minji had on a blue bikini with one large ruffle around the top and a pair of matching sandals and finally Kirsten had on a red strapless one piece and a pair of red sandals.

The boy's mouths all dropped at the sight of them. So-Eun giggled as she stood next to Hoshi and closed his mouth.

"Be careful, or you'll catch flies"

Wonwoo and Mingyu both looked at Minji and glared at each other when they noticed each other staring. Minji let out a sigh, walking past them and out the door, them quickly trailing behind her.

Kat glanced over to Woozi, who was looking at her with a smile. Smiling back slightly, Kat fiddled with her fingers, as Hobi took the chance to walk over to her, right before Woozi could.

"You look nice" He smiled, making her smile back with a nod.

"Thanks Hobi Oppa"

"You wanna go?" He asks coughing nervously, and Kat nods.

"Okay" Looking over to Woozi one last time, he frowns as he watches Kat starts to walk away with Hobi. Kat frowns also, mouthing over to him. 'Sorry'. Looking back down at the floor, Kat walks off and out the door with Hobi, making their way down to the beach.

Jimin watched the scene in front of him with a glare percent on his face, still unknowing to that mornings events, he lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his hair. Following behind Hobi and Kat, Jimin thought to himself about the ways he could possible keep Kat and Woozi away from each other.


The usual things happened when people went to the beach. Some of them played Volley ball, which Seungkwan slayed at- his words. Minji avoided talking to both Wonwoo and Mingyu by sun bathing most of the day. Hoshi and So-Eun played together in the water, splashing each other before pulling most of the seventeen boys into a water fight along with Taehyung and Jungkook. Suga feel asleep, thankfully not forgetting to put on sunblock when he left the hotel. Jin went off to find whatever beach side food he could get his hands on, with Namjoon following him because in his words, 'why not' and obviously denying what Kat had said about them being destined for each other. Hobi dragged Kat along in the sand, as she occasional made glances to Woozi's direction which he did back and Jimin watched from afar, with a disapproving look upon his face every time his sister and the boy she loved made glances at one another.

Noticing the glances, Hobi couldn't help, but feel his heart hurt every time Kat would look over towards the brown haired boy. Grabbing onto her hand, he starts to pull her away from where everyone else was based.

"Hobi Oppa? Where are we going?" She asks, letting herself be dragged away.

"I want to show you something I found yesterday when I went out for a walk"

"Okay" Following along, they made their way to a small cave that was located two minutes down the beach. "Woah!" Entering the cave, Kat spun around in a circle to get a better look at the cave around her. "This is amazing"

"I wanted to ask you something" Hobi says, catching Kat's attention away from the cave.

"What is it?" She smiles, "Thanks for showing me this by the way" Hobi lets out a laugh and nods.

"It's okay" Coughing slightly, he gets to the question he wanted to ask her. "What's going on between you and Woozi?"

His question causes Kat to stop what she was doing and look at him with a shocked expression.

"S-Something going on?" She lets out a nervous giggle, before shrugging "What are you on about?" Hobi sends her a look, telling her to fess up and she lets out a sigh looking to the floor.

"I know somethings going on, so just tell me about it" Kat lets out another nervous giggle, unable to look up at Hobi. Making his way over to her, her places on hand on her wrist. "Tell me Kat"

Letting out a sigh, Kat looks up to see Hobi looking down at her with a concerned look.

"We dated for a bit," Kat started, looking back down at the floor. "We didn't work out, so we broke up" She added, not adding in the details.

"And?" He asks, knowing fully well there would be more to it than that. He needed to know the full story, even if it would hurt him knowing.

"The company didn't want us together" Hobi looked at her to continue and when she didn't, he sighed and pushed some of the hair that was in her face out of it and behind her ear. Kat frowns, letting out a breath before she finally continues the story.

"We also fought because the company didn't want us together, but we wanted to be together so badly, we ended up having a fight and I ended it with him" Kat gulps, keeping her gaze down at the floor. "And now the company has made us learn a dance and do a cover for out American debut and they've made it be a y dance, and I have to dance it with Jihoon and I don't know if I can" Kat confesses

"And why not?" Hobi asks, trying to get her to look up at him.

"It's just-..." Kat cuts herself off to think before shaking her head. "I don't know"

The cave was silent for a minute, the only thing to be heard, being their breathing.

"I don't want to lull myself into a fake sense of security, because I know something bad will happen and I don't want myself to fall even deeper" Kat lets out a sigh, shaking her head.

"Why would it be bad?"

"Because even if something were to happen, we aren't allowed to be together and I don't think my heart can take it" Kat takes a breath, her eyes becoming misty. "And now Jimin doesn't want me to talk to him, but I can't just do that, it hurts if I try not to"

"Then don't let yourself fall, just fake it" Hobi says, grabbing onto her hands. Trying to find a way, for both their hearts to stop hurting. "Dancers do it every time- well, most of the time" Guiding her to the centre of the cave. Hoseok places her hands at the right places, before setting one on her hip. "The waltz for example" He starts, leading her through the steps, keeping his eyes locked with hers. "A dance filled with love, passion and fluidity" Continuing to dance, their gaze never leaving each other. "People fake the passion and love all the time- you've seen those dance shows, they're not partners are they?"

Kat shakes her head, her eyes mot even for a second moving away from Hobi's.

"And they fake it pretty well"

Kat continues to up at him, gulping at how close they stood to each other as they danced. Taking small breaths, Kat's mouth opens slightly and Hobi's gaze moves momentarily to her lips.

"Hobi Oppa" Kat calls out, bringing his attention back up to her eyes. He hums in response as Kat smiles, tilting her head slightly. "Thanks"

Hobi's face breaks out into a smile as he nods quickly.

"You're welcome, anything for my favourite dongsaeng" Kat gasps slightly as she giggles.

"Don't let the boys hear, they'll get jealous" Hobi chuckles slightly.

"Let them, they can't compare to you anyways" Hobi whispers, placing a kiss on her forehead, causing her cheeks to flush red as they continued to waltz around the cave, not noticing a silent Jihoon watching from beside the cave entrance.


Later that day

After the day at the beach, everyone separated again.

Jihoon not being able to look at Kat without his heart hurting at what she had said, he headed back to his room, not muttering a word to anyone. So-Eun and Hoshi did their own things, staying to walk around the beach. The rest of the Seventeen boys either want to their hotel rooms or tagged along with So-Eun and Hoshi, which they didn't really appreciated, but accepted them tagging along with them anyways. Kat parted ways with Hobi, and headed back to her hotel room, wanting to be alone for a while. Jimin and Hobi going off and doing their own thing after that. Namjoon and Jin joining Kirsten in the bar along with Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

Drinking all together, the NamJin couple decided to leave, along with Jeonghan who decided it was time for his beauty sleep, because beauty like his doesn't just come from being an angel. By the time they had left, Kirsten and Seungcheol were quiet drunk already, not finding it awkward anymore about the night before.

"You left before I woke up" Seungcheol hiccupped, holding his glass up pointing to her. "That hurt my feelings" He admitted, making Kirsten frown.

"I'm sorry" Kirsten apologises, making Seungcheol nod.

"I know, I heard you this morning" Raising an eyebrow, Kirsten sent him a look.

"If you were up then why didn't you stop me from leaving?" Seungcheol let out a sigh, resting his head on his hand.

"Because I knew that when you woke up you'd probably think of a mistake and wouldn't want to stay" Seungcheol hiccupped again "Even if you said you wanted it to happen the night before"

Kirsten let out a sigh, at the drunk boy in front of her.

"You wanted it to happen?" She asks, and he nodded sadly.

"Yeah, but the only reason why you did was because you were drunk" Kirsten shakes her head suddenly, going out to grab his hand.

"No" Letting out a sigh, she continues to shake her head. "No, that's not true"

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't"

"Yes it-.." Cutting Seungcheol off, Kirsten connects their lips, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"No it isn't" She breaths out, as she pulls away. Opening his eyes, Seungcheol looks at her before quickly pulling back to his lip, reconnecting them with the same passion as before. Moving his lips from hers down to his neck, Kirsten lets out a giggle.

"Can we take this somewhere else?" Pulling away from her, Seungcheol nods and grabs onto her hand and pulls her to the elevators. As one opens, they enter and reconnect their lips as soon as the door close behind them. Pulling away from some air, Seungcheol look at her, brushing some hair out of her face.

"Are you sure you're not going to regret this in the morning?" He asks and she responds with a nod of her head and pulls his lips to hers once again.

"I promise"


Boom! Chapter Six!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The only hint i'm going to give you for the next chapter is this:


Tada! The drama doesn't end here, oh no, it's the beginning! 

Please remember to vote, comment and follow for more stuff! 

Love Always,


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pinkypn #1
Chapter 17: omg, they finally got back togother and now they have to separate for 2 years
ninjahwang12 #2
Alya022 #3
Chapter 2: Waaahhh more update pleaseee!!
pinkypn #4
Chapter 1: I wonder what happen that the girls are no longer close. Before they were still close even when they had other things going on
Chapter 1: still love it~ good hardwork :) eventhough it's woozi and kat's stroy , soeun hoshi 'sstory is still add keke thank you~