Chapter Four

Meant 2 Be | Woozi


"One, two, three" Mi Young calls out the steps as she stood in front of both the four girls and guys. "Okay, stop stop stop!" Mi Young started to get annoyed, once she saw, they weren't dancing with enough passion- well Hoshi and So-Eun were, but the rest... not even close. 

Kat and Woozi, found it hard to look at each other, let alone touch each other. Whereas Minji and Wonwoo barely knew what they were to each other, friends or more? They had no idea, even if they did causally flirt 24/7. The final couple, Kirsten and Seungcheol, where just getting on with it, yes it was kind of awkward how y the dance was, but that didn't stop them from having a good time- they were friends after all.

"This song is about love and passion, that's why the boss paired you guys up" 

Letting out a sigh, Mi Young places her hand on her forehead to think. "What am going to do with you guys?" She asks herself, pulling a face as she thinks. Suddenly, like a light bulb had appeared over her head, she looks up at them with a smirk. "I know what we're going to do"

The girls exchange glances for a second, gulping, before looking back at their smirking dance teacher.

"We're going to go on a group trip" 

"A group trip?" Minji asks, sending a questioning look in Mi Young's direction. 

"A group trip" Mi Young confirms with a nod. 

"Where and why exactly?" Kirsten asks, looking from the girls to Mi Young.

"Because you guys need passion, and you ain't going to find it either locked up in your dorms or in the practice room so hence, a group trip" Mi Young explains, moving her hands in front of her face when she says 'a group trip'.

"You can't be serious?" Kat replies, basically dropping ten stories. Mi Young lets out a laugh, sending her a wink.

"Oh you don't know how serious I'm being" Mi Young claps her hands together, as her smile grows. "I'll go talk to the boss about it and you'll get a message about it the details later, for now you can leave, but please hang out with each other to get some sort of passion" 

The girls let out a sigh as they stand up and the boys follow suit. Picking up their bags, So-Eun smiles as Hoshi links their hands together.

"How about bubble tea?"


So there they sat, now in the corner of a busy bubble tea shop. So-Eun and Hoshi gossiping between themselves, as so did Kirsten and Seungcheol. Whereas, Minji and Kat sat beside each other talking to each other, Minji occasionally glancing over to Wonwoo, who was busy talking to Jihoon. 

"Any word yet?" Minji asks Kat, about her vanished mother. Kat sighs as she shakes her head. 

"None, not even Jimin has heard anything"

It had been two days since Kat has discovered her mother had left, now not even Jimin being able to call their mother, they had thought all hope had been lost. Kat shakes her head slightly, letting out a forced laugh.

"I'm sure it's fine, she does this, and she'll show up eventually" Minji frowned at Kat, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"But last time you could get through to her" Kat shrugs Minji's hand off of her shoulder.

"Yeah, but this is the hope I have" Kat starts, looking down at her mango bubble tea. "If she's not going to talk to me, then she isn't going to talk to Jimin and she definitely won't talk to Dad if we try and get him involved"  Minji made a face as she begins to think as she goes to take a sip of her bubble tea.

"Sticky situation" 

"You can say that again" Kat replies, before Minji opens to speak, before Kat cuts her off. "Don't actually say it again" Breaking out into laughter, the duo fall into each other as they continue to laugh. This causes the rest of the group to stop what they were going and look over to the two girls in hysterics. 

"What you two laughing about?" 

Minji and Kat look at each other before shaking their hands.

"Nothing" They burst into laughter again, everyone now sending them confused looks.

"Seriously, what are you laughing about?" Seungcheol asks, looking between Minji and Kat.

"It's seriously nothing" Minji replies, taking another sip of her bubble tea "It's just something we found funny" 

The group sends them looks before going back to what they originally doing, only Wonwoo and Jihoon keeping their gaze to the laughing girls. Wonwoo cracks a smile, as he watches Minji laugh. Jihoon letting out a sigh, looks from Kat down to his hand, letting out a quiet chuckle. 

"Have you heard Sistar's new song?" Kat asks, catching the attention of Hoshi.

"IT'S SO GOOD!" He calls, holding his hand up, making the whole store look over in their direction. Kat laughs, nodding her head in agreement.

"It is!" 

"Where do you think this trip is going to be to?" Kirsten asks, pulling everyone's attention to her as she sips at her bubble tea. "I hope it's near a beach" The girls giggle, nodding along.

"That would be cool" Kat replies, causing Seungcheol to look at her confused.

"An hour ago you didn't want to know about the trip" Kat nods, making her lips into a straight line.

"Yeah, but if a beach is involved then it's all good" Kat smiles, before nodding her head more "I mean: the beach, the water, the food!" Kat clicks her finger as she giggles. "The food is the best!" Thinking of the beach, Kat gets an idea, clapping her hands together. "We could go on a road trip! All of us! Everyone: Us, you guys and the rest of Seventeen and Bangtan!" 

The other girls exchange glances, before looking over to the boys.

"We like the idea" So-Eun states, as the two other girls nod along. 

"See, see! Can we go on a road trip?!" Kat asks, getting overly excited. 

"That would be an idea, and it would be a getaway like Mi Young wants" Wonwoo tags in, looking between the other boys. "It's a good idea" 

"How about we ask and go from there?" Seungcheol suggests, making everyone nod. 

"Can we go ask now? Please please please!" Kat begs with a pout on her face, making the girls giggle again. 

"Okay, let's go ask now" So-Eun giggles, standing up from her chair, discarding her empty cup into the bin. 

"Yes!" Kat giggles, standing up quickly, picking up her cup and taking a large sip before throwing it in the bin. 


The group of girls and the four boys sat anxiously in front of the boss. 

"So, what do you say?"

The boss stays silent for a moment before a smile forms on his face.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell Miss Bae about it and you can leave as soon as the Bangtan Boys come back from their tour, but I do have to talk to their manger first" The girls nod, before Kat makes a surprised expression. 

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, they come back today" Minji leans forward, sending her a look, raising an eyebrow. 

"You seriously forgot?" Kat shrugs, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Apparently so" 

"And were you supposed to meet him there?" Kirsten asks, the two other girls joining to look at her, as Kat gasps, unable to speak, Kat nods.

"I was" Kat pouts, hitting herself in the head lightly. "Stupid, why do I keep forgetting stuff recently" Standing up quickly, Kat bows to the boss and the boys before rushing out the door.

"Kat!" This time its So-Eun's voice who calls out to her, making her stop mid walk. "You forgot your bag" Kat hits herself again, walking back and taking the bag from So-Eun.

"Thanks" Walking back out the room again, Kat starts to head for the elevators when out of the blue, her phone starts to ring, basting the obvious tone of Jimin's ringtone, making her slip into her pocket to take it out before picking it up. The first thing to come out of his mouth when she picks up;

"You forgot didn't you?"

"I'm sorry! I'm coming now!"

"You better be" Jimin chuckles, shaking his head at her through the phone. "The boys are excited to see you" Kat giggles at this and exits the elevator. 

"I can't wait to see them too"  Jimin laughs again, faking a hurt scoff.

"What about me? I'm your own brother after all" Kat giggles again, shaking her head as she walks to the bus stop.

"I am Oppa, i'm just waiting for the bus now" Jimin hums, as a sudden sound comes through the phone. After a couple of seconds of loud sounds from Jimin's end of the phone, Hobi's voice calls out instantly making Kat smile.

"Hey Kat!"  Letting out a giggle, Kat sees the bus heading  towards her.

"Hey Hobi Oppa, tell Jimin Oppa i'm getting on the bus now"

"Okay"  Hobi repeats what Kat had said to Jimin before turning his attention back to Kat. "How long will you be?" Hobi asks, hitting away Jungkook everytime he tried to reach for the phone to talk Kat. 

"About ten minutes" Kat smiles through the phone, as she walks to the back of the bus and it's down. "Now let me talk to Kookie Oppa" Hobi faked a gasp, just like Jimin had previously done making Kat laugh.

"Don't you want to talk to me? You're Hope?"  Kat laughs again, biting her lip silently to try and silence her giggles.

"I love talking to you Hobi Oppa, but let me talk to Kookie Oppa"  Hobi lets out a sigh, before mumbling in response. 

"Okay okay, you owe me" Kat giggles again, shaking her head to herself.

"Sure Hobi" She says, taking off the Oppa, before Hobi gasps again. 

"Hey! Show some respect to your Oppa!" He scolds, Kat lets out a sigh.

"Sorry Oppa" She replies, popping the p. "Better now?"

"Yes, very much so" Kat rolls her eyes playfully, laughing out a breath. 

"Now pass the phone to Kookie Oppa" 

"Fine, fine, i am now" 

A moment of mumbles, and the phone was passed from a sunshine to a kookie. Kookie's voice ringing happily through the phone.

"Helloo!" Kookie says happily, letting out a sigh.

"What's got you so chipper?" Kat asks. Kookie makes a 'pfft' sound and chuckles nervously for a second.

"What? Nothing" Kat gasps, clicking her fingers.

"Does Kookie finally have a girlfriend?" She teases making Kookie go silent. With no reply, Kat giggles. "You do!" 

"She's not necessarily  my girlfriend" He starts, before Kat cuts him off.

"Dude, you've liked this girl for how long? She's definitely your girlfriend, i mean you asked her right?" 

"Well kinda?" He says, more of a question. Kat lets out a sigh, placing a hand on her forehead.

"What do you mean kinda?" 

"Well we basically both said we liked each other and that's it"  Kat makes a face to think, leaving the phone line silent.

"Did you say this in person?"

"No" Kat nods, letting out a breath. 

"Then here's what you do, next time you see her, kiss her  and tell her you want to be more than friends and since she already said she likes you she'll expect and boom you bagged yourself a girlfriend" Kookie laughs slightly, shaking his head.

"I'll be sure to do that"

"Great, tell me how it goes" Kat smiles, as the airport comes into view and she rings the bell the stop the bus. "I'm outside the airport now, just about to get off the bus" 

Kookie hums in response, before calling over to tell Jimin. 

"See you in a minute"

"In a minute" He replies, ending the call with a laugh. 


Time ticked away slowly as Minji lead down on the couch as she watched the clock that hung up over the fire place.

"Could time go any slower?" She asked herself in frustration as her patients began to wear thin as she waited for Wonwoo to arrive at the girls' dorm. 

Everyone had left the boss' office soon after Kat left to go meet Jimin. So-Eun and Hoshi obviously went off together to do their own thing and Kirsten and Seungcheol just shrugged and parted their separate ways. Jihoon on the other hand had disappeared whilst no one was looking, probably go to his studio to spend the rest of the day writing lyrics or editing melodies. 

Minji and Wonwoo stayed behind for a bit, deciding to just hang out at the girls' dorm since it was quieter than the boy's one, but that was only after he went back to the boy's dorm first to get changed out of the sweat filled clothes and to have a good shower. 

Minji let out a yawn, as her eyes start to flutter shut and sleep threatening to take over, but a sharp knock at the door brings her back to reality. Getting up, she covers and lets out another yawn and then stretches her arms out, before going over and opening the door. 

Her face brightens instantly when she is faced with Wonwoo. Him clothed in his usual dark jeans and black jumper, his round glasses sat up on the bridge of his nose complementing his face perfectly. Along with a black beanie covering his dark hair.  

"Hey" Wonwoo smiles, nodding slightly. 

"Hey" Minji moves out of the way to let Wonwoo in, and then shuts the door behind him. "What took you so long?" Minji giggles, poking him slightly on the arm. Wonwoo chuckles, grabbing onto her hand, not bothering to let it go.

"Everyone was at the dorm apart from Jihoon and Mingyu, so I had to go when no one was looking" Minji shakes her head, giggling slightly.

"We going to watch a film?" Minji asks, looking up at him with a smile. He nods quickly, pulling her into the living room with her hand he was still holding. Falling onto the couch, Wonwoo dragged Minji along with him, wrapping his arms around her as he made her fall so she was lying with her back to the couch.

Letting out a smile giggle, Minji looks up smiling.

"We have to put on the film you know" Wonwoo smirks, placing his head up against her neck. His hot breath causing her hairs to stand on end.

"Maybe we can just Netflix and Chill" He suggests, placing small kisses along her neck. Minji gasps out a giggle before hitting him on the shoulder. 

"Wonwoo!" Wonwoo's smirk grows as he ignores her gasp and goes to the other side of her neck, doing the same thing as before, placing small kisses up and down her neck. "Or maybe just the chill"


Jihoon sat alone in his studio. The faint instrumental version of 'Love Letter' playing in the background. No matter how hard he tried to focus on remixing the song, he just couldn't focus, not even for a second. 

Closing his eyes slightly, and resting his head on the paper filled desk. He lets out a sigh, pressing on the space bar button to pause the music. 

Scenes playing through his mind of things that could have been said and of actions that could have been- no, that should have been taken, but weren't. The thoughts running through his mind at a million miles an hour, giving him a headache, yet they wouldn't stop. The unanswered questions, always lingering, never wanting to be forgotten.

What would it be like now if he made her stay? Told her he wouldn't let her leave without them being together, that he could never love someone as much as he loved her. 

Would they still be together now?

Instead of leaving and the awkward silence, would they be happy and kiss each other every chance they got? Would things between them become more serious? Would they talk about the future? The future they had together, or would it all come to an end and they still wouldn't be together because of the company they were both signed for. 

The fact the company had every say in everything they do, whether it be for TV and their on screen persona to both personal lives and finding love. That's just where they were at at that moment in time, stuck in a world where even though they loved each other, they couldn't have each other- almost like a Pledis version of Romeo and Juliet, but without the dying. 

Shaking his head away of any thoughts, he lifts his snapback up off of his head and runs a hand through his hair, before replacing his snapback back on his head.

Grabbing a pen and a piece of crumpled paper he found on his desk. He started to do the thing he did best, putting his deepest darkest feelings into a song that would soon sell millions, but this one wouldn't, because this wasn't for the world to hear... It was for her.

'Even if it's not today, don't worry babe

Let's just wait a little while

Because no matter what they do

No matter what they say, 

It'll always be you'


Tada! New chapter finished! 
I've also finished writing both chapters five and six today, so they may be up sooner than you think ;) 
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Remember to vote, comment and follow for more:) 

Love you guys!

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pinkypn #1
Chapter 17: omg, they finally got back togother and now they have to separate for 2 years
ninjahwang12 #2
Alya022 #3
Chapter 2: Waaahhh more update pleaseee!!
pinkypn #4
Chapter 1: I wonder what happen that the girls are no longer close. Before they were still close even when they had other things going on
Chapter 1: still love it~ good hardwork :) eventhough it's woozi and kat's stroy , soeun hoshi 'sstory is still add keke thank you~