Chapter Fifteen

Meant 2 Be | Woozi

 - Unedited - 

Last time on Meant 2 Be:

There was another silence, but the silence was broken by a small sniff. Whether it was by Jihoon or Kat, Soonyoung couldn't tell. Jihoon shakes his head to himself, refusing to let the tears that both he and Soonyoung knew had welled up. Letting out a small breath, his head drops, keeping his gaze to the floor he walks away from Soonyoung, not bothering to listen to Soonyoung as he calls for him to stay.

"I should be going now" He continues to whisper, like all his emotions had left his body and all he could do now was whisper. Nodding in response, Kat smiles back. Hoseok made his way to the door, grabbing onto the handle, he opens the door and moves to the side, looking back from Kat and Soonyoung with a confused face. Matching Hoseok's look, she looks to Soonyoung.



"Hoshi? What are you doing here?" Kat stutters, her eyes staying locked with Hoshi's.

"M-Me and Jihoon were going to the practice room and we heard you scream" Hoshi stutters back, as the colour in Kat's face disappears.

"Jihoon was here?" Hoshi nods in reply, before pointing in a direction.

"He went that way"

Kat nods, her eyes flickering between Hoshi and Hoseok, who was still standing quietly in the room. Letting out a sigh, before anyone could say anything else, she rushes out the door and in the direction Hoshi had previously mentioned.

"You guys heard it all didn't you?" Hoseok asks, keeping his gaze to the floor.

"I did, Jihoon left after he heard you talk"

"He wasn't happy"

"Far from happy" Hoseok lets out a sigh, shoving his hands in his pockets. Hoshi frowns. "I'm sorry dude"

"No, no" Hoseok sighs again, shaking his head and finally looking up at Hoshi. "I should be the one who's sorry" Without leaving Hoshi any room to reply. Hoseok leaves, walking past Hoshi and out of the room. "See you another time"


Jihoon sighed, wiping the already drying tears from his cheeks. Pushing his beanie further down onto his head, Jihoon sits down at his desk and leans back into the chair. Everything Hoseok said to Kat rushing through his mind at a million beats per second.

'I want to be everything more than friends for you, I want to be with you'

Why wouldn't she want to say no? Hoseok was a lot of things Jihoon wasn't: He was funny, he could rap amazingly, and he wouldn't get overly jealous so easily.

Jihoon sighed again, rubbing his hands over his cheeks, the tears he had finally been able to stop had started again. Jihoon sat quietly in his chair, the only noises in the room are the clock on his desk and the sound of him breathing in and out.

His eyes move to his phone, it hadn't move from where he had set it earlier that day; on his desk, right above some papers with future lyrics on them. Biting his lip lightly, Jihoon picks up his phone and types in the password to unlock it:


27th of November. The day he and Kat had their first date, a day remember so vividly, a day he would never forget. They were kind of awkward, but the feelings they both felt-still feel- where there. They went to the cinema, it was the normal cliché first date thing, but it was easier with them too being idols and all. The movie theatre was practically empty, it being only them and two other people, so they sat at the back and just whispered through most of the movie. They almost got caught coming out of the theatre, so they ran and got away from the people that thought saw them, at first it was terrifying, but once they got away the two couldn't stop laughing. It was a moment only those two could enjoy.

Jihoon only snapped out of his day dream once he realised there had been tears dripping onto his phone. Wiping away the tears on his cheek, and wiping his phone up against his jeans, Jihoon goes onto his text messages to see the little '!' sign next to Kat's contact name had disappeared. Clicking onto the text chat, Jihoon's eyes widen once he sees under the text he had previously tried to send before- which had failed- now said: sent & seen.

Dropping his phone onto his desk, Jihoon picks his beanie up off of his head and runs his hand through his hair.

"This can't be happening" He mumbles to himself, not bothering to put his beanie back on, but to rest his head in his hands. He didn't try to stop it as the tears began to fall more.


Kat rushed through the hall ways, searching everywhere for Jihoon. She had been up to the practice room Seventeen normally use, but only Dino, Jun and Minghao where there, and they had said they hadn't seen him, but had suggested about going to the break room to check there. 

So that's where she went next, but again no luck. This time Jeonghan and Joshua were there, chatting and drinking away at some coffee. So Kat asked them if they had seen Jihoon at any chance, again the answer was no, but they did was he would probably be with Hoshi, this made Kat frown and talk about how she had already seen him.

After that, Kat walked around Pledis for a bit, running into the some of the other members of Seventeen; Dk and Seungkwan in the main entrance, Vernon and S.Coups on the first floor. Again none of them had seen Jihoon. Then one of them mentioned about how she should check his recording room, making Kat click her fingers and mentally curse at herself for forgetting about his studio.

Making her way as fast as she could to his studio, she stopped once she saw his studio door closed. She listened for a moment, not hearing anything coming from inside his studio. Kat lets out a breath, knocking on the door. Getting no reply, she opens the door slowly and instantly frowns once she sees his studio empty.

Letting out a sigh, Kat closes the door back up and walks slowly back through the corridors. She had felt like all her feelings had felt her body and there was nothing else she could do, like she had royally messed up and there was no way of fixing it. Pulling out her phone, Kat wipes her eyes and pulls up Jihoon's past messages.

The new one she had gotten earlier, still new on her phone. Typing out a reply, Kat's fingers shook as she pressed send:

Kat – sent 4:55pm

I love you too.


Two days later

Over the past two days, Kat had checked her phone every two minutes before she had locked herself in her room. With the message successfully sending, Kat had gotten no reply from him- not even a 'seen' notification.

"Kat, can you please leave your room and eat something" So-Eun sighs, leaning up against the door.

"I'm not hungry" Kat mumbles back from the other side. She was laying on her bed, blankets pulled tightly around her like a burrito.

"Kat please, you haven't left your room in two days, at least have a shower" So-Eun tries to suggest. There was a silence from Kat's end, making So-Eun sigh one more. "You can't live like this" So-Eun heard shuffling from inside the room, before the door unlocked and Kat opened the door.

Kat looked a mess. Her hair was tangled and all bushed up, with make-up still on from two days prior. Not to mention distinctive lines of dried mascara running down her cheeks from where she had been crying so much. All she was wearing was an oversized shirt, no doubt about it being Woozi's and a pair of shorts.

"Come here" So-Eun frowned instantly, opening her arms for a hug. Kat couldn't help, but start crying again as she expected So-Eun's hug.

"My poor baby" So-Eun whispers, rubbing Kat's head in a calming manner.

So-Eun didn't know the full details of what had happened, only getting told small snippets from whatever Hoshi had heard or seen. She only got told more once she came home to find Kat crying and locking herself up in her room.

After Kat started to settle down, So-Eun broke the hug slightly, looking down at her.

"Now go have a shower and get changed, because everything about you stinks" So-Eun says playfully, making Kat nod.

"Okay Unnie"

"Good, and after that we can go and get you something nice to eat" Kat only nods, leaving her room and heading to the bathroom. So-Eun stood silently and watched her as Kat entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her. The shower only minutes after that.

Nodding to herself, So-Eun makes her way back to the living room where Hoshi was sat on the couch.

"So you finally got her to come out then?" He asks, as So-Eun falls onto the couch next to him and places her head on his chest. So-Eun hums as Hoshi wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah..." So-Eun went silent for a moment. "She's seriously upset by this, you should have seen her, I've never seen her so distort"

"We'll find a way to work those two out" Hoshi sighs, staring at the fake fireplace, as he tightens his grip on her slightly in a hug. "I promise"


Minji and Wonwoo sat awkwardly next to each other as they watched Mingyu and Courtney fighting. Mingyu was in one of his moods, and this just so happened to be the same time as them running into Minji and Wonwoo as they spent their day wondering around the park. With an ice cream in hand, Minji coughed slightly to get the fighting pair's attention. 

"So what are you guys fighting about?" Minji asks, raising an eyebrow slightly.  All Mingyu did was rolls his eyes, as he let out a sharp huff.

"We aren't even fighting, she's just being ridiculous"  This leads to Courtney gasping, and then turning to Minji.

"He's acting like he doesn't even care that i'm pregnant, like he wishes i would just disappear"  Courtney throws her arms over her chest, the best she could considering she had a baby bump. 

"I never once said anything like that" Mingyu spats, sending a glare in Courtney's direction.

"Are you sure? Because you said and i quote; 'Why are you even here, all this was just a bad mistake'" She screams, her eyes starting to tear up. 

"Come on, try and calm down" Minji tries to hush her, "It's bad for the baby" 

Courtney hiccuped, her eyes moving from Mingyu to Minji, back to Mingyu and finally back to Minji before shaking her head.

"Obviously it doesn't matter, to him this baby is a mistake"  The tears in Courtney's eyes finally fell, as a long sigh escapes her lips. "I give up with you Mingyu i really do" She whispers, before her eyes flash between the three. Shaking the grip that Minji had on her arm, Courtney says no more before walking away. 

"Go after her!" Minji states, using her arm to point in the direction Courtney had left.

"Why? This is both what we wanted"  Mingyu says, his face showing no emotion.

"No it isn't and you know it's true, now go after her and fix this" Minji glares. Mingyu lets out a sigh, not bothering to argue, before rushing off in the same direction Courtney had left only moments before. Minji lets out a sigh, running one of her hands through her hair  as she turns to Wonwoo.

"Finally no more arguing"  She smiles. Wonwoo smiles in reply, grabbing onto her free hand and locking their fingers together.  

"Let's go find something fun to do" Wonwoo smirks, making Minji giggle.

"Wonwoo!" Wonwoo looks at her with an innocent face, before pouting slightly.

"What? I'm innocent, i don't know what you're on about" Minji lets out a fake laugh.

"Oh really? How come i don't believe you?" 

"I have no idea why you don't believe me"  Wonwoo keeps the innocent look on his face, as he stands in front of Minji. Placing a small kiss on her cheek, he continues to talk. "I don't know-" Another kiss on the other cheek. "Why you don't-" Before finishing his sentence, he kisses her lovingly before pulling away. "Believe me."

"Because you do stuff like that" Minji smiles, her cheeks turning a light pink. Wonwoo chuckles before placing another kiss on her cheek before pulling on her hand.

"Come on," He whines, "Let's go back to the dorms"


Two days before (the night of what had happened)

Hoshi sat on his top bunk, phone in hand as he used the other to shovel popcorn into his mouth. His eyes flicked from the clock on his phone to the bedroom door, waiting for Woozi's return.

Now it wasn't unusual for Woozi to come home late, nor was it unusual for him not to come home at all especially since he was in the studio most of the time, but that was the thing, he didn't need to be in the studio, they were on a break after all.

One of the reasons Seventeen hung out at Pledis when they were on a break was either because they had nothing else to do or was because even though they were on a break, they wanted to continue to practice to better themselves and make their fans proud.

Hoshi knew something must have been on Woozi's mind, because his studio was his safe heaven; somewhere he could go to think, to work, to not be judged.

Hoshi frowned, his hopes that the brown haired boy would show himself starting to disappear. He thought all hope was lost until not ten minutes later, the brown haired boy himself stumbled into the room.

"H-Hey Hosh" Woozi stuttered as he hiccuped. Raising an eyebrow, Hoshi sent him a look.

"Are you drunk?"

"Nope" Woozi giggled, popping the p.

"You are" Hoshi says, sniffing the air. "You stink of it"

"Oh be quiet, aren't I allowed to have fun?" Woozi sniggers, sending Hoshi a glare.

"Not when you're only drinking to try and rid yourself of the pain" Hoshi glared back, making Woozi roll his eyes.

"I ain't trying to rid myself of nothing" Woozi states, as he stumbles over to where his bed was, and it just so happened to be the bunk under Hoshi's.

"Sure you aren't, you aren't trying to shield the pain you have over someone loving else loving Kat, maybe even more than you do"

This gets Woozi to stop what he was going and glare up at Hoshi.

"No one loves her more than I do"

"Yet you don't seem to do anything about it"

"What's there to do when she obviously likes Hoseok more than me?"

"You honestly believe that?" Hoshi asks, and Woozi keeps silent. "That's not true, you should of heard what she said" Woozi rolls his eyes once again, letting out a sigh as he pulls his trousers off.

"Shut up Hoshi, I'm going to bed" Woozi says, falling onto the bed and covering himself with his blankets.

"She rejected him, because she's in love with you" Hoshi admits, keeping his eyes on the wall opposite, but all he got for a reply was Woozi's snores.

Hoshi let out one last sigh as he led down in his bed, coping his drunk out of his mind friend by falling into deep sleep.

Woozi woke up the next morning with no recollection of the conversation the two of them had the night before, the only thing indicating he had drunk was the major hang over he was sporting, leaving him confused for the rest of the day why Hoshi was so annoyed at him.


"I'm telling you, you need to get a new phone" DK sat on the floor of the practice room. Jihoon let of a huff , as he tried to get his phone to work. "It's broken Hyung, you can't send messages or receive any, just get a new one" 

"I can't yet, my phone contract doesn't end for another month" DK is the one to let out a huff this time.

"But what if you're missing an important message, or what is there's an emergency and we can't contact you or you can't contact us?".

"I'll think about it"  Jihoon sighs, locking his broken phone and slipping it into his pocket. Moments later, Hoshi enters the practice room with a towel around his neck.

"What you guys talking about?" He asks, placing his bag down next to DK on the floor.

"About Hyung should get a new phone" DK says, and Hoshi nods in agreement. 

"Yeah you should, you'd never know what you could be missing" Hoshi says causally, "Maybe your girlfriend is professing her love for you, but you wouldn't know" He mumbles, making Jihoon look up at him. 

"What did you say?" 

"Oh, nothing" Hoshi smiles, making Jihoon raise an eyebrow.


"Yeah, but seriously, just get a new phone already"

"i will, i will" Jihoon sighs, and mumbles out. "Eventually"  Hoshi and DK share a look, before both letting out a sigh and DK standing up.

"We should get back to practice" Hoshi suggests, making the two nod in agreement, as the other members start to fill the room.

Jihoon pulls his phone out of his pocket to check it once again, but frowns once he see's nothing new. Placing his phone face down on the table, Jihoon goes to join the others in practice, not hearing his notification alert going off.



So the ending to this chapter may be pretty bad, but i hope you enjoyed it anyways. The new teaser photos are amazing and Woozi's one has killed me- it has also become my phone background-, but they all look amazing!

I went to a con last week and did a Female Jihoon cosplay, if you want to check out the minimal photos i have of it, then go to facebook and check out my cosplay page: Katerina Sakura. (Thanks~)

Remember to vote, comment and follow for more:)


-Kat x

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pinkypn #1
Chapter 17: omg, they finally got back togother and now they have to separate for 2 years
ninjahwang12 #2
Alya022 #3
Chapter 2: Waaahhh more update pleaseee!!
pinkypn #4
Chapter 1: I wonder what happen that the girls are no longer close. Before they were still close even when they had other things going on
Chapter 1: still love it~ good hardwork :) eventhough it's woozi and kat's stroy , soeun hoshi 'sstory is still add keke thank you~