Chapter 36

Loss of Order

As Eunhyuk and Summer continued to plod through the night, following the river semi-blindly, dawn was met with mixed feelings.  They were glad for the light as it enabled them to see where they were going and how much further they had to go but it also fully illuminated the extent of their injuries.  Both were battered and bruised, with various locations sporting black and blue splotches as well as numerous superficial scrapes and cuts.

Eunhyuk’s right arm was a mass of bruised flesh and the fingers and wrist had predominantly locked in place.  Each attempt to move that appendage had resulted in sharp pain.  For Summer, her left shoulder and upper arm had blossomed into a strange amalgamation of blue and black hues.  Both had bruising beginning over their torsos and in Eunhyuk’s case, his lower legs were beginning to show a motley array of colors.  So far, they had both avoided the soreness they knew was coming, if only because they had yet to stop moving.  Both dreaded the thought…

“How are you holding up?” Summer asked Eunhyuk as they stumbled yet again, throwing her off balance.

“I’ve been better,” he laughed harshly, a forced grin on his face.

“Let’s take a break then,” she suggested, purposely stopping so that he would too.  “I think we could both use a drink anyway,” she added, nodding towards the river at their left.

Eunhyuk looked at her and seemed about to argue before he simply sighed and nodded.  He was sick of seeing it really but they had no food or water otherwise and without Siwon, they simply couldn’t conjure it at will.  Summer shuffled to the edge with him and then helped him to settle next to the water before sitting back on her heels.  Drinking was easy for her but problematic for Eunhyuk who only had one good arm.  By the time he was finished, his shirt was thoroughly soaked and some of the darker bruising could be seen through the wet fabric.  They both grimaced.

When he felt himself start to stiffen from the brief time they had spent at the water’s edge, he painfully forced himself to his feet, not waiting for Summer to help him.  “Come on.  Let’s get going,” he urged looking back the way they had come from with a worried expression.  He couldn’t help thinking about the others and how they were doing now.  With a pang, he tore his gaze from the path and focused on their direction.

A groan escaped Summer as she stood up to match him, echoing his feelings.  They were both tired.  Dawn or not, they had been up all night, but at least their evening progress had gotten them close enough to see the main road better.  Now they could finally cut across and not have to worry about stepping in a random hole in the dark.  Tiredly, she glared at the path before them and then across the space they were going to travel to the main road.  “Alright,” she muttered determinedly, reaching as Eunhyuk did, for reserves she hadn’t been aware she had.

Getting started was the hard part and once they fell into an unsteady rhythm, walking was fairly easy.  It didn’t take any thought and was more of a reflex action.  The body leaned forward and the foot followed to keep it from face planting.  As injured as they both were, the pace was slower than either would have preferred.  The plaguing feeling of exhaustion they managed to push to the back of their mind along with the persistent hunger that gnawed at them.

Eunhyuk’s desperate need to continue forward pulled them both along well after the time in which fatigue would have set in.  With his eyes glued to the ground in front of him, he doggedly placed one foot in front of the other and kept going, his awareness of his surroundings nonexistent.  Summer wasn’t much better.  Propelled by his stubborn tenacity, she followed alongside, offering support and making sure to keep them in as straight a line as possible.  If there was anyone on the road ahead of them, they did not seem them.

Awareness did not return to either of them until, later in the day, grass fell away under their feet to be replaced by the smooth dirt of the road.  Numbly, the pair paused and stared at it, struggling to recognize why that was significant.  Finally, having reached the initial goal they had set for themselves, Eunhyuk subsequently slumped to the ground, his protesting leg muscles ignored by his body’s desire for a rest.  His arm slipped from around Summer’s shoulder effortlessly as her grip loosened and she lost him entirely.

Somehow, she was able to continue standing, but only just.  Her glassy eyed stare looked up the road and then in the opposite direction, trying to piece the puzzle together.  What was next again?  Presently, her body overrode the thought and she joined Eunhyuk on the ground, her legs folded under her.  Almost as soon as she was seated, her companion leaned his head against her shoulder, seeking contact of some sort.  It was a comforting gesture as he dozed off, leaving her to her stunted awareness.  Her own ability to remain conscious failed shortly thereafter and she followed him in sleep, resting her head against his, slumped against each other on the edge of the road.

They slept, completely unaware of anything, until a very disgruntled farmer in a small horse drawn cart returned from the broken bridge and stopped to stare at them in wary confusion.  “Oye!” he called at the strange pair.  When they didn’t so much as twitch, he clambered down from the seat and approached them with some concern.  Both appeared to be injured rather severely if the bruises were any indication.  “Oye,” he said again, softer now that he was closer as he reached out to gently shake the woman.

At his touch, a mildly annoyed and then alarmed Summer flinched away from the hand, bumping into Eunhyuk and knocking him over onto his bad side.  A sharp cry of pain brought them both to full awareness as he had made no attempt to stop his fall.  “Hyuk,” she murmured coming out of her fugue as she crawled around to him, the farmer forgotten until he hurried around to the other side to help.

“I’m sorry,” he spoke quickly, burly hands reaching down to help the young man to his feet.  He was surprisingly light by the farmer’s standards and he swayed on his feet before the woman grabbed the good arm around her shoulder.  “I’m sorry,” he apologized again.  “I didna mean ta startle ye,” he explained, looking between them carefully.  Whatever they were, it wasn’t dangerous.

Summer shook her head and focused on him closer.  He had a horse drawn cart and appeared to be heading in the direction they wanted to go.  “Our fault,” she mumbled around a thick tongue.  Forcefully, she tried again and smiled at him wearily, her gaze slightly shifty.  “We were in an accident at the bridge,” she began softly, glancing at Eunhyuk to see how his expression was.  Still pinched with pain but his eyes were open at least.

“I saw,” the farmer answered, his expression turning cross.  “And ah’m stuck on this side,” he grumbled, still upset about that.  “It’ll take em weeks ta get it fixed.”  His attention focused on them again and he at least had the decency to look abashed.  “Fergive me,” he nodded, looking at the rather dazed young man again.

“As you were heading back…that way,” she nodded down the road toward the capitol, she added, “Would you be able to perhaps take us to Silverberg Manor?”

He looked surprised by the question.  “They’re not the sort ta deal with just anyone,” he warned, taking a look at the torn and disheveled clothes.  As minor nobles, the Silverberg’s were better than some and not as good as others but they didn’t just welcome anybody.

Summer frowned, a rather frightening expression on her face considering she was in no mood to be patient.  “I am a Silverberg, sir.  I think they will see me.”  Her tone brooked no argument and if her betraying body didn’t back her up, then the steel in her eyes was enough to make him apologize.

The farmer still seemed a bit skeptical but his disinclination was much reduced.  “But ah’ll have lost more time, my lady,” he started, playing along somewhat subtly.

If she hadn’t been nearly exhausted, she might well have reached out to hit him, but right now all her limbs were needed just for keeping them standing.  Carefully, she bit down on whatever retort was about to spring to her lips and she explained as calmly as possible, “I am sure you will be compensated for your troubles.  Thank you.”

“My good lady.  How very kind of ye ta offer,” the farmer clasped his hands together and bowed slightly.  “My name is Se-Jin.  Let me help ye,” he offered, taking Eunhyuk from her and gently guiding the wobbly young man to the back of the cart.  As gently as he could, he lifted him up, though it was obvious the pressure against his sides hurt.  Summer followed suit and bit her tongue in regards to him helping her up too.  “We’ll get ye there.  Ah can even travel at night,” he winked slyly, raising a well-used lantern up.

Summer was not inclined to argue.  “There should be a back path just off the main road nearby,” she offered, blinking forcibly as she tried to focus on her surroundings.  She had been young the last time they had used it but she knew it was here somewhere.  Now if only they could get to it before full dark fell…


         Contrary to what Siwon knew was right and what Eun Mi told him he should do, he was not good at bed rest.  It wasn’t that he doubted her, but it was impossible for him to simply lay there in bed and stare at the ceiling while he waited for his body to heal; especially when he didn’t know how the others were or if they were even alive.  After being urged to lie back down yet again after having sat up to think about doing something else, Siwon finally sighed and watched Eun Mi until she looked at him.

                She was herself a mystery to him.  Now that he wasn’t so confused about waking up at all, there were several things about her that seemed a bit out of place…not in the least being that she was well aware that he was an elementalist and yet this was not strange to her.  Also, why was she out here by herself…?  He was grateful she had taken care of him thus far but what he didn’t know about her spoke volumes louder than what he did…

           Pointedly Eun Mi did not look at him for a moment, well aware his eyes were on her.  At length, though, she took a breath and turned to look at the man who had been watching her so intently, seeing the questions in his eyes.  “Yes?”

           “I can’t do this,” he stated flatly.  He glanced out the open window in her cabin and noticed it was a little after midday.

           “But you haven’t done anything,” she stated as she crossed her arms loosely in front of her, the off-white sleeves faintly stained with various shades of greens and browns just like her hands.  There was a trace of disappointment in her tone as she spoke and she had just the hint of a frown on her face.

           “Exactly,” he stated as he pointed a knowing finger at her.  “Injured or not, I can’t just lay here and accept it.  I have to know if they’re okay,” he told her simply, his face tense and his eyes worried. 

           Carefully, Eun Mi sat down on the stool that was still next to his bed and regarded him thoughtfully.  Her eyes lingered on his chest where the amulet lay hidden beneath his shirt and she pursed her lips.  “And you think limping up and down the Angmer is going to do you or them any good?”

In frustration, he looked away, his mouth pulled taught.  “I have to do something,” he muttered again, stubbornly.

Hesitantly, she reached out a gentle hand and cupped the opposite side of his face to turn his head so he was looking at her again.  “I know how you feel.  Really, I do.  Being helpless is nothing I would wish on anyone.”  The way in which she spoke made Siwon think that maybe that wasn’t entirely true but she continued on, “But unless you have another way of seeing something, you trying to walk around blindly just isn’t going to work.”

           Immediately, he wanted to deny and rail against her words.  How could she possibly know what he felt in this situation?  But the rest of what she said triggered a thought in his memory.  Something Leeteuk had asked him…  Quickly, he grabbed her hand and a tentative hope sprang to life in his eyes as he asked, “Do you have a bowl of water I could borrow?”

           Surprised by the change in mood so quickly, Eun Mi answered without thought, “Of course.”  Then she shook her head at the request and looked at him oddly.  “Why?”

           “If I can’t find them physically, then maybe I can scry them,” he told her simply, already looking around the room for something suitable.

           Eun Mi looked at him doubtfully for a moment but then shrugged and couldn’t help but smile.  He seemed so hopeful and she doubted he even realized he was still holding her hand.  She covered his hands with her free one while she retracted the captured one and smiled, “Just wait.”  Easily, she retrieved one of her wooden gathering bowls and lifted a well hidden door in the floor in front of the fireplace.

                Siwon gave her a startled look and then found himself inspecting the rest of her cabin that much closer.  What else had he missed upon being here?

She disappeared quickly and then reappeared a moment later, moving at a slower pace, the bowl filled with water.  “Most of my stores are down there,” she explained simply at the curious expression he gave her, seeing nothing amiss with having such a store room.

           “Ah…”  Embarrassed by his way with words, or lack thereof, Siwon colored but reached for the mostly full bowl, hands trembling slightly as he brought it back to rest in his lap.  When she sat down next to him on the stool, he was suddenly more nervous.  “I’ve never tried this before,” he finally admitted when she continued to watch with interest.

                “Neither have I,” she responded, looking between him and the bowl curiously.

When she didn’t move, he asked, “Could you…give me a moment…by myself?”  It felt odd to ask but she nodded and then glanced around as if looking for something to do.

           “Of course,” she started, taking a deep breath and standing up with a slightly annoyed look.  “I need to go get some supplies from downstairs anyway,” she assured him, forcing a cheerful smile.  With one final look at her tables to see what she wanted, she returned to the open door and disappeared down the hatch.

           Siwon waited a moment, listening intently as he heard containers being shifted and other slight busy sounds below.  When he was sure she was gone for now, he his lips and stared at the shimmering surface of water intently.  He hadn’t the slightest idea how to do this…  How did one scry anyway?  The water elementalist scratched his head as he sought to remember what he had read in regards to that ability in the monastery.  It wasn’t one he’d really paid that much attention to.  Manipulating water and throwing it in its various forms had seemed far more entertaining than staring at a bowl of water…like he was doing now.

           How he wished he’d paid more attention then.  “Focus,” he told himself softly, taking another deep breath.  “I just want to see them,” he murmured to himself as his gaze unfocused and he recalled clearly every detail of their faces.  Very slightly, he felt an answering pull in the water and when he blinked to look down, he was confused by the fragmented, blurry images.  Snippets of faces showed up and he thought they were the others, but it was too confusing to tell.

           The sight hurt his eyes and he finally had to push the bowl away to collect his thoughts again.  With one hand over his eyes, he exhaled forcefully.  No.  That would be too much to ask to have them all together.  So one at a time then…  Leeteuk and Summer had been immediately next to him before they had been dumped in the river.  “Where are you Leeteuk?” he whispered softly, pulling the bowl closer as he tried to picture the earth elementalist.

           As he focused on just the one image, the water shimmered again and he felt power stir in the bowl as a picture formed clearly on the surface.  A relieved and grateful smile crossed Siwon’s face as he realized the other man was alive.  The joy dimmed considerably when he saw the extent of the injuries, but he was alive!  To his surprise, he also noticed Kharin nearby, standing close enough to support him if need be.  She was less injured it seemed than her companion.  Two…two were alive at least.  But where were their companions?

           Briefly, the image blurred and split into two again as he couldn’t decide whether to look for Eleanara or Eunhyuk first.  Eventually the former won out, if only because he was more worried about her having gotten out of the water.  That fear was allayed quickly as she was hurrying along the bank of the river, pausing here and there at the edge and then rushing to catch up to…Kyuhyun.  Well that was a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one, none the less.  Four of them.  Would he be so lucky as to find the other two?

           Carefully, he focused on Eunhyuk and as the image came to appear in the water, he winced automatically.  The arm was impossible to miss, but right next to him was Summer.  She was helping him to walk.  Where were they going?

           Relief was mixed strongly with confusion and concern.  He wasn’t sure how, but they had all managed to get out alive, although four of them were injured and they were all separated, much like he was.  A frustrated groan escaped him as he threaded his fingers through his hair and glared at the bowl of water as if it should be able to do more.

           “Well?” Eun Mi asked unobtrusively, halfway in the downstairs doorway.

           Quickly, he removed his hands from his hair and he shifted the bowl of water to the stool beside him.  “They’re alive,” he breathed heavily.

           “Well that’s good news,” she smiled easily, pretending she didn’t hear the worry in his voice.  “That’s better than what you knew this morning,” she offered simply before she set a small bundle of herbs on the table nearest him and sat down to work.

           Siwon murmured an agreement and then focused on the water bowl.  Having looked and seen what had happened, he was torn.  It had been bad enough not knowing what had happened to them and not being able to help.  Now though…knowing what happened to them and not being able to do a damn thing about it might well have been worse.  In an effort to stop thinking about them he focused on the woman across from him again.  “Eun Mi?” he asked softly.

                “Hmm?” she queried, her eyes focused on what she was working on.  It looked like she was grinding something up in a mortar and pestle.

                “Why are you helping me?” he finally asked, his eyes wary and intense.

                Eun Mi paused in what she was doing and carefully set the tools down on the table as she sighed.  Without turning around, she asked in return, “Isn’t the fact that you’re an elementalist enough?”  There was a curious almost disappointed tone to her words.

                Siwon frowned and shook his head slightly.  Vividly, he recalled Farwell Crossing and he barked a laugh.  “Not really.”

                Now she laughed sharply and looked at him out of the corner of her eye.  “And I suppose you would have had me leave an injured man lying by the side of the river?”

                When asked that way, it did seem an odd thought.  “Well…no, but why are you here by yourself?”  That was not easy to dismiss and his eyes traveled the extent of the home again, searching for additional signs of habitation.

                Now she looked thoughtful and then annoyed.  “I never said I was alone,” she explained, somewhat crossly.  Almost in reflex, she glanced out the window as if looking for someone.  She missed the flash of alarm that crossed Siwon’s face as he followed her gaze reactively.

                As if in answer to the unspoken query, they both heard someone moving around near the front and while Eun Mi smiled broadly, Siwon’s face paled and he looked around quickly for something to arm himself with.  Nothing came to hand immediately but with a small breath, he recalled he wasn’t weaponless as he waited to see what happened next.

                “Eun Mi!” a masculine voice called out as the door opened easily, letting a tall young man step through the door.

                “Welcome back, Yong-Soo,” she smiled, hurrying over to help him immediately.

                The newcomer smiled at her enthusiasm before he noticed the young man sitting upright in her bed, clothed but obviously injured, and he stiffened.  “Eun Mi,” he stated quietly, his tone full of warning.  “Who’s that?”  Wary brown eyes regarded each other carefully as the newcomer looked from the young woman to the injured man and stayed there.


(a/n:  I apologize in advance for the upcoming splits and quite probably varying lengths of chapters soon to come.  This one was a bit longer than intended, only because originally it would have been too short.  I hope you will be patient with me in the interim until I can get them all back together again and I hope you enjoy it in the meantime.  Any thoughts or comments would be welcome too.  ^_^  Thank you to those who continue to follow, quietly or otherwise.  You are a significant part of the reason I continue to write!

Also, I just noticed the layout difference in the first part versus the second part and I do apologize.  Apparently that's what happens when I write bits of it at work and then send it to myself to finish later.  :S )

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Thanks for another epic adventure tale! Love your stories xxx
Chapter 74: Hehehe. Commenting here so you know what I'm about to do. Rereading this on your >:)
wow... great story and you are an amazing author :D
OH MY GOSH I MISS THIS SO MUCH XDDDDD I'm just scrolling around in my subscriptions, and i stumble across this and my heart sinks. it's sad knowing that i can't read more updates. It's hard to daydream about this story in school when it ended. No more roaming in caves, or fighting snow wolves. Though everything comes to an end, and this ending was great :) This reminds me of this insurance commercial where this guy transferred insurance companies, and he's on the phone with the old one crying, "I MISS YOU!"
ann_babo #5
Can't hide my smile knowing that the story finally reaches its end. Kinda sad it's over, indeed. But, there is always an end and it's always great to read a story till its very end.
The ending was great! yeah, they do really deserve time to heal their mental and have fun! :)
Anyway, thanKyu sooooooooo much for keeping struggling on your tough time to finish this story beautifully. This story is awesome, and it's because you are awesome. Keep doing your best, and, again, THANKYU! ^^
kaicho #6
I kinda feel like I felt when Harry Potter Book 7 was out....
sad and happy at the same time. But mostly, I am very excited about what creation you will produce next ^^
Such a grand ending for a grand story. I remember reading this story when it was already almost half way if I am not mistaken. I hooked up since the foreword and subscribe then ended up reading all the chapters available back then in few good hours.
Although this story has come to an end, I am very sure that I will keep coming back just to read it :D
Thank you so much for bearing with us Amalya, it feels like we're riding with you on your construct and feel sad that the journey has come to an end. You are such an amazing writer with your creativity like no other *when i write this I stopped for a while and start singing suju's no other lol -weird random moment- :D *
please know that even though this story has end, you have all our support to continue writing, just do your thing and you know that we're supporting you!
and I would still call you Your Highness ;) it's only fit that way :D
What an awesome ending to an equally awesome story! You are amazing. (:
Oh my god...Oho my god....DX IT FINISHED! I love the ending though :D I remember the geeky kids who used to stay up late and make designs with their elements with Summer killing it, and now look at them. In ballgowns and suits, dancing, I now picture them as 20. xD Our babies grew up. This has been an amazing fanfiction, and I owe all the credit to you. ;W; i almost started crying at the end xD Have a great day, and i can't wait to see the one shots! ;W;
Kyuhyunnnie........Wake up );
I'M SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY ! i had no time to check your updates or comment, so now i'm going to :D Ugh Enrhyll is so scary and annoying *____*