Got7- BamBam

Kpop One shots
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'Oppa! Why are you dating that tubby?'

'Dump that hag already and date a real girl!'

'(Y/n) is such a ! She's only with BamBam Oppa for money and fame!'

'BamBam could do so much better. (Y/n) isn't even that pretty!'

'Go kill yourself you !'

I slammed my laptop shut in frustration. Stupid anti-fans were at it again. They hate on me just because I'm dating their precious BamBam. Jeez. Bhuwakul can date who ever the hell he wants to. His fans have no say in it. I hid these things from him for a reason.

If BamBam knew his fans were being cruel to me, he would be very angry and would do something about it. Bhuwakul rarely ever got angry. It was almost unheard of. But he had his moments, just like any other human out there.

I sigh softly and stood up from the bed. I head over to the closet. I grab a pair of black undies and one of BamBam's t-shirts. Maybe a shower will help clear my head.

I place my clothes on the toilet before grabbing a towel and hanging it on the towel rack by the shower. I strip down and turn the shower on. I let the water warm up before I step inside.

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