Gangwon-do . . .


My only-for-L.Joe-phone was ringing. >>You got a message.<<

>>Let's see<<, I mumbled to myself.

L.Joe: Annyeong~. How are you? I'm tired, but I have to practice more. This will be a long night ^^. Are you free tomorrow at 12?

Mi Young: Hey there ^^ I'm doing fine. Don't stay up too long, okay? Yes, I'm okay with 12 tomorrow. What are we going to do?

L.Joe: Glad, that you are doing fine. ^^ I won't tell you, it's a surprise. Just a tip; It will take quit a while to get there.

Mi Young: Not fair~ :( What a meanie, you are. -pout- But now I'm excited. See you tomorrow then. Sleep well and get some sleep.

L.Joe: I'm not a meanie. See, now you are excited for tomorrow. Yeah, I try my best and get some sleep. You, sleep well too :D


I sat my alarm clock for ten, but I was still sleepy. Unfortunate, eight hours had to be okay. I walked into the kitchen, still half a sleep.

>>Good morning. Did you finally managed to get up?<<, my mom asked.

I just pointed at the clock.

>>It's ten<<, my mom told me.

>>You know what that means? Too early in the morning. Don't speak.<< I made myself a cacao (yes, a microwave cacao) and went into my room, my laptop to check if Kyung Mi was up already. Of course she wasn't. It was Sunday morning, she would sleep 'til 12 or so.


As I opened the door, I looked at L.Joe. He smiled at me, so did I. >>Hello~.<<

>>Hey<<, I replied. I looked at him closer. He wore a blue back bag. >>Why did you brought a back bag? It's kinda full. Where do we go?<<

L.Joe grinned. >>I won't tell you.<<

I pouted again. >>Okay, where to go first?<<

>>Into a supermarket.<<

So we went there and L.Joe bought some snacks and drinks.

>>What's all this?<<, I asked as we headed to the subway station.

L.Joe just chuckled.

>>Okay, so a back bag full of what?<<

L.Joe shrugged his shoulders.

>>Hmm. . .so food and the subway, I guess the trip takes some time?<<

>>Yes. It takes us some time to get there. It's a place I always wanted to go for a date.<<

>>That's easy. I can google it now. I just have to type in: L.Joe's favorite place for a date.<<

L.Joe laughed. >>Really?<<

>>You can google everything. Just type in G-Dragon and car. There are pictures of his car, same with Beast's Yong Junhyung. . .hmm.<<

>>I believe you did that already?<<

>>I was bored. . .<<

I looked at the plan which showed the station the subway would go to. >>We'll be going to the north of Seoul?<<

L.Joe nodded. >>Not only the north of Seoul. We'll leave Seoul.<<

>>What? Really?<<


After some time, we got out of the subway and took the train. It took us more or less two hours to get there. While that, L.Joe and I listened to music and talked about random stuff.

>>Gangwon-do!<<, I said as we arrived.

L.Joe nodded. >>I wanted to go to the seaside. I like the fresh air and I wanted to play in the water. . .<<

I chuckled. >>I don't know why you are called the >bad boy rapper< in Teen Top.<<

>>Me either.<<


>>Woah! It's so beautiful.<< We stopped as we arrived at the beach. Luckily it was a hot late summer day. The sun was shining and I grew all excited.

>>Let's go<<, L.Joe said and walked to the beach. He opened his back bag and got out a small blanket. >>Now, I know why it the bag seemed so full.<<

>>Let's sit down.<<

We sat down and I took a lot of pictures of our surrounding and of L.Joe. Then he wanted to take a picture of me, but I didn't let him. . .

We ate some cookies and drank some coke and first we just chilled.

>>What kind of habit do you have?<<, L.Joe asked me.

>>Hmm. A bad habit?<<

>>Any habit.<<

>>Well, before Teen Top debuted I was a big Super Junior fan. My bias is definitely Cho Kyuhyun and I downloaded some songs of him. He has this song called >7 years of love<, and well, I listened to it every time I go to bed. That's for about two years now.<<

>>I assume you like the song so much?!<<

>>I mean, I like the song, but just for sleeping. It's too sad. I can't listen to it during the day.<<

L.Joe nodded and got out his sunglasses. >>Ooooh! Your sunglasses have zebra stripes!<<, I pointed out.

>>Yeah, I know.<< He put them down and held them out. >>Wanna put them on?<<

>>No, no. Keep them.<<

>>I have different ones, black ones with me.<<

>>But. . .<<

It was too late, he already placed them on my nose.

>>The sky is black<<, I grinned.

>>Too bad, I already took a picture of you<<, L.Joe suddenly said. He held my camera.

>>Aaaah. No~.<<

>>Chill. You look good on the photos.<<


L.Joe got up. >>Let's go to the water.<<

>>Promise to not splash water at me.<<

>>I promise.<< L.Joe said and walked to the water, I followed him.

I put my feed into the water. >>It's cold.<<


>>Come on.<< L.Joe had rolled up his jeans as far as possible and went into the water. I giggled. >>You look funny with this rolled up pants.<<

>>Ya!<< He bend down and splashed water at me. >>Aaah~.<< I ran away. >>You promised to not do that!<<

>>I lied.<<

>>You are mean.<< I went into the water again and splashed water at him too.

Not long and he was wet from head to toe. I wasn't, kekeke.

We went back to the blanket and sat down. >>Wanna play a game?<<, I asked.

>>What game?<<

>>Guess who I am, okay? It's a Korean Idol.<<


>>I'm member in a boy band. There's no one really, who calls me by my real name. I never had an outstanding hair color. I mean no read, no pink, no orange no blue or something like that. My hobbies are reading and puzzles. . .I'm about 173 cm, so I'm not the smallest in the group. I'm the second oldest.<< I looked at L.Joe if he knew it already. >>More!<<, he said.

>>Okay, I'm the lead vocal and my group consists of six members.<<

>>Oooh~ Chunji Hyung!<<

I nodded.

>>You know a lot about him.<<

-cough- >>Well, that are things a fan must know if they like Teen Top.<<

>>Do you know such things about me, too?<<

>>Not everything of course.<<

>>Okay, it's my turn now. . . I'm a girl.<<

I laughed. >>I didn't know that! Do your group members know that?<<

L.Joe laughed too. >>You know what I mean.<<

>>Sorry, please go on.<<

>>I'm in a girl group consisting of five members. L.Joe, knows her from school

. . . I'm the rapper and my image is y.<<


>>Wow, that was fast.<<

>>You know her from school?<<

L.Joe nodded.

>>Is she your ideal type?<<

>>I don't have an ideal type when you mean artists. I like girls who are pretty barefaced. She must be cute, adorable and lively.<<

>>I see, that's your ideal type then. . .Did you experience love before?<<

He hesitated. >>During my life in America, I liked a Chinese girl. She moved away and after writing a letter we lost contact.<<

>>Oooooooh, poor L.Joe.<< Wait, he was in America? Turns out that I don't know ANYTHING about him.

He laughed. >>No, no. That's okay. It's quiet a while ago.<<

>>Where did you live in America?<<

>>In California.<<

Ooooh, good to know. >>How long have you been there?<<

>>5 years.<<

So he lived 5 years and still sings >How that sound?< Kekeke, that's funny.

>>I didn't ask you what your habit is<<, I said.

>>Chunji always says I'm talking in sleep.<<

>>Really? And he doesn't get bothered by it?<<

L.Joe shrugged his shoulders. >>As long as I sleep good<, he grinned.

>>Okay, there's still one big question, why the hell did Teen Top a photo shoot in boxers? I don't get it.<< AND WHY DID CHUNJI HAD TO WEARE HIGH HEELS? You don't want to know how I reacted when I saw this picture. . .

L.Joe started laughing. >>I dunno. I can tell you, it wasn't easy for us.<<

>>It wasn't easy for your fans either.<<


After that we ate sandwiches, which we bought in the supermarket before coming here. >>Are you tired?<<, I asked him.

He yawned and nodded. >>I had dance practice last night. . .<<

>>When will you have your comeback?<<

>>Probably in the beginning of next year.<<

>>That's too long.<< I sighed and pouted. >>But it's okay, as long as you are all hard working.<<

>>Yes~ We are.<< L.Joe laid down on the blanket and closed his eyes. >>It's so hot in the sun.<<

>>Do you like the winter more?<<


>>You can't like the winter.<<

>>Why not?<<

>>It's cooooold. You have to wear thick clothes and stuff.<<

>>I don't like showing skin anyways.<<

>>That's not common for an idol.<< I had to think of Lee Joon from MBLAQ, keke. He definitely had no problem of showing skin. . .

>>You think so?<<

>>The rookie groups don't show off so much skin, but others do.<< I looked at the sky, still having L.Joe's sunglasses on.

>>Where do you feel comfortable?<<, I asked him.

>>In my bed.<<

>>Really? Me too. I love my bed.<<


He chuckled.

I looked at the ocean and watched other people playing in the water and stuff.

>>Are you asleep?<<, I quietly asked after like fifteen minutes. He didn't answer. So he was asleep?! Seemed so. I took out my camera and took a picture of him. He looked peaceful while sleeping. Well, who didn't?

I bent over him and took another picture. He suddenly sat up. His head crashed against my forehead (I already had put down my camera). >>Huh?<<, he made. >>Ouch<<, we when both said.

I held my forehead. >>Mianhae.<<

>>Are you okay?<<, he asked.

I took away my hand and nodded.

L.Joe placed his hand on my forehead. >>I'm sorry. Does it hurt?<<

I didn't move. I somehow was shocked by his sudden touch.

When I realized, that we were like this for about 15 seconds or so, I moved away. >>No. . .it's okay.<< I looked at the ocean and tried to avoid that L.Joe was looking at me.

Yeah, I felt pretty uncomfortable. The silence made it even more worse.

AAAAH SOO AWKWARD! WHAT HAPPENED? -sigh- Okay, chill, Mi Young. What should I do next? Ehm. . .suddenly my phone rang. YAAAY.

It was Lee U. . .Well his real name wasn't Lee U (I wish he would be the Lee U from F.CUZ- drifting off to dreamland), but Kyung Mi and I called him like this. He was actually a friend of us. . .well we tried to make him our best - male- friend, but it didn't work like we thought. We wanted a hot and cool friend and we told him to buy himself cool and hot clothes. He even did, but he still had this stupid and totally unacceptable girlfriend and he couldn't act cute and hot, not even normal. He was still a stupid guy without any idea of life. So we stopped changing him into a Lee U. He's just himself now. . .-sigh- But he's happy, so no offense.


>>Mi Young, are you at home?<<


>>Who is it?<<, L.Joe asked me.

I looked at him apologizing.

>>Where are you? Shopping with Kyung Mi?<<


>>When where are you?<<

>>In Gangwon-do.<<

>>What are you doing there?<<

>>Who is it?<<,L.Joe asked again.

>>Come on, tell me why you called me.<<

>>Never mind, you aren't at home, so no need to tell you.<<


>>No, no it's okay.<<

>>Tell me.<<

>>No, it doesn't matter.<<

GOD THIS GUY WAS GETTING ON MY NERVES! >>Will you tell me when I'm home? <<

>>Yes, maybe.<<

I rolled my eyes. He was so stupid and so freaking annoying. >>Okay, then bye.<<


Really, this was the most stupid conversation I ever had. Okay, that was a lie. I had more stupid discussions/ conversations with Kyung Mi.

>>Who was it?<<, L.Joe asked for the third time.

>>Just a guy I know.<<

>>A friend?<<

>>A boy who Kyung Mi and I tried to be friends with. But we tried our best, he's just not the same as us. I mean. . .He has stupid friends, a stupid girlfriend and he's too naive.<< I sighed. >>Sorry, I'm a bit harsh when it comes to him.<<

>>Oh. What about your other friends?<<

I rubbed the back of my head. >>Well, there is Kyung Mi. She's my best friend for 15 years now. We have some other friends, but we aren't so close. . .<<


>>Why? Huh? Why I don't have so many friends?<< I chuckled.

L.Joe nodded.

>>Kyung Mi and I have high expectations. . .too high. I mean, we are like twins and it's hard for us to get along with people who aren't like us. When people have a totally different point of view, a different attitude we don't get along so well. . .<<

>>But we get along, don't we?<<

>>Yes. But you are normal. I mean you are an idol, that's not normal, but you know. . .<< I started talking rubbish. >>You don't act silly, you are cool, funny, cute and nice.<<

L.Joe slightly smiled. >>You think so?<<

>>Everyone thinks that way. Where do you think all the L.Joe fans come

from?<<, I asked without getting that L.Joe thought I made him a serious compliment. I mean it I was serious, but not serious in a flirty way. Oh man! That just wasn't my day at all.

>>Oh. . .<<, L.Joe simply said.

I looked at him. >>Are you mad?<<


>>Huh? Oh no.<< He put on a smile.

>>Excuse me?<< L.Joe and I looked up. A woman stood in front of us. Next to her a boy who was about 5 years old. >>Annyeonghaseyo<<, the woman quickly bowed, so did we. >>Could you please play with Yoongeun for half an hour? I quickly want to buy some food for us and he wanted to play with someone so badly.<< YOONGEUN! DAEBAK! He's called like the cute little baby from SHINee Hello Baby.

>>Of course<<, I said and smiled.

>>Really? Thank you. Yoongeun is a little bit shy<<, she smiled and knelt down to her son. >>Play with the noona and the hyung, okay? Be nice, Yoongeun. I'll be back right away.<<

>>Bye, mommy.<< He waved goodbye.

The boy held a ball in his hands. I looked at L.Joe. >>Let's go<<, he said.

We both stood up. >>Yoongeun, pass the ball.<< I stretched out my arms and he threw the ball. I caught it and kicked the ball back to him. Then he passed the ball to L.Joe.

After we played and run around a bit, we went back to our blanket. >>Yoongeun, do you want a cookie?<<

>>Yes, please<<, he smiled.

We gave him some cookies and not long after that his mother came back.

>>Thank you for watching over him<<, she thanked.

>>No problem<<, L.Joe said.


>>Oooh~ the sunset!<<, I said. We had stopped being awkward to each other and therefore played some games.

I grabbed my camera and took many pictures of it. >>A sunset, a starry sky and the skyline of Seoul are the most beautiful things I can think of.<<

And Chunji of course, but he was hot and cute and everything else, not just beautiful.

L.Joe chuckled but didn't say anything.

After the sun went down and the sky turned dark blue, we packed everything and went back to the train station. I sat down so I could look out of the window, L.Joe next to me. >>Wanna listen to music?<<, he asked.

I nodded. We shared his earphones and as I watched the surrounding pass me, I became sleepy. I leaned my head against the window and fell asleep.


I woke up and found myself leaning against L.Joe's shoulder. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. >>Huh?<< I notice that I was covered with L.Joe's hoodie.

>>You are awake now?<<, he smiled.

>>Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night.<< I gave him his hoddie back. >>Sorry for bothering you<<, I apologized.

>>You didn't.<<

>>But I leaned on your shoulder. . .<<

>>Well, it was. . .quiet comfortable.<<

>>You are saying that, so I don't feel bad. Thanks.<<

We listened to the announcement in the train. >>Oh, we'll be there within five minutes<<, I smiled.


L.Joe walked me home. >>It was a fun day<<, he smiled.

I nodded. >>I agree.<<

>>Thanks for going there with me.<<

>>No problem. I mean, it was fun. . .<<

I rang the bell of my apartment. My mom opened the door. >>See you.<< I waved goodbye and L.Joe smiled at me.


>>I knew it.<< I came into my apartment and saw Kyung Mi sitting on my chair, in my room, eating out of my bowl, with my mother next to her. I assume she thinks of her as the new Mi Young.

>>Hello. Kyung Mi- imnida. What's up Mi Young?<<, I asked as I walked into the room. Both, my mom and Kyung Mi looked at me as if I was insane.

>>Did L.Joe gave you some drugs or something?<<, Kyung Mi asked.

>>Of course. I'm high. We smoked . . .<<

My mom looked at us with widened eyes. >>Chill. That was a joke. You know, I would never take drugs, I would never smoke, never drink, never marry, never date a guy. . .or a girl, never lie to you, never do something you dislike. . .<<

Kyung Mi burst out into laughter.

>>Well, I mean, the first things were true. . .'til the marrying bit.<<

>>I think that's the point that won't happen either<<, Kyung Mi said.

I looked at opened. >>Ya! Do you want to die?<<

>>What's this for a question?<<

>>I'll put on 2PM if you don't stop.<<

>>No~. I haven't done anything.<<

>>Okay<<, I smiled.

>>Tell me about your date with L.Joe.<<

I looked at my mom. >>Go away.<<

>>It doesn't matter if I stay here or not, I'll hear it anyway.<< She stood up and left.

>>She's a stalker mom.<<


Well, yeah, then I told her everything. Even the awkward part with L.Joe.


After that she laughed. >>You two traveled from west to east in one day, just for a date.<<

>>Is that. . .bad?<<

>>No, but funny.<<

I pouted. >>Don't laugh at me. . .<<


Kyung Mi finally left, not that I didn't like to be here, but. . .it was time for her to leave. It was already ten.

My only- for- L.Joe- phone rang. I took it out and read the message.

L.Joe: Do you like me?

I stared at this. WHAT? What does he mean? Huh? WHAT IS IT? Okay, Mi Young, that's just a simple question. Maybe one of his band members wrote it, just to have something to laugh.

Mi Young: What do you mean?

L.Joe: Who is your favorite member in Teen Top?

I hesitated. What should I write? I mean, isn't it too late to write >Chunji

Mi Young: Why do you wanna know that?

L.Joe: It isn't me, right? You don't. . .like me?

What? Huh? WHAT? What's this all about?

Mi Young: What are you talking about? Why do you think so?

L.Joe: It's Chunji, isn't it?

Mi Young: To be honest, yes. . .Chunji is my favorite member.

I felt guilty. Maybe I should have been honest to him right away. But we are just friends. I mean it doesn't matter then, right? - sigh-

I waited for a response, but there wasn't one. That let me feel even more guilty.

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yeah a sequel
super cute story
love the whole twin part
but what happened with lee u?
AiAddict #2
Thankiss for the good story :D I have a bestfriend too. And we often consider ourselves as twinny too :D cant wait for the sequel. ;)
nice...but in the beginning,those girls should have felt lucky they get to date them...they ARE idols lol
Great Story. I finished it today ^^
Thanks for commenting ^^<br />
I'm happy you like it :DD
isabel #6
I'm just at chapter 3, but I love this story! :P
omg, i love ljoe, jiyong, and seungri(happy birthday!). 8D
Update soon~