Who is Kim Hee Chai?

Letting Go


Min Hee's POV
I woke up with a fresh start. Today was Saturday, the day when I can go out with Hee Chul freely. I feel bad about not telling him that I wasn't allowed to see him after school. What if he had waited for me down by the river where we always meet? I really don't want him worried about me. He's such a good person, even though he doesn't believe in God. For me, it doesn't matter what you believe in as long as you are a kind-hearted person. There was a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Annyeong Min Hee-sshi, it's Onew," he answered. Onew? What was he doing here? I opened the door. "Good morning. What are you doing here, anyway? It's Saturday right?" I said. He had wide grin spread across his face. "Ki Bum-ah told me to take you out today. He went somewhere far with his father. I think it has something to do with your upcoming wedding," he said. I cringed at the word wedding. "Oh! He told me to take you out today so you won't be alone while he's gone," he added. "B-but I have to go somewhere today," I whispered. I have to go see Hee Chul. "Really? I'll accompany you then," he offered. "Are you sure?" I asked. What will he tell Key if he saw me with Hee Chul? I don't care anyway. Hee Chul is my best friend and he can't do anything to change it. He nodded. I quickly took a bath and went with him to Hee Chul's house. 
Hee Chul's POV
I woke up with my mother calling me. "Ne, omma?" I replied. "Min Hee is waiting for you downstairs," she answered. I got up quickly. She's here! I went downstairs to see her with another guy. "Annyeong, Chullie-ah!" she greeted while embracing me. She calls me Chullie whenever we don't see each other for a long time. Well, it's been a week. "Good morning," I greeted back. "Oh! This is Onew. My new friend. Onew, this is Hee Chul, my best best friend in the whole world," she introduced us to each other. Who is that Onew anyway? "Annyeong," I said to that Onew person. "So, what brings you here?" I turned to Min Hee. "Oh. I just missed you. I'm sorry for not meeting with you after school. My parents told me I should go out with my...I mean, Ki Bum instead. Kim Ki Bum is my...soon to be husband. Onew is his best friend," she explained. I couldn't think of anything to say but "Oh." She pulled me by the hand and we went down by the river where we always meet. She sat comfortably, while Onew and I are trailing behind her. "Onew-ah, do you like to travel?" she asked, trying to start a conversation. "Actually, I do. I've been travelling since I was little. My parents took me abroad during vacations. Sometimes, Key's family travels with us," he responded. Wow. They're rich. How come I was born differently when I could have become one of them? But then again, if my family was rich, I wouldn't have met Min Hee. 
Noon passed by quickly. Onew decided to buy food for all three of us, leaving Min Hee and me. "I thought you were dead," I started. "What? Why?" she asked, confused. "You didn't pass by here even just to say hi or even just to tell me you won't meet up with me everyday. You could've just told me and I wouldn't have been so worried. Of course I know that I'm not welcome at your house. But still," I continued. "Mianhe, Chullie-ah. I didn't have the chance. Key would pick me up after school and take me somewhere. I'm really sorry. I only have the weekends to spend time with you. I'll have to talk to my parents about it," she answered. She rested her head on my shoulder, and suddenly, we were best friends again. We were the children who would ring our neighbor's doorbell and run away. We were the children who would climb trees as high as we could go. I have always been her protector, her guardian. But right now, I feel so helpless. I know she doesn't want to get married early. "Do you want to marry that Ki Bum guy?" I asked. "I don't know," she said with a sigh. "I'm sorry I haven't given you any sensible advices. It's just hard to absorb. Imagine, my childhood friend, getting married?" I said. We heard car tires screeching. Onew's here.
Onew's POV
I came back to the riverside bringing food for the three of us. I sat beside them and started to eat. "Oppa, let me guess what this is," Min Hee said. "What?" I asked. "CHICKEN!" she teased. We all smiled. "Of course it's chicken. I've been living with chicken ever since I was a fetus. I could give up Key just for chicken," I joked. That Hee Chul guy kept quiet. He was Min Hee's childhood friend. He looks nice. "So Hee Chul, where do you study?" I asked.
"Aniyo. I don't study anymore. I dropped out of school when I was 17 and started working," he answered. There was no hint of regret or shame in his voice and expression. "Why?" I asked again. "My parents cannot afford me to go to school anymore. So I started working to help them support my family's needs," he replied. He amazed me. I can't even lift a finger to help on household chores and yet here he was, supporting his family. Lucky for me, I was born in a privileged family. And fortunately, I'm not a careless guy who doesn't give a damn, knowing he's rich. My parents have taught me the value of money at a very young age. Thank God. My phone vibrated. It was a text from Key.
Sender: Key
Is everything going fine? Is Min Hee with you? How is she? 
I replied.
Sender: Onew
We're together. Everything's fine. She's okay. I'll call you later.
Geez. I want to tell Key about Hee Chul already. I looked at the both of them. They were laughing and talking like they know eacdh other really well. They must have been best friends since birth. Hours passed. It was already sunset. I watched as Min Hee rested her head on Hee Chul's shoulder. They look like a couple. "Min Hee-sshi, I think you two should go now. Maybe Kim Ki Bum's already waiting for the both of you," Hee Chul said. Min Hee stood up. "I'll just be at the car," she said then walked away. "Hee Chul-ah, tell me. What do you think of the arranged marriage?" I asked. "I don't know. Min Hee's my best friend in the whole wide world. I can't imagine life without her. And now, seeing her about to get married, it's just...hard to accept," he answered. Does he like her? I think so. I can see it in his eyes. The sadness, the pain. "She's a sister to me. I've been with her since I can remember. And now, an arranged marriage will just keep us apart. It's kind of unfair don't you think?" he continued. "I know. My friend is having a hard time adjusting too," I said. There was a moment of silence. "You should let me meet this Kim Ki Bum person some time," he suggested. "Sure," I replied and went inside the car. 
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Chapter 13: Take your time :) No worries I will be waiting!
Chapter 11: Loved how you mentioned the Phillipines :)
@ChoKyu: Annyeong new reader~! ^^ But it's true that Heechul became a construction worker in real life though. :/ We still haven't made a sequel since we're pretty busy. Mianhe. :(
just finished reading~~ too bad minhee didnt end up w/ heechul, oh well, off to read the sequel~~
good thing you made onew as kibum's bestfriend, cause i ship OnKey! :D AND! Heechul as a CONSTRUCTION WORKER? %@?!#><%!!!! *faints*<br />
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still at chapter 6 and im loving it so far. ^ ^
@Kpop_Loverz: Thank you for reading ♥ We really appreciate that! ^^
Kpop_Loverz #7
nice ending
@emo_hyuga15: Thank you for reading and please continue supporting us if ever we'll make a sequel of "Letting Go" :)<br />
@klapaucius17joy: I know :( I'm really sad for Heechul since he really needs to sacrifice his love for her<br />
@samanday: We'll try to make the sequel of "Letting Go" and will try to make it as happy as usual. :D<br />
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samanday #9
aaah~ love the ending. really great fics.<br />
it's unusual happy ending make it more interesting.. =D
whoah! O.o<br />
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I dunno what to say >.<<br />
Im sad 4 them..<br />
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