
Letting Go


The night before the wedding...
Key's POV
I'm so excited for the wedding tomorrow. I'm gonna get married to a perfect woman who told me yesterday that she loves me back. I feel so happy. I called Onew and invited him to celebrate with me. "I'm sorry, Key. I'm pressured by your mom to help her prepare for the wedding," he answered. I hung up and went to the bar myself. 
After uncountable shots, I was drunk. I've never been this drunk. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 10pm. Mom and Min Hee will kill me if they saw me with dark circles under my eyes tomorrow. I got up and went to my car. I started the engine and was on the way home. I felt my phone vibrate and saw that it was a text from Min Hee.
Sender: Min Hee
Oppa, where are you? Your mom asked me where you were. Go home now. It's already late.
I started to type my reply. The driver of the car behind me started honking his horn madly. I looked up and saw a tree in front of me. I had no time to reverse or to turn. The car crashed. 
Hee Chul's POV
It was already late at night but I was still sitting by the riverside. I sighed. Tomorrow is Min Hee's wedding day. She invited me last week with tears in her eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat and smiled at her. I told her I'd be coming. But did I really have the strength to attend the wedding of the girl I really love? I had pondered about this for days. If I go, maybe I'll just ruin her special day. I won't have the strength to control myself.
I heard a crash. I stood up and saw a familiar car smashed in the front. A person, the driver, was bent forward and badly injured. I ran towards him. It was Key. He was bloody and broken. I helped him out of the car but his feet were stuck. I managed to get him out but he moaned endlessly in pain. 
I don't know what to do. I couldn't call the ambulance because I have no phone. "W-who...who are you?" he said. "It's me. Hee Chul," I answered. I put his arm around my shoulders and laid him down on the grass. I was afraid to touch him for fear of only making things worse. He was barely breathing. "H-hee...Hee Chul...Hee Chul-ah," he said. "What?" I asked. 
"If ever...if ever...just in case...I don't m-make it for tomorrow," he said. "Don't say that. You'll make it. Min Hee will be waiting for you," I shouted. I was mad. Why was he saying things like that? "Just in case...I'm badly hurt. I can't feel my legs. Just in case...I don't make it to our wedding...go there. Be there for Min Hee. I know you love her. She loves you too. T-take care of her...take care of her for me. Please. Just promise me that..." he continued. Tears were streaming down my face. I felt so helpless. "I know...I know she loves you even though she loves me too. She loves you more than she loves me. I promise you that...J-just tell her...I love her...I really love her. It's true. Just promise me that. Please?" he said. Blood came gushing from his mouth. I knew what I had to do.
I didn't know letting go was this hard. I never felt anything as painful as this. But it will make her happy. That's what love is about right? Giving anything that will make your loved one happy, no matter how painful it can be. And that's what she needs. Freedom.
I stood up and with all the strength I could get, I carried him and rushed him to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital and I carried him to the emergency entrance. The doctors immediately attended to him and brought him to the operating room. I sat and waited. I got strange looks from people walking by. I was bloody, barefoot, and dirty. But I didn't care.
After a few hours, the doctor came out. "He's going to be fine," he said. I breathed out a sigh of relief and went home.
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Chapter 13: Take your time :) No worries I will be waiting!
Chapter 11: Loved how you mentioned the Phillipines :)
@ChoKyu: Annyeong new reader~! ^^ But it's true that Heechul became a construction worker in real life though. :/ We still haven't made a sequel since we're pretty busy. Mianhe. :(
just finished reading~~ too bad minhee didnt end up w/ heechul, oh well, off to read the sequel~~
good thing you made onew as kibum's bestfriend, cause i ship OnKey! :D AND! Heechul as a CONSTRUCTION WORKER? %@?!#><%!!!! *faints*<br />
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still at chapter 6 and im loving it so far. ^ ^
@Kpop_Loverz: Thank you for reading ♥ We really appreciate that! ^^
Kpop_Loverz #7
nice ending
@emo_hyuga15: Thank you for reading and please continue supporting us if ever we'll make a sequel of "Letting Go" :)<br />
@klapaucius17joy: I know :( I'm really sad for Heechul since he really needs to sacrifice his love for her<br />
@samanday: We'll try to make the sequel of "Letting Go" and will try to make it as happy as usual. :D<br />
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samanday #9
aaah~ love the ending. really great fics.<br />
it's unusual happy ending make it more interesting.. =D
whoah! O.o<br />
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I dunno what to say >.<<br />
Im sad 4 them..<br />
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