The Announcement

Letting Go


Min Hee's POV
Today is the end of November. It's getting colder and colder as time passes by. Heechul, my childhood friend, is busy dipping his feet into the cold Han river. "Ya!" I nudged him. "Next time we come here, let's bring a blanket. I'm so cold," I said. He patted my back. "It's nice out here, right? Just nice and quiet, away from the noise in the city," he said. My phone vibrated. There was a text from my mother. 
Sender: Mom
Come home. We're waiting for you to join dinner. 
If you come home late, I won't allow you to go 
out with Hee Chul anymore.
I sighed. "You're mom's waiting for you already?" he asked. I nodded. We became silent for a few minutes. "Do you remember when you slipped and nearly drowned in this same river? I was about to fetch my younger sister from school and then I heard screaming. I ran towards you and helped you get out of the water," he recalled. "I remember. And you offered to bring me home," I added. "You didn't answer. I asked why. You said you don't know your address. You were 8 years old back then and you didn't know your address," he teased. We both laughed. Since then, we became close friends. Now that we're both 19 years old, the closeness we had when we were young got stronger. But after my dad got a job from a well-known company, my parents told me to keep a distance from Hee Chul. They said he was a bad influence. He droppped out of high school, not for being a bad student, but because his parents cannnot afford for him to study. I felt bad for him, he had to work as a construction worker for his family's needs. At first, I had seen him as a brother. I wanted a sibling so badly because I was an only child. Then, my feelings for him changed. It became love. 
I arrived home after half an hour. I saw my parents waiting for me at the dinner table. They had guests. I didn't care if they saw me eat dinner wearing a plain shirt and pants while they looked elegant in formal wear. Who were they, anyway? "Good evening," I paid my respect to them as I sat down beside mom. I noticed that the quests were an old couple and a man who looks like the same age as me. "Now that we're all here, I want to announce something," my dad started. Everyone turned to look at him. "It's my pleasure to announce that my daughter, Park Min Hee, is arranged to be married to my trusted friend's son, Kim Ki Bum," he continued. WHAT?!? Arranged to be married?! How did this happen? I stood up angrily and went up to my room and cried. Sometimes, my parents become selfish and heartless people. 
"Min Hee?" mother knocked softly on the door. "It's open," I answered. She entered and sat beside me. She started my hair. "Do you understand why we're doing this?" she asked. I shook my head while wiping my tears away. I acted like a 7-year-old girl. "Your father's company experienced a recession and your father is in danger of losing his job. Since he's close friends with the chairman, they both agreed to fix an arranged marriage for both of you. His son, Kim Ki Bum, is shocked about this news too. But he knows it will be for the best," she explained. "But why do you have to put me into this? I'm still young. I'm only 19! He's still young too. Can't dad just find a new job?" I asked. "If he could, he would have done that a long time ago and you wouldn't be in this position, right? Please understand. It will be for the best. The wedding will take place next month," she said. "A MONTH?" I shouted. "Lower your voice, young lady!" she scolded me. "B-but...I don't love that Ki Bum guy," I whispered. "It's all for the best," she repeated while walking out the door. I sighed with defeat. What about my life? My freedom? What about Hee Chul? What will I tell him? 
The next day...
I always met up with Hee Chul by the river after school. I saw him wearing a pair of faded jeans and a shirt. "Hee Chul-ah, I'm going to tell you a secret," I said softly. "What is it?" he replied. "I'm getting married," I whispered. "What? I can't hear you. The noise from the ongoing construction is so loud. Can you repeat what you just said?" he shouted. "I'm getting married!" I said with a louder voice. "You WHAT?!" he said, grabbing my shoulders. "How could you get married? You're only 19! I didn't even know you have a boyfriend!" he said. I knew he is angry. His eyes were glaring at me with such fierceness. "Chullie-ah, you're hurting me," I answered. He let go of my shoulders and just sighed. I rested my head on his shoulder, just like I always do when I'm confused. "It's an arranged marriage. My dad will lose his job if I don't agree," I explained. "It's just don't even know that person you're going to marry. He doesn't even know you! Does he know what your favorite things are?" he rambled on and on. "To think think that, I love you," he confessed. My heart skipped a beat. "I love you too," I answered. "Let's just run away together," I suggested without thinking. "PARK MIN HEE! Did you hear what you just said? You want to run away? You, who always tells me that life is a river. You should go with the flow," he snapped. I took it all in silence. "But what about us?" I said after he stopped talking. "Let's see," he replied.
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Chapter 13: Take your time :) No worries I will be waiting!
Chapter 11: Loved how you mentioned the Phillipines :)
@ChoKyu: Annyeong new reader~! ^^ But it's true that Heechul became a construction worker in real life though. :/ We still haven't made a sequel since we're pretty busy. Mianhe. :(
just finished reading~~ too bad minhee didnt end up w/ heechul, oh well, off to read the sequel~~
good thing you made onew as kibum's bestfriend, cause i ship OnKey! :D AND! Heechul as a CONSTRUCTION WORKER? %@?!#><%!!!! *faints*<br />
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still at chapter 6 and im loving it so far. ^ ^
@Kpop_Loverz: Thank you for reading ♥ We really appreciate that! ^^
Kpop_Loverz #7
nice ending
@emo_hyuga15: Thank you for reading and please continue supporting us if ever we'll make a sequel of "Letting Go" :)<br />
@klapaucius17joy: I know :( I'm really sad for Heechul since he really needs to sacrifice his love for her<br />
@samanday: We'll try to make the sequel of "Letting Go" and will try to make it as happy as usual. :D<br />
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samanday #9
aaah~ love the ending. really great fics.<br />
it's unusual happy ending make it more interesting.. =D
whoah! O.o<br />
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I dunno what to say >.<<br />
Im sad 4 them..<br />
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