DxS #1 Snippets


Milan, Italy



"I'm waiting for the train...... ma, i told you i'm spending my weekend at Turin. Yes...We'll be having a show next month. Of course I miss everyone. When are you visiting?"

She'll be 24 soon and been staying in Italy for almost 5 years now yet her mother still think she's their baby girl who can't afford to be alone.

"No, dont give the phone to Baba, don't wanna hear him crying this early in the morning." Sophie chuckled.

"I love you ma, and baba too and that two giants and i want to go home as well. Wanna see berry and asher badly.. I'll just secure my role and i will find a way to go home, ok?"

She ended the call with a sigh.

Though her parents visits Italy once in while, it's still different.

She misses her home.










"How's berry?" He asked

["She's fine. She knows how to count up to 100 already. Why is it so noisy? Where are you?"] His older sister asked on the other line.

"Somewhere in Europe" he chuckled.

["Yah Kim Daeul! The last time i called, you were in Hongkong with your so called Music Team. Now your in Europe?stop worrying our mother] he heard her sigh.

"I called her last night. So you all don't have to worry." He smiled as he saw the train approaching.

["When are you planning to go home? We haven't even have a family dinner for a long time now since you're always away."]

"After my project. Will surely have one." He said.

But no promises...

Coz he don't want to disappoint them if ever there's a sudden call or an emergency meeting.

[Sure. Take care wherever you are, ok?]

"Ofcourse. Love you noona."

[Love you too.]

He sighed.

A successful composer, an artist, he has an awesome group of friends.
For 5 years he slowly established his name in the Korean music industry.
He did. And his family is proud of him.

Yet he yearned for something more....


One of his teammate for his current project waved at him to come inside the train immediately.

They're touring Europe to find inspiration for the new collaboration He and a certain group of rappers are planning to.

They're on the last stop of the tour before going back to Seoul

"Is it your first time there to?" One of them asked him.

"In Turin? Well Yes." He smiled.




How are you? 😊

Well i need to start a new chapter for the Daeul/Dean x Sophie couple. And to motivate myself aswell to write again.

A very very short snippets!



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Chapter 94: Its soo beautiful and adorable!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ I wish for more but this much is also okkkkk!!!!love the work author nim~~~~
Myeonni2020 #2
Chapter 94: Miss author ... huhuhuhu...Could you write ohana 2.0... I'm miss krisho family.
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 19: This scene always make me cry :')
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 15: Oh Baek ㅠㅠ
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 1: Baby sehun!
Zandymei #6
Chapter 61: Sehunnie is not......what??????
Is it what m thinking .. hahahaha 😂
Myeonni2020 #7
Chapter 94: Just found your story... Best fanfic everrrrrrrr
2526 streak #8
i must say i absolutely love it when you surprise us with an update every once in a while!!!

this was short and sweet and lovely! something we can never get tired of coming from this au! I LOVE IT!!! Yifan is the sweetest for taking Jun out on a sunset date... HIHIHI they're the cutest and the sweetest!!! so perfect fo each other!!!
Chapter 94: Beautiful as always. ♡♥♡ been coming back to this fic every update. It has been a long time, but u never cease to make us feel the beauty of love through ur fic.. Thank you for the update
hazhatt #10
Chapter 94: Thank you and take care <3