Far by Sight, But Close at Heart

 I always kept mothers words in mind and never let people's words get in my way.


"Yahh!! Soo Yun!" Key oppa ran to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. Key was the first person in the school to be my friend when I moved to High school.  He has an awesome personality but he can be such a diva sometimes. Everytime I need someone to talk to and be there for me, he's the person I look for, and he never lets me down. I can be my total self around him. He's one of the popular and rich kids at school. I guess that's a reason why alot of girls hate me.

"Yoonie.." he suddenly looked upset. Key invented that name, he said that it was cute and that it suited me, so ever since then, my friends and especially him have called me that. I quite like it actually. It does sound cute, plus my best friend made it up so I'm happy to be called that! ^_^




"I heard about your dad," he pause, 'boy, how words spread out so easily' I thought to myself, "And that ahjumma he's marrying."

"Neh" I just nodded it off. "I don't want to call her 'Umma'. No one can ever replace my Umma.. EVER!" I said boldly, not standing the thought of that woman being my mother.

"If you can't stand it over tere, you can always come to me. Arasso?"

I smiled at his thoughtfulness and how he cares about me and my feelings. "Kumawo Oppa, but I also have Taemin and I don't want to leave him alone or take much space"

"Aiisshh.. Of course you can take Taemin as well. He's a cutie! My favourite dongsaeng," he paused "After you of course." He laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.

I couldn't help but laugh, "It's okay Oppa. Taemin can be your favourite dongsaeng, I can be your second favourite." I smiled and walked to class with him. We continued our conversation with jokes and laughter till I accidentally bumped into someone which made me fall to the ground causing my bag and everything inside to scatter everywhere. Automatically, I started to apologise. "Mianhae, I didn't see where I was going. It's my fault. I should've looked at where I was going. Mianh---"

"Well well well" The girl said, I looked up to see Nicole, the last person I'd expect and wanted to see. "If it isn't Cinderella!" Her friends,   behind her, Park Gyuri, Goo Hara and Han Seung-yeon, laughed. She then clicked her fingers which quieten her 'friends. They seem more like slaves.

 I looked away from  them and started picking up the books and papers around me and stuffed them into my bag.

"Yah! Watch that filthy mouth of yours!" Key Oppa defended me.

"Oppa.. Don't worry about it." I said softly as I got up and tugged on his arm.

"What? I'm right aren't I?" Nicole acted innocent with her eyes widen and her index finger touching her bottom lips. "I mean.. She does resemble Cinderella doesn't she?" She continued but his time she started cicling me, examining me from head to toe. "Except... I don't think she'll end up happily ever after with her prince charming." She scoffed, "Who would even want to date someone like You?!" She emphasised the 'you' and pushed me from the back, making me stumble forward and into her friends.

"Don't touch me."  I told them, looking calm. I was actually really hurt inside and I wanted to say something hurtful back, but then I remembered Umma's words. Ignore what others think or say about you.  Don't let them get in your way. Karma will sure hit them back. Except the thing is that I didn't want Nicole to experience what it feels like to lose a mum at a young age. So I just hope that one day, she'll come to her senses and realise that what she does isn't nice and should stop doing it.

Nicole has been doing this to many people eversince Junior High. She's really pretty and alot of guys fall for her but she's just way too mean. I'm guessing she's really spoilt since she's the only child and her dad owns a huge company in all of Asia.

I shook my thoughts off and decided to just walk off. "Thank you" I smiled, leaving her confused and went off to class. I didn't realise that many of the students gathered around us. But I didn't care. I walked through the crowd and sat in class ignoring people's looks. Some of them were giving me dirties and others were giving me sympathetic looks. I put my earphones in wanting to escape from this damn world.

"Yah! How can you just let her off like that?" Key Oppa took my earphones off whilst sitting down next to me and lectured me.

"It's okay Oppa.. I'm used to it anyway." I smiled to reassure him that I was really fine.

"That's why I'm worried."

"hmm?" I pretended that I didn't hear him properly as I put my earphones back in.

He sighed. Class begun.


Anyeeoonggghaseyyoo my fellow readers!

soo.. this was supposed to be in chapter 5 but since i was to tired last night, I split them up!

What do you think about it??

I've introduce Key, the best friend and Nicole and friends, who appears to be the bullies and queekas of the school! <3

Sorry if you feel offended of me using the KARA members as the bad ones :( they were the first to pop in my head :/


I promised to update twice today so wait for my second update tonight!! ^_^

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lawl get online gurlll
update/finish dis <s>if it isnt already</s>
TiaraL; deh unni. well its something like that >_<" i hope i have fun too. I was really looking forward to finishing this fanfic and start my other one though. I guess we'll all have to wait for quite a while =='
jinja!? wow.. hahaha
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can check out my fanfic bout Shinee :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
@Isabella_luvs_shinee: Thank you and yes please. I'd really appreciate it <3