It's not goodbye

Far by Sight, But Close at Heart

The doctor stood next to the machine, he hesitated before doing anything and looked at us, his eyes red and teary knowing that he will be seperating a mother from bothe her children and husband. Seperating a perfect family.

"Doctor.. no.. pleaaasee.. I beg you!" I pleaded him with terars rushing down my face, "How much do you need?" The doctor just shook his head slowly. I turned  to the back of me and looked at dad. "Appa! Help us!! Please! They're going to take Umma away! Do something!!"

"I'm sorry but i don't have enough money." he replied, his voice was trembling and he looked down.

"Appa.. Please do something. I'll buy you ice cream with my money! Just do something!" Taemin begged father. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"I'm sorry son." he started walking towards us. "I promise that i will only love you and not remarry," he told my mum, "And i promise to take care of our children and do what's best for them." He said weeping into mother's hand.

"Thank you" mother managed to reply, "Whatever you do," she looked at all of us,"Stay strong. Never give up okay?"

"We promise" Taemin, Appa and I all said at the same time while tightening our grip on Umma's hands.

She smiled at us, "Fighting, its not goodbye."  a tear flowed down on the side of her face. "Saranghae" she looked at us then turned to look at the Doctor. She nodded to him, signalling it was 'time'.

Before I could do anything, he unlpugged the machine and apologised, "Mianhe... Mianhe~" He walked out, head held down, ashamed of what he just did.

"UMMAAAA!!" Taemin and I screamed. Crying and sobbing harder and louder at the now lifeless body of mum.

The nurses came with a pure white, thin sheet and covered umma's body with it from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.

Taemin and I fought appa's grip on us as he tried to gently but forcefully drag us outside.

"We have to go..." he whispered to us as we fell to the floor.." We have to go..."



Anyeonghaseyoo my fellow readers. this is a short update.

this was another flashback continuing the first one..

Sorry if its boring or not entertaining, I'm quite busy getting ready to head off to Singapore!!

Please keep reading. Comments are much appreciated.

Thank youuu

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lawl get online gurlll
update/finish dis <s>if it isnt already</s>
TiaraL; deh unni. well its something like that >_<" i hope i have fun too. I was really looking forward to finishing this fanfic and start my other one though. I guess we'll all have to wait for quite a while =='
jinja!? wow.. hahaha
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can check out my fanfic bout Shinee :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
@Isabella_luvs_shinee: Thank you and yes please. I'd really appreciate it <3