T H I R T E E N - K E Y

Far by Sight, But Close at Heart

"Okay we're here Taemin." I parked at the front of the house and woke Taemin up. We both got out of the car and walked up to the front gate.

"Where are we?" Taemin asks me, still sleepy. His eyes seemed to be too heavy for him to open. He looks like a zombie.

"Don't you recognise your own house?" I asked him back and patted his shoulder.

"Bwoh?!" Taemin's eyes suddenly  opened really wide and scanned the front yard. "Why are we here? Why aren't we at your house? I don't want to sleep alone!" Taemin spoke really fast that it was really hard for me to keep up with him.

"You won't be alone Taemin," I assured him but he gave me a puzzled look. "Ri Nuel-imo is here to look after you remember?"

"Ri... Nuel... imo?" Taemin's face was covered wuth confusion. oh.. He must not know the name of his new mum. How am I suppose to tell him this? Ottokae..

"Yes, Ri Nuel imo" I smiled back at him. "I called your appa, but he said he was back on his business trip again and said that Ri Nuel imo is here."

Taemin furrowed is eyebrows and bit his bottom lip while looking looking at me then he looked to the side. This is what I love about Taemin. He's so cute. You can see and tell when he thinks because his facial expression changes everytime a thought pops up or he's trying to figure something out. I smiled at him as he works out who Ri Nuel imo is. Then..

"So you're saying that Ri Nuel imo is the name ot the ahjumma appa married?!!" He asked me wide eyed. I smiled and nodded at him. "But hyung, I don't know if she's kind or not. What happens if she's like the step mums you see in movies like cinderella and all that?" Taemin looked at me with a sad expression.

"Let's hope that she's not. If she is, then I'll make sure to protect you!" I told him while doing a power ranger pose. This made him giggle. Which made me really happy. "And anyway, cinderella and other movies turns out to have happy endings don't they??" I smiled and him and ruffled his already messy hair.

"True that" We walked to the front door and pressed the door bell. "But hyung?"

"What is it?"

"Will you stay for a while till I'm comfortable with her and sleep over?"

"I'll stay for a while but I'll have to ask permission from Ri Nuel imo to see if she is okay with it deh?"

"Deh" Taemin sighed in defeat with his head down and played with his feet. I pressed the door bell again but no one answered the door. I looked through the windows but the curtains were closed. I was about to pull out my mobile phone when i remembered the place where Yoonie hid her spare key. I walked around the side of the house where there was a big flowerpot and a small frog statue next to it. I walked towards the frog and put my hand in it's mouth to grab the key that was inside it. I ran back to the front door where Taemin was waiting for me. 

"Where did you get that key from?" 

"Your sister told me where it was incase of an emergency." I opened the door. My jaw dropped to the ground. I was surprised by the total makeover. It's only been two weeks that i haven't visited Yoonie's house and so much has changed. The caramel brown walls were now bright pink. The furnitures that were very simple but elegant looking were now... I couldn't even describe it. Future retro modern looking maybe?? I felt like we were tresspassing someone else's house. But then the outside still looked the same and I was holding the key to this house. 

"Omo.." Taemin was also speechless. He too seemed surprise by the sudden make over. We both looked around the house. It was all different. The living room, dining room and kitchen. It doesn't feel like home anymore. "are you sure we didnt break into someone else's house?"

I nodded, still wide eyed. 

"Is that yes you are sure or yes we broke into someone's house?"

At first I nodded then I shook my head, then ended up with my head going in circles. I was too fixated on the details of the house. It was odd. We then head upstairs, Taemin rushed into his own bedroom while i went to Soo Yun's. I slowly opened the door and walked in. I look around the room and .. Thank God it  was just the way it was when Yoonie and I decorated it ^^

I went out of the room and headed to Taemin's room. When i got there Taemin was sitting on his bed, holing onto a photo frame. I knocked once and walked in. "oh, Hey Hyung," Taemin smiled but looked back at the photo.

"Hey Taemin, What's wrong?" I asked sitting next to him. 


"come on, spill it. We've known each other for 6 years, you're like my little brother, you don't have to be shy around me."

"and that's long i've lived without her. I can't believe i've lasted this long." He his mum's face on the photo with the side of his index finger.

"Isn't Yoonie always there for you just like your mum?"

"Exactly." he sighed

"Exactly?" I was confused, what does he mean 'exactly?' then it hit me "Omo.. Taemin-ah. Don't be like that. Soo Yun is going to be fine. she's not going anywhere. She's just resting for a while. I promise to be here for you when ever you need anyone."

"You better!" Taemin remarks as though I've never kept any promises.

"Yah!! What's that suppose to mean?" I pretended to be angry at him. "You're so going to get it!" I snatch the photo away from him and placed it on the bedside table. Then i looked at him and tickled him till he could barely breathe.

"HYUNG! Please *laugh* stop *laugh* it *laugh* please *gasp* * laugh*"

"Say sorry and beg me." 

"I beg *laugh* you hyung *laugh* i'm sor *laugh* ryyy!"

"You sound like you're not serious. but i'll let you go for now." I stopped tickling him and watch him gasp for air as he relaxes on the bed. Once he started breathing normally, he looked at me as though I was his enemy. 

"Hyung, I swear you're going to get it. You know me really well and you took it as an advanteage. You're so nice!" He says sarcastically. 

"Mehrong." I said to him as i stick my tongue out when suddenly my phone rang. It was an unknown number so i let it ring a few more before i picked up.


"Heyy.. It's me. I've been looking for you for ages! you never gave me your new number. I had to investigate and ask people about you. you know how much i dislike that?!" The voice sounded really familiar but his accent was kinda off. Like he hasn't spoken korean for a while. "Hello?"


"Hi. what;s wrong, don't you remember me or recognise my voice?" 

"I'm sorry."

"Okay then, That's alright. Meet me infront of your house in an hour okay?"

"uhhmmm... Okay then."  i hung up on the phone confused. Why did he talk to me like we've known each other for so long? How come he knows where my house is? Nahh.. Maybe he got the wrong number. I shoook off my thought and gave my attention back to Taemin.

"Who was it?" he asked me.

"I'm not sure, though he sounded familiar. Reaally familiar."

"Oh okay then."

"Hey, listen, I'm going to need to go now, I'm meeting up with this person. So..." I paused looking at Taemin if he got the hint that I should get going. His facial expressions came out again. After three different expressions he looked at me with sad eyes.

"So you have to leave me?" 

"its not that i want to but-"

"Can I please come? please?" he pouts to make himself even cuter than he alreaady is. I gave up and made hima deal.

"OKay, but only if Ri Neul imo lets you okay?"


"Its a deal."


"Nope. A deal is a deal Taeminnie."

"No buts, No Ifs." We said together and locked our pinkies together. We headed outside the room when we heard loud music in the guest room. We both looked at each other, curious of who it would be. Slowly and soundlessly, we tip toed towards where the music came from. It turns out the music didn't come from the guest room but the room next to it, Taemin's appa's office.

Once we were in front of the door, I gave Taemin a signal to indicate him that I'll go and check while he stays where he was. He nodded and I touched the door knob. Slowly i tried to open it, but it was locked. I kept trying and trying but it wouldnt budge. Suddenly the music stopped. I thought to myself. Then the door knob started moving by itself, as though someone was unlocking it from inside the room. Taemin and I both powerwalked to the stairs, hoping not to get caught.

"You Two!!" a witch like voice called for us.

we're doomed.

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lawl get online gurlll
update/finish dis <s>if it isnt already</s>
TiaraL; deh unni. well its something like that >_<" i hope i have fun too. I was really looking forward to finishing this fanfic and start my other one though. I guess we'll all have to wait for quite a while =='
jinja!? wow.. hahaha
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can check out my fanfic bout Shinee :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
@Isabella_luvs_shinee: Thank you and yes please. I'd really appreciate it <3