Far by Sight, But Close at Heart


I woke up the next day to the morning sun shining brightly upon my face from the window. I wanted to keep sleeping but I knew I had to wake up to prepare for school since it's a Monday. I slowly opened my eyes, it was really hard opening sleepy eyes when the sun is shining directly at me, so I turned to my right, forgetting that Taemin was sleeping with me last night. I smiled at him. He sleeps like an angel. So innocent. So young. He doesn't deserve to be facing problems like these. I stared even more.

My alarm clock then started beeping and I realised it was 7.30am. I quickly stopped it and gently started to wake Taemin up.

"Wake up my Angel." I softly shook him and kissed his forehead.

"I don't want to go to school today" he whined rubbing his eyes, "I... I'm feeling... sick..." Taemin lied. I knew the reason why he lied, he wants to rest after what's happened yesterday. But as much as I want him to be happy and face no problems, I have to get him up and ready for school. He has a great future ahad of him and he can't waste it in bed.

"Naaww.. My cuutiiee isn't feeling well" I sympathised, "I'm not feeling well too but we can't just hide away from our problems," I paused, "Lying in bed all day isn't going to solve our problems" I pulled him off the bed and hugged him. "EEWWW! you smell" I cringed my nose and let go of him.

"Noona!!" Taemin pouted,knowing that I was teasing him

"Then go take a shower and get ready for school or I'll keep teasing you!" I poke my tongue out and lead him to the bathroom outside my room.

While Taemin was taking a shower and prepared for school, I decided to take a short shower and headed for the bathroom in my room.

After a 10 minute shower, I got dressed in a grey & white long sleeved shirt that stopped between my waist and knees, black tights, Light pink converse and a Classic Beret Beanie Knit Winter Cap . I always wear normal clothing, not like those rich kids, wearing branded clothing everywhere they went. I headed downstairs to prepare breakfast for Taemin and myself. Appa and his wife was nowhere to be seen. When we both finished eating we headed outside to go to school.

Taemin and I go to different schools because, well, umma told us to be happy and choose what we want, so long as we believe its the right thing. Appa agreed with her; he usually does anyway. We believed that if we went to schools our friends and close ones went to, we'd be able to have long lasting friendships and we can easily approach to them for help if we needed any. Since Taemin and I have different friends and are in different grades, our family agreed to go to where we want for the sake of our happiness and education. Though we go to different schools and are in different grades, Taemin is as close to my friends as i am to his. Very close.

I drop off Taemin and bid him goodbye, reminding him to study hard and not just bum around. I walked off and headed for school. As I walked, I raised my right hand to my chest and held onto the necklace I've worn for so many years fatefully that Umma gave me.Today is a new week. A new day. Time to start things fresh. I'm feeling better today. Umma, I'm on my way to school and I just dropped off Taemin, wish us luck on our grades. Fighting! I was in my own thought and was expecting a completely normal day of school, like all the other days. Nowadays, those rich kids don't usually tease me anymore, which of course I am thankful of. I smiled to myself and let go of the necklace, making it dance against my collarbone every step I take.

As I step on the pavement of the school ground, I couldn't help but notice that things quieten down and I had that feeling where you feel like people were staring at you . I hoped for a normal day. I hoped that my feelings were wrong. I kept walking but wanted to make sure so I looked around. Damn it! My feelings were right.

People were giving me dirty looks, scanning me from head to toe and whispering to each other. I sighed. It's started again. The teases and teasers are going to come back to me. It's been years that they've done this to me. I should've known that they'd come back. I thought they'd get over it. But I guess I thought wrong.

I walked it off not caring about them. I never care what people think of me and what they say. Most of them are bull anyway and no one confronts me about them. All I think about is what umma would tell me if I told her my problems; 'Ignore what others think and say about you. Don't let them get in your way. Karma will sure hit them back if you leave them alone.' I always kept mothers words in mind and never let people's words get in my way.




Here's my new update, it's not finished though :'( Sorry if its boring or too short. I actually started writing this chapter last night but when i was editing it, I saw a spelling mistake at the end. So like most people would do if editing their work and finding a mistake, I tried to fix it. when i wanted to click delete and replace it with the correct spelling, my window closed and deleted this chapter!! *sobs

I'm so sorry. I know that sounds like a stupid excuse but its true!! D;

Anyway its past midnight right now and tomorrow, actually today is my last day of school! *YAAYY and on sunday I'll be going to Singapore *Double YAAYY! So I've been busy.

I'll make a promise and promise you guys that I'll update twice tomorrow!! ^_^

dont forget to subscribe if you haven't already

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lawl get online gurlll
update/finish dis <s>if it isnt already</s>
TiaraL; deh unni. well its something like that >_<" i hope i have fun too. I was really looking forward to finishing this fanfic and start my other one though. I guess we'll all have to wait for quite a while =='
jinja!? wow.. hahaha
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can check out my fanfic bout Shinee :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
@Isabella_luvs_shinee: Thank you and yes please. I'd really appreciate it <3