A Change Of Scenery

Smoking Mirrors

Perfection: flawless state where everything is exactly right. At least that was the definition that the internet associated with the word, Junmyeon would know, after all, he had researched it himself.

A few months ago, perfection would probably be the word he would use to describe his life: perfection. At twenty-eight, Junmyeon felt accomplished in a way he wasn’t supposed to, especially considering his young age, after all he did have an excellent group of friend, people whom he had mostly met along his academic career and stayed with him despite is OCD tendencies, which was just his perfectionist trait taken to the extreme, he had and amazing job as the editor in chief of a well-known and respected magazine, working consistently and with fervor five days a week, sometimes overworking, and doing his job well. Aside from it, his mother and father were healthy, living quietly on a country house, and his brother well…his brother lived his live as he wanted, Jongdae had always been like that: rebellious and free spirited, drawing heavy sighs from his parents every time he came for a visit, which was not that often.

Junmyeon also had the most incredible fiancé ever: Choi Minho, a man who he had met on his senior year of high school. He had swooned at the figure of the tall, dark and mysterious aura he gave and, sooner than later, the both of them were boyfriends. They spent their college years together, at the same highly ranked university, where Junmyeon was an honor student. After that, Junmyeon had gotten a job on a magazine and a few years later, when Minho had starter his job as a lawyer, they moved in together, into an elegant and expensive duplex, in a high class neighborhood.

Minho had proposed to him three years after they’ve started living together, in their favorite restaurant, offering him a golden ring with a beautiful and discreet diamond in it, while they were eating their dessert and drinking champagne. It had been perfect, such as the night they’ve spent.

They were so happy; so, so happy.

And then Minho suddenly got tired and bailed out on him. There hadn’t been opportunity for Junmyeon to even discuss the subject with him; an opportunity for him to ask what went wrong. Minho simply grabbed his things and was gone. When Junmyeon had gotten home, after work, he found an almost empty house, no trace of Minho’s presence in there; it was almost if he had never been there in the first place, except for a measly letter where the man apologized, saying that it hadn’t been Junmyeon’s fault but his, that he had reached a point of his life where he felt the need of adventure, experiment new things. All in all, Minho had just told Junmyeon that he was boring, in the most condescending way possible using big words, which were deceptively kind.

Junmyeon had been a wreck after that with a good reason; he had loved that man, passionately, dedicated the sparse time he had with him, when he wasn’t working, and the man had left. What tormented Junmyeon the most was not understanding why: why had he left? Why was he gone if they were, apparently, happy? Did he fell out of love? Was it something else?

He wanted the answers yet, facing Minho was the thing he did not want to do, ever: the man had lied to him. Yes, Junmyeon was well aware of that since a coworker of his, who happened to be a social media fanatic and had called him, uncharacteristically worried, although Junmyeon knew it was for gossiping purposes, asking him, as if he’d known, ‘who was the blond dude on the photograph that Minho had just posted on Facebook?’. Junmyeon didn’t know how to answer but as soon as he disconnected the call, Junmyeon had dived straight into Facebook and created an account in a few seconds, with the sole purpose of stalking Minho’s profile page, staring in disbelief at the imagine of his ex-fiancé, hugging a lean blond male, with cat shaped eyes, who smiled prettily for the camera. When he read the caption his heart felt faint: ‘Happy anniversary! One whole year with my baby!’ and then a lot of smile emoticons. That had got to be the cherry on top of the already fantastic cake; not only Minho had lied but he had also cheated, with a man named Kim Kibum, an ordinary name, who worked as a dancer in some club downtown.

Every single one of Junmyeon’s cells was telling him to get wasted, to drink himself to oblivion and simply forget about everything. He wanted to do so but his mother hasn’t raised him to be the type of person who drinks his sorrows away, it was beneath them, therefore, Junmyeon, grabbed a tub of light ice cream, since the regular one had enormous amounts of fat and Junmyeon took care of his body well enough to resist the temptation, and chose to camp on his best friend couch, Kyungsoo, at least for the night, and vent his frustrations to the small brunette, maybe Kyungsoo would tell him nice things, how Minho was going to come back to him or talk badly about the blond Kibum man…

“I cannot believe that he was cheating on me, Kyungsoo. I thought that we were okay, that we were happy. If only I had been more observant, maybe I could spare myself the heartache.”

Kyungsoo sighed heavily. When he had gotten home, his husband had immediately reached him and informed him that his best friend was in the living room, armed with a blanket and a tub of light ice cream, Kyungsoo had though the man had been joking but then he verified the situation to be true with his own two eyes. He loved Junmyeon dearly but he has just had a twelve hour shift at the hospital, where he worked as a general practitioner, and wanted nothing more than to take a shower, eat something and cuddle on the couch with his husband and his son. No tough luck.

Kyungsoo had always been of the opinion that Minho was a slime ball; ne never liked the man and never bother to hide it too much from him either, only slightly moderating his rude behavior towards the man out of respect for Junmyeon, since his friend was so in love with that giant toad.

He patted his friend back, not knowing very well what to do, after all, out of the two, Junmyeon had always been the extroverted, energetic and upbeat type while he was more on the brooding side, shy and quiet. However, despite the blatant contrast between the two of them, they had clicked perfectly, ever since kindergarten, where they both had met, a toddler Junmyeon immediately declaring him as his best friend when Kyungsoo let him have his chocolate pudding on their first day; ever since they had been inseparable: elementary, middle high, junior high, they even got into the same college, despite their different majors.

Junmyeon was miserable; properly miserable, in a way that Kyungsoo predicted but not to this extent. It was like the confident and smiley Junmyeon had disappeared, leaving only a shadow of the man.

Junmyeon had lived, up until know, quite the privileged life, not that Kyungsoo had anything to criticize about that; Junmyeon’s parents had provided him the best education, guaranteed that their son had the best of the best, and Junmyeon, using his outstanding brains and beauty, worked hard for achieving all that. He had always impeccable grades at school; he was school president, popular and well loved by students, teachers and even staff, captain of the debate club, winning ever competition ever, although Kyungsoo suspected it was more because the man was adorable than his oratory skills. He was voted ‘the most likely to succeed’ in college and the job he had was won as soon as he was graduated just because he was that good as what he did. All in all, Junmyeon had been born and raised with a gold spoon on his pouty mouth and now it was harder for him to surpass this, kind of normal, phase he was going through. He hadn’t experienced the true meaning of dishonesty until now and the effect of it had exponentially grown.

While growing up, Kyungsoo never had the same opportunities, he lived with his grandmother all his life and while his grandmother did the best she could, he had to work harder, whether it was academically or not; he had worked several jobs throughout his teen year and adulthood, in order to pay for his school and living expenses.

He shared a look with his husband, who shrugged lightly, telling him, without words, to do as he wanted. His lovely, lovely husband. Kyungsoo had met his husband on the first year of college, he was a pre-med student, feeling lost alone until he stumbled across the gigantic blond majoring in elementary education. Yifan had been three years his senior but it didn’t take much dating for them to understand that what they had going on could possibly be forever, they clicked well with one another, arguing day in day out, over small, petty stuff but loving each other much more at the end of each discussion. Nobody expected them to marry when Yifan had gotten his first job, teaching at a school nearby the college yet, they did, even if, at first, it had been a real struggle since Kyungsoo was in med school, ramming his head against the wall with the pressure of it, but they managed. When Kyungsoo secured his position at a nearby hospital, they adopted a two month old baby and one year and a half; here they were, happy as if it had been their first day.

“I don’t think he is listening to me; actually I think he won’t listen to anyone until he is still plagued with the thought of Minho”. He whispered, more to himself than anyone else, watching as Junmyeon shed more tears, while gobbling up the ice cream. Goddamn that bastard for infecting Junmyeon’s mind like this. What had that douche done to be so influential on his friend life? Cured stupidity? Kyungsoo snorted a little at his own thought; that was clearly not possible since Minho existed.

Yifan looked at him over the clothes he was folding, before Junmyeon muttered he needed to use the bathroom, stumbling over the corridor, with his blanket around his shoulders, looking like a little kid.

“Why don’t you call Jongdae?” asked Kris softly, coming near enough to press a small kiss against Kyungsoo’s temple. “If there is anyone who can bring Junmyeon out of his miserable state, with some horrible but heartfelt ideas, it’s him: he knows Junmyeon inside out, despite being slightly insane.”

“Yeah...Even though I hate to admit that I just don’t know what to do. I have never seen Junmyeon like this.” replied Kyungsoo with a little, sad smile, not liking to see his best friend so down and, partially, fearing the gruesome idea that Jongdae would pull out of his sleeve.

Yifan set the small sweater he was folding on top of the couch and hugged his husband sweetly.

“Don’t beat yourself over it. Junmyeon never went through heartbreak and, since he never experienced, he doesn’t know how to act and feels more strongly than he would have if he was a teenager. He is being way more dramatic about this than he probably should, especially at his age.”

“I feel like a y friend for not helping him more but the only thing he wants to do is to talk about how much he loves Minho, or how he is waiting for that jerk to come back to him. It’s not going to happen…I want to tell him that but it will damage him more than it will help. Also, I would never say that to him, I hate that man.”

“Want my advice? Spent the night with him eating that light ice cream he likes so much and watching something like ‘Queen In-Hyun’s Man’ or something so that he can weep over some rom com and let his emotions out, before he drowns in them.”

“How the heck are you so good with this sort of situations?” grumbled Kyungsoo with his face mushed against Yifan’s shoulder.

“I work with small children…”

Kyungsoo laughed lightly, especially noticing the smirk on the corner of the taller’s lips.

“Fine.” he agreed “But none of that light ice cream crap…I want the most fattening ice cream on the freezer; I feel like I am going to need it…”











Zitao, or Tao as he was sweetly called, was the son of Wu Yifan and Do Kyungsoo, now known as Wu Kyungsoo. The toddler had been adopted by the couple when he was a little, tiny baby; a baby who had colicky nights that left his parents worried and sleepless, when he had to be carried everyone and dirtied his nappies, like every other baby would. Now, at almost two years old, he walked on his own, used the potty by himself and had a pretty good vocabulary for such a small child. He was a serene; smiley baby and he made everyone coo at the sight of him, he was just that adorable.

Tao was the most happy and loved little toddler in the whole word. His parents, despite being tired after work, especially Kyungsoo, who worked more hours due to his profession, always had time to spend some time with their child, to play with him and just enjoy some time with their baby. Tao had always been Kris and Kyungsoo’s priority.

While his parents dotted on him a lot, there was another person who spoilt Tao rotten, despite whatever Kyungsoo and Yifan said, and that was Junmyeon, Tao’s godfather. Junmyeon liked kids and, since he had none, he was focusing all the attention on the baby among his groups of friends. He actually had asked Jongdae when he was planning to have children: a little nephew or niece would be nice. Jongdae had answered; voice small because of the horrifying image, that he was pretty content with messing with Tao and ruining him just enough to slowly drive Kyungsoo and Yifan crazy; at least when he was older, much to the parents and his own brother anguish.

Naturally, as any good father would, Kyungsoo had developed a strong sense of hearing, especially when it came to the little sounds, gurgling, babbles and whatnot. It was exactly a little giggle that had him waking up from his deep slumber, eyes shooting open when his brain processed the voice that had uttered it.

His son was contently sitting in his lap, on top of his stomach, a panda bear teddy in his chubby little hands, and a pacifier in his mouth, which was a little indulgence, since he and Yifan had been trying to make the toddler stop using it altogether. Yifan was leaning against the kitchen door, a tea cup on his hand, since the tall man hated coffee and a serene smile on his face as he regarded the scene before him.

Kyungsoo looked around, trying to make heads and tails of the situation, noting the sleeping figure of Junmyeon, next to him, snoozing away peacefully, tub of ice cream on the floor and his fluffy blanket around him. There were faint tear tracks on his cheeks but Kyungsoo suspected they were due to the drama they had been watching than his own misery: Junmyeon should know better than to watch such TV series when he was in a semi depressed state.

“Hi baby!” croaked Kyungsoo, hugging his son to his chest, kissing a chubby cheek and smiling a little when the baby dropped his head on his chest, snuggling to the warmth provided by his chest.

Yifan pushed himself forward to drop a kiss on Kyungsoo’s hair lovingly; whispering his good morning’s as well. Kyungsoo sniffed in disdain, clearly miffed at his husband for letting him sleep with a blanket thief such as Junmyeon.

“I’ve talked with Jongdae.” began Yifan handing a mug filled with delicious coffee to Kyungsoo. “He wasn’t very pleased at being awaken so early bit he said he was coming around this afternoon, as soon as he could, to help with Junmyeon.”

Kyungsoo made a shushing sound with his hand, grabbing Tao and pulling Yifan to the kitchen, where they both could talk without waking the man.

“Did he said anything else?” asked the smaller man, sitting his son on the high chair and immediately giving him a plate of oatmeal, since Tao loved it, watching amusedly as his son immediately dropped his pacifier in order to clumsily grab a spoon.

“Not really. He was clearly upset; even though he joked about it but you could tell that it wasn’t the same as usual…it lacked that playful bite. But you know Jongdae: he will deny all of that until he dies.”

“I wonder what he is doing now…” mumbled Kyungsoo lightly.

Although they had gone to the same college, even though Jongdae was three years younger than them, he had never had looked at college the same way himself, Junmyeon or Yifan had. The only reason Jongdae had gone to college in the first place was to appease his parents, who still hoped their rebellious son would find a nice, honorable job after graduation. He had, for a while, been working as an accountant for a very well-known technology company but had quit two months after, stating that it wasn’t the life he wanted. At it wasn’t; Kyungsoo knew that Jongdae was never happy living with the kind of routine his job implied: like a sparrow, delicate and free, Jongdae wasn’t meant to be caged.

Kyungsoo was never sure of anything when it came to Jongdae. The man was a complex as they could be, in the simplest way possible. No one was very sure of where Jongdae was at the best of times, or what he was doing. They had no clue about who came and go out of his life, although the fact that the shorter, younger man had return from Thailand, at least that was what Junmeyon told them, a week ago and was still around was an indicator of some change, not that it was easy to figure out what.

“What are you going to do with Junmyeon until Jongdae arrives?” asked Yifan, wincing a little when a big dollop of porridge fell from Tao’s spoon onto the floor, making the baby frown.

“Me? I’m going to let his enjoy his misery while he has the time because I can guarantee you that when Jongdae arrives, he will kick Junmyeon’s into motion. He loves Junmyeon but he won’t allow his brother to continue like this.”

“!” chirped Tao happily giggling at the disapproving glance that Yifan sent on Kyungsoo’s way.

“That is not a polite thing to say sweetheart.” chided Yifan gently to his son who nodded, before turning to Kyungsoo and continuing dryly “So, you meant to say that you are going to let him sleep like a log until Jongdae comes and save you from the teenage movie episode.”

“You know me so well.”











When Jongdae reached the Wu’s house, he spent around fifteen minutes saying hello to Kyungsoo and Yifan, plus a whole half an hour just tickling a giggling Tao and, quite to Kyungsoo’s chagrin, riling the baby before his nap.

Jongdae was a peculiar man that was nothing alike Junmyeon; literally nothing, aside from the same DNA and an impaired growth apparently, since both were quite short. Jongdae had the dark hair, dark slanted eyes a smile that was to die for, especially seeing the upward curl of his mouth. He was handsome and very unpredictable. Along the years that he had known him, Kyungsoo had learn the fine art that was recognizing the signs of impending doom, which seemed to be the case. There was a suspicious flatness of his lips that was warning enough.

And sure enough, as soon as Jongdae approached his sleeping brother, Junmeyon had been sleeping since yesterday with no signs of waking up, he stopped looking at the tear struck face before him, releasing a small sign in pity before he kicked the couch so hard that Junmyeon fell to the ground in shock, a pile of blankets tangled around him.

Junmyeon made a small sound of distress before looking up, bleary eyes, widening as soon as they saw the standing figure before him.

“Jongdae?” he asked a little breathily, far more embarrassed than he should at the prospect of his brother seeing him like this; it was usually the contrary.

“Yes, it’s me. I can’t even express how pissed off I am that I am the last to know about Minho.”

“You were in Thailand.” mumbled Junmyeon, looking away.

“I was in India, not Thailand, past tense; also, my cellphone works just as fine on any of those places, as yours do, so no excuses.”

Jongdae’s resolve crumbled a little at the pouting look on his brother’s face. It had always been like this, even though Jongdae was the younger brother.

“Don’t be like that to me Jongdae; I didn’t do it on purpose. I was a bit down after it happened, with good reason. I was left by my boyfriend, with whom I spent a lot of years next to. I loved him Jongdae.”

“And yet that douchebag switched you before he was done with you.” At Junmyeon’s shocked gaze, Jongdae proceeded “Yes, Kibum was in my class on my senior year.”

“He robbed Minho from me.” mumbled Junmyeon unhappily, voice tinged with a little bit of anger.

“He didn’t rob you of , if you can’t prove that it was his fault than don’t accuse him. Also, Minho is a douchebag, he always was, or you think I missed all the times in high school or college that his eyes wandered to other’s curves? I say good riddance.”

“He did nothing of that. Minho loved me.”

“Do you really live in that much of a fairy tale world?”

“He loved me.” protested Junmyeon with vehemence.


“Are you really going to argue with me after what happened.

Jongdae sent him an exasperated look but said no more to the matter. Junmyeon was too much of a stubborn prick sometimes and, until he got rid of Minho’s influence and stopped thinking of that pig as his prince charming, there was nothing that could be said to change his mind. He might seemed harsh on his brother but Junmyeon had a poor notion of reality sometimes and often lived in the Grimm’s world; pity was that half of those fairy tale hid a more gruesome meaning to it. It pained him to see his brother like this but someone had to kick some sense into him.

But, being the younger brother, Junmyeon had the tendency to shut Jongdae’s opinions and just going along with his own thoughts, mostly due to the fact that he thought that Jongdae was too irrational.

Seeing this brother like this was partially the reason why Jongdae didn’t push the subject. Maybe one day he would let Junmyeon experience the meaning of true life, the feeling of not judging and enjoying the tiny details and how good it felt to celebrate differences.

Or maybe, he thought while looking at a pouty, overly dramatic Junmyeon, he simply hadn’t found the right people to meet, and boy did Jongdae know them; he knew just the right people to do it.











Junmyeon, Kyungsoo and Yifan stared dubiously at the name of the dingy little bar ‘thing’ to which Jongdae had brought. Owned by a friend, he had told them, while he made arrangements with his own mother, who fussed immensely, to stay with baby Tao. But there they were, outside a club named “El Dorado”, in a crowded alley, on some street only Jongdae knew.

Jongdae wasn’t actually with them; he had only left them with the address, coordinates on Yifan’s GPS and nothing more.

“Why did we think, for a second, that this was a good idea?” asked Junmyeon, stressing out a little at the fact that he was way out of his comfort zone. Club for him was synonym of an elegant place with those bright cocktails with a little umbrella and a slice of fruit. Looking at this place, he could imagine people jumping around, sweaty bodies gyrating against each other, pushing against curves. Also: beer; a lot of beer and drinks with excessive amounts of absinth. He was also judging really harshly but, seriously, the look of it.

“Trust Jongdae.” advised Yifan with a serene expression on his face, arm comfortably resting around Kyungsoo’s waist.

When they get inside, Kyungsoo is actually the one to blink at their surroundings: the dim lights, the dark colored leather booths at one side and the illuminated stage at the opposite corner. There is a bar with handsome bartenders, dressed purely in leather, serving the masses of women and men around. Looking more closely at the stage, they are able to spy some girls, dressed in shimmering flap dresses dancing to a pretty upbeat, jazzy song that had the crowd going. 

“Jongdae brought us to a strip club.” murmured Junmyeon horrified at the sight before of him, and for once, Kyungsoo didn’t bother to correct him since half of him agreed.

“It’s not a strip club.”

“Yes, it is Yifan.”

“People have to be undressed for that.”

“They are!”

“They are actually not Junmyeon, they have a lot of skin exposed but they are not .”

“Jongdae brought us to a strip club.”

“This isn’t a strip club.” claimed a voice behind them and Junmyeon and Kyungsoo turned just in time to look into the eyes of a familiar face.

“Yixing?” they both asked surprised.

Zhang Yixing had been their classmate, and friend, during high school. He had been born in China but moved when he was young. He was a charming young man, nice as they come and with a mind as sharp as a knife. Junmyeon had liked him and Kyungsoo too but they had lost contact with the man when they had gone to college.

The tall man smiled at them, nodding his head, before surging forward to hug his friends and give a friendly handshake to Yifan, the only person he did not know.

“How have you been? It has been a long while since we last saw each other.” asked Kyungsoo, his heart shaped lips spreading into an amiable smile.

“Quite the time; we haven’t seen each other since high school.” replied Yixing with an equally pleasant and dimpled smile. “I have been really good as a matter of fact. Opened El Dorado two years ago alongside my business partner, who I think must be around the bar area, since he likes to pretend he is a bartender far too much. I’ll introduce you to him later.”

Yixing pointed at a man on the bar area, serving cocktail after cocktail, his soft pink hair a beacon to pretty much every lustful eye in the room, who was looking at the small but pretty muscular man gyrating bottles.

“I thought you said you were going into advocacy after you graduated. You even got a scholarship.”

“I actually practiced for long years but I had a …change of heart, you can call it and I decided to change paths. Nothing much really and I found this place and the rest is history, as they say. How about you? Myeon was the literature genius and you were actually good with History, if I remember correctly.”

“Junmyeon is an editor in chief at a magazine and I actually went to med school.”

Yixing gave them a congratulatory pat on the shoulder and then, as if noticing something, he suddenly asked giddily.

“Kyungsoo, what is that thing that I spy on your finger?”

“Oh…” mumbled Kyungsoo with a blush on his face “I got married and I have a son.”

“That is wonderful. I believe that you’re the husband?” he asked, turning to Yifan who confirmed with a nod of his head. “And you have a son, well I could say that I was surprised but you always liked children so…but I always thought that Junmyeon was the one to get married the first of us all.”

Kyungsoo prepared himself for the explosion; Yixing hadn’t made the comment on purpose but there was a trembling to Junmyeon’s lips that was a clear indicator of tears. Yixing noticed it too, apparently.

“Ohh, I see tough situation. Jongdae said something about it but didn’t mention what exactly. Honestly speaking, I never quite liked Minho but you liked him, so…”

“Oh for heaven’s sake Yixing, don’t go and pull that subject or else my brother isn’t going to handle it and he will sob over your neat floors.”

The animated voice of Jongdae cut through the awkwardness that had fell into their conversation. The younger man had swiftly looped an arm around Yixing’s neck, eyes crinkling in amusement, making the dark haired man laugh in delight.

“Where were you?” asked Yixing “One minute you are next to me, the next you ran off.”

“I went to check on Yeol before he performs.”

Junmyeon lifted his eyebrow at the little pet name his brother had used on someone; Jongdae was never to one to do that, he never used it much on him, never mind his parents. What was even stranger was the lack of reaction from pretty much everyone around him, although he felt a nervous glance from Kyungsoo at some point.

“How is everything back stage?”

“They are up at any minute now. Sehun was there too, fussing with the electrical part but you know how it is.”

“That kid…someday I have to start paying him or something.”

“Minseok pays him enough.” replied Jongdae with a wicked gleam on his eyes. “Anyway, Jongin told me to tell you that Sooyoung broke a chair again and Hyeri kicked Jonghyun in the nuts when he tried to feel her up again. So you’d better check it out before hell break’s loose downstairs. Also, he said that you’re running low on gin, so you better order it.”

Yixing gave a long, tired sigh, clearly used to hearing that all the time. He looked around searching for someone that he didn’t find.

“Was Baekhyun downstairs with them?”

“He was.” nodded Jongdae. “He arrived when I was downstairs, changed his clothes and Hyeri was finishing his makeup when I came back up.”

Yixing seemed happy at the fact, a soft smile spreading on his lips. It was very evident the affection that he had for the man named Baekhyun.

“I’ll go check them up then, if you’ll excuse me. I’ll return in a moment or two. Go ask Minseok for some drinks; they are on me. Tell him that Lay sent you. Also, we are going to have a life performance right now, don’t judge us, this is a … peculiar type of club and I swear to you, the kid that is going to sing will blow your mind. Baekhyun is amazing. Do whatever okay, just don’t leave. We have so much to catch up with.”

As soon as Yixing left them alone, Junmyeon turned accusingly to his brother.

“You know Yixing was here? Why didn’t you say anything? You know how much we like Yixing.”

“I didn’t know myself.” defended Jongdae. “I know Minseok; I didn’t expect Yixing to be his partner.”

“And how the heck did you meet this Minseok person.”

“Through Sehun.”

“Who is Sehun?”

“A friend of Chanyeol they go to the same college.”

“And who is Chanyeol?”

“My boyfriend!”

“You have a boyfriend? Since when? Are you hiding things from me Jongdae?” asked Junmyeon, looking somewhat disappointed and angry at the same time.

To his immense shock, Jongdae laughed in his face; a tired, bitter laugh that was out of character for someone as happy as Jongdae.

“You know what, I really love you Junmyeon but sometimes you make me doubt myself really. I know what mom and dad think about me, about my lifestyle, and I don’t really mind because it’s unconventional and I know that they had other plans for me but I thought at least you had my back, you don’t have to support what I do, just be there for me but it is so damn hard when you insist on living in your fairy tale world. I told you about Chanyeol almost a year ago.” Jongdae gave a sinister laugh when he noticed Junmyeon guilty expression. “Yeah…imagine how I feel. I always have your back but do you have mine?”

And just like that, Jongdae disappeared though the crowd. Junmyeon tried to follow him but a firm hand on his arm stopped him and he turned to see Yifan’s shaking his head in disagreement.

“Not now Junmyeon.”

“Did he tell me? Did he really tell me?”

“He did.” confirmed Kyungsoo. “Remember when we had that dinner at your parents’ house? To commemorate their anniversary? He told us then. He had been seeing Chanyeol for almost a year and a half.”

“Why don’t I know Chanyeol?”

“Jongdae tried but you were always busy, either with your wedding preparations or with your work I guess.”

“Do you know Chanyeol?” asked Junmyeon a little desperately.

“We’ve met him once. They were at the same coffee shop we were at. Chanyeol is a musician on his free time but he is also studying biochemistry at college. He looked like a really nice person and, to tell the truth, Jongdae looked very in love with the guy.”

“Jongdae is not the person to be in a relationship. He has one night stands.”

“Maybe he really found the one.” replied Yifan easily.

There was too much that Junmyeon wanted to say, his conflicted gaze said everything and Kyungsoo felt, for a little moment, pity for Junmyeon but Jongdae’s words were true: Junmyeon spent far too much time in his world and he often tended to forget other people, like his own brother, when they needed him the most. However, when Junmyeon needed someone, he hogged the attention of everyone. All in all, Junmyeon was a little self-absorbed. Yifan often described Junmyeon as a little spoilt child which wasn’t that far away from the truth, his parents often treated him like a frail flower, doing everything he asked and didn’t ask, forgetting all about Jongdae. Junmyeon loved his brother, there was no mistake about that; he just acted overprotective when there was no need to and didn’t pay enough attention at times.

It was a strange dynamic and an unfortunate one but Jongdae had learned to live like that. Yifan, ever the observant man, said that Jongdae traveled a lot and hooked with a lot of people to try to compensate the loneliness that he felt. However, he seemed to have found some stability with Chanyeol.

What was absolutely devastating about it all was the fact that Jongdae still try hard for his family, despite not seeing eye to eye, only to be left in the back, since Junmyeon was still the golden son.

“You know Junmyeon, Jongdae told you this once, and sincerely, despite his craziness, he has some point when he says you have to should come down to Earth sometimes. Or else, you risk yourself loosing something far more important than your prince charming.” stated Yifan softly.

Junmyeon was thoroughly confused with Yifan’s statement but he said no more, noticing the purple beam of light that appeared at the center of the stage, making heads swivel that way, disregarding completely the previous dancer scurrying out of it, giggling and whispering to themselves as they went.

There was a sound of a drum resounding clearly on the room, marking the beat to some slow song that Junmyeon knew but didn’t remember. An arm, a toned arm at that, peeked through the red velvety curtains at the stage and Junmyeon’s breath was knocked out when a blond male came out, absolutely dripping with sensuality, as he danced across the stage. He was fluid, with languid and slow moves that suited the song right and sincerely made Junmyeon think he was ing up someone. It was his little hip s, the gyrating of the head, showcasing his long neck, the hands moving on his own body…it was everything and Junmyeon, to put it frankly, was blushing heavily at the display; Kyungsoo looked a little uncomfortable and Yifan was far more amused than he should.

“It’s hot in here!” exclaimed Junmyeon, fanning himself.

“No, it isn’t. You’re just not used to, well, this type of iness.” joked Kyungsoo, forgetting about being uncomfortable for a second in favor of teasing his best friend.

The blond dancer glanced over to their table or at least Junmyeon thought so. He smirked slightly as his dark eyes took notice of Junmyeon’s red cheeks and made his way out of the stage with precise steps and sat on red cheeked man, much to his horror, grabbing the spluttering male’s hands and making them roam freely on his chest, earning an ‘eep’ sound from male, making the blond chuckle softly, not once minding the catcalls around the room. Junmyeon could swear he heard Jongdae laughing.

The music seemed to reach its , resounding powerfully throughout the room, dragging bodies next to each other, pulling and pushing, and it was unbearably hot and stuffy and Junmyeon was finding it really hard to breathe. The dancer seemed to notice this and made the unthinkable he dragged soft hands downwards, dangerously putting them close to his own crotch, resting on plush tights.

Junmyeon’s could swear he stopped breathing for a second and Kyungsoo might had been on board with the same thought, since his friend looked he was about to pass out at any second. He discreetly nudged Yifan, since his husband was chuckling quietly to himself, obviously finding the situation funny, after all who would’ve thought that soft and proper Junmyeon would be harassed, molested even, by a dancer?

The blond male dancer, very gently, just as the music began to slow down, no doubt coming to his end, grabbed Junmyeon by the neck and press an open mouthed kiss to the smaller’s cheek, remarkably close to his lips.

“See you around handsome.” winked the blond as the music stopped, standing up and fluttering again.

Everyone at the booth was quiet now, Yifan tried hard not to laugh, while Kyungsoo waited for Junmyeon to pass out, or explode in a blabbering mess, whatever happened first. It was only when Jongdae, with smiling eyes and a smirk on his lips, sat near his brother and stated.

“That was the best thing ever, never had I imagined seeing my brother looking like this.”

Junmyeon wanted to smack the younger senseless but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a simple question:

“Who was he?” 




A/N: Hello again! How have you all been? I'm hoping that really well. So, here I come with a new story, it will have SeBaek, don't worry, just with a little twist that you'll see later. Someone asked me if I could continue my SuHan stories and I thought, well, why not?! So here we are.
Junmyeon sound like a pretencious little prick, doesn't he? He kind of his but he doesn't do it with intention, he is just so sheltered and so unadventurous, he likes his routine so much that he is blinded by his own notion of the world, hence the title. 
I hope that you'll like it and that you take this journey with me! Enjoy aaaand be so very happy!

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay strong and stay happy! ALWAYS!

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Chapter 21: I am dyifrzfdfpozef I LOVE THIS STORY
BErsker is next, btw i already read ur fics long time ago all of them and rereading them make me HAAAPPPPPPYYYY
hey..I wanna know that is sebaek a side ship in this story?
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 21: Rare pairing indeed,usually kaisoo,hunhan,baekyeol etc.
Elahy95 #4
Chapter 21: I don't know what to say.. this fanfic is soo beautiful.. this story make me crying until the end of this chapter.. good job author-nimm... such a heartwarm story❤❤❤
Chapter 21: As my sister (Misori-sama who commented to u and strongly recommended this to me) said. This is by far the best story I had ever read for the sole reason that you portrayed how strong people become after moving on.
Misori-sama #6
Chapter 21: I m not so good in giving opinion but all i can say is that your story is by far the best fic i have readed i cryed all the time reading beak story and suho and lu sepation i liked the way you convoied the characters of etch one of the boys and the positif vibe in the story had surly make some people rethink about all there pespective in life so author nim happy knowing you i hop that there is more story to came i love your new fan misori-sama
TheGermCafe #7
Chapter 21: When I first started reading this I did not know that I would be crying by the end, some people may say it's just a story or fic but what you wrote is so beautiful; the way situations happened and were handled were so realistic that I felt my heart hurt with the characters. Nearing the end of your story I truly started crying because of the situation that occurred on the college campus, in 2016 something of the same nature happened near me and it made me realize that this fic touched bases with many subjects that are normally overlooked or not truly put in perspective. Reading your story has me in pieces because it is, by far, the first fic to make me evaluate things that happen day-to-day; this story was a privilege to read and I cannot thank you enough for writing this. Your story is truly amazing, also I'm sorry if this comment is cheesy and too serious, it moved me and my heart.
Johnson94 #8
Chapter 4: Nice story
aarushic_18 #9
Chapter 21: I have no words for how AMAZING this story is!!!