chapter 9

Rapmon Seems to Always be in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

The next morning Suga woke up to the sound of a man loudly checking Rapmon’s vitals. Suga figures this must be the man he was warned about so he decides to just keep quiet and not move. After the man left a young boy comes in and seeing that Suga is awake he introduces himself as Kunpimook Bhuwakul. “But most people call me Bambam because I am so quick at delivering food! I forgot to mention I work in the kitchen.”

Suga gives a fake smile towards the boy, wondering how someone could have so much energy this early in the morning. “Nice to meet you. My name is Suga, I work as a detective in homicide and the man over there who was just rudely awoken by that nurse is Rapmon; he’s a producer.”

Rapmon grunts in reply, “I’m going back to sleep.”

“Don’t tell him I said this, but you just need to ignore Kim Woobin he is a great nurse, but his people skills are subpar.” said Bambam

“Thank you for letting me know.” Suga said with his first real smile of the day. This kid is not as bad as he thought.

“It’s my pleasure.” Bambam said. “By the way, here is your food. I’ll put your friend’s over on this table.”

“Thank you, I guess I will see you…” said Suga

“Later, I’ll drop off some lunch, too! It was nice to meet you, I gotta run.” said Bambam while turning and leaving the room.

Suga picks up the tray and is pleasantly surprised when he sees eggs and bacon sitting on the tray with yogurt, apple juice, and chocolate milk. It isn’t until then that he remembers how starving he is and that he has not eaten since yesterday afternoon. After he finishes eating he calls V and tells him he will not be going into the office today and asks him if he can bring his laptop and the case files down to the hospital for him.

After he hangs up with V, he calls Jackson to ask how Jhope managed the rest of the night. Suga had asked for Jackson’s number last night that way he could call him if something went wrong. After Suga hears the phone was answered he hesitantly speaks, “H-hello, this is Suga. I was wondering how Jhope did last night.”

“He spent the night at my house. He seems okay. I just dropped him off at work. He insisted on going. I will pick him up after. There is no need to worry I will take care of him!” says Jackson

“Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Suga says.

Meanwhile, Rapmon wakes up and yells at Suga, “Where is my food? I am starving!”

“You are not starving!” Suga says, handing Rapmon his tray.

As Rapmon is eating his food, he hears a knock at his door. Suga gets up to open it and in comes his partner V, his arms full of papers and Suga’s laptop.

V looks over to Rapmon, “What happened to you? It was really scary having the police sergeant come to my door asking me for Suga’s number so late at night.”

“I fainted.” says Rapmon with a blush spreading across his cheeks.

“Thanks for bringing me my stuff, I owe you. The next time you leave something at the office, I will bring it home to you.” says Suga.

V leaves the room with a goodbye.


(V’s POV)

I should have talked to him more. Why am I such a coward around him. It’s like a cat has my tongue whenever I get near him. Who even says, “What happened to you?” Now I seem like an inconsiderate jerk. I remember the first time I met him.


It was right after  Suga had decided he needed help and had went into rehab. Suga had asked me to clean out his desk and bring all of his stuff to his house. I did this and there were so many boxes, how did he have room for all of this in one desk. I was balancing about four boxes in my hands walking up to the door when a tall man dressed in a suit walks up to me and asks if I need any help.  “I’m Namjoon, but you can call me Rapmon. I am one of Suga’s roommates he mentioned that somebody would be dropping off his stuff.” says Rapmon grabbing two of the boxes in my hands.

“I’m Taehyung, Suga’s partner, but you can call me V.” Rapmon is walking in front of V at this point and V hears a loud noise and when he looks up he sees Rapmon laying on his face the two boxes having slid in front of him.

“Oh my goodness are you okay?” asks V placing his two boxes on the ground and helps Rapmon up. He sees that Rapmon has a cut on his nose and they walk into the house. Once they get inside, V asks Rapmon, “Where is the first aid kit?”

Rapmon leads his way into the bathroom and starts to get out the first aid kit when V stops him. “You sit down over there.” V says pointing to the toilet and grabs out an alcohol wipe and gently rubs Rapmon’s face. After Rapmon is cleaned up V grabs the boxes from on the lawn and says goodbye to Rapmon.

(End Flashback)

I remember how beautiful I thought he was with his dyed gray hair and his cute dimple when he smiled. I then thought about how he is a producer and can’t believe that someone so beautiful can be behind the camera and not in front.

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theultimateseksi #1
Chapter 8: I feel like chapter 8 is kind of random...? There isn't really an explanation or development between Jackson and J-Hope. Not sure if this is intentional, or whatever. The rest is good, really enjoying this story so far - keep up the good work!
jess015 #2
Feel free to comment with ideas and or ways to improve please