chapter 3

Rapmon Seems to Always be in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

Jackson gets to the hotel and talks the bell hop  Gdragon into giving him a key to Rapmon’s room after he flashes his badge. As Jackson makes it up to the 3 floor he walks up to Rapmon’s door. He looks around and sees the room next door door was a jar.  He decides that this isn't his first priority and he needs to check if is friend is all right. He walks in and looks around and can't find Rapmon, he hears quiet sobbing and opens up a door to a closet and finds a Rapmon clinging to his phone for dear life. He turns around and grabs a robe and walks over to Rapmon and picks him up and puts the robe on. And then proceeds to pull Rapmon  into a hug and let's the man sob in his arms.  Rapmon finally  calms down and Jackson asks him what is wrong and Rapmon explains how he was in the shower when he heard what he thinks might have been a gunshot. Jackson tries to stand up in order to go check out what happened  in the room next door to reassure Rapmon that nobody was shot, but the man will not let him go.  Jackson then proceeds to call 2 other officers to check out the room. The officers get there and stop to tell Jackson they have arrived.

The officers are two senior officers named T.O.P and Minho. The two men proceed into the other room after having a laugh about how Jackson is such a softee for crying people and grumbling how he always needs to call for backup when somebody is in tears. As the officers arrive at the other room they see that the door has been left a jar and proceed to knock and see if anybody is inside. They do not hear an answer and decide to walk in and check the place out. As they open the door they see that something is definitely wrong there is a trail of what looks like blood leading from the door into the room and a woman’s purse has spilled everywhere. They round the corner to the bed and see a woman with a gunshot wound to the chest laying lifeless in a puddle of blood. The men leave the room untouched in order to go tell Jackson what is wrong, but decide not to actually say anything in the presence of the other man in order to not further upset him.

After five minutes minutes the cops have came back to Rapmon’s room and tell the men that nothing is wrong and that they have a call about a home invasion they need to get to. Jackson figures out that something is wrong because these cops are in the traffic division and would never be called to a home invasion. Jackson decides to invite his friend to dinner since he missed his room service and it is the perfect excuse to get him out of the room so he would not see the cops arrive next door. During this conversation Jhope has arrived at the room, after he rushed home because he was worried about his friend. Rapmon agrees that he is hungry and the three men leave.


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theultimateseksi #1
Chapter 8: I feel like chapter 8 is kind of random...? There isn't really an explanation or development between Jackson and J-Hope. Not sure if this is intentional, or whatever. The rest is good, really enjoying this story so far - keep up the good work!
jess015 #2
Feel free to comment with ideas and or ways to improve please