First heartbeat

Another Reason
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Luckily, Hyomi was just as confused as Jisun so she stopped talking to Hoseok. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Everyone stopped. Even the girl who was whacking Jungkook stopped.

"I think we should get going, don't you guys think?" Namjoon said to the boys.

"I'll catch up with you guys, I'm gonna stay." Taehyung said letting go of Jisun to his normal posture.

"Y-yeah, let's go now." Jungkook nervously muttered.

"You are not going anywhere Kookie. You have to sort out whatever is happening." Jimin stated, about to laugh. Jungkook glared at all of his friends.

As soon as Namjoon felt the sudden tension he quickly announced, "We will be going now, goodbye!"

When that was said the 4 guys swiftly took their stuff and ran out the door, leaving the 5 people left.

"Care to explain?" Hyomi asked the younger people.

"I don't even know this person..." Jungkook shyly said with his head down. "Who is she?" He asked again.

"She is my sister." Jisun said. "Jinah is her name."

Seeing how shy Jungkook was reminded her that she was a little like him. He obviously can't talk to the other gender face to face without stuttering or running away from the situation. He was like a cute little bunny yet he was taller that Jisun. 

"So why was she hitting you with food?" Jisun asked gaining confidence.

"I-" Jungkook started.

"He is a ert!" Jinah exclaimed. "He spilled juice on me and then stared at my bra for 5 minutes!"

"It was an accident..." Jungkook defended.

"And me hitting you with a baguette was an accident as well!" Jinah sarcastically joked. "You being born was an accident too!"

"For your information you wearing a bra was an accident!" Jungkook spat back obviously annoyed by her last comment, "you don't really need it looking at you."

"WHAA-" Jinah shouted.

"Guys stop." Jisun demanded. "Look at all the mess you made. You have put food all over the floor so clean it. None of you are leaving until this room is spotless!"

Jisun sternly looked at them and turned away. She walked out of the cafe and into the nearby park.

"Why do both of my sisters shout at boys they don't even know?" She asked herself.

When she found a bench she slowly placed herself on top of it. The girl looked around, taking in all of the beauty nature held. Jisun heard light footsteps behind her but she already had an idea of who it was so she didn't bother looking behind her. A figure sat next to her breathing in the fresh air. She finally turned her head towards the person and looked at him blankly.

"Hi!" Taehyung exclaimed excitedly waving his hands frantically, "I'm sorry about Jungkook. But in his defence he didn't really mean to..."

Taehyung looked at her. He looked at her hair that was short and messy. He looked at her facial features that was soft and subtle. Then he thought about Geurin. He thought about her hair that was long brown and wavy. He thought about her facial features that was sharp and defined. If someone asked him who was prettier, of course he would have thought Geurin was the prettiest. This reminded him of the plan. The only reason he is actually talking to Jisun in the first place. He looked over at Jisun and she was walking over to some people he has never met. Quickly he took out the crumpled piece of paper and unfolded it. It read:

How to get Geurin to love me

1. Watch her every move to see who she talks to.
2. Find a person she talks to often
3. Talk to them.
4. Befriend them.
5. Make them

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vmonster_ #1
Chapter 13: when will you continue this story ?
Chapter 13: Author, please don't play with us!!!! I'm don't who I should support now!!! Please update soon...
bananakins #3
Chapter 13: Omg! I just finally was able to catch up. So good! Jimin, why?! I don't know who to cheer for now....Tae Tae or chimchim
Chapter 12: Oh my, I'm supporting Jimin more now, then with Taehyung!!! Taehyung I know that you starting to have feelings to Jisun even you don't know it. But your plan was using her from the beginning and Jimin haven't thinking about to do it, so Jimin go for it!!! She deserve someone who don't just want to use her just to get another girl.

Author please update >~< I want to know what's going to happen
Chapter 11: I don't know why but I support Jisun right now with Jimin XD We never know who I'm going to support next. Please update author >~<
kawaii_anime1004 #6
Chapter 10: Yas they got together yass
kawaii_anime1004 #7
Chapter 8: Awww if he realize his feelings asap