Seven of them

Another Reason
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"Leave her alone!" Suga demanded throwing the phone forward to his face.

"What are you talking about?" Taehyung questioned catching the phone.

"Jisun! Leave her alone will you." Suga said.

"Why should I?"

"I'm not stupid I know who she is and what she could do for you."

"I... Don't know what you're talking about." Taehyung defended.

"Yes you do. Jisun is that girl isn't she? The girl who is friends with your crush you have no luck with. You can't stop talking about it."

"Hyung, I do have a chance with her and Jisun is going to help me!"

"Does Jisun know you're using her?" 

"I'm not using her, I am simply... letting her help me with a chance of love!"

"So I'm guessing she doesn't  know..."

"Don't tell her please!" He pleaded.

"If you dare hurt her..." Suga moved towards him and held the collar of his shirt, "I'll hurt you and make sure you will never get that Geu thing or whatever you call her."

"It's Geurin." Taehyung corrected.

"Does this face look like it cares?" Suga said, "I'll be going to sleep, I'm tired..."

"Wait... Why am I sleeping in the couch? This is my house!"

"And you are also using a innocent girl for your selfish needs!"

"Hyung that sounds weird..."

In response, Suga threw a pillow at him square in the face to shut him up. "Go to sleep. You have school."

"Wait what happened??" Hyomi asked dropping her open lunch bag in response. "Aw poop..."

"You deserved that." Jisun said, helping Hyomi pick up the dirty food.

"So you guys exchanged numbers?" Hyomi said holding the food and walking to the bin.

"Well he did without me realising." Jisun replied following her. "Do you want to go to the cafe?"

"Yeah sure..." Hyomi said, "but wait let me just replay this all. So you tried to take a picture of him but he hugged you instead and then he payed for your things and walked you home?"

"What? No. We did not hug I tried to take my phone back and I didn't want him to pay he insisted." Jisun said while walking out of the school.

Jisun and Hyomi both walked down the street towards the cafe, talking about the most random things as that was what they normally did. Jisun was happy that she had a friend like Hyomi as she never had one before. When things went bad she could go to her. The thing that was weird was they only knew each other for a few weeks now and they were like peas in the pod. Everyone knew they were friends and they were all shocked seeing the girl who never talked turn into the girl who was laughing with the new girl down the hallways. Because of Hyomi, she became more confident and less shy which benefited her a lot.

"-but think about it! Spoons are just small bowls with a long handle. And we are just walking- ow" Jisun looked to her side to see the once talking Hyomi on the floor near a young man.

"I'm so sorry!" The boy said bowing towards her, when he got to stand up he wiped the dirt off his uniform and didn't bother looking at her.

Jisun helped her clumsy friend up. "It's okay I ..." She said looking at the boy shocked at his face.

"I what?" He said looking up at the girl who didn't finish her sentence. "Y-you! You! You were the one who jumped onto me!"

Hyomi lowered her head in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry about that... I thought you were my brother but you weren't and I didn't mean to harm you." She said looking at him but she noticed he was smiling at her.

"It's okay... People do that sometimes I guess..." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm Hyomi..." She said introducing herself. "And this is my friend Jisun." Pointing towards the said person.

"I'm Hoseok! Nice to meet you girls." He said showing a bright smile. "I'll see you around Hyomi..."

The two girls looked at the boy walking off until he turned into a corner.

"He is cute!" Jisun exclaimed. "Hyomi and Hoseok... Your names sound nice together."

Hyomi looked at her friend in disbelief and elbowed her side. "Don't speak this stupid language of yours and let's go I'm hungry."

"I'll see you around Hyomi..." Jisun said intimidating Hoseok.

"Will you shut up please." Hyomi said opening the cafe door.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?" Junni said confused.

"Hyomi dropped our food so we decided to come here if that's alright with you."

"Of course it's alright, you girls can sit and I'll make the food." Junni said gesturing towards the tables. "The normals?"

"Yes please!" They both said.

 "But you have to admit he is cute!" Jisun said raising her eyebrows.

"Fine... He is cute but that means nothing..." She admitted.

"Well it's obviously, but he seems like a nice guy I'd date him."

"You'd date

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vmonster_ #1
Chapter 13: when will you continue this story ?
Chapter 13: Author, please don't play with us!!!! I'm don't who I should support now!!! Please update soon...
bananakins #3
Chapter 13: Omg! I just finally was able to catch up. So good! Jimin, why?! I don't know who to cheer for now....Tae Tae or chimchim
Chapter 12: Oh my, I'm supporting Jimin more now, then with Taehyung!!! Taehyung I know that you starting to have feelings to Jisun even you don't know it. But your plan was using her from the beginning and Jimin haven't thinking about to do it, so Jimin go for it!!! She deserve someone who don't just want to use her just to get another girl.

Author please update >~< I want to know what's going to happen
Chapter 11: I don't know why but I support Jisun right now with Jimin XD We never know who I'm going to support next. Please update author >~<
kawaii_anime1004 #6
Chapter 10: Yas they got together yass
kawaii_anime1004 #7
Chapter 8: Awww if he realize his feelings asap