Love is in the air

Another Reason
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2 months later

"So they are dating now?" Hyomi said while getting her makeup bag.

"Yeah apparently they have for 2 months, they only told me yesterday because they didn't think it was important." Jisun sighed, her legs dangled off the side of the bed she was sitting on, "So tell me where are we going?"

"We are going on a friendship date with Hoseok and Taehyung."

"A friendship date? You meant a date between you and Hoseok while me and Tae third wheel?" Jisun corrected, looking at her pretty friend doing her makeup, "Just date already! Everyone else is."

"If that's the case then you and your precious Tae date. You guys always hang out." She mumbled trying not to mess up her eyeliner.

"Nah, did you know he knows Geurin? He sometimes talks about her!" Jisun announced.

Hyomi finished and took one last good look at the mirror, "Strange, how does he know her?"

The finished girl sat on the bed with Jisun and made her friend face her.

"Close your eyes." Hyomi ordered and Jisun followed.

"I don't know, he never told me. But sometimes he asks about her hobbies and things she likes. I already know because she talks about them all the time." Jisun replied, staying still while her friend puts makeup on her, "I don't get why you are putting makeup on me, I can do it myself."

"You are not exactly the best at it." Hyomi brutally explained.

Jisun opened her eyes and frowned, "What is that supposed to mean!"

"Come on, I have never done your makeup and you're not good at it." 

"I don't really wear it anyways, I have good skin!"

"You do have good skin, I'm envious of it." Her friend stated looking at her clear skin.

"Thank Hyo means a lot." Jisun smiled and she closed her eyes again, "What are you even doing?"

"I'm just putting eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and blush, don't worry. You already have nice eyebrows and eyelashes so..." Hyomi stated.

After awhile, Hyomi was finally done and they were now ready. They tidied up. Jisun and Hyomi walked out the bedroom and closed the door behind them. 

"Where are you going?" Jinah asked looking the opening of her door, her whole body wrapped in her blanket.

"We are going to hang out with Hoseok's friends!" Jisun said, nearly going down the stairs.

"Will Jungkook be there?" Jinah asked hopefully stopping Jisun in her tracks.

"He might I don't know..." Jisun looked at Hyomi to answer.

"Yeah he is." Hyomi replied.

In a flash, Jinah jumped out of the blanket and pounced towards the two friends, holding a present in her hand. She was already dressed in a pleated skirt and a cute cartoon jumper. 

"Can I please please please come with you." She begged, using her cuteness as her weapon.

"Sure. You know the way you dress is totally different from your hobbies." Hyomi laughed.

"Oh well..." Jinah said, closing her bedroom full of her action figures and shelves of her manga books.

Soon they were walking up to the park. Jinah was bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Do I look nice?" She asked cutely.

"Yes of course you do." Jisun and Hyomi said laughing at her obvious behaviour.

"Who is the present for?" Hyomi asked, already knowing the answer.

"Jungkookie! It's my favourite superhero, I just hope he likes it too." She nervously said, daydreaming about her crush, "I don't think he likes me. He is always mean to me but whenever there is another girl he turns all shy."

"I don't know, you shouldn't beat yourself up because of it okay?" Hyomi advised.

Jisun, who was walking in front of the talking girls, saw a group of guys playing basketball in the court, "They are over there!"

Jinah ran up to Jungkook who was drinking some water. She smiled at him and he just coldly looked at her. The girl shyly handed over the perfectly wrapped present towards Jungkook. He carelessly took it in his hands.

"I wasn't sure if you liked it, it's my favourite superhero so..." She shyly mumbled, looking expectantly at her crush ripping the pretty wrapping paper off.

He looked at it in happiness but quickly changed it into his same cold face he only uses for Jinah. The paper revealed a Iron Man phone case and a figure. He was pleased that he finally got the phone case he wanted but couldn't get since it was too expensive. Iron Man was his favourite superhero after all.

"Iron Man is your favourite?" He chicly asked and Jinah nodded in response.

"I also want to say something to you..." She nervously announced, she swallowed the imaginary lump in , "I really like you, although you are quite mean to me I can't help but to have feelings for you."

Jungkook stared at her surprised. Jinah looked at him expectantly. But he turned back into his icy mask, "Aw too bad, why would I like a desperate thing like you?" He harshly spat.

Jinah was shocked at the harsh words that were thrown at her like a pile of bricks. Tears fell down from her doe-like eyes. She started to sob and looked at him sadly. Jinah soon ran away from the scene leaving a guilty Jungkook. Oblivious Jimin happily skipped up to Jungkook.

"Dude, I see you got a present." He said wriggling his eyebrows, "Told you a cold, bad boy would get her."

"No. It didn't, I made her cry." Jungkook whined, "I tried to gain confidence but now I made her cry, Hyung you are terrible at advice."

The guilty boy ran off to find the crying girl.

"Hey, where did Jinah go?" Hyomi asked just arriving through the gates.

"I have no idea." Jisun wondered.

Taehyung soon noticed Jisun and he ran up to her.

"Hi!" He smiled towering over girl in front of her.

"Hey loser." She replied back.

"I have something to show you!" He exclaimed holding her hand and running away from the crowd.

"Where are we going?" She said, trying to keep up with him.

He didn't reply until they reached the destination. It was a small street full of small shops on either side. A small cafe that had a sweet aroma devouring it was placed on the side. Opposite to it was a mini book store filled with undiscovered secrets and a small pretty girl infront of the counter. More tiny stores filled the street and it gave the street a lively atmosphere: although it was narrow and there was no one walking through. Only them two. As they reached the shop near the middle, Taehyung pointed towards the shop window.

"Look! It's the ukulele you said you wanted!" He said watching her expression change into happiness.

She put her face against the window to see the thing she wanted the most front of her. Taehyung joined her but he made a funny face against the window instead. They both started laughing with their faces still pressed up against the window. 

"Come on let's go in!" He exclaimed excitedly holding her hand tightly again.

It was a small instrument and vinyl shop. Everything was messy yet organised. It made it look c

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vmonster_ #1
Chapter 13: when will you continue this story ?
Chapter 13: Author, please don't play with us!!!! I'm don't who I should support now!!! Please update soon...
bananakins #3
Chapter 13: Omg! I just finally was able to catch up. So good! Jimin, why?! I don't know who to cheer for now....Tae Tae or chimchim
Chapter 12: Oh my, I'm supporting Jimin more now, then with Taehyung!!! Taehyung I know that you starting to have feelings to Jisun even you don't know it. But your plan was using her from the beginning and Jimin haven't thinking about to do it, so Jimin go for it!!! She deserve someone who don't just want to use her just to get another girl.

Author please update >~< I want to know what's going to happen
Chapter 11: I don't know why but I support Jisun right now with Jimin XD We never know who I'm going to support next. Please update author >~<
kawaii_anime1004 #6
Chapter 10: Yas they got together yass
kawaii_anime1004 #7
Chapter 8: Awww if he realize his feelings asap