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Another Reason
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"Why, Geurin I underestimated you!" Her so-called friend exclaimed, "Seems like you can make a loser fall in love with you!"

Geurin looked down pretending to smirk. Inside she felt awful. She felt as if she was going to be sick. They were sitting on a picnic table in front of the school. Geurin sat on the bench, fiddling with her skirt. She smelt the heavy perfume of the girl next to her, sitting on top of the table. 

"Of course! I wasn't raised with these looks for nothing!" She laughed mockingly.

"So when are you going to break up with him?" She asked, still laughing from the previous remark.

"When you give me back the bracelet you took." She says jokingly, trying to hide the fact she is desperate to get it back.

"Oh of course!" The other female says, going into her bag and pulling the silver band bracelet out, "You know, what does the initials mean?"

"W-what initials?" Geurin smiled nervously.

"PJM. It's on the inside of it." She said, showing the bracelet to her.

Quickly, Geurin swiftly took the bracelet off her and placed it onto her wrist. She looked up to see her companion staring at her.

"I don't know, I just like the look of it." She said, turning her head to smirk at the other girl.

"Well fair enough." She laughed while looking at her watch, "Look, I gotta go, I'll see you later okay? You did great!"

Geurin nodded and the other girl waved goodbye. She stayed seated on the wooden bench as she watched the girl walk out of the school gates. When she left Geurin gasped for air as if she wasn't breathing for the whole conversation. Why did she do that? She asked herself. The guilty girl knew it was wrong but she only did it for him.
The wind blew heavy onto her face, giving a reminder to her that she wasn't having a horrible nightmare. Feeling a stare on her back, she turned around.
There he was. His cute eyes were filled with tears threatening to burst out. The top of his body poked out of the tree he was hiding behind. Geurin's eyes widened in shock. Like a big wave crashing over her, she knew she screwed up. He walked over to her slowly. Each step slowly killing her.

"So this was all a joke?" He said, the tears finally falling out, "What because I am not good looking like the other guys it gives you the right to toy with my emotions like that?"

"Jimin I-" 

"No I don't want to hear it." He interrupted, "I trusted you. I should've known."

"No I did this to get the bracelet back! Look!" She said grabbing the bracelet and giving it to him.

"Wow, a bracelet." He said sarcastically, snatching it off her and throwing it to the ground, "You did this for a bracelet? Well you have it, so go ahead!"

Geurin looked down in fear, as she has never seen him angry before.

"Go ahead?" She asked in a small voice.

"Don't play dumb, Geurin." He said in disbelief, "Just do it already."

"Do what?" She shouted, tears all falling down.

"Leave me!" He shouted back, "Just break up with me already!"

"I don't want to!" She sobbed, reaching out to touch him.

Her hand cautiously moved towards his face; she looked up afraid of what was to come next. He pushed her hand down harshly. She winced slightly at the pain.

"If you're not gonna do it then I will." He said, trying to calm down. "Let's break up..."

The wind blew again.

"I don't ever want to see you again."

It blew harshly across her face.

"You broke me."

It crashed into her hopeless tears.

"And I truly loved you."

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vmonster_ #1
Chapter 13: when will you continue this story ?
Chapter 13: Author, please don't play with us!!!! I'm don't who I should support now!!! Please update soon...
bananakins #3
Chapter 13: Omg! I just finally was able to catch up. So good! Jimin, why?! I don't know who to cheer for now....Tae Tae or chimchim
Chapter 12: Oh my, I'm supporting Jimin more now, then with Taehyung!!! Taehyung I know that you starting to have feelings to Jisun even you don't know it. But your plan was using her from the beginning and Jimin haven't thinking about to do it, so Jimin go for it!!! She deserve someone who don't just want to use her just to get another girl.

Author please update >~< I want to know what's going to happen
Chapter 11: I don't know why but I support Jisun right now with Jimin XD We never know who I'm going to support next. Please update author >~<
kawaii_anime1004 #6
Chapter 10: Yas they got together yass
kawaii_anime1004 #7
Chapter 8: Awww if he realize his feelings asap