
Another Reason
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Next day...


As Jisun was walking to her school, she decided to walk into the store around the corner. To get, of course, some gum. She walked in and greeted the familiar ajuhssi. Jisun strolled along towards the section where gum was sold. Luckily there was not only one piece of gum. A wide variety might I add. When she got her hand out to reach the gum, a packet of gum was balanced on the back of her hand. She looked up to see a young man towering over her.

At that moment, the time felt like it slowed down. He was handsome. Too handsome. Jisun's heart beat was escalating. When she realised she looked at him for a second more than she had to, she ran towards the pay till and payed and she sprinted out all the way, without stopping, to her school. 

Taehyung watched as she ran far away, "Is this girl scared of me or something?" He mumbled to himself.
He grabbed another packet of gum and headed towards the pay till.

"What did this handsome man do to make her run far hmmm?" The ajuhssi asked.

"I don't know..." He said back with a smile.

The older man put his hand on his shoulder, "Do you like her?"

Taehyung's eyes widened in shock, "No!! I don't even know her name!"

The man laughed, "Well that's too bad, you'd make a great couple."

After he payed, Taehyung went out the store. "Me and Geurin would make a good couple." He said to himself as he walked to school.

2 weeks later...

"Saturday...." Jisun whispered as she stared at her ceiling. Rolling over, she yawned, " Time to go out with friends and be active... Or we can just go to sleep, sleep sounds good." 

Jisun has always talked to herself it was a habit as she never felt like there was someone there. Her eyelids felt heavy, slowly sinking.


Jisun groaned, "YEAH I WILL!" 

As she was pushed out the house she was given the list and money, she looked at what she was wearing. "Great I forgot to change out of my pyjamas. Just great."

Embarrassed, she quickly walked to the supermarket so no one would notice her. She grabbed a shopping cart and walked in. She started the quest by heading towards the eggs. She stopped to see him. 

"Again!?" She said, "Why do I keep seeing him?"

For the past 2 weeks, after the gum meeting, she has always saw him. In the corner shop, in the shopping centre, walking back from school and basically anywhere Jisun was he was always there. "He must be a stalker!" Jisun whispered to herself.

"She must be a stalker!" He thought to himself. Wherever he went she was there. He let it go the first days thinking it was school that caused them to see each other but when the weekend came he was fully convinced she was a stalker. As he took a step further, he heard a small scream out of her and in a flash she ran. Jisun ran through the store with her shopping cart grabbing everything that was on the list. In what seemed like a minute she ran to the pay till. She caught everybody's attention, even her stalker, because of her little race. Not only because of her running like a crazy person throughout the store, it was also because her yellow duck pyjamas she wore. The person who was serving her judged her, Jisun payed her and grabbed her bags. She ran out the store, a tear ran down her face. She hated attention. She hated eyes following her every move. It was scary for her, she wasn't used to it and she was scared.

As she walked into her home she dumped the bags somewhere in the kitchen and ran upstairs into her room. "That was so embarrassing." She started to cry, even if that was a one time thing she hated when people stared, they would soon tell their friends and Jisun would be a laughing stock. Jisun could help but think her life was going to end. For the rest of the day she stayed in her bed trying to not overthink things.

1 week later...

Jisun was early sitting in class and she looked around. She realised she had no friends in her class. She was the only one sitting by herself in the back. Sure there was someone infront of her and Geurin was on the left of her, but no one sat on the right of her. It was the only seat empty. The class started to get fuller and louder. The class was full of girls talking about who did this and who did that. All the nonsense Jisun didn't care about. Then Mrs Cha came in. " Good morning ladies~~~" she sang.

"Now we have a new student! Please come in!"

A pretty girl came in, she was tall and cute holding a cartoon-like backpack.

 "Hello, my name is Hyomi. I hope we can be friends!" She happily said giving an eye smile.

"Right, so everyone knows the tradition on what we do to new students." The teacher said.

After the teacher said that students put there hands up and Hyomi was instantly confused. Jisun laughed at the face she made. She also raised her hand, she liked when this happened because it made her feel like she belonged.

"Right now begin!" The teacher explained.

"I have a pen!" One shouted.

"I have a notebook!" Another said.

"I've got a mirror." Geurin coolly exclaimed

Hyomi looked in confusion as more students started to shout what they have. The teacher went behind her and whispered, "You choose what you want the most and the one who offered it will show you around." 

Jisun didn'

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vmonster_ #1
Chapter 13: when will you continue this story ?
Chapter 13: Author, please don't play with us!!!! I'm don't who I should support now!!! Please update soon...
bananakins #3
Chapter 13: Omg! I just finally was able to catch up. So good! Jimin, why?! I don't know who to cheer for now....Tae Tae or chimchim
Chapter 12: Oh my, I'm supporting Jimin more now, then with Taehyung!!! Taehyung I know that you starting to have feelings to Jisun even you don't know it. But your plan was using her from the beginning and Jimin haven't thinking about to do it, so Jimin go for it!!! She deserve someone who don't just want to use her just to get another girl.

Author please update >~< I want to know what's going to happen
Chapter 11: I don't know why but I support Jisun right now with Jimin XD We never know who I'm going to support next. Please update author >~<
kawaii_anime1004 #6
Chapter 10: Yas they got together yass
kawaii_anime1004 #7
Chapter 8: Awww if he realize his feelings asap