Chapter 2

Just Once


“Go for it dude! If she says no then at least you know where you stand right?” You sat there staring at the ground. How could Howon have told him to go for it? He knew how you felt about Dongwoo, but he still told him to do it. “You think so? Ahh man, piglet what do you think?” Dongwoo looked at you and asked. Your eyes quickly went to his face, and you studied his expression. He looked like a little kid who’d just been given candy. “Huh? Oh um.. Yeah, go for it! There’s no way she’d say no.” You forced a smile and watched as his cheeks turned red. It hurt you to see him so happy. You knew you were being selfish, but you loved him, and love often gets the best of us. Dongwoo suddenly got up and told the both of you, “Thanks guys. I really like her. I’m so happy whenever I’m around her, I don’t think I’d want to live without her. I’m gonna go, I have work soon and I can’t be late. I need some extra cash if she agrees to go on the date with me. Later~” Dongwoo left happily with a huge grin on his face, as you watched him leave.
You then turned your attention to Howon who was looking at you with a black expression. “Howon, what the hell was that?! How could you tell him--” “Why did you kiss me?” You were startled. You’d momentarily forgotten about that. You didn’t know why you kissed him, and you were just as curious as to why as well, so you decided to answer him truthfully. “Honestly I don’t know. You looked so hurt, I don’t know I guess I just felt bad.” “So you thought kissing me would make me feel better? What the hell is that?” His voice rang with anger. Oh god what have I done? You thought. “Howon I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have done that. I really don’t know why I did it.” You wondered how it turned out this way. You really felt bad towards him. “I’m sorry,“ you apologized for the gazillionth time. He stood up and looked down at you. He sighed before saying,  “why are you always saying sorry? Look. Let’s forget all this happened alright. I love you and I just need you to know that. I know where I stand in your heart and I wont force myself upon you. It isn’t fair to either of us, so let’s just forget any of this happened okay? Don‘t feel bad, it‘s not your fault.” You looked up at him and nodded. Even though he told you if wasn’t your fault, you knew it was. You were hurting your best friend. All those times you ran to him gushing about Dongwoo or crying over him, must’ve hurt Howon. Thinking about it put you in an even worser mood. This was just turning out to be one hell of a crappy day for you. You got up from the couch and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest. You figured you could at least do this for him, plus his hugs always made you feel better. He gently stoked your head silently, while the two of you hugged.
After what felt like an eternity, you let go of him and placed a hand on his cheek. “Why couldn’t it be you I loved instead?” you asked him. The question wasn’t really directed at him, it was really more one for yourself. He just sighed and placed his hand over yours and said, “if I knew, we wouldn’t be like this now would we?” You gave him an apologetic smile and brought your hand down from his face. You closed your eyes and let your mid go blank for a second. Too much was happening and you were feeling overwhelmed. You opened them again and smiled sweetly at Howon. “I think I need to go. I need some time to think and sort out my feelings.” He nodded and asked you if he should call you later. You thought about it and told him it would be best if you were alone for now. You grabbed your things and left.
When you got home, you really weren’t in the mood to answer your mother’s questions as to why you looked like a tornado hit you, so you ran up to your room and crashed on your bed. You laid there staring at the ceiling wondering why your life was like this.  Actually, you were making it a whole lot more dramatic than it really was. Suddenly your little sister burst into your room startling you. “God Yerin, you could at least learn to knock you know.” You glared at her, clutching your chest. “Yeah, yeah whatever. So sis, what’s up? Mom said you looked like a storm hit you or something, and she was right. What happened?” She asked. You didn’t really feel like explaining it to her. I mean, it’s not like the two of you weren’t close but you were so worn out from the day you‘d rather just sit in silence by yourself. “Yerin, I’m not in the best mood right now. Can we not talk about this right now?” You sighed fidgeting  with the edge of your comforter. She looked disappointed but got up to leave reluctantly. That was one of the things you loved best about your sister; she wasn’t overly persistent and she knew when not to bother you. Feeling a bit guilty you called after her, “Sis, if I’m feeling better in a bit, I’ll spill okay?” She gave you a sympathetic smile and said, “Don’t worry about it. I have a feeling I already know what it’s about anyways. Come talk to me when you feel like it alright?” You gave her a small nod, and she left your room.
You laid back down on your bed and closed your eyes. A flash of Howon’s crying face popped up into your mind. You still felt so bad towards him. You were confused out of your mind. There was a soft tingling sensation on your lips. You brought your hand up and lightly rubbed it. You remembered how soft Howon’s lips were against yours and how he was so sweet and gentle kissing you. A light blush crept up onto your creeps and you subconsciously began to smile. That quickly changed as you thought of Dongwoo, and your smile turned into a pout. Why couldn’t you have had to courage to tell him you loved him before it was too late? And clearly now, it was too late. You opened your eyes and turned your head to look at the picture of You, Dongwoo and Howon on your nightstand. What am I going to do now? You thought, as you drifted off to sleep.

Didn't check for spelling or grammar mistakes, too lazy LOL. And yeah, it's a lot shorter than the first chapter. xD It's only the second chapter and i'm already having writers block, orz.
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whatsinyourmind #1
I am surprise, I thought she was going to say Dongwoo...even though I LOVE DONGWOO I think she made a good decision, this is going to be a sweet-must read happy ending! thank you for finishing this story!
This Is Hard..
To Choose
1822955 #3
I want her to end up with howon~~~
Minhaeric #4
;_; She loves Dongwoo more doesn't she? But I really want her to end up with HoWon!

It's alright HoWon. You have me <3
atorre #5
OMFG YO. I mean I love Dongwoo, and as much as I want them together because I love Dongwoo....I can't see Hoya hurt either...
i want her to end up with Dongwoo, BUT HOYA IS A GOOD MAN.
thanks for the update! :D
Thank god you are not on a hiatus man.
atorre #8
I'm glad you're still continuing the story so it's fine! :3
berryxstraw #9
lol No worries. I'm that horrible author too. Update soon!
Why are you do mean :-( more!