Chapter 12

Just Once


“To our favourite place,” he said smiling the brightest smile you’d ever seen.
To your favourite place? You had absolutely no idea as to what he was referring to. You racked your mind for places that you considered to be “your favourite place.”
After standing there for a few minutes giving Dongwoo a confused look while trying to think of places, you gave up in defeat.
“Our favourite place? Dongwoo, what are you talking about?” He let out a soft chuckle and began to pull you along once again.
“I can’t believe you forgot about our favourite place!” He whined like a little kid, and turned around to pout at you.
You felt a blush creep up onto your cheeks as you looked at him. He was being unusually cutesy with you. It’s not like he didn’t act all cute around you, but he was being overly cute, as if he was trying to keep your attention. It’s not like he couldn’t occupy your thoughts, because he did, and he did it with ease.
A wash of guilt came over you. You were already with Hoya, but every so often, Dongwoo would pop into your mind. You did your best to shoo them away whenever they did surface, but they always seemed to come back.
Seconds later you arrived at small park full of flowers. It was such a surreal place, especially as you were still in Hongdae. All the memories came back to you. You’d found this place with Dongwoo when you were younger and dubbed it as your favourite place, for just the two of you. You used to go there often, but stopped as the two of you got busy. Time went on, and you forgot about it.
“Pretty nostalgic huh?” He asked, squeezing your hand softly. “We used to come here pretty often, just the two of us,” he added softly.
You nodded your head in agreement, and slipped your hand out of his. You stepped further into the park and looked around at all the beautiful flowers. A smile found its way onto your lips, as you crouched down to caress a pale pink lily.
“It’s so beautiful here, I can’t believe I forgot about this place,” you mused.
“It really is.”
You continued to admire all the delicate flowers around you, that you hadn’t noticed Dongwoo was now crouched down beside you staring at you longingly.
You gasped quietly in surprise while your face flushed pink. He chuckled lightly and brought a hand up to caress you face.
You stared at him with wide eyes, as your heart began to beat faster and faster. He dropped his hand suddenly and stood up, sliding his hands into his pockets and turning away from you. You followed suit and called out his name softly.
“I didn’t want to say this, because he’s my best friend, and you’re my best friend, but I just can’t take it. It’s been so freaking hard for me these past weeks. It’s not fair. It’s just not fair. Or maybe it is? I mean, I never acted on my feelings so I guess I can’t complain.” He said suddenly, and ran a hand through his hair out of frustration.
You had no idea what he was talking about. All of this was coming out of no where. What’s been hard on him? What didn’t he want to say?
“Dongwoo? What are you talking about? I’m so confused. You’re not telling me anything.” You said, frustrated. He was confusing you beyond belief and it was really starting to irritate.
Dongwoo dropped down to the floor and put his hands on his head. He let out a frustrated sigh and tugged at his hair. He suddenly stood up, turned around and took your hands in his.
You were starting to get nervous, because he was looking at you with such serious eyes. You weren’t prepared for he what he was about to do next.
He quickly closed the space between the two of you and crashed his lips onto yours. Your eyes widen in shock, and you began to tremble. Your mind went completely blank.
Jus as he quickly as he’d leaned in to kiss you, he pulled away. You stood there completely shocked. You had nothing to say. You didn’t know what to say. If there was one thing you knew, it was that you were angry.
What did he think he was doing kissing you like that, especially when he knew you were dating his best friend. You were beyond pissed.
You pulled your hands harshly out of his and slapped him across the face. 
“Dongwoo, what the hell was that?! What the actual do you think you’re doing?!” You yelled at him, as your hands curled into fists at your sides.
You could see the pain and regret in his eyes. He was pleading with you now. All your anger drifted away as a tear ran down his cheek. You instantly regretted slapping him.
“Dongwoo, I-I..”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered cutting you off, “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.”
Before you could realize it, tears were running down your own cheeks. It hurt you to see him so defeated. Before you could say anything, Dongwoo opened his mouth to speak.
“I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I didn’t mean to do that, it’s just.. I just -- I love you. I love you so much. I’ve loved you for so long,” he quietly confessed.
“You have no idea how badly I wanted to punch Hoya in the face when you guys told me you were going out. I was so angry, but I couldn’t let you know. I couldn’t let him know. Then, you started hanging out together without me, but I mean that’s normal because you guys are dating, but I love you, so it kinda really ticked me off,” he continued.
He loved you. Dongwoo loved you. The boy that you’d cried over for so many years, had ironically, felt the same way about you. There were so many things racing through your mind. Where was this coming from? Why didn’t he tell you long ago? Why was he telling you now when you were happy and content with Hoya? You decided to ask him just one thing.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He averted his eyes from yours and let out a sad sigh.
“Because I was scared. I was scared you didn’t feel the same way and that it would ruin things between us. I didn’t want to lose you.”
You shifted your gaze from him to your hands that were now in front of you tugging nervously at your dress.
“But I did love you… I do love you,” you quietly confessed, and closed your eyes. The moment you said it, you regretted it. This was just going to cause a whole lot of problems and you knew it.
He brought his gaze back to you and quickly enveloped your petite frame into his arms. You took in his sweet scent as it intoxicated you, and melted into his arms. More tears began to run down your face, as Dongwoo whispered sweet things into your ear. 
“I c-can’t be d-doing this,” you managed to choke out between your sobs. You pulled yourself out of his arms and brought your hands up to your face.
“I have Hoya. I can’t be doing this with you. He would be so hurt if he knew,” you sobbed profusely.
Dongwoo’s head dropped as he listened to you cry. He hated to see you cry because there was nothing he could, simply because he didn’t know what to do. He was hurting just as much as you were. He was in love with his best friends’ girlfriend.
After what felt like an eternity, Dongwoo quietly asked, “do you love him?”
You stopped your tears and took your face out of your hands to answer him.
“I do.”
He nodded.
“Do you love me?”
You hesitated before answering him, “I do.”
“Who do you love more?”
Who do you love more?

So I'd like to think my writing is getting better, lol. Well I hope it didn't get any worse. I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I really have a thing for parks LOL. Hope you enjoyed. :] 'Till the next chapter~

oh, I'll edit this later. I couldn't be bothered to do it right now. :p

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whatsinyourmind #1
I am surprise, I thought she was going to say Dongwoo...even though I LOVE DONGWOO I think she made a good decision, this is going to be a sweet-must read happy ending! thank you for finishing this story!
This Is Hard..
To Choose
1822955 #3
I want her to end up with howon~~~
Minhaeric #4
;_; She loves Dongwoo more doesn't she? But I really want her to end up with HoWon!

It's alright HoWon. You have me <3
atorre #5
OMFG YO. I mean I love Dongwoo, and as much as I want them together because I love Dongwoo....I can't see Hoya hurt either...
i want her to end up with Dongwoo, BUT HOYA IS A GOOD MAN.
thanks for the update! :D
Thank god you are not on a hiatus man.
atorre #8
I'm glad you're still continuing the story so it's fine! :3
berryxstraw #9
lol No worries. I'm that horrible author too. Update soon!
Why are you do mean :-( more!