Catherine Lee

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Am I alive? Am I still breathing? Is this heaven? I’m still not so sure if this is happening right now—if Sehun is still holding my hand, his fingers between mine, interlaced and never letting go. Actually, I’m not quite sure of anything right now. I’m not even sure if I’m still breathing. My heart beat drums within my ears and my face feels hotter than the sun cascading through the set location. I continue to look at it—our hands together—and the way his thumb is rubbing against the back of my hand. It feels nice. Please stop.

I want to ask him why. But he looks so focused on the shoot and I’m so flustered by the fact that he has actually labeled himself my hubby all so suddenly that I can’t speak a word. But I’m swimming with questions in my head. I did say it was going to be an awesome day but I didn’t mean it like ‘it’s going to be an awesome day to get a boyfriend’.

I clear my throat and open my mouth to ask him a question but before I could even speak, Sehun turns to me and I immediately close my mouth and look at him wide-eyed, “You okay?” He asks. No. I’m not okay. I’m reeling. I don’t know why you’re holding my hand and I don’t know why I don’t want you to stop holding it. I nod. He takes the megaphone and starts to speak to the staff, “Everyone, let’s all take a fifteen-minute break.” He tells everyone and the staff starts to move.

Mr. Park and Mr. Byun are around the models, of course, trying to ‘assist’ the ladies but everyone’s pretty sure they were gawking at the models for the entire duration of the shoot. Meanwhile, Mr. Joonmyeon, Mr. Dyo and Mr. Kai are all talking to Jacob and once they’re all headed for the tent, Mr. Kai walks to a beautiful lady dressed in a white sheer with a brown coat and black slacks. I didn’t notice her earlier. How long has she been here? I don’t remember her being with us either. Mr. Kai smiles at her warmly after she tells him something. From the looks of it, she seems to be dealing with something. I wonder if she’s part of the company directors because she looks way too classy to be staff.

The beautiful girl lays her eyes on us and then looks at me. I straighten my back, stiffen and can’t help but give her a flustered look. She looks at me like I’m an object to study and I can’t help but look away. She’s too pretty not to be intimidating. I look at the laptop and pretend to actually look at something when I’m really just staring at the keyboard. I hope she’s no longer looking. Sehun tightens his grip on my hand. His action makes me look up at him and when I do, he’s looking ahead. When I look at the direction he’s looking at, I see the beautiful lady make her way towards us with the rest of the bosses. Wow, she looks even prettier up close.

“How are the shots, Sehun? Do you think the clients will be satisfied?” Mr. Dyo asks the moment they all arrive at the tent. I look up at them and the pretty lady is giving me a look, a deadpanned, plain, look. It’s hard to figure out if she’s judging me or she’s simply just curious of my presence.

“We got a few. I think it’s a little too boring,” Sehun sighs disappointedly, “There’s none of that upbeat vibe, the models are smiling way too fake even I’m not buying it,” He tells them.

“What do you want to do then?” Mr. Joonmyeon asks, “The sun will set soon you have to decide now otherwise we’ll have to adjust the timetable,”

“The shots are lacking,” Mr. Dyo says as he looks at the photos on the laptop, “Maybe we should move the set?”

They’re all thinking while Mr. Kai is continuously clicking through the photos, scanning them one by one. Sehun’s right. The smiles are all too scripted. It’s not working. I do not believe they’re all having fun while wearing the boho collection. I tilt my head and furrow my brows at the screen of the laptop where I can see the photos of the models. I look at the set and think what could be missing. The lights are there, the reflectors are there, the props are there and the background is stunning. But something is missing.

An idea pops in my head.

“Music.” I mutter and when I look up, they’re all eyeing at me, “I think we need music, sir,”

“But this isn’t a VCR shoot, why would you need music?” Mr. Dyo asks.

“The poses are too scripted that’s why it’s all looking stiff and fake. The only way we can make it look like they’re all happy is to actually make them happy,” I tell them and they’re all still looking at me like I’m an idiot suggesting stupid suggestions, “It’s not the set we have to move. It’s the models,” I add.

“I think I’m getting what you mean Ms. Kim,” Mr. Kai says and then takes the camera from the equipment table next to him, “Kindly do a test shot for us,” He tells me as he hands me the camera.

“What?” I say as I look up at Sehun.

He gives me a reassuring look and he gently lets go of my hand, much to my dismay, “Go ahead babe,” I freeze upon his endearment and hear my heart beat through my eardrums. I blink at him and everyone’s giving us looks. I still have no idea what’s going on but the question why is still stuck in my throat like a lump I can’t expel. He gestures me to move, “Go on. I’ll call out Chanyeol and Baekhyun to model for you,”

The next thing I know Mr. Kai is guiding me out of the tent and by the set as I set up the camera. I haven’t really held one in ages. My last photography class was in sophomore year. Okay, keep calm Haerin. It’s not like you’re about to do a test shot in front of your bosses. Forget about that. Forget that this is also for a big shot clothing line and if you mess this up you’ve wasted important peoples’ time. I’m so good at calming myself.

Soon, Sehun is back with Mr. Park and Mr. Byun pushed towards the field, confused as they give me a look, “What’s going on?” Mr. Park asks.

“Why is she holding a camera?” Mr. Byun points at me.

“She’s doing a test shot, hyung. Please work hard,” Mr. Kai tells them and then looks at me, “What about the music?” He asks me and I take out my phone. I scroll through a number of songs that Mr. Byun and Mr. Park recorded and had forced me to put in my phone. I choose a song that seems to be very fitting for them.

Mr. Kai connects my phone to the speaker and the song starts to play. Mr. Park and Mr. Byun immediately looks at each other when the song blasts through the speakers. They give each other that goofy smile and I can’t help but smile widely at how I know they’re about to goof off for the entire test shot.

“Well, tell us what to do photographer Kim,” Mr. Byun tells me and I look behind me to see the bosses and the pretty lady staring at me, waiting for me to do something but I’m hesitant and I suddenly want the floor to swallow me whole. The rest of the staff is looking from where they are, the models are even peeking from inside the glam bus and I’m nervous as hell.

I give Sehun a look whose hands are in his pockets and he’s smiling at me, “You call the shots, photographer Kim,” He gestures his hand at Mr. Park and Mr. Byun who are waiting for me to command a pose from them. Don’t screw this up, Haerin.

“Alright,” I take a deep breath and adjust the shutter speed as I face them, “First one to get to me gets a model’s number,” I tell them and their eyes are b with excitement, of course. These two are dying to get their numbers but I know their status hinders them from doing so. I start to make my way to the huge rock by the cliff.

“Please run as fast as you can!” I yell back at the two while the others are observing from the side. I put three fingers up and when I finish counting down, the two immediately starts running towards me, hungry for a model’s number. I snap each movement as I look through the lens. Mr. Byun tries to push Mr. Park because the taller guy’s ahead. The rest of the bosses are cheering and so is the rest of the staff. Mr. Park’s laughing at how Mr. Byun’s actually trying to push him when he’s clearly not blessed with enough height to beat the wide-eared boss.

I see them getting nearer so I hop off the rock and start running backwards around the hilltop and away from the cliff. The two are clearly confused as they try to chase me, “Come on now! That one model’s really, really hot!” I exclaim, running backwards hoping I don’t trip and break my neck for doing this.

When I make a turn on the vehicles, I’m right back at the set again and Mr. Byun and Mr. Park are rolling down the grass fighting to get to me. I think. I didn’t have any rules so I guess it’s alright how Mr. Byun’s

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Chapter 29: The dream within a dream I wanted to die for her
Chapter 27: This part was beautiful 😻
Chapter 26: Well damn— now I’m crying for him😭😭😭
Chapter 25: Okay so I’m crying now for real 😭that was so harsh
Chapter 24: I don’t get it!?? I don’t get him- why did he break her like that!?? He had the perfect opportunity to change things 😭
Chapter 23: I ship them- I wish he gave her fuzzies as much as Sehun Since he’s liked her from the very very beginning 🥹
Chapter 22: Honestly- I’m so proud she said as much as she did to Sehun. He didn’t even give it a good moment before he backstroked out of it as hard as he did
Chapter 19: Ughh….! It’s so hard to decide who to ship because Sehun has been so sweet and heartfelt but Jongin was there from the start being warm and witty and welcoming and wanted her first
Chapter 18: The whole chase scene made me think of them in the mud- I have that pic of Baekhyun, muddied and smiling on my phone
Chapter 15: That last moment made me squeal inside 😍