Two - Detention

Coloured By You (DISCONTINUED)

I groaned as I sank into my seat and buried my face into my crossed arms onto the table, kicking the air with my feet ferociously under the table.

"ing, you." I muttered under my breath, deliberately loud enough for Kim Tae Hyung to hear. He scoffed and chuckled, 

"Ae Rin-ssi, you can't honestly blame me for us being stuck here right?"

Did he really just have the audacity to say that? Did he honestly just ask me that? I rose my head and glared at the smiling and then looked through my bag for my phone, quickly tapping Jungkook on my contact list and typing him a text.

To: Kookie
Jung Kook, I'm stuck in this room with Tae Hyung, save me~~

I pressed send and immediately regretted it. What kind of a person am i to ask a boy to 'save me~~'?

I deleted it as quick as I could and typed something else,

To: Kookie
Jungkook, what's kind of a friend are you? Your bestest friend in the world is stuck in detention with that jerk Tae Hyung and you aren't even going to bring me food or pick me up? Tsk >:(

That should be enough.

"Wah, so in your first text, I sound like I'm about to kill you and in your second one I'm only a jerk? Is my jagiya warming up to me?" I jumped at Tae Hyung's sudden whisper to my ear. What the heck was wrong with this guy? Did he have a for ears or something? Why can't he speak directly to my face instead of being some sort of failure of a turn on.

"Go back to your seat, Tae Hyung, the teacher is going to be back any second."

"Who cares, we're already in detention," Tae Hyung shrugged as he grabbed a seat and swung it around to the opposite end of my desk and sat down, looking directly at me. "Ae Rin-ssi..." He began, "Want to play a game?"

I looked up from my phone, intrigued and bored because of the fact I had nothing left to look for on my phone.

"Go on," I nodded, "What kind of game does a guy like Kim Tae Hyung play?" I asked him with a slight hint of humour.

"Twenty-one questions, let's begin," he grinned, "Number one, what's the furthest you've ever gone with a guy?" My mind flickered back to the last year of middle school when this shy kid I'd never really noticed at the back of the class came up to me and confessed, placing a kiss on my cheek and running away. I never really remembered him after that.     

"A kiss on the cheek," I said simply, "he said 'Jung Ae Rin, I love you... Please' quietly and then ran away. I don't know where he is now." I chuckled.

Kim Tae Hyung paused before returning back to his usual attitude,

"So you're telling me you haven't had your first kiss?" He laughed and I shook my head,

"Shut up, I'm saving it," I lied. No one has really wanted to kiss me. Well, aleast no one that I know of.

"Yeah, yeah, you ask now."

"Kim Tae Hyung..." I continued with the playful attitude, "What's the most hardcore thing you've ever done?"

Tae Hyung stopped for a few seconds, reminiscing about his past memories,

"I ate five ramen cups from that dodgy convenience store down the main road!"

"Yah! That store went out of business six years ago!" I exclaimed,

"We snuck in from the back," he laughed, "worst decision of my life. I had to for three hours straight, take two boxes of tablets and one trip to A&E," he exclaimed brightly and soon enough, we were both howling with laughter. My stomach ached from the hilarity, but Kim Tae Hyung abruptly shut up and asked,

"Ae Rin-ssi, who was your first love?"

I was still wiping the tears from my eyes when I replied,

"Excuse me?" I asked, just to make sure I heard him right.

"First. Love," he leaned in, "or maybe you've haven't had yours yet?"

"" I stuttered, wanting to correct him so badly, but I knew it would put me in a difficult situation if I suddenly declared my long going crush on Jung Kook.

Luckily for me, my phone rang just in time to save me from this situation.


"I'm your friend, so I'm outside waiting for you now. Hurry up it's cold and I don't have a jacket!" Jung Kook shouted through the phone. I looked at my phone and saw that it was already time for us to be dismissed.

"Thank you, Jung Kookie. You really are my true friend." I continued to laugh as I put on my coat and taking my belongings and headed my way out the door.

"It was nice speaking to you, Kim Tae Hyung," I turned, but soon had a thought in my mind.

Spinning on my heel, I turned back to face the classroom again "Yah! Tae Hyung-ssi" I called as I stepped closer towards him. He spun round, to face back towards me and in that moment in time, I pulled him by his tie so his ear was now just a few centimetres away from my lips, I whispered,

"Annyeong," and I left him like that.

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taemoong #1
Chapter 11: Yeah ! Nice story author-nim ! ♡
Chapter 11: yes, ae rin, it's time to give another prince a chance ^ ~ ^
doodlepop #3
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 11: Yeah. Give the other prince a chance.
Finally she realizes. About time.
kookssi #5
Chapter 10: yeayy an update ! i ship taehyung and ae rin so muchhhhhhhh. jungkook so troublesome made aerin felt hurt when he doesnt notice that he is Aerin's first love hmpft
Chapter 10: omg i neeeed more, it's getting even better!
kookssi #7
Chapter 9: can I have Ae Rin and Tae Hyung ended together?!!! they're freaking sweet omo
Nananashi #8
Chapter 9: Omg is Jimin going to play a big role here? :))) Pls Updaate u got me excited af
Chapter 9: omg that jimin rude XD thanks for the update
Chapter 8: It says you updated and I got super excited.. I come here and it was all a lie. Keep up the good work!