Ten - Hospital

Coloured By You (DISCONTINUED)

"Ae Rin-ah? Please wake up. Don't die, I don't want you to di-" Tae Hyung was cut off by the paramedic, who seemed to be getting rather annoyed.

"Aish, calm down. Your girlfriend won't die, it's just alcohol poisoning." My eyes widened at the word 'poisoning' and 'girlfriend'. Tae Hyung seems like my boyfriend? I regained conciousness as the sound of sirens fully awoke me. I turned my head around once before my head got pushed back down onto the bed by the paramedic, it seemed as if I was in an...

"Ambulance?" I said out loud, but before I could say anything else the paramedic pulled a mask over my mouth. My eyes slowly fluttered to a close, but I had just enough time to see Tae Hyung's hands clutching tightly onto mine and our eyes finally met. His worried gaze was the last thing I saw before everything turned dark - again.

Third Person's Narrative:

Tae Hyung sat patiently in the waiting room, holding - which was now cold - a cup of coffee. Next to him was Jung Kook and the oddly charming boy Ae Rin encountered in the toilet; the three were offered many interested looks by the nurses and patients. If there were three abnormally handsome men sitting all together - wouldn't you look?

There was something burning inside Tae Hyung and he couldn't hold what was inside of him any longer,

"Who are you?" The question was directed the red haired boy sat next to Jung Kook, his eyesbrows creased - almost like the answer to the question was obvious.

"I'm Park Jimin." He said cockily, even though he noticed the look of anger in the two boys' eyes that were piercing through him, but he cooly played their looks off. "I just met her in the toilet and she looked like she needed help, so I helped her. Could you please tell me her name?" 

Jung Kook and Tae Hyung simultaneously looked at each other in shock and in anger, and also simultaneously said no.

"She doesn't need you here, nor does she know you. Get lost before I report you for molesting her in the toilets." Jung Kook glared at Jimin before heading outside for cool air, "just leave." His fists curled into a ball.

A small smile was placed on Tae Hyungs face after seeing Jung Kook walk away so cooly, but quickly replaced the smile with a smirk. You probably wouldn't know it but the pair had known each other since pre school - their friendship just got a little rocky during middle school... Jimin how ever was still seated in the waiting room, he wouldn't leave until knowing her name.

"Didn't he tell you to leave." Tae Hyung sent shots of glares at the smiling Jimin, hoping it would be enough to make him leave - it wasn't. Instead Jimin changed the topic of conversation and changed his cocky look to a bright one.

"You know, I have never been in a hospital before. Ah - except for when I was born but that doesn't really count, does it?" He paused awaiting an answer from Tae Hyung, receiving nothing in return. "Well, I want to keep something so I'll remember this day." Jimin paused one last time before moving seat, placing himself next to Tae Hyung. Before he could say anything Jimin pulled out his phone and clicked the camera button, numerous shutter sounds were made and during that time Jimin had a different pose for each shutter. However, Tae Hyung's facial expression stayed plain throughout all the selfies Park Jimin had just taken with him.

"Wow, you are actually very handsome!" Jimin looked at Tae Hyung with wide eyes, "Anyways - I'll leave now. Goodbye, chingu!" Jimin sent waves and hearts before finally turning his back and making his way towards the exit. Tae Hyung was in pure confusion. That boy was very different. Just at that moment a nurse walked towards Tae Hyung,

"Sir, your girlfriend is in room twelve. You're able to go visit her now, but she's under anaesthetic so-" the nurse stopped halfway through her sentence, once realising Tae Hyung was no longer there. He had begun sprinting towards the room Ae Rin was in, completely ignoring the 'no running' signs. 

"Ae rin-ah!" He flung himself onto the cold and uncomfortable chair next to her bed, only realising after that she was under anaesthetic. "Yah, who told you to drink so much! Stupid girl who doesnt know how much to drink or how to cross a road or how to climb up a wall." Tae Hyung sat himself on the seat next to the bed, and was smiling hysterically. He travelled his hand towards her face and pushed the hair away from her forehead, seeing a big plaster placed onto it, "idiot, you can't even stand up properly," he smiled to himself.

A few minutes later, Tae Hyung rested his face in his hands with his elbows on the bed Ae Rin was lying on, studying her features. He could've sworn she got prettier the more he stared at her.

"I wonder if you remember middle school... or me. But then again, you were so caught up with your fool of a best friend to notice me, right?" His hand slithered towards her lifeless hand, he squeezed it tightly before carrying on with his sentimental speech. "I wonder if all these words are processing in your small brain. I doubt it though,  Your brain isn't capable enough of hearing me if you can't even remember who I am. You really don't know, do you?" He exhaled, "now that I've started you'd probably want to know," he carried on "I'm the kid from the back of the class, Ae Rin. Your first kiss on the cheek, the furthest you had ever gone. It's me. . You cant even remember I kissed you, but I can remember my confession like it was yesterday." He lifted Ae Rin's hands and ruffled his hair with them. "See, I had my ugly hair styled like this." He made two circle shapes with her hands and pressed them around his eyes." And I wore thick glasses like these... I can even recall the way I kissed you." He paused, thinking about what he was about to do. A few seconds later, he leaned towards Ae Rin and his lips was placed firmly onto her cheek. He pulled back at looked at Ae Rin once again, "yeah, I can still do it perfectly. Aish, really, you're stupid for liking Jung Kook. You don't even know him that well, if you knew the Jung Kook I knew... Does he ever talk to you about me?" He begun laughing out loud, realising how stupid he was for talking to somebody whilst they were under anaesthetic. "I need to pee, I'll be right back." Tae Hyung made his way out the door, but what he didn't know was that Jung Kook had been outside the door the whole time and that he listened to every single word that came out of Tae Hyung's mouth.

He made his way inside the room, thankfully Tae Hyung hadn't noticed that Jung Kook heard everything. Jung Kook slumped onto the chair that Tae Hyung was on previously,

"That guy is messed up, I swear. He's still as stupid as he was when we were young. You liking me? Impossible. Him liking you? I-I don't know what to say about that." He forced a laugh out before resting his head onto the bed. He shuffled his position so he was now facing Ae Rin, "But Ae Rin-ssi," he breathed out, "what would happen if you were to like me?"

Ae Rin's Narrative:

I woke up to a bright white ceiling above me. I had to adjust my eyes to the light before getting up. I was confused about last night, where I was and what was happening. For sure, one thing I knew was that I definitely was not in my bedroom at home. Sitting up straight, I shuffled a large weight off my knee and smiled when I saw Jungkook resting his head on my bed sleeping. The idiot really was stupid, why would he stay here all night?

"Yah... Jung Kook!" I prodded his elbow, trying to wake him up. "Kookie... wake up." I continued to disturb him until his eyes fluttered awake, boy - he was really handsome. I found my cheeks flushing - I was thinking of all these scenarios I watch in Korean dramas which reminded me of this situation. Perhaps, I will end up with my first love? Who knows?

"Uh? Who's there? Go away... I don't have money for you guys to steal..." He whacked my legs, still hazy and tired.

"Are you crazy? Wake up," I whined, "it's your one and only Ae Rin." Immediately he sat up, looking around the room before he fixed his gaze on me. Abruptly standing up from his seat, he squished my cheeks and felt my forehead, 

"Ae Rin! Are you okay? Idiot! Why didn't you tell me you were hurting? You can always come to me - you know I love you!" he knew I was hurting? He loves me? Does he know I like him? Is this my chance?

"Jung Kook..." I exhaled, feeling the weight lift off my shoulders, "I'm so happy you know now... I've been keeping it in for so lo-"

"That's right! You should have told me about your swollen ankle!" he exclaimed, as I closed my mouth.

I felt my mood drop to zero as I stuggled to lift twice as much of the weight I felt on my shoulders. ing jerk. Why did I even think about him liking me back like that? Sometimes I blamed myself for us not suceeding as lovers.

"It's fine now Jung Kook... Don't worry." I gave him a weak smile... feeling my smiling eyes turning into a glare. I was about to tell him to go home, but my breath hitched when he suddenly pushed me towards the right of the bed and got in and sat beside me. This kid really knows how to play with my heart.

"You have me now. Come on." I paused with a look of confusion before he lightly held the side of my head and pulled it towards his broad shoulder to lean on. I didn't object - this kind of thing shouldn't be rare between us, we were best friends after all. "Stupid Ae Rin... First the road thing, then this... You've worried me far too many times." The sighing guy beside me shook his head slowly. "You , you know that?"

"I know." I gave him a short reply, before we engulfed in a few minutes long silence, just staring at the opposite wall. "Hey Jung Kook."


"Do you believe in fate?" I asked, saying 'fate' in English, and soon enough, I felt the light shrug underneath my cheek,

"Fate-eu?" He said with his Korean accent, making me laugh.

"It's like that destiny thing? Fate."

"What is it?"

"The belief things that are meant to happen will happen," I answered, "do you think it's true?" I felt another shrug, "so... say, if Person A loved Person B, but Person B loved Person C and C loved B back, is it ever possible for B to love A even though they're with C?" Jung Kook picked up one of my hands and started twiddling with my fingers, 

"Maybe if B was stupid and liked A all along then I guess, right? But fate-eu. What if A is just meant to be alone?"

"That's plausible."

"Now shut up, let's relax for another few minutes." He slighlty slapped my hand, but continued to play with it as we sat up in silence. It's possible for me and Jung Kook. That's how all of these dramas and fan fictions end, the girl ends up with the guy. I exhaled as I looked at Jung Kook's face for one last time before I closed my eyes and fell asleep onto my best friends shoulder.

I began dreaming about what could happen to Jung Kook and I if I ever confessed or if he decided he liked me more than Ji Hae, it was less of a dream and more of a nightmare to be honest. I dreamt as if I threw up while confessing to him or that Ji Hae would get mad at me and all of the feelings I got would sneak up behind me and bite me in the . I was sure it had only been forty minutes but I was awaken by Jung Kook shaking my bed and whipping the bed covers off of me, "Ae Rin!" He shouted in my ears and I groaned. "Let's go outside and leave this crummy hospital room." 

I got up and looked at Jung Kook who was drinking a cup of cold water and smacking his lips, waiting for me to get up. "Besides, you can't stay in this place forever right? The hospital bill will be hu-"

"Shhh, Jung Kook - no one likes talking about money especially when it's excessive." I laughed as I threw my coat on, signalling him towards the door. Looking forward towards our little adventure around the city, I brushed past all of the doctors, nurses and Tae Hyung as Jung Kook pulled me towards the double-doors by guiding my wrist. I hadn't had fun like this ages, especially with Jung Kook - just Jung Kook. No Ji Hae and no Tae Hyung and I was happy to have my best friend back.


A/N: Sorry for not updating, we've been quite busy lately and we do have other fics on the account (check them out :3) and one of our admins has an account @doodlepop where she posts her stories :)

A comment on the last chapter was asking about whether or not Jimin would be more prominant now in the fic. Yes and no??? He will pop up every now and then BUT he'll center alot during our second edition. And yes, we have already planned for a part 2 of the story XD But don't worry Jimin stans, he will be important in the next few chapters and every so often.

But the real mytery is... JUNGKOOK AND TAEHYUNGS PAST FRIENDSHIP??!!!! I bet yall weren't expecting that, hmmmmm. And truth or dare? Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder what will happen in the next chapter... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;)

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, comment and vote etc etc.



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taemoong #1
Chapter 11: Yeah ! Nice story author-nim ! ♡
Chapter 11: yes, ae rin, it's time to give another prince a chance ^ ~ ^
doodlepop #3
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 11: Yeah. Give the other prince a chance.
Finally she realizes. About time.
kookssi #5
Chapter 10: yeayy an update ! i ship taehyung and ae rin so muchhhhhhhh. jungkook so troublesome made aerin felt hurt when he doesnt notice that he is Aerin's first love hmpft
Chapter 10: omg i neeeed more, it's getting even better!
kookssi #7
Chapter 9: can I have Ae Rin and Tae Hyung ended together?!!! they're freaking sweet omo
Nananashi #8
Chapter 9: Omg is Jimin going to play a big role here? :))) Pls Updaate u got me excited af
Chapter 9: omg that jimin gif....so rude XD thanks for the update
Chapter 8: It says you updated and I got super excited.. I come here and it was all a lie. Keep up the good work!