Twelve - Oppa

Coloured By You (DISCONTINUED)

My eyes glanced over towards to Tae Hyung and the cute little girl beside him for the upteenth time, but this time he caught me staring. A wide smirk smothered onto his lips, but unusually, he didn't add an arrogant remark, it felt odd. 

"O-oh, Tae Hyung-ssi," I said with wide eyes.

"You can stop adding 'ssi' after my name, Ae Rin. I mean, we're pretty close, right?" Tae Hyung gave a wink, leaving me still wide eyed.

"Tae Hyung Oppa! Did you just wink at her? Omo, Oppa is in love with the pretty Eonnie!" the little girl beside him exclaimed - I recognised her from whilst I was at Yoongi's house. Tae Hyung looked at her and put a finger to his lips, his pale cheeks becoming rosy, 

"Soo Yeon-ah, we have to be quiet, okay? It's a library and you don't want to upset others by being noisy." Tae Hyung said in a soft tone, but Soo Yeon took it in the wrong way and her big eyes started tearing up. Tae Hyung realised he had done something wrong and quickly knelt down so he was at her height, "I didn't mean it in a mean way. Dont cry, Soo Yeon," he pleaded as he patted her back lightly, "when we find you your book, Oppa will buy you some yummy ice cream, okay?" Tae Hyung smiled as Soo Yeon sniffled, but then flashed a big smile and hugged Tae Hyung. She pulled away from him and Tae Hyung gave her a big kisses all around her face as she giggled. I automatically smiled - this guy sure is good with kids.

"Oppa, will the pretty Eonnie come with us too?" Soo Yeon questioned. I bit my bottom lip, looking back at Jung Kook and Ji Hae as I began replying,

"I'm sorry Soo Yeon but I can-" My words hitched as I saw a glisten in her eyes (the first raindrop before a storm) but the desperate Tae Hyung mouthed a 'please' to me while clasping his hands together. I sighed, but quickly replaced it with a grin. Just like Tae Hyung, I knelt down so I was at Soo Yeon's height.

"Of course I'll come," I told her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and embraced me. I was suprised at her quick action, but then wrapped my arms around her also, "Soo Yeon-ah, let's find that book," I said as she let go of me and started jumping around to the kids section.

I was just about to take her lead, but Tae Hyung grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. As I turned, I stumbled, but Tae Hyung quickly placed his arm around my back, giving me support, but also not letting me go.

"Yah, why did you look so upset?" Tae Hyung asked, quickly changing his cute get-up to a stern attitude.

"Nothing." I answered a bit too quickly, turning my head around to follow Soo Yeon who was striding forward.

Tae Hyung let me go, but then went over to the place where he saw me tearing up and looked straight ahead of him - . He turned back around and spoke,

"So you ditched me at the hospital to spend time with Jung Kook and Ji Hae? Aish, you're so stupid." He flicked my forehead, scowling at me. "That Jeon guy already has a girlfriend, it's a bit too much trying to go on a date with him." He joked.

"It's not like that. Actually Jung Kook took me out and then we decided to come here and-" where was I going with this? "Yah, why am I even telling you this?" I questioned myself as Tae Hyung laughed. Tae Hyung swung his arm around my shoulders and walked with me to where Soo Yeon was playing around.

"Well, Ae Rin," he started, "you can finish your day with me and Soo Yeon and we can get out of those two idiot's lovey-dovey aura." Tae Hyung gagged and we both looked at eachother, but he gave me a reassuring smile, which honestly made me feel secure in a way. I returned the smile and he seemed shocked,

"You've been looking more confused than ever in the last five minutes, c'mon," I laughed as I was the one this time who took his hand and ran to the kids section quickly. I was actually having a lot of fun. Oddly enough, with Tae Hyung.

Tae Hyung and I both sat down - where Jung Kook and I previously sat - as Soo Yeon said that she knew where the book she wanted was. Tae Hyung faced me and spoke,

"You know the hospital has to check you up before you get discharged." He stated.

"They don't care anyways, Tae Hyung," I said honestly, "they always put bull on the reports anyways."

"But just in case you're hurt or not cured prope-" He paused once seeing the questioning on my face, he shrugged as he knew I was correct. Just as I was about to slouch back into my seat, Soo Yeon ran to the table,

"Oppa! Eonnie in law! I can't find it!" she whined.

Tae Hyung lifted her up onto his lap, rolling his eyes at what she called me. Despite that, he had enough time to glance at me and wink. I glared back at him before I returned my attention to his sister.

"What book was it?"

"The Little Mermaid!" she pouted. I looked to my left and saw the book she was looking for. Looks like another person likes the book too.

"Oh, Soo Yeon-ah, is this it?"

Soo Yeon looked towards my direction and her eyes opened wide,

"Eonnie, you found it!" she almost screamed as Tae Hyung 'shushed' her quickly. Soo Yeon hopped onto my lap and asked me to read it to her. But knowing myself to be illiterate, I asked Tae Hyung to read and he gladly agreed.

Tae Hyung's voice was soft and low, which made me feel something different than the usual butterflies in my stomach. Tae Hyung's voice was calming and I could listen to it all day, but I was slowly drifting to sleep. I looked to at Soo Yeonon my lap and saw her fast asleep. I smiled and placed her onto the seat next to mine so that she's be more comfy. I looked back at Tae Hyung. He paused and glanced and me. I smiled and he gulped, focusing back onto the book. I knew Tae Hyung knew that Soo Yeon was asleep, but he still carried on with the story. I didn't mind though. His voice was like music to my ears.

I couldn't help myself but shut my eyes. They were getting heavier and I couldn't keep them open any longer. I felt my head lean to the right and gently hit something, sending me to dreamland. I fell asleep for good and ended up doing so before Tae Hyung finished the book.

Tae Hyung's Narrative:

"And so, Ariel and the Prince lived happily ever after." I glanced towards the left of me, where my two girls were. My two girls? I'm such an idiot, she's Jung Kook's. I sighed as I took out my smart phone which was beeping in my pocket, I quickly tapped the notification so the beeps wouldn't disturb Ae Rin and Soo Yeon. I slapped my cheek slightly while I read the message from Kwon Min Ah.

Kwon Min Ah: Babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, where r u? u said u would meet me at 2 oclock today? I miss u baby :( xoxoxoxoxo

Kwon Min Ah was the of the school - I wasn't one for stereotypes but she was the girl every guy wanted to get with her. To be fair, I did as well at the beginning of highschool, but I soon regretted it as I got to know her to be annoying, vain and clingy. What did I do to deserve this? Hastily, I replied,

Kim Tae Hyung: oh sorry, i forgot i had soccer practice today and its superrr important, i can't miss this opportunity to be with you. sorry. xoxo.

I cringed at my reply and I could feel the piercing glare from her through the screen. I sighed looking back down at the page laid out infront of me, reading over the last words i said. I looked over to Ae Rin and rested by head on the table next to her. I smiled and I brushed herhair out of her face, tucking behind her ears. My smile soon faded as the words were being repeated over and over again in my head.

"Ae Rin-ah," I whispered so I wouldn't wake the two up, "why can't you give this prince a chance? To make your happy ending last." She stirred slightly in her sleep, I looked down to see that she was asleep on my arm. How cute. My hand automatically reached for the phone in my pocket; I took a quick picture of her, realising after she had woken up that it was on flash.

"What happened? Did I fall asleep?" Ae Rin had drowsy eyes and her hair was messy but she was still very cute, soon Soo Yeon awoke as well.  I looked over to my watch and realising what time it was, we had to be home by 2pm and it was 3:30pm...

"Soo Yeon-ah get up quickly, we were supposed to get home about an hour or so ago." I peered onto my phone, my inbox was filled with messages from my dad and from Kwon Min Ah. I groaned after remembering how important today was, we were going to go and try on the wedding clothes.

"Are you okay?" Ae Rin's tired eyes looked into mine and her hand clinged onto my hand, she let go after realising where it was. I tried to give her a smile but it probably looked more like a snarl; with Soo Yeon in my arms I ran out the library, leaving Ae Rin in the process.

Ae Rin's Narrative: 

I felt slightly upset that Tae Hyung had left me, but at least he didn't leave me for another girl. I began to think of Jung Kook with Ji Hae once more - them together, laughing and me by myself just watching them... Tae Hyung was right, Jung Kook had a girlfriend now it's time for me to move on.

My mind went back to Tae Hyung again, his smirk was plastered into my memory. A small smile tugged at my lips at the thought of him, "aish, yah - Ae Rin, why are you thinking of these kinds of things?" The short moment of happiness was gone once hearing their laughter again, they were a few aisles away and I could hear everything they were saying. I couldn't help but listen in...

"Ji Hae, why don't you call me oppa as well?" She had been on the phone with her brother and smiled cutely at Jung Kook's remark, I now understood why he liked her so much - Ji Hae's smile always looked sincere and she would listen to everything you had to say, also she was witty and slightly sarcastic. She was everything I wasn't.

"Well, maybe if you ask me politely - then there'll be a possibility that I may call you 'oppa' as well." She turned her body away from Jung Kook and began stacking the books, I could clearly imagine the slight smirk on her face. He propped himself on the other side of her and knelt his head onto the stack of books, she gave him a stern look but collapsed into giggles once seeing his aegyo filled face. He hardly gave me any aegyo...

"Please can you call me oppa?" Jung Kook pouted his lips and puffed his cheeks, another laugh bounded out of Ji Hae.

"Aish, fine then... Oppa." A sly grin appeared and he had a toothy smile placed on him, Jung Kook all of a sudden interwhined his hands through her waist. He was giving her a backhug. His head found itself on her shoulder, she was the perfect height for him.

"Yah, Jung Ko- Oppa. People will see..." Ji Hae turned around to face him, a small blush appeared on her cheeks. 

"Well all they'll see is just some teenagers, doing some coupley things..." Jung Kook gained closer to her face, my eyes widened as I imaged what would end up happening. Ji Hae looked away from Jung Kook in an act of shyness, her eyes met with mine.

All she saw were a pair of eyes through a book shelf but she instantly recognised the pair as mine, she instantly pushed Jung Kook off and gave me a small smile. Not only pretty and smart but kind as well? It was almost like she had done that on purpose, because of me?... 



And why did Ji Hae do that? Do you think she knows about Ae Rin's unrequitted love? hmmmm

I hope you liked this chapter, this is probably the first proper time there was JiHae and JungKook moments... I DON'T WANT TO SHIP THEM BUT I DO... UGHAUHDWHEQU

I hope you liked this update, aND happy late christmas from all the admins of @jiminssi!!!!

+ quick cheeky side note make sure to catch up on admin s' story called 'Mr. Player and I' which has been going on for a while now and is getting popular. Same genres as CBU aswell kekeke (link : The description is:  I hate him, I absolutely hate him. I mean why would I like him, I guess he has really perfect hair and the fact whenever he smirks he has this look... What am I thinking? I can't like him, it's impossible to like him. Kim So-eun is your typical high-school outcast that hides behind books, and doesn't like big crowds. What will happen when she becomes neighbours with Kai, the boy who can make girls hearts melt by just looking at them.

early happy new year wishes from us bc we'll probably be too lazy to update on new years xD have fun in 2016

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taemoong #1
Chapter 11: Yeah ! Nice story author-nim ! ♡
Chapter 11: yes, ae rin, it's time to give another prince a chance ^ ~ ^
doodlepop #3
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 11: Yeah. Give the other prince a chance.
Finally she realizes. About time.
kookssi #5
Chapter 10: yeayy an update ! i ship taehyung and ae rin so muchhhhhhhh. jungkook so troublesome made aerin felt hurt when he doesnt notice that he is Aerin's first love hmpft
Chapter 10: omg i neeeed more, it's getting even better!
kookssi #7
Chapter 9: can I have Ae Rin and Tae Hyung ended together?!!! they're freaking sweet omo
Nananashi #8
Chapter 9: Omg is Jimin going to play a big role here? :))) Pls Updaate u got me excited af
Chapter 9: omg that jimin rude XD thanks for the update
Chapter 8: It says you updated and I got super excited.. I come here and it was all a lie. Keep up the good work!