Eight - Falling

Coloured By You (DISCONTINUED)

I looked up at the black ceiling as I laid backdown on my bed with no duvet covering my body. I tried to look somewhat remotely 'hip hop' for tonight, seeming as we were going to the infamous underground where all the local rappers and DJs hung out. I had already put on a baggy, oversized black hoodie with white skinny jeans. I had stolen a pair of Jung Kook's old basketball trainers to match my outfit. With my feet hanging off the bed so Jung Kook's shoes wouldn't stain my sheets, clicked the snooze button of my mini, simple alarm clock so it would light up with an orange glow. I squinted my eyes to read 10:43 pm. I groaned - I had woke up at five o'clock in the morning so I had time to revise for the test we had tomorrow and I hadn't taken a single nap. I slowly closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep - why did Yoon Gi decide to do this on a Monday night?

Unfortunately, my eyes fluttered open from an annoying pitter-patter sound outside the window. I grabbed the one of the heavy pillows from beside me and shoved it on my face trying to ignore it.





I groaned again and whined quietly so that my parents wouldn't know I was stil awake.

"Shut up... Shut up... Shut up!" I yelled to myself, but suddenly heard a voice coming from outside.

"Juliet, ah Juliet. Where are thou Juliet?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Those were the wrong words. And then it shook me that I wasn't expecting anybody and that Jung Kook usually came through the front door.

Immediately, I sat up straight and looked outside of my dirty window; I managed to make out a rectangle-smiling, tall and idiotic figure waving up towards me from my front yard, I sighed. My attention shifted towards all the small marks on my window, obviously from the handful of stones I saw in Tae Hyung's hands. I sometimes wondered why everyone (myself) found him to be only annoying and replusive, when he was obviously just a clumsy, ignorant, immature middle school kid.

"You got the words wrong, Tae Hyung," I attempted to keep my speech blunt and emotionless, but I failed as soon as I saw Tae Hyung's dumbfounded expression, "wait... you know - Shakespeare?" I burst into another a large fit of giggles after witnessing the second round of his expressions and decided it was best to change the subject.

"I guess you're my transport?" I asked, as he gave me a stupid grin. 

"Ahoy, Miss Ae Rin-ssi!" He saluted, turning around and directing his thumbs towards his back.

He's not seriously going to give me a piggy back the whole way there, right?

I began by sliding my window upwards, taking one leg out and then sitting on the window sill like it was a horse. I hesitated before bringing my other leg out as well - falling was one of my biggest nightmares. Even though he was a total douche bag and that I really didn't care about what he thought of me, Tae Hyung was still the most popular guy in our school, and of course I didn't want to embarass myself infront of him.

"Tae Hyung..." I whispered, trying to get his attention, "please..." I didn't know how to put it in words.

"What?" He asked, turning around to face me again.

"Just... If I fall, catch me o-okay?" I stuttered, taken aback when he quickly shot me a thumbs up with a cheeky wink.

I held my breath and jumped. Instead of being in contact with Tae Hyung, I felt the concrete instead. Did this dude actually not catch me?

All my body weight had put all the pressure onto my ankle as I unexpectedly had fallen onto the hard pavement. I then consequently felt a sharp pain afterwards. I hissed in pain, but got up pretending I was fine. I didn't want to disappoint my rapper-friend by being late just because of a stupid bad ankle.

"Let's go, Tae Hyung. Hurry up, we're going to be late," I urged him with my hands leading him out of my front yard in the dark. He peered at me, giving me a blank stare - almost as if he knew I had been hurt. But I ignored it like most things associated with Tae Hyung.

The walk there was silent, yet comfortable. For the most of it I was lagging behind Tae Hyung because I didn't know the way and had slight night blindness - the blinking street lights didn't really help either. His long legs walked much faster than my short and wounded leg.

I looked down towards the shoes I was wearing and saw that one of the laces were untied. I bent down into a position to tie my lace without putting more pressure on my ankle. As soon as I finished tieing it, I stood up, brushing off the dirt on my knees. I fixed my vision towards the path.

"Yah?" I questioned "Tae Hyung-ah?" I cried. I looked around my surroundings and saw that he was nowhere in sight. It then came to my realisation that:

I was lost and alone.

I attempted to be as calm as possible - of course I failed.

"Tae Hyung-ah!" I screamed "Yah, come back," I panicked, "deep breaths, Ae Rin you're okay!" I tried reassuring myself as I started to become extremely anxious. I hated to say it, but I needed Tae Hyung right here and right now. It seemed that whenever I thought about him, he would appear.

"Tae Hyung!" I shouted. Tears started to brim in my eyes, but I then heard

"Deep breaths, Ae Rin you're okay!" A mocking high pitched voice came from behind me, it was Tae Hyung. I scowled at him, hoping that he would be able to see it in the dark. Even though I couldn't see a thing I easily pictured a smirk plastered on his face. I was done with his .

"You know what?" I said facing him, with a tear slipping out of my eye.

"What?" I knew that he knew what I was about to say and not to my suprise - he did. "Let me guess, you're done with me and you don't need me. Oh and you're an independent woman who doesnt need help walking in the da-" he paused "Ae Rin-ah, are you crying?" he said with a worried look plastered onto his face.

"I hate you," I whispered, before doing exactly what he predicted.  I attempted to run away from him - I failed.

Tae Hyung quickly grabbed by hand spinning me around, but because of my ankle, I managed to stumple into his chest - hard, causing the both of us to fall and before I knew it my body was about to meet the concrete again. But this time instead of the hard pavement against mine, I felt my body pressedon top of Tae Hyung's. He'd caught me from falling. 

I opened my eyes to meet his and our faces were inches away from each other, and our breathing was heavy. I looked down towards his lips and saw that my zip was caught onto it. About to slowly pull the zip off Tae Hyung's lip, his phone abruptly started ringing, which made Tae Hyung lift me off him quickly.

"Oh, Jung Kook," he answered "Yeah, don't worry we're on our way, we're nearly there," he ended the call.

Tae Hyung placed his phone back into his pocket, looking back at me, giving me a reassuring smile. I looked at his lip again and saw that it was cut, I reached to soothe it, but then I realised he was squatting on the ground. I burst into laughter,

"Tae Hyung!" I managed to breathe out, "you look like you're taking a !" I laughed even more as I could sense him rolling his eyes. 

"You at acting, so that's why I'm squatting," he sighed. I stopped laughing and gave him a 'huh?' sound, "I know your ankle hurts when you walk on it, so I'm being your all-mighty-saviour and well... saving you." He exclaimed as he pointed towards me.

"I'm not hopping onto your back, you'd probably end up killing me - I don't know how but you probably would somehow! Plus you can't handle my weight." I said quickly.

"Firstly, you're way too skinny for your age and I think your figure is perfectly fine," he heartened "plus, the least you could do is listen to me and get on my back, I did save you after all, so hurry up and get on," he said sternly.

"How is me getting onto your back a favour to ask me?" I questioned.

"I'm being nice so just hurry up and get on, I'll ask you for a favour another time," Tae Hyung said. Realising that the time was ticking and Tae Hyung is so freaking stubborn, I decided to get onto his back.

My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms found their way wrapped around his neck. My fingers began his neck and I tried attempting to tickle him - and this time, I had succeeded. I could feel the laughter erupting from his chest, which was a nice sensation.

The wind picked up, causing me to freeze; my teeth stared to clatter and goosebumps found their way onto my arms,

"Ae Rin-ah? Are you cold?" He asked curiously. I placed my head onto the back of his neck and shook my head in response.

"Oh, wait," I said and Tae Hyung obediently stopped. "Put me down quickly, I need to face you."

Instead of placing me down, Tae Hyung suddenly spun me around his body so that my legs were still around his waist, but we were now face to face. The sudden bear-hug caused my breath to hitch. Tae Hyung's gaze slowly shifted towards my lips and back up to my eyes.

"Y-yah," I ended the moment "y-you have a cut o-on your lip," I gulped. My fingers went to wipe the blood off his bottom lips, realising they were slightly dry. "wait, you have dry lips." I reached for the lip balm in my pocket, I applied some onto myself before applying it onto Tae Hyung. 

"It tastes weird," he said whilst accidentally my finger in the process of his lips, I was glad he couldn't see me because I was honesltly blushing like crazy. Not because I liked Tae Hyung. It was just the fact that I'd never been in this situation before.

"You're not meant to eat it, stupid," I smiled and nestled my head into the crook of his shoulder, we fit perfectly for each oth-  and before we knew it we had finally made it.

I had to admit, I was disappointed. One being the fact that Tae Hyung placed me down and two, the underground was actually a huge abandoned warehouse instead of the abandoned metro station I thought it would be. Little huddles of people were together outside in clumps, lighting joints, drinking shots and just talking. Some of them were out of their minds and others were just listening to music on their MP3'S instead of feeling the vibrations of their music under their fingertips. The music and the rapping were echoing for miles and I could see the iron roof of the place shaking like it was going to slip off any second. There were smashed bottles and broken speakers scattered around. The energy from all of the rapping was a whole new aura from the Show Me The Money clips I watched on YouTube.

I entered the large double doors of the warehouse, Tae Hyung lead me by grabbing my wrist. I resisted it at first, but I calmed down after seeing all these guys in their mid-twenties topless and raving to all of the amateur rappers. I smiled as I saw Jung Kook by the small table with tickets (low budget ticket booth) and I ran in front of Tae Hyung who frowned.

"Jung Kook! Yah! Your Ae Rin has arrived!" I gleefully smiled, but it suddenly turned into a neutral expresion as Tae Hyung barged past me, 

"Two tickets please," he asked Jung Kook as if he had never met him before.

"Hold on a second," Jung Kook paused before turning around as shouting, "Jagiya!" Jung Kook cooed, "Get me two more tickets please!"

It took me a few seconds to process what I heard and when I did, I shuddered at his use of 'jagiya'. I remembered all the memories of us as kids playing husband and wife as they suddenly flooded into my mind. I didn't want him to call any one else 'jagiya' - I didn't want him to call Ji Hae 'jagiya'.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist - I hated it, I hated his smile for her, I hated when his eyes brightened at the sound of her name, I hated how he would always ask if he looked 'okay' for her and I hated his feelings for Ji Hae and I ing hated the fact that we'd drifted away from each other since he started dating her, causing Tae Hyung and I to start talking.

It was a ing awful.

All these feelings of sadness, anger and frustration filled up every single centimetre in my body.

I looked back up to Jung Kook, dead in the eye as he handed me a ticket.

"Here you go, Ae-Rin," he smiled.

Out of annoyance, I ripped the tickets out of his hand and stormed away from him, not caring about the pressure I was putting onto my ankle.

Tae Hyung's Narrative:

I sighed looking at Ae Rin storm away like that. I saw how pissed she seemed after hearing Jung Kook call Ji Hae 'jagiya'. I closed my eyes and gulped. So Jung Kook really was her first love?

I didn't know how to react to how she stormed off. Should I run after her? Why should I? She doesn't even think of me as a friend. I haven't got time for chasing around people who look at me as a boy anyways - the only reason I stick around her is to make fun of her, that's all. However, contrary to my apathy, I was pissed at Jung Kook. Ae Rin wasn't even my best friend since middle school, but even I realised her feelings for Jung Kook. How much of a ing idiot do you have to be not see how much the girl in front of you likes you?

I turned back towards Jung Kook who was still spaced out from Ae Rin's run away. This really is too much...

I slammed my fist onto the weak table,

"Yah!" I shouted, frustrated, "are you an idiot? Is that what you are? How did you pass the entrance exam for our stupid high school if you're this ing oblivious?" My voice rose after every word I said. Jung Kook was silent and shrugged, "Are yo- Is your brai- Can't y-" Deep breath, Tae Hyung... "why is your ing girlfriend here?" I hissed, trying to stay calm. I didn't even like Ji Hae that much, she always up to the teacher and showed off all of her exam results - she got on my nerves sometimes, but she wasn't any of my business so I kept quiet.

"My girlfriend has a name, you know," Jung Kook replied, I actually laughed at what he said - he was actually defending her instead of chasing after Ae Rin?

"Yeah? So? You notice when I call your girlfriend your ing girlfriend, but you don't even give a when your best friend runs off like that? You're being such a dickhead right now!" My nails were digging into my palms and my teeth were clenched hard because of this .

"Why do care so much about Ae Rin? She's my best friend - not yours. You should stick to your boy activities because in the end you're only pretending to care about my friendship with Ae Rin and you're going to hurt her in the end," he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"She's your best friend? I would think that Yoon Gi was closer to that girl than you are!" I yelled, drawing crowds towards us, "Even if I am going to hurt her in the end - which I have no ing intention to - why are you doing all Jung Kook? Are you ing blind?"

"Look, Tae Hyung, I'll take care of Ae Rin, she means a lot to me and we'll work things out in the end..." Jung Kook lowered his voice, I could tell that he wasn't used to drawing attention to himself when he was arguing, despite his little schooling he gave me in class the day before. "Besides... Why do you care? She doesn't even see you as a ing friend, you know," Jung Kook asked. 

"She doesn't even see you as a friend,"

Hearing those words come out of someone else's mouth gave me a different realisation. It felt okay when I said that to myself, but I was suddenly struck with the realisation... Why am I defending her? We're aren't even friends and when it finally hit me, it hurt, like a . There was only one suitable explanation for a guy like me, 

"You know what? I know we aren't friends - you're right." I started "I have no reason to care other than the fact that I'm messing with her, right?" I felt my eyes turn dark as I glared directly at the prick, "I'll take her away from you, play with her heart and throw her to the side. Wouldn't that would seem appropriate, Jung Kook?" I said whilst raising my eyebrows when I said his name.

I was beyond pissed. Why was I wasting my time here? My job was just to drop Ae Rin off because she didn't know her way. I looked back at Jung Kook and smirked at the sight of his jaw dropping. I looked all around me to see if Ae Rin was anywhere near, but it was only when I looked up at the turn tables on a tall platform, I could see Ae Rin looking around and then she finally placed her gaze towards me. I couldn't stay with my presence being so visible.

I had to escape somewhere. 

Ae Rin's Narrative:

Tae Hyung's comment actually made me chuckle a bit, what was I expecting? It didn't really shock me, though, but I'd expect the whole 'I don't see him as a friend' thing not to shock him either. We'll probably just return to normal by next week with him annoying me and me repelling him, right? My life wouldn't be that different without Tae Hyung, im sure. Sure, he's saved me about three times now, talked to me when I was lonely and has made me laugh a lot, but that doesn't make him my friend. Surely not. I tried listening to the rest of their argument, but gave up after more people started filling in the warehouse and the music getting louder and louder.

I didn't have time to bother myself and ask questions I didn't know the answers to and try to make out the conversation/argument they had. In the corner of my eye I could see Yoon Gi being frustrated seeming as it was already 11:12 pm but none of us really thought it mattered. I wasted no time and, from my prior research on how to actually work turn tables (not that it actually mattered because I just had to press play; the DJ deck was just for show), I quickly began the music, tapped the mic and introduced the highlights of the night.

Clutching his microphone with one hand, Min Yoon Gi swayed onto the stage, waving his arms up and down, basking in the crowd's applause and praise. He swung his heavy, gold chains around his neck, his lips and laughing as he looked at the crowd. He paced around the stage as another rapper walked onto stage wearing a mouth mask, standing still, not needing to do anything to recieve cheers. I saw her bold name on the promotion posters printed out and plastered everywhere on the underground. She was the reigning champion and Suga was the reigning runner-up. They hadn't battled in months and this was highly anticipated. I redirected my focus back onto the stage, particularly at Heize. She stripped mask off, eyeing Suga up and down, the corners of while doing so.

I gasped when I saw her face - Jang Da Hye? 'Who would have thought?' I chuckled, but made no big deal about it, anyone could be a rapper - who am I to judge?

It seems like a lot people aren't who they seem - Jang Da Hye is a rapper, Suga's actually quite good at rapping, Jung Kook is an ignorant (which isn't really a new fact) and Tae Hyung isn't my friend.

Or... is he more than just a friend?


A/N: this chap is the longest so far and it's kinda like a filler in my eyes -_- it started with 2000 words then 3000 then 3700 omg

in the next chap i swear they'll start rapping and the raps will probably be from unpretty, smtm or bangtan's cypher's cus idk how to write raps and copyin and pastin is a lot more easier XD 

once again soz for all the grammar errors ull probably find :/

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taemoong #1
Chapter 11: Yeah ! Nice story author-nim ! ♡
Chapter 11: yes, ae rin, it's time to give another prince a chance ^ ~ ^
doodlepop #3
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 11: Yeah. Give the other prince a chance.
Finally she realizes. About time.
kookssi #5
Chapter 10: yeayy an update ! i ship taehyung and ae rin so muchhhhhhhh. jungkook so troublesome made aerin felt hurt when he doesnt notice that he is Aerin's first love hmpft
Chapter 10: omg i neeeed more, it's getting even better!
kookssi #7
Chapter 9: can I have Ae Rin and Tae Hyung ended together?!!! they're freaking sweet omo
Nananashi #8
Chapter 9: Omg is Jimin going to play a big role here? :))) Pls Updaate u got me excited af
Chapter 9: omg that jimin gif....so rude XD thanks for the update
Chapter 8: It says you updated and I got super excited.. I come here and it was all a lie. Keep up the good work!