Operation No. 9

Plastic Beauty
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Hi everyone! It's been a long time that I haven't updated , please bre with me if there are ny mishaps in the chapter ahha. I'll be updating frequently starting April 17. Please cheer me up !. Comments are highly appreciated



"How's my look ?"

I was startled when Soyeon suddenly sat infront of me. It was so early in the morning yet the topic is the same again.

"You startled me." I murmured as I rubbed my chest which was beating so fast. Her brows wrinkled with my statement .

"Fyi ,Jung Ahreum , It wasn't my fault. You've been spacing out lately. " She said in defense.

She was kind of right but I wasn't really particulrly spacing out , it's just that , there are many things that are left in question in my mind such as the birthday of Wonwoo and of course Kim Mingyu.


I was hesitating to speak because first of all she is Mingyu's die hard fan and I'm not even sure if we can be considered as friends.

"You can talk to me, " She raised her right hand . "I won't talk or spill ,promise."

"W-What do you think of Kim Mingyu?" I leaned closer and looked at her seriously. Her jaw dropped .

"Seriously? You're asking me that?"

"What I mean is how much do you know about him?" Her eyes were looking up gesturing that she was thinking.

"Now that you ask,"She paused."Not much I guess."

"Have you seen him do bad things? Or Have you seen him mad?" I asked.

"Actually, we were classmates once in middle school. There was this rumor that she got a girlfriend from a simple family,the instance he heard about it from a friend his fist immediately landed on that guy. So in the end, it wasn't really confirmed if the rumor is true." She explained.

Sounds like him indeed. I looked around, to see if someone's listening but there weren't really much who have arrived.

"What happened next?" I whispered.

"Wait let me think," she paused, resting her chin on her palm."Right!" her face lightened up."Things were normal again!"

My jaw dropped.

"What?" She then looked at me suspiciously.

"Why are you suddenly interested with our Kim Mingyu? You'd normally ignore him."She asked.

What to say? What to say? It's just that I'm kinda worried about the whole situation right now, I actually made him mad. Was he mad because I left him? What should I do? I don't know why, it isn't the first time he is mad at me, but this is the first time that he really gave me that scary vibe. I felt guilty.

"Isn't he too good to be true?"I asked looking down. Our conversation was interrupted by the ruckus outside our classroom, there were many students outside our room.

Soyeon and I stood up and went outside to know what it was.

"Oppa, what happened to your face?" Girls were circling around, as well us boys.

Soyeon grabbed

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planning my time to continue this!!! AFTER THIS STORY IM PLANNING TO WRITE ABOUT SEO KANG JOON!!!


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itsclaires #1
Chapter 17: It's been a while since the last time I've logged in, so I was really happy when I discovered that you continued this story ^^
Poor little Ahreum is getting more and more confused about her feelings, I wouldn't like to be in her shoes right now.
Keep up the good work and don't stress yourself! ~
mysticlove81 #2
Chapter 17: Ara needs to chill, Soyeon is starting to become my favorite, I hope Ahreum grows more confident in herself and finds out who she truely loves. I also hope that Naeun becomes a good friend and give up on her revenge. Stay healthy and don't stress yourself author.
Chapter 16: it's been awhile since I read this. ?
dannyal #4
Chapter 16: Will diligently waiting for your update, author-nim!!!
chanmaina #5
Chapter 15: I had to re read the last few chapters wow thank you for the update it’s been so long.
I think I have to re-read this story again... cuz the last time I read this was last year ??
WOW!! You're back!!!
Svt2310 #8
Chapter 15: YASSS U BACK YAY
chanmaina #9
Chapter 14: I miss this story so much. I am still waiting for an update. Please continuously your ff writer nim .
Chapter 14: Pleaseee Updatee❤ I love itt. Even if I like Mingyu I hope she will end with Wonwoo.